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NATO软件复用标准导论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
软件复用包括开发可复用软件构件和基于可复用构件的软件开发两个生存周期。在这两个生存周期中,采用一个适当的标准以识别和开发可复用软件将大大促进软件复用的实践。为此,NATO(北大西洋公约组织)制定了一整套软件复用的指导性标准,以帮助NATO及其参与国和承包商的项目管理部门进行有效的软件复用。这套标准包括《可复用软件构件开发指南》、《可复用软件构件库管理指南》和《软件复用过程指南》三个文档,分别从软件生存周期的各个阶段对软件复用进行指导,以便最大限度地减少复用代价和增加复用收益。  相似文献   

组件对象模型(COM)在Web开发中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
组件对象模型 (COM)技术是Microsoft许多软件的基石 ,它提供了一种能跨越编程语言、操作系统和网络来访问对象的通用途径 ,使软件复用成为可能。本文论述其技术内涵和它在Web开发中的应用。  相似文献   

软件复用是指利用现有的软件成分(资源)来构造新的软件系统。通过软件复用,在应用系统开发中可以充分地利用已有的开发成果,消除了包括分析、设计、编码、测试等在内的许多重复劳动,从而提高了软件开发的效率,同时,通过复用高质量的已有开发成果,避免了重新开发可能引入的错误,从而提高了软件的质量。该文将对软件复用技术的基本概念及关键技术进行全面的介绍。  相似文献   

可复用软件构件的表示和检索   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:24  
一、引言软件复用已经融入软件工程研究的主流,被视为是使软件开发真正走上工程化和产业化道路的希望。人们在实践中认识到软件复用是一个涉及到技术、方法学、管理和文化等多个方面的复杂问题。除了日常隐含发生的对专业知识和经验的复用之外,最典型的复用活动表现为借鉴、理解、修改和集装各种不同抽象层次(从产品的概念、系统模型和规约到程序源码甚至目标码)、不同粒度(从系统构架、框架、类簇到代码片断)、不同形式(黑盒构造块、生成器、模板、设计模式等)的可复用软件构件来构造新系统和实现系统演化的过程。根据复用对象的不同,可以将复用划分为产品复用和过程复用两大类,产品和过程都被称为可复用软件构件。本文将只讨论产品复用。  相似文献   

ATS软件的面向对象框架开发   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
面向对象框架是现代软件工程中一种重要的软件复用方式,不仅提供了代码复用;而且实现了更具有软件生产力意义的设计复用;在ATS(自动测试系统)软件开发中引入面向对象框架开发方法,分析总结了ATS软件领域共性,进行了ATS软件面向对象框架的设计,完成了一个适用于常规ATS软件开发的面向对象框架-ATSSF,并且,基于ATSSF开发了某型空地导弹ATS软件;实践表明,采用面向对象框架开发方法,可大幅度提高ATS软件开发效率。  相似文献   

软件复用度量是软件复用技术中不可分割的一部分,在软件复用开发中占据重要地位。软件复用开发与传统的软件开发方式不同,从而影响到软件度量,因此需要新的软件复用度量方法,软件复用度量的研究已经引起学术界的广泛重视。本文是一篇软件复用度量综述,阐述了软件复用对度量的影响以及有关软件复用的度量。  相似文献   

以软件复用为目标提出了描述软件的数据特性和界面需求的XML配置文件。在可复用的软件系统运行时,根据配置文件动态生成操作界面,进行数据操作,并生成数据文件的XML结构。通过编写和修改配置文件,可以迅速获得软件原型,并完成目标软件的开发。有效地减少了软件开发过程中的重复劳动,实现了较好的软件复用。  相似文献   

基于MIS的可复用构件的研究与应用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
通过对MIS可复用构件的研究,结合在软件开发中的经验,阐述了一种可复用的MIS通用构件的开发策略,以此来缩短软件的开发周期,避免重新开发可能引入的错误,从而提高软件的生产率和质量,并在实际应用中成功地将这一通用构件应用于作者所开发的MIS项目。  相似文献   

基于COM的可复用数据对象的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏坤  张建国  蒋洪 《计算机应用》2001,21(11):36-37
分析了COM对软件复用的支持,并针对两层客户/服务器结构的数据库应用系统,提出了一种有效的数据库访问方法,设计并实现了N层客户/服务器结构中基于COM的可复用数据库对象。  相似文献   

基于面向对象方法的软件复用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在介绍软件复用及OO方法的基础上,着重讨论了OO方法对软件复用的支持,阐述了基于OO方法的软件复用开发过程。  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of a software project in the maintenance phase. The case study was based on a sample of modules, representing about 1.3 million lines of code, from a very large telecommunications system. Software quality models were developed to predict the number of faults expected from the coding through operations phases. Since modules from the prior release were often reused to develop a new release, one model incorporated reuse data as additional independent variables. We compare this model's performance to a similar model without reuse data.Software quality models often have product metrics as the only input data for predicting quality. There is an implicit assumption that all the modules have had a similar development history, so that product attributes are the primary drivers of different quality levels. Reuse of software as components and software evolution do not fit this assumption very well, and consequently, traditional models for such environments may not have adequate accuracy. Focusing on the software maintenance phase, this study demonstrated that reuse data can significantly improve the predictive accuracy of software quality models.  相似文献   

软件复用是解决软件危机、提高软件生产效率和质量的现实可行的途径。该文着重软件复用的基本概念及软件复用的思想,研究了软件复用的过程及实现,分析和研究了软件复用所采用的软件构件技术中的关键技术。探讨了软件复用技术未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Component Specifications for Robotics Integration   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Robotics researchers have been unable to capitalize easily on existing software components to speed up their development efforts and maximize their system's capabilities. A component-based approach for building the software for robotics systems can provide reuse and sharing abilities to the research community. The software engineering community has been studying reuse techniques for three decades. We present several results from those efforts that are applicable to the robotics software integration problem. We describe how to specify a software component so that a potential user may understand its capabilities and facilitate its application to his or her system. At the National Institute of Standards and Technology, we have developed a three-stage, component-specification approach. We illustrate this approach for a component that is relevant to robotics.  相似文献   

基于构件复用的软件方法与COM支持   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
作为研究的热点,近年来提出的构件模型层出不穷。出于相互之间互操作性的考虑,必须具备一个公共的构件底层框架。分析各种实际的因素,COM是一个可行的选择。文中讨论了COM规范对组件复用的支持及其发展前景,提出了基于COM的复用思想:以接口的标准化推动服务的标准化,为复用软件的开发和使用建立规范。  相似文献   

介绍了软件复用技术的基本概念,分析了软件复用的过程;以江苏校园招聘网为例对软件复用技术的开发模型进行了详细的研究.  相似文献   

Building enterprise reuse program——A model-based approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reuse is viewed as a realistically effective approach to solving software crisis. For an organization that wants to build a reuse program, technical and non-technical issues must be considered in parallel. In this paper, a model-based approach to building systematic reuse program is presented. Component-based reuse is currently a dominant approach to software reuse. In this approach, building the right reusable component model is the first important step. In order to achieve systematic reuse, a set of component models should be built from different perspectives. Each of these models will give a specific view of the components so as to satisfy different needs of different persons involved in the enterprise reuse program. There already exist some component models for reuse from technical perspectives. But less attention is paid to the reusable components from a non-technical view, especially fromthe view of process and management. In our approach, a reusable component model--FLP modelfor reusable component  相似文献   

Reuse is viewed as a realistically effective approach to solving software crisis. For an organization that wants to build a reuse program, technical and non-technical issues must be considered in parallel. In this paper, a model-based approach to building systematic reuse program is presented. Component-based reuse is currently a dominant approach to software reuse. In this approach, building the right reusable component model is the first important step. In order to achieve systematic reuse, a set of component models should be built from different perspectives. Each of these models will give a specific view of the components so as to satisfy different needs of different persons involved in the enterprise reuse program. There already exist some component models for reuse from technical perspectives. But less attention is paid to the reusable components from a non-technical view, especially from the view of process and management. In our approach, a reusable component model—FLP model for reusable component—is introduced. This model describes components from three dimensions (Form, Level, and Presentation) and views components and their relationships from the perspective of process and management. It determines the sphere of reusable components, the time points of reusing components in the development process, and the needed means to present components in terms of the abstraction level, logic granularity and presentation media. Being the basis on which the management and technical decisions are made, our model will be used as the kernel model to initialize and normalize a systematic enterprise reuse program.  相似文献   

介绍了软件复用技术的基本概念,分析了软件复用的过程;以江苏校园招聘网为例对软件复用技术的开发模型进行了详细的研究。  相似文献   

软件体系结构设计是近几年来流行的软件设计模式,而基于构件的软件复用技术也逐步应用到整个系统的开发过程中。文章简单阐述了软件复用的基本概念及构件在软件复用中的重要地位,并利用软件复用技术设计开发了一个基于J2EE架构的商品订单管理系统。重点介绍了系统的总体设计思想和模块组成,体现了软件复用在系统设计和快速实现时所具有的突出优势和强大的生命力。  相似文献   

冯刚  陈菊红 《计算机工程》2007,33(17):66-68
软件重用技术是解决当前软件危机的唯一手段,该文采用同态重用技术来实现软件开发各阶段的重用,在代码、组件到体系结构的各阶段实现同态重用,提供了一个基于同态重用的开发系统。该开发平台在保持一般开发过程的同时加入了同态重用的功能,提高了软件开发的重用程度,通过网页设计的同态重用实例说明了同态重用开发系统的基本思想。  相似文献   

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