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利用参数平面生成曲面的均匀三角形网络   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用参数平面统一表示曲面,将曲面划分问题归结为参娄平面的平面网格划分问题。在对参数平面进行风格划分时,根据网格尺寸要求利用平行线方法生成内部结点,然后用Delaunay三角化方法生成二维网格,再通过映得到三维网络。  相似文献   

四面体网格生成方法的研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对四面体网格生成过程中需要人工构造背景网格和指定尺寸信息的问题,提出了一种自动计算网格尺寸的方法。该方法通过按层次推进产生四面体网格,根据周围前沿面的尺寸和法线信息,计算新生成四面体的尺寸,使四面体网格在尺寸上能够均匀分布。在网格生成过程中,无需人工指定相关信息,并能保证新生成四面体的质量。联立直线和平面的参数方程,根据方程组解的情况判断线段和三角形是否相交,并对相交的条件作了详细的分析。使用空间八叉树管理前沿面,降低与前沿面相关操作的复杂度。数值算例表明,该方法能够生成较高质量的四面体网格。  相似文献   

针对截平面法规划的复杂网格曲面刀轨的加工效率不高问题,提出一种复杂网格曲面螺旋刀轨生成算法.首先采用调和映射的方法对网格曲面进行参数化,然后根据残留高度确定参数网格中的参数环,在相邻参数环的参数点之间进行“分组匹配”,并依次计算初始和精确的对角参数螺旋线;在此基础上采用“区域划分”的方法快速生成了无干涉的网格曲面螺旋刀轨.对于复杂网格曲面的实验结果表明,文中的螺旋刀轨能够有效地提高截平面法刀轨的加工效率,且能够保证较好的加工质量.  相似文献   

在高速列车过隧道问题的数值模拟中,为提高模拟准确性而考虑转向架、受电弓导流罩、车厢连接处等细部结构后,几何模型变得复杂。为了得到质量高、适用性强的计算网格,在列车附近生成非结构化四面体网格,运动网格及计算区域其余部分划分块结构化六面体网格。在融合面上,利用网格融合技术处理四面体网格的三角形面网格和六面体网格的四边形面网格的联结问题,通过控制节点位置的变化满足拓扑一致,实现无缝连接。通过三维数值模拟计算结果与一维实验结果的对比发现,在同等精度要求下,采用网格融合技术及分区思想生成的网格整体上数量更少,生成速率更高,该方法可推广应用于更复杂几何模型的网格划分中。  相似文献   

为了保证扫掠法生成六面体网格的效率,必须将扫掠体中的扫掠面划分为结构网格.受到连接体在扫掠面上形成的子域影响,扫掠面的网格划分会出现局部的非结构网格,阻碍扫掠法的应用,为此提出一种新的扫掠方法.该方法将扫掠体中含有子域约束的面网格进行分割,将分割出的结构网格与非结构网格重组为新的扫掠组;在各扫掠组内补充边界点,在边界点内插值生成内部节点,最终完成整个扫掠体六面体网格节点的生成.实例结果表明,文中方法稳定、可靠,可处理复杂2.5D实体六面体网格生成问题.  相似文献   

任意平面域上内部特征约束的变密度三角化方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于Delaunay三角化方法和前沿生成方法,给出了具有任意内部特征的平面域变密度三角形网格生成方法,针对不同的内部特征,可任意设定其网格尺寸,通过加权平均,有效地控制网格的尺寸变化,最终实现了网格的疏密光滑过渡。  相似文献   

一种适于网格生成环境的有效数据结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计了一种适于描述网格对象的称为扩展的翼面结构的数据结构,它同时表达一个面片的二个有向面,并通过边句柄对整个网格对象进行操作;进而采用面向对象的程序设计技术,设计并实现了一个集成平面、曲面以及体网格的网格生成与分析系统,并在航空业中得到了成功应用。  相似文献   

人脸表情生成是人机情感交互的重要实现方式之一。通过研究人脸及表情特点,抽象具体的器官变化,归纳出针对人脸图像的网格划分法法则。在此基础上提出了一种针对人脸表情生成的网格划分技术。该技术通过简单的定位,使用二次多项式曲线合理划分了人脸主要器官,继而将其参数化,实现对人脸各器官的独立调整变动。简化定义了6种基本表情的面部变化,使用新网格划分技术实现不同的人脸器官变化,生成各种特定的表情。同时尝试了皱纹等皮肤纹理的添加步骤。与已有的人脸表情生成方法相比,新方法具有网格划分方式简单、变动参数多样、易于编码实现和计算量小等优点,最终生成的人脸表情在主观 评测中评价良好。  相似文献   

基于波前法的参数曲面有限元网格生成算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为克服参数曲面有限元网格生成中的单元形状映射畸变问题,提出一种曲面有限元网格自动生成算法.该算法由弹性矢量确定曲面上新节点的生成方向和空间位置,利用相应的参数域网格进行新单元拓扑相容性判断.在生成闭曲面网格时,通过添加参/虚边界棱边对闭曲面边界进行调整,确保闭曲面边界信息相对其参数域的完整性;在给出闭曲面极点初始化方法和适当设置单元边线段相等条件的基础上,该算法适用于各种不同形式闭曲面的网格自动生成.实验算例表明,文中算法可生成质量良好的参数曲面和组合面有限元网格.  相似文献   

为使三维网格模型能被GPU进行渲染,提出了一种适用于GPU的针对零亏格的三角网格模型的绘制框架.传统的方法生成几何图像一般是从原始网格逐步切割至平面域,但是这样会产生复杂接缝的问题.论文通过对参数化后的球面进行映射,从而间接生成几何图像,避免了对原始网格进行复杂的切割.首先,将已经球面参数化后的球面信息映射至立方体,立方体平铺开即构成一个二维几何图像;然后,将二维纹理信息传输至GPU,利用GPU来还原三角网格模型.此文采用OpenGL和CUDA相结合的方式来实现最终效果,实验结果表明该绘制框架是可行的,参数化效果和还原效果较好.  相似文献   

Recently proposed quad-meshing techniques allow the generation of high-quality semi-regular quadrilateral meshes. This paper outlines the generation of quadrilateral segments using such meshes. Quadrilateral segments are advantageous in reverse engineering because they do not require surface trimming or surface parameterization. The motorcycle graph algorithm of Eppstein et al. produces the motorcycle graph of a given quadrilateral mesh consisting of quadrilateral segments. These graphs are preferable to base complexes, because the mesh can be represented with a smaller number of segments, as T-joints (where the intersection of two neighboring segments does not involve the whole edge or the vertex) are allowed in quadrilateral segmentation.The proposed approach in this study enumerates all motorcycle graphs of a given quadrilateral mesh and optimum graph for reverse engineering is then selected. Due to the high computational cost of enumerating all these graphs, the mesh is cut into several sub-meshes whose motorcycle graphs are enumerated separately. The optimum graph is then selected based on a cost function that produces low values for graphs whose edges trace a large number of highly curved regions in the model. By applying several successive enumeration steps for each sub-mesh, a motorcycle graph for the given mesh is found. We also outline a method for the extraction of feature curves (sets of highly curved edges) and their integration into the proposed algorithm. Quadrilateral segments generated using the proposed techniques are validated by B-spline surfaces.  相似文献   

Generation of anisotropic mesh by ellipse packing over an unbounded domain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the advance of the finite element method, general fluid dynamic and traffic flow problems with arbitrary boundary definition over an unbounded domain are tackled. This paper describes an algorithm for the generation of anisotropic mesh of variable element size over an unbounded 2D domain by using the advancing front ellipse packing technique. Unlike the conventional frontal method, the procedure does not start from the object boundary but starts from a convenient point within an open domain. The sequence of construction of the packing ellipses is determined by the shortest distance from the fictitious centre in such a way that the generation front is more or less a circular loop with occasional minor concave parts due to element size variation. As soon as an ellipse is added to the generation front, finite elements are directly generated by properly connecting frontal segments with the centre of the new ellipse. Ellipses are packed closely and in contact with the existing ellipses by an iterative procedure according to the specified anisotropic metric tensor. The anisotropic meshes generated by ellipse packing can also be used through a mapping process to produce parametric surface meshes of various characteristics. The size and the orientation of the ellipses in the pack are controlled by the metric tensor as derived from the principal surface curvatures. In contrast to other mesh generation schemes, the domain boundary is not considered in the process of ellipse packing, this reduces a lot of geometrical checks for intersection between frontal segments. Five examples are given to show the effectiveness and robustness of anisotropic mesh generation and the application of ellipse packing to mesh generation over various curved surfaces.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present efficient algorithms for generating hierarchical molecular skin meshes with decreasing size and guaranteed quality. Our algorithms generate a sequence of coarse meshes for both the surfaces and the bounded volumes. Each coarser surface mesh is adaptive to the surface curvature and maintains the topology of the skin surface with guaranteed mesh quality. The corresponding tetrahedral mesh is conforming to the interface surface mesh and contains high quality tetrahedra that decompose both the interior of the molecule and the surrounding region (enclosed in a sphere). Our hierarchical tetrahedral meshes have a number of advantages that will facilitate fast and accurate multigrid PDE solvers. Firstly, the quality of both the surface triangulations and tetrahedral meshes is guaranteed. Secondly, the interface in the tetrahedral mesh is an accurate approximation of the molecular boundary. In particular, all the boundary points lie on the skin surface. Thirdly, our meshes are Delaunay meshes. Finally, the meshes are adaptive to the geometry.  相似文献   

Whisker Weaving is an advancing front algorithm for all-hexahedral mesh generation. It uses global information derived from grouping the mesh dual into surfaces, the STC, to construct the connectivity of the mesh, then positions the nodes afterwards. Currently, we are able to reliably generate hexahedral meshes for complicated geometries and surface meshes. However, the surface mesh must be modified locally. Also, in large, highly-unstructured meshes, there are usually isolated regions where hex quality is poor. Reliability has been achieved by using new, provable curvecontraction algorithms to sequence the advancing front process. We have also demonstrated that sheet moving can remove certain types of invalid connectivity.  相似文献   

Unstructured mesh quality, as measured geo-metrically, has long been known to influence solution accuracy and efficiency for finite-element and finite-volume simulations. Recent guaranteed-quality unstructured meshing algorithms are therefore welcome tools. However, these algorithms allow no explicit control over mesh resolution or grading. We define a geometric length scale, similar in principle to the local feature size, which allows automatic global control of mesh resolution and grading. We describe how to compute this length scale efficiently and modify Ruppert’s two-dimensional and Shewchuk’s three-dimensional meshing algorithms to produce meshes matching our length scale. We provide proofs of mesh quality, good grading, and size optimality for both two- and three-dimensions, and present examples, including comparison with existing schemes known to generate good-quality meshes.  相似文献   

蝶形细分面片的光顺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
使用蝶形细分法细分一般的初始控制网格得到的细分面片光滑而不光顺 ,面片的视觉效果很差 ,而运用现有的光顺技术 ,又只能直接光顺细分以后的结果 ,其需要保存的数据不仅量大 ,而且会引入误差 .针对这一问题 ,提出了一种新的光顺方法 ,即通过调整初始网格顶点位置来光顺细分以后的结果 .在添加合适的约束后 ,该方法不仅可以在光顺细分面片的同时 ,降低细分面片和三维真实物体表面之间的逼近误差 ,而且由于最终输出的是初始控制网格 ,故需要保存的数据量小 .  相似文献   

Hexahedral mesh generation constraints   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
For finite element analyses within highly elastic and plastic structural domains, hexahedral meshes have historically offered some benefits over tetrahedral finite element meshes in terms of reduced error, smaller element counts, and improved reliability. However, hexahedral finite element mesh generation continues to be difficult to perform and automate, with hexahedral mesh generation taking several orders of magnitude longer than current tetrahedral mesh generators to complete. Thus, developing a better understanding of the underlying constraints that make hexahedral meshing difficult could result in dramatic reductions in the amount of time necessary to prepare a hexahedral finite element model for analysis. In this paper, we present a survey of constraints associated with hexahedral meshes (i.e., the conditions that must be satisfied to produce a hexahedral mesh). In presenting our formulation of these constraints, we will utilize the dual of a hexahedral mesh. We also discuss how incorporation of these constraints into existing hexahedral mesh generation algorithms could be utilized to extend the class of geometries to which these algorithms apply. We also describe a list of open problems in hexahedral mesh generation and give some context for future efforts in addressing these problems.  相似文献   

We present a remeshing-free brittle fracture simulation method under the assumption of quasi-static linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM). To achieve this, we devise two algorithms. First, we develop an approximate volumetric simulation, based on the extended Finite Element Method (XFEM), to initialize and propagate Lagrangian crack-fronts. We model the geometry of fracture explicitly as a surface mesh, which allows us to generate high-resolution crack surfaces that are decoupled from the resolution of the deformation mesh. Our second contribution is a mesh cutting algorithm, which produces fragments of the input mesh using the fracture surface. We do this by directly operating on the half-edge data structures of two surface meshes, which enables us to cut general surface meshes including those of concave polyhedra and meshes with abutting concave polygons. Since we avoid triangulation for cutting, the connectivity of the resulting fragments is identical to the (uncut) input mesh except at edges introduced by the cut. We evaluate our simulation and cutting algorithms and show that they outperform state-of-the-art approaches both qualitatively and quantitatively.  相似文献   

This paper presents a set of procedures for improving the topology of unstructured quadrilateral finite element meshes. These procedures are based on the topology of the finite element mesh, and all operations act only on local regions of the mesh. The goal is to optimize the topology such that the smoothing process can produce the best possible element quality. Topological improvement procedures are presented both for elements that are interior to the mesh and for elements connected to the boundary. Also presented is a discussion of efficiency and optimal ordering of the procedures. Several example meshes are included to show the effectiveness of the current approach in improving element qualities in a finite element mesh.  相似文献   

任意拓扑三角形网格的全局参数化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种零亏格的任意拓扑流形三角形网格自动全局参数化方法 .算法首先采用顶点对合并的网格简化方法构造一个网格的累进表示 ,在进行网格简化的同时 ,对被删除的顶点相对于顶点合并操作所得到的新顶点的邻域进行局部参数化 ,由此得到一个带局部参数化信息的累进网格 ;然后将网格简化所得到的基网格进行中心投影到一个单位球面上 ,并采用累进恢复的方法将删除的顶点按与删除时相反的顺序逐次添加回网格上来 ,所添加顶点的坐标不再是其删除前的坐标值 ,而是由局部参数化信息计算得到 ,并且保证是位于单位球面上的 .由此得到原始网格的单位球面参数化网格  相似文献   

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