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袁泉  郭江帆 《计算机应用》2018,38(6):1591-1595
针对数据流中概念漂移和噪声问题,提出一种新型的增量式学习的数据流集成分类算法。首先,引入噪声过滤机制过滤噪声;然后,引入假设检验方法对概念漂移进行检测,以增量式C4.5决策树为基分类器构建加权集成模型;最后,实现增量式学习实例并随之动态更新分类模型。实验结果表明,该集成分类器对概念漂移的检测精度达到95%~97%,对数据流抗噪性保持在90%以上。该算法分类精度较高,且在检测概念漂移的准确性和抗噪性方面有较好的表现。  相似文献   

目前数据流分类算法大多是基于类分布这一理想状态,然而在真实数据流环境中数据分布往往是不均衡的,并且数据流中往往伴随着概念漂移。针对数据流中的不均衡问题和概念漂移问题,提出了一种新的基于集成学习的不均衡数据流分类算法。首先为了解决数据流的不均衡问题,在训练模型前加入混合采样方法平衡数据集,然后采用基分类器加权和淘汰策略处理概念漂移问题,从而提高分类器的分类性能。最后与经典数据流分类算法在人工数据集和真实数据集上进行对比实验,实验结果表明,本文提出的算法在含有概念漂移和不均衡的数据流环境中,其整体分类性能优于其他算法的。  相似文献   

基于子空间集成的概念漂移数据流分类算法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
具有概念漂移的复杂结构数据流分类问题已成为数据挖掘领域研究的热点之一。提出了一种新颖的子空间分类算法,并采用层次结构将其构成集成分类器用于解决带概念漂移的数据流的分类问题。在将数据流划分为数据块后,在每个数据块上利用子空间分类算法建立若干个底层分类器,然后由这几个底层分类器组成集成分类模型的基分类器。同时,引入数理统计中的参数估计方法检测概念漂移,动态调整模型。实验结果表明:该子空间集成算法不但能够提高分类模型对复杂类别结构数据流的分类精度,而且还能够快速适应概念漂移的情况。  相似文献   

针对现有处理偏斜数据流的方法存在过拟合或者未充分利用现有数据这一问题,提出一种基于累积正样本的偏斜数据流集成分类方法 EAMIDS。该算法把目前达到的所有数据块的正样本收集起来生成集合AP,然后采用KNN算法和Over-sampling方法来平衡数据块的类分布。当基分类器数量超过最大值时,根据F-Measure值来更新集成分类器。通过在模拟数据集SEA和SPH上的实验,与IDSL算法和SMOTE算法相比,表明EAMIDS具有更高的准确率。  相似文献   

周胜  刘三民 《计算机工程》2020,46(5):139-143,149
为解决数据流分类中的概念漂移和噪声问题,提出一种基于样本确定性的多源迁移学习方法。该方法存储多源领域上由训练得到的分类器,求出各源领域分类器对目标领域数据块中每个样本的类别后验概率和样本确定性值。在此基础上,将样本确定性值满足当前阈值限制的源领域分类器与目标领域分类器进行在线集成,从而将多个源领域的知识迁移到目标领域。实验结果表明,该方法能够有效消除噪声数据流给不确定分类器带来的不利影响,与基于准确率选择集成的多源迁移学习方法相比,具有更高的分类准确率和抗噪稳定性。  相似文献   

数据流中的不平衡问题会严重影响算法的分类性能,其中概念漂移更是流数据挖掘研究领域的一个难点问题。为了提高此类问题下的分类性能,提出了一种新的基于Hellinger距离的不平衡漂移数据流Boosting分类BCA-HD算法。该算法创新性地采用实例级和分类器级的权重组合方式来动态更新分类器,以适应概念漂移的发生,在底层采用集成算法SMOTEBoost作为基分类器,该分类器内部使用重采样技术处理数据的不平衡。在16个突变型和渐变型的数据集上将所提算法与9种不同算法进行比较,实验结果表明,所提算法的G-mean和AUC的平均值和平均排名均为第1名。因此,该算法能更好地适应概念漂移和不平衡现象的同时发生,有助于提高分类性能。  相似文献   

近年来,数据流挖掘已成为知识发现领域中的一个研究热点.数据流中数据的无限性和概念漂移等特征使得传统的分类算法不能很好地适用于数据流环境.提出了一种基于eEP的分类器集成算法CEEPCE(classification by eEP-based classifiers ensemble)对数据流进行分类.CEEPCE使用eEP建立基分类器,当新数据块流入时训练新的分类器,并调整集成分类器中的基分类器.依据基分类器在新流入数据上的分类误差对其进行加权,集成权重最高的若干个基分类器来分类未来数据.实验表明,与单分类器相比,CEEPCE具有更好的分类准确率,并足以与以C4.5为基分类器的集成方法相媲美.  相似文献   

传统分类器难以应对含概念漂移的复杂类型数据流分类这一难题,且得到的分类效果往往不尽如人意。针对不同类型数据流中处理概念漂移的方法,从不平衡、概念演化、多标签和含噪声4个方面对概念漂移复杂数据流分类方法进行了综述。首先,对基于块的和基于在线的学习方式对不平衡概念漂移数据流、基于聚类和基于模型的学习方式对概念演化概念漂移数据流、基于问题转换和基于算法适应的学习方式对多标签概念漂移数据流和含噪声概念漂移数据流这四个方面的分类方法进行了分析介绍;然后,对所提到概念漂移复杂数据流分类方法的实验结果及性能指标进行了详细的对比和分析;最后,给出了现有方法的不足和下一步研究方向。  相似文献   

近年来,数据流分类问题已经逐渐成为数据挖掘领域的一个研究热点,然而传统的数据流分类算法大多只能处理数据项已知并且为精确值的数据流,无法有效地应用于现实应用中普遍存在的不确定数据流。为建立适应数据不确定性的分类模型,提高不确定数据流分类准确率,提出一种针对不确定数据流的集成分类算法,该算法将不确定数据用区间及其概率分布函数表示,用C4.5决策树分类方法和朴素贝叶斯分类方法训练基分类器,在合理处理数据流中不确定性的同时,还能有效解决数据流中隐含的概念漂移问题。实验结果表明,所提算法在处理不确定数据流的分类时具有较好的鲁棒性,并且具有较高的分类准确率。  相似文献   

在动态的数据流中,由于其不稳定性以及存在概念漂移等问题,集成分类模型需要有及时适应新环境的能力。目前通常使用监督信息对基分类器的权重进行更新,以此来赋予符合当前环境的基分类器更高的权重,然而监督信息在真实数据流环境下无法立即获得。为了解决这个问题,文中提出了一种基于信息熵更新基分类器权重的数据流集成分类算法。首先使用随机特征子空间对每个基分类器进行初始化来构建集成分类器;其次基于每个新到来的数据块构建一个新的基分类器来替换集成中权重最低的基分类器;然后基于信息熵的权重更新策略实时对基分类器中的权重进行更新;最后满足要求的基分类器参与加权投票,得到分类结果。将所提算法和几个经典学习算法进行对比,实验结果表明,所提方法的分类准确性有着明显优势,并且适合多种类型的概念漂移环境。  相似文献   

针对传统单个分类器在不平衡数据上分类效果有限的问题,基于对抗生成网络(GAN)和集成学习方法,提出一种新的针对二类不平衡数据集的分类方法——对抗生成网络-自适应增强-决策树(GAN-AdaBoost-DT)算法。首先,利用GAN训练得到生成模型,生成模型生成少数类样本,降低数据的不平衡性;其次,将生成的少数类样本代入自适应增强(AdaBoost)模型框架,更改权重,改进AdaBoost模型,提升以决策树(DT)为基分类器的AdaBoost模型的分类性能。使用受测者工作特征曲线下面积(AUC)作为分类评价指标,在信用卡诈骗数据集上的实验分析表明,该算法与合成少数类样本集成学习相比,准确率提高了4.5%,受测者工作特征曲线下面积提高了6.5%;对比改进的合成少数类样本集成学习,准确率提高了4.9%,AUC值提高了5.9%;对比随机欠采样集成学习,准确率提高了4.5%,受测者工作特征曲线下面积提高了5.4%。在UCI和KEEL的其他数据集上的实验结果表明,该算法在不平衡二分类问题上能提高总体的准确率,优化分类器性能。  相似文献   

Hu Li  Ye Wang  Hua Wang  Bin Zhou 《World Wide Web》2017,20(6):1507-1525
Imbalanced streaming data is commonly encountered in real-world data mining and machine learning applications, and has attracted much attention in recent years. Both imbalanced data and streaming data in practice are normally encountered together; however, little research work has been studied on the two types of data together. In this paper, we propose a multi-window based ensemble learning method for the classification of imbalanced streaming data. Three types of windows are defined to store the current batch of instances, the latest minority instances, and the ensemble classifier. The ensemble classifier consists of a set of latest sub-classifiers, and the instances employed to train each sub-classifier. All sub-classifiers are weighted prior to predicting the class labels of newly arriving instances, and new sub-classifiers are trained only when the precision is below a predefined threshold. Extensive experiments on synthetic datasets and real-world datasets demonstrate that the new approach can efficiently and effectively classify imbalanced streaming data, and generally outperforms existing approaches.  相似文献   

为改进SVM对不均衡数据的分类性能,提出一种基于拆分集成的不均衡数据分类算法,该算法对多数类样本依据类别之间的比例通过聚类划分为多个子集,各子集分别与少数类合并成多个训练子集,通过对各训练子集进行学习获得多个分类器,利用WE集成分类器方法对多个分类器进行集成,获得最终分类器,以此改进在不均衡数据下的分类性能.在UCI数据集上的实验结果表明,该算法的有效性,特别是对少数类样本的分类性能.  相似文献   

Yan  Zhang  Hongle  Du  Gang  Ke  Lin  Zhang  Chen  Yeh-Cheng 《The Journal of supercomputing》2022,78(4):5394-5419

Data stream mining is one of the hot topics in data mining. Most existing algorithms assume that data stream with concept drift is balanced. However, in real-world, the data streams are imbalanced with concept drift. The learning algorithm will be more complex for the imbalanced data stream with concept drift. In online learning algorithm, the oversampling method is used to select a small number of samples from the previous data block through a certain strategy and add them into the current data block to amplify the current minority class. However, in this method, the number of stored samples, the method of oversampling and the weight calculation of base-classifier all affect the classification performance of ensemble classifier. This paper proposes a dynamic weighted selective ensemble (DWSE) learning algorithm for imbalanced data stream with concept drift. On the one hand, through resampling the minority samples in previous data block, the minority samples of the current data block can be amplified, and the information in the previous data block can be absorbed into building a classifier to reduce the impact of concept drift. The calculation method of information content of every sample is defined, and the resampling method and updating method of the minority samples are given in this paper. On the other hand, because of concept drift, the performance of the base-classifier will be degraded, and the decay factor is usually used to describe the performance degradation of base-classifier. However, the static decay factor cannot accurately describe the performance degradation of the base-classifier with the concept drift. The calculation method of dynamic decay factor of the base-classifier is defined in DWSE algorithm to select sub-classifiers to eliminate according to the attenuation situation, which makes the algorithm better deal with concept drift. Compared with other algorithms, the results show that the DWSE algorithm has better classification performance for majority class samples and minority samples.


面向不均衡数据集的ISMOTE算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许丹丹  王勇  蔡立军 《计算机应用》2011,31(9):2399-2401
为了提高不均衡数据集中少数类的分类性能,提出ISMOTE算法。它是在少数类实例及其最近邻少数类实例构成的n维球体内进行随机插值,从而来改进数据分布的不均衡程度。通过实际数据集上的实验,与SMOTE算法和直接分类不均衡数据算法的性能比较结果表明,ISMOTE算法具有更高的分类精度,可以有效地改进分类器的性能。  相似文献   

Boosting support vector machines for imbalanced data sets   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Real world data mining applications must address the issue of learning from imbalanced data sets. The problem occurs when the number of instances in one class greatly outnumbers the number of instances in the other class. Such data sets often cause a default classifier to be built due to skewed vector spaces or lack of information. Common approaches for dealing with the class imbalance problem involve modifying the data distribution or modifying the classifier. In this work, we choose to use a combination of both approaches. We use support vector machines with soft margins as the base classifier to solve the skewed vector spaces problem. We then counter the excessive bias introduced by this approach with a boosting algorithm. We found that this ensemble of SVMs makes an impressive improvement in prediction performance, not only for the majority class, but also for the minority class.  相似文献   

现实生活中存在大量的非平衡数据,大多数传统的分类算法假定类分布平衡或者样本的错分代价相同,因此在对这些非平衡数据进行分类时会出现少数类样本错分的问题。针对上述问题,在代价敏感的理论基础上,提出了一种新的基于代价敏感集成学习的非平衡数据分类算法--NIBoost(New Imbalanced Boost)。首先,在每次迭代过程中利用过采样算法新增一定数目的少数类样本来对数据集进行平衡,在该新数据集上训练分类器;其次,使用该分类器对数据集进行分类,并得到各样本的预测类标及该分类器的分类错误率;最后,根据分类错误率和预测的类标计算该分类器的权重系数及各样本新的权重。实验采用决策树、朴素贝叶斯作为弱分类器算法,在UCI数据集上的实验结果表明,当以决策树作为基分类器时,与RareBoost算法相比,F-value最高提高了5.91个百分点、G-mean最高提高了7.44个百分点、AUC最高提高了4.38个百分点;故该新算法在处理非平衡数据分类问题上具有一定的优势。  相似文献   

Class imbalance limits the performance of most learning algorithms since they cannot cope with large differences between the number of samples in each class, resulting in a low predictive accuracy over the minority class. In this respect, several papers proposed algorithms aiming at achieving more balanced performance. However, balancing the recognition accuracies for each class very often harms the global accuracy. Indeed, in these cases the accuracy over the minority class increases while the accuracy over the majority one decreases. This paper proposes an approach to overcome this limitation: for each classification act, it chooses between the output of a classifier trained on the original skewed distribution and the output of a classifier trained according to a learning method addressing the course of imbalanced data. This choice is driven by a parameter whose value maximizes, on a validation set, two objective functions, i.e. the global accuracy and the accuracies for each class. A series of experiments on ten public datasets with different proportions between the majority and minority classes show that the proposed approach provides more balanced recognition accuracies than classifiers trained according to traditional learning methods for imbalanced data as well as larger global accuracy than classifiers trained on the original skewed distribution.  相似文献   

Identifying the temporal variations in mental workload level (MWL) is crucial for enhancing the safety of human–machine system operations, especially when there is cognitive overload or inattention of human operator. This paper proposed a cost-sensitive majority weighted minority oversampling strategy to address the imbalanced MWL data classification problem. Both the inter-class and intra-class imbalance problems are considered. For the former, imbalance ratio is defined to determine the number of the synthetic samples in the minority class. The latter problem is addressed by assigning different weights to borderline samples in the minority class based on the distance and density meaures of the sample distribution. Furthermore, multi-label classifier is designed based on an ensemble of binary classifiers. The results of analyzing 21 imbalanced UCI multi-class datasets showed that the proposed approach can effectively cope with the imbalanced classification problem in terms of several performance metrics including geometric mean (G-mean) and average accuracy (ACC). Moreover, the proposed approach was applied to the analysis of the EEG data of eight experimental participants subject to fluctuating levels of mental workload. The comparative results showed that the proposed method provides a competing alternative to several existing imbalanced learning algorithms and significantly outperforms the basic/referential method that ignores the imbalance nature of the dataset.  相似文献   

现实中许多领域产生的数据通常具有多个类别并且是不平衡的。在多类不平衡分类中,类重叠、噪声和多个少数类等问题降低了分类器的能力,而有效解决多类不平衡问题已经成为机器学习与数据挖掘领域中重要的研究课题。根据近年来的多类不平衡分类方法的文献,从数据预处理和算法级分类方法两方面进行了分析与总结,并从优缺点和数据集等方面对所有算法进行了详细的分析。在数据预处理方法中,介绍了过采样、欠采样、混合采样和特征选择方法,对使用相同数据集算法的性能进行了比较。从基分类器优化、集成学习和多类分解技术三个方面对算法级分类方法展开介绍和分析。最后对多类不平衡数据分类研究领域的未来发展方向进行总结归纳。  相似文献   

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