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A new edge detector integrating scale-spectrum information   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents a new scale space-based method to extract edges in gray level images. The method is based on a novel representation of gray-level shape called the scale-spectrum space. The scale space representation is used to describe an image at different scales. In order to obtain the original image edges, an edge detector is applied to each simplified image on the corresponding scale. At best, some form of compromise among the edges at different scale levels may be sought. To overcome this problem, we present a stability criterion to combine edges obtained at different scales. Usual problems in edge detection such as displacement, redundancy and error are analyzed and solved using a realistic estimation of displacement of points across scale space. The proposed approach suppress the finer details without weakening or dislocating the larger scale edges (the usual problems of edge detection using an isotropic diffusion procedure) in an improved manner compared to anisotropic diffusion procedures because a tuning function is not required. The proposed methodology is biologically inspired by the behavior of visual cortex neurones as well as retinal cells.  相似文献   

基于边缘颜色分布的图像检索方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种新的基于边缘颜色分布的图像检索算法。该算法将不同类型边缘附近的颜色分布作为刻画图像内容的主要特征,设计了一种紧凑的2D边缘颜色直方图来对图像的边缘颜色分布特征进行描述,既利用了局部颜色特征,又考虑了不同类型边缘的空间分布信息,克服了传统颜色直方图不能反映空间信息的缺陷。实验结果表明,该算法与其他同类方法相比,有效地提高了检索性能。  相似文献   

图像放大和缩小处理在实际生活中具有广泛的应用,常用的图像处理软件普遍采用插值方法进行放大和缩小,各种插值算法的实现是目前研究的热点。提出了基于三次B样条函数的插值算法,采用不同于传统算法的非均匀参数化方法,使得插值后的图像能够保持较高的清晰度和平滑度。针对图像边缘处的锯齿现象,该算法在图像插值时对边缘像素采用双三次插值,优化了图像边缘的视觉效果。实验结果表明,使用该算法放大后的图像平滑清晰,消除了图像边缘处的锯齿效应,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

海涛  张雷  刘旭焱  张新刚 《计算机应用》2018,38(4):1151-1156
针对二阶偏微分方程(PDE)放大算法丢失弱边缘和纹理细节的不足,提出一种改进复扩散自适应耦合非局部变换域模型的图像放大算法。利用复扩散具有边缘定位准确的特点耦合冲击滤波器,改进复扩散模型能够较好地增强强边缘;而通过对相似图像块构成图像组的三维变换系数的稀疏特性进行建模,非局部变换域模型能够很好地利用图像中相似图像块的非局部信息,对弱边缘和纹理细节有较好的处理效果;最后利用复扩散得到图像的二阶导数作为参数实现改进复扩散模型和非局部变换域模型自适应耦合。所提算法与偏微分方程放大算法、非局部变换域放大算法和偏微分方程耦合空域非局部模型放大算法进行仿真实验比较,在强边缘、弱边缘和细节纹理具有较好的放大效果,弱边缘和纹理细节图像在平均结构相似性测度上高于改进复扩散放大算法、非局部变换域放大算法。所提算法验证了空域模型和变换域模型、局部模型和非局部模型耦合结合的有效性。  相似文献   

We study the method of Sun et al. for edge detection based on the Law of Universal Gravity. We analyze the effect of the substitution of the product operation by other triangular norms in the calculation of the gravitational forces. We treat edges as fuzzy sets for which membership degrees are extracted from the resulting gravitational force on each pixel. We consider several prototypical triangular norms and experimentally show that their features determine the kind of edges detected. The new method is tested on the Berkeley Segmentation Dataset, showing to be competitive compared to the Canny method.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new feature vector for shape-based image indexing and retrieval. This feature classifies image edges based on two factors: their orientations and correlation between neighboring edges. Hence it includes information of continuous edges and lines of images and describes major shape properties of images. This scheme is effective and robustly tolerates translation, scaling, color, illumination, and viewing position variations. Experimental results show superiority of proposed scheme over several other indexing methods. Averages of precision and recall rates of this new indexing scheme for retrieval as compared with traditional color histogram are 1.99 and 1.59 times, respectively. These ratios are 1.26 and 1.04 compared to edge direction histogram.  相似文献   

针对多源高分辨率影像之间较大的非线性辐射差异和局部几何变形造成较差配准精度的问题,提出一种基于边缘特征的多源高分辨率影像配准方法。该方法首先通过各向异性扩散滤波构造输入影像的非线性尺度空间,在此基础上计算每一尺度的扩展相位一致性最大矩以获取丰富的边缘特征,并利用基于分块策略的FAST检测器提取稳定的特征点;其次利用多尺度多方向LogGabor滤波生成主方向索引图(Main Orientated Index Map,MOIM),并结合高斯加权构建一种稳健的特征描述子;最后采用巴氏距离和快速采样一致(Fast Sample Consensus,FSC)方法获取同名点。选择多组多源高分辨率影像进行实验,结果表明:该方法能够有效克服多源高分辨率影像间非线性辐射差异和局部几何变形,配准效果好于其他相关方法,并且平均配准精度优于1个像素。  相似文献   

总结了计算机图像边缘检测的基本步骤和原理,分析了实现图像边缘检测三种基本边缘算子,给出了基于Delphi编程工具的图像边缘检测的实现方法。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new, simple and effective low-level processing edge detection algorithm based on the law of universal gravity. The algorithm assumes that each image pixel is a celestial body with a mass represented by its grayscale intensity. Accordingly, each celestial body exerts forces onto its neighboring pixels and in return receives forces from the neighboring pixels. These forces can be calculated by the law of universal gravity. The vector sums of all gravitational forces along, respectively, the horizontal and the vertical directions are used to compute the magnitude and the direction of signal variations. Edges are characterized by high magnitude of gravitational forces along a particular direction and can therefore be detected. The proposed algorithm was tested and compared with conventional methods such as Sobel, LOG, and Canny using several standard images, with and without the contamination of Gaussian white noise and salt & pepper noise. Results show that the proposed edge detector is more robust under noisy conditions. Furthermore, the edge detector can be tuned to work at any desired scale.  相似文献   

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