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C或者C+十是当今最为重要的编程语言,其作为开发工具一向是大软件厂商的必争之地。以往BOrland的产品总被公认略胜一筹。但自93年推出VisualC+十以来,Microsoft渐渐地占了上风,进入96年后,Microsoft又接踵推出了VC++4.0、4.正和4.2版本,使它的竞争优势进一步得到了加强。下面介绍的VC++4.X版的新功能,虽然只是其中的一部分,但仍能对它的强大功能有所了解。DeveloperStudio——既熟悉又陌生的开发环境VC++4.0的最大变化莫过于它采用了一个独立于VC++,又与VC+十紧密集成的新开发环境,即DeveloperStudio。…  相似文献   

本文从MicrosoftC/C++和BorlandC++在编程环境,编程工具,内存模式,关键字,浮点数结构等方面的详细比较,旨在为程序员提供一些资料,帮助编程环境转换。  相似文献   

在学习《C++语言程序设计》的课程中,指针这一章节是一难点,学生往往很难对这一内容掌握及理解。针对这一现象,经过多年的教学经验,对指针的基础知识加以归纳及整理,以方便学生的学习,使学生能快速入门及掌握这一知识点.  相似文献   

V2C++——一个用C++实现的VHDL翻译型模拟器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于面向对象的C++语言更贴近描述硬件对象的VHDL语言C++实现翻译型VHDL模拟器,并利用C++本身的编译器的优化功能,可以得到运行的时间和空间方面效率较高的VHDL模拟器,V2C++的原型设计和初步实践表明,用C++实现VHDL翻译性模拟器比解释性模拟器具有较高效率,利于较大规模的电路的模拟。  相似文献   

DPC-C++语言是一个支持分布式应用程序设计的面向对象的并发程序设计语言,本文侧重介绍了DPC-C++语言的并发性实现及其程序模型,并简要给出其运行支持系统的设计。  相似文献   

编程语言的学习具有双重性,一方面它是一种基础学科,你需要掌握一些基础理论;另一方面它又是一种运用学科,你要知道怎样去理论联系实际,要意识到那些理论研究中常被忽略的因素在现实开发中将变得重要。所以,一方面你要采用传统模式提高理论水平,另一方面则要多接触现实问题,此天平倾向任何一方都会让你在软件开发时感到力不从心。这是编程语言全接触——IT解决方案精华的理论依据。  相似文献   

结合VC++和Matlab快速开发的单兵装备效能评估专家系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章分析了利用VC 和Matlab各自开发专家系统的优缺点,并探讨了一种二者混合编程的方法来开发单兵装备效能评估专家系统,经过总后兵研中心的工效实验室检验,此方法是可行的,并具有效率高、判断准确、界面友好等特点。  相似文献   

为了更好的满足对工业现场对设备状态检测的要求,本文研究了一种基于数据库技术的设备状态监控系统,介绍了系统数据信息结构、数据库设计实现,以及安全性等问题。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种C^++美化程序的实用途径,即先用一个预处理程序将C^++"伪装”成C,然后利用标准的C工具进行美化,最后再用一个后处理程序将“伪装”的C^++程序转换成其原先的等价形式。  相似文献   

本文详细论述了面向对象程序设计技巧,提出了自顶向下设计,自底向上编码的面向对象设计方法,阐明了面向对象数据结构的设计过程,并且给出了用C^++语言编写的关键程序。  相似文献   

归纳总结了计算机用户在日常工作、生活中可能碰到的多种代表性的电脑软硬件故障和问题及解决方法。各种故障问题类型和故障排除思维习惯来编排,具体包括开关机故障、死机故障、显示故障、声音故障、存储设备故障、CPU故障、内存故障、主板故障。在碰到电脑故障时,能快速判断和解决一些有规律可循的常见故障,以及如何维护电脑、如何避免电脑故障。  相似文献   

毛华  武秀 《智能系统学报》2020,15(3):514-519
三支概念构建是三支形式概念分析的研究内容之一。为丰富三支概念的研究内容,利用矩阵结构,提出一种三支概念构建算法。首先,给出属性矩阵的定义,并设计利用属性矩阵构建属性三支概念的算法过程,对实例进行算法运算,以此对算法步骤进行说明,对算法正确性进行了相应验证。其次,定义对象矩阵,并设计依据此矩阵构建对象三支概念的算法,对实例进行算法运算。经上述研究验证,所提算法正确且有效。研究结果为三支概念在数据处理中的应用提供了更多选择。  相似文献   

目前的研究认为人工智能的核心是数据、算法和算力,但因素在形成人工智能系统过程中是必不可少的。论文针对人工系统中的数据、算力、算法和因素的各自作用,及其相互关系进行了探讨和论证。从人工系统的内涵出发,描述人工系统的发展过程,认为目前和今后的人工系统必将具有人工智能特征,而实现人工系统要充分考虑上述四方面的相互作用。研究结果表明:数据是人工系统辨识因素的基础,也是形成算法的基础;因素是人工系统控制自然系统的方法及算法所需变量;算法体现了因素与数据关系,可描述人工系统结构;算力是解算算法的能力,也需考虑数据和因素的特征。因此因素在人工系统建立过程中与数据、算法和算力具有相同的重要性。它们具有明显的作用关系,且普遍存在于各个学科,是形成各学科理论基础体系的关键。  相似文献   

MPLS技术中流量控制和QoS的实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
MPLS技术是实现IPoverATM的技术方案,采用带有MPLS功能的IP路由器和带有MPLS功能的ATM变换机组建未来宽带综合业务通信网,是业界迫切需要解决的问题,本文从在ATM中引入MPLS技术的角度,阐述了MPLS的基本原理,重点介绍了MPLS的流量控制和QoS的实现机制,并提出实施MPLS的发展策略。  相似文献   

概念的形成是实现人工智能的基础,为研究人工智能系统中概念的形成过程,从人对事物形成概念的过程出发进行了研究。比较人和人工智能系统的概念形成过程得到了如下特点:人的优势在于能自主地确定对象表象和对象功能中的各种特征和划分等,能在对象、描述性定义和功能性定义对应关系不完备情况下通过思维和联想建立概念;人工智能系统的优势在于丰富的对象表象感知能力,对象的各种特征和划分的长期存储、运算和分析能力;而人工智能的概念形成过程存在的缺点基本与人的概念形成过程的优点对应。因此本文认为人工智能的概念形成过程必须关注因素的智能识别、功能的系统实践和人经验知识的有师学习。现有技术在缺乏人经验知识的情况下,人工智能系统不能自主建立概念和知识库,不能实现智能过程。  相似文献   

The new method of defuzzification of output parameters from the base of fuzzy rules for a Mamdani fuzzy controller is given in the paper. The peculiarity of the method is the usage of the universal equation for the area computation of the geometric shapes. During the realization of fuzzy inference linguistic terms, the structure changes from the triangular into a trapezoidal shape. That is why the universal equation is used. The method is limited and can be used only for the triangular and trapezoidal membership functions. Gaussian functions can also be used while modifying the proposed method. Traditional defuzzification models such as Middle of Maxima − MoM, First of Maxima − FoM, Last of Maxima − LoM, First of Suppport − FoS, Last of Support − LoS, Middle of Support − MoS, Center of Sums − CoS, Model of Height − MoH have a number of systematic errors: curse of dimensionality, partition of unity condition and absence of additivity. The above-mentioned methods can be seen as Center of Gravity − CoG, which has the same errors. These errors lead to the fact that accuracy of fuzzy systems decreases, because during the training root mean square error increases. One of the reasons that provokes the errors is that some of the activated fuzzy rules are excluded from the fuzzy inference. It is also possible to increase the accuracy of the fuzzy system through properties of continuity. The proposed method guarantees fulfilling of the property of continuity, as the intersection point of the adjustment linguistic terms equals 0.5 when a parametrized membership function is used. The causes of errors and a way to delete them are reviewed in the paper. The proposed method excludes errors which are inherent to the traditional and non- traditional models of defuzzification. Comparative analysis of the proposed method of defuzzification with traditional and non-traditional models shows its effectiveness.  相似文献   

针对仿射非局部均值(ANLM)算法对图像去噪过程中出现用时过长的问题,提出了一种快速仿射非 局部均值去噪(F-ANLM)算法。通过对算法的研究和用时分析得知,仿射变换和关于仿射不变相似性度量的计算这 2 个模块占时最多,因此从这 2 个部分入手提出优化策略。算法首先使用仿射协变结构张量其特征向量的夹角代替 尺寸不变特征变换(SIFT)算子的主方向,简化了仿射变换过程;然后将 ANLM 方法中的仿射不变相似性度量改写为 离散卷积的形式,使用快速傅里叶变换减少卷积的运算量,加速仿射协变特征区域之间相似性度量的计算。实验证 明,F-ANLM 方法简化了仿射变换和仿射不变相似性度量的计算,与原来 ANLM 算法相比,速度得到很大的提升。  相似文献   

由于小目标的低分辨率和噪声等影响,大多数目标检测算法不能有效利用特征图中小目标的边缘信息和语义信息,导致其特征与背景难以区分,检测效果差。为解决SSD(single shot multibox detector)模型中小目标特征信息不足的缺陷,提出反卷积和特征融合的方法。先采用反卷积作用于浅层特征层,增大特征图分辨率,然后将SSD模型中卷积层conv11_2的特征图上采样,拼接得到新的特征层,最后将新的特征层与SSD模型中固有的4个尺度的特征层进行融合。通过将改进后的方法与VOC2007数据集和KITTI车辆检测数据集上的SSD和DSSD方法进行比较,结果表明:该方法降低了小目标的漏检率,并提升整体目标的平均检测准确率。  相似文献   

The springback behaviour of a sheet-metal is dependent on the properties of the metal and the bending conditions, namely the thickness of the sheet-metal, geometry of the tooling and the amount of force used for bending. Sheet-metal component manufacturing often requires near zero springback angle to obtain the correct shape of the product. An attempt has been made to model the non-linear relation between properties of the metal, the springback angle, geometry of the tooling and the bending force applied. Multilayer perceptron neural networks with a backpropagation learning algorithm were used to model the bending process. One set of data from bending experiments in a laboratory environment was used to train the networks. The networks were tested with the remaining set of experimental results. Then, the neural networks were used to predict the forces required for a number of bending experiments to achieve a zero springback angle. Validation of the neural network predictions was performed by trying to apply the predicted amounts of bending force in the physical experiments. The springback angles achieved were within ±1 degree, which is an acceptable range for the work. The research clearly demonstrates the applicability of neural networks to modelling the sheet-metal bending process.  相似文献   


In the investigation of fatigue in industrial workers, the subjective feeling of fatigue experienced by them should be especially taken into consideration. This is because industrial fatigue in the real situation is considered to be fatigue expressed in the attitude, orientation and adjustment of the worker. Many researchers have used the subjective symptoms test of fatigue as a means of measuring the feeling of fatigue, and have identified the frequency of complaints of symptoms with the amount of feelings of fatigue. However, strictly speaking, the feeling of fatigue signifies over-all unpleasantness experienced by workers, and is not quite the same as complaints of symptoms of fatigue.

As a part of the assessment of the work load of bank clerks and broadcasting workers, the present authors let them rate the degree of their feeling of fatigue using a 9 point scale. The results of the rating were investigated in relation to the subjective symptoms test of fatigue.

(1) There was found to be a high correlation between the frequency of complaints of fatigue and the feeling of fatigue.

(2) The amount of feeling of fatigue is different for the type of symptom.

(3) The more the complaints of symptoms of fatigue, the greater the degree of feeling of fatigue. This relation is nearly linear over most of the scale. It is presumed that some change in the quality of the complaints of symptoms happens.  相似文献   

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