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针对煤矿井下出现安全事故时人员的安全疏散问题,建立了煤矿井下人员安全疏散模型。该模型中井下巷道被划分为网格,通过设置"成员流势"来反映网格距离疏散出口的位置,从而确定疏散人员移动方向和路径,同时结合疏散成员移动速度、成员响应时间、灾害检测时间获得疏散时间。仿真结果表明,该模型能直观呈现人员疏散动态过程,为制定安全疏散方案提供数据参考。  相似文献   

基于Agent的人员疏散系统设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
通过分析Agent与社会力模型在人员疏散方面的应用及疏散模拟中人和建筑物对象的存储方式,利用Agent技术结合人员疏散的动力学模型、改进的路径规划算法和人员在一般情况下的心理因素以及建筑物的不同特点,建立能够正确反映疏散时人员行为的Agent模型,运用C++语言实现基于Agent的人员疏散模拟系统。疏散结果显示,该系统能够较真实地模拟人员疏散过程。  相似文献   

通过分析当前人员疏散模型,结合BRT站台的功能属性与物理特点,提出了一种基于精细网格的BRT公交车站人群疏散模拟方法.将车站疏散区域划分为以固定人均占地面积为单位的精细单元网格,并在此基础上构建了人员疏散模型.人员疏散模型包括疏散人员的运动方向、不同类型人员在疏散状态下的运动速度等人员行走规则和有无视野范围的避障原则、出口转移意愿等冲突解决机制.以广州BRT岗顸站作为模拟站台进行疏散模拟,验证了模型的实用性与可行性.  相似文献   

建筑物出口条件对人员疏散的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋桂梅 《计算机仿真》2010,27(6):212-215,229
人员疏散是建筑安全性能设计中考虑的关键因素,建筑出口条件又是人员疏散的关键环节.研究人员对疏散问题,采用疏散仿真模型对人群疏散进行了仿真,着重研究了出口条件对疏散时间的影响.为保证安全,对于单出口的建筑物,出口宽度有一个理想临界值d≈0.1w(w为包括出口在内的墙总长),使出口宽度大于临界值,减少了阻塞现象,提高疏散效率.对于双出口分布在同一面墙上的正方形建筑,出口间距S≈0.2w,疏散用时最小,并对于方形建筑的理想临界值S会随着建筑物较短的墙宽度减小而增加.仿真表明,双出口分布在不同墙面上方式比没有双出口分布在同一面墙疏散效率高,为建筑物出口设计提供了参考依据.  相似文献   

建筑物火灾是我国频发的安全事故,所以应研究建筑物火灾人群安全疏散问题。由于在建筑物火灾中,人群疏散时出现拥堵,存在不安全因素,造成人员伤亡。针对在现有的研究中未考虑人员行为的影响,提出了智能体(Agent)的人群行为建模技术在建筑物火灾中的人群疏散仿真中的应用方法。仿真结果显示基于Agent的行为模型可以仿真出人员特性及决策过程对人群疏散的影响,弥补现有的人群疏散模型的不足。仿真结果证明,Agent的行为建模技术具有仿真火灾全过程中人员疏散行为的功能,适用于建筑物火灾中的人群优化疏散策略。  相似文献   

基于物理的真实感火灾疏散仿真   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人员的疏散是目前防火防灾研究的热点,但是传统的人员疏散研究多集中于人群疏散的离散仿真及可视化显示,无法逼真地表现个体的疏散行为.从火灾时人员疏散的物理特点出发,考虑不同人在火灾情况下的行为特征,采取几何连续的疏散空间,可较准确地计算人员安全疏散的时间及路径;建立了建筑物、火焰和角色动画的三维模型,动态交互地模拟火灾疏散过程,仿真效果逼真.  相似文献   

元胞自动机地铁人员疏散模型仿真   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
基于元胞自动机模型对地铁人员疏散进行研究,通过对地铁的疏散个体微观建模,构建出元胞的移动规则,从而确定元胞下一时间步长的移动路径。针对地铁紧急情况下的疏散情形,提出了两种基于元胞自动机的疏散规则:概率计算方法和元胞空间场吸引法。利用VC++开发环境与OpenGL图形库对地铁的人员疏散情况进行仿真,描述不同疏散规则下的地铁疏散整个动态过程,并分别模拟得出不同的疏散效率,从而为指导地铁紧急情况下人员疏散提供理论依据。  相似文献   

突发事件情景下,合理的进行地铁站人员应急疏散是减少人员伤亡和财产损失的有效途径。从地铁站人员应急疏散的仿真研究、不同规则下疏散模型的研究和智能算法在疏散建模中的应用三个角度对突发事件下地铁站人员应急疏散问题进行综述,并分析了当前疏散模型、求解算法以及行人特征数据的不完善之处。提出了把行人的心理行为特征、建筑物设施因素引入地铁站人员应急疏散问题中,并利用改进的蚁群算法求解最优疏散路径的重要价值。最后,展望了今后地铁站人员应急疏散问题研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

不同人员分布下高铁车厢人员疏散仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在元胞自动机理论的基础上,针对在高铁车厢内人员安全疏散的问题,提出一种考虑人员个体差异,在多速的情况下,通过人员实时调整自身移动情况,对人员疏散过程建立模型的方法,并进行计算机仿真加以研究分析。实验结果表明,根据个体差异,强中弱的分布方式在疏散时间上比弱中强的分布方式快2个时间步。同时,灾害点出现在车厢内不同位置,疏散时间差异较大。对不同人员分布以及灾害点发生情况下的仿真研究,更加真实地模拟了人员紧急疏散过程和疏散状况,为人员安全疏散问题提供理论指导意义。  相似文献   

为更好模拟行人疏散过程中微观个体行为,考虑行人身材半径及在疏散过程中行人步行速度随运动状态变化,将社会力模型运行规则引入元胞自动机模型,建立了一种社会力模型计算步行速度、空间离散化程度和步行速度较高的疏散模型,用于模拟紧急情况下的行人疏散过程。在该模型中空间划分为更小网格,每个行人占用一到多个单元格,行人的身材半径不再不变,每个行人移动的距离由其速度决定,根据基于速度的出口选择方法和行人运动规律,通过数值模拟分析,研究了疏散过程中的动态性。研究表明基于速度的网格移动数量、行人数量、期望速度、行人身材半径、松弛时间等参数影响疏散效率,结合连续模型的优点能够更加客观真实刻画疏散过程,有助于离散模型描述行人疏散微观行为特征。  相似文献   

In this paper, the application of soft computing techniques in prediction of an occupant's behaviour in an inhabited intelligent environment is addressed. In this research, daily activities of elderly people who live in their own homes suffering from dementia are studied. Occupancy sensors are used to extract the movement patterns of the occupant. The occupancy data is then converted into temporal sequences of activities which are eventually used to predict the occupant behaviour. To build the prediction model, different dynamic recurrent neural networks are investigated. Recurrent neural networks have shown a great ability in finding the temporal relationships of input patterns. The experimental results show that non-linear autoregressive network with exogenous inputs model correctly extracts the long term prediction patterns of the occupant and outperformed the Elman network. The results presented here are validated using data generated from a simulator and real environments.  相似文献   

Safety restraint systems greatly reduce the potential injury risk during vehicle accidents. One major type of accident still remains without adequate occupant protection: Vehicle Rollover. Since rollover experiments are difficult to perform, rollover models can help to understand this type of accident. It will be shown, that already quite simple models reveal important properties of vehicle rollover. The influence of various parameter variations can be investigated. Based on a simplified modeling approach, it is possible to develop an analytic stability boundary, which helps to detect an imminent rollover. This is the base for future occupant protection systems.A more complete and complex approach of modeling, covering e.g. half and full turns, requires different strategies. To include detailed suspension systems a multi body approach becomes necessary. As an arbitrary rollover is a fully spatial movement, special assumptions like wheel-road contact do not hold for the regarded time interval. To cope with these difficulties, the simulation requires a state space machine to cover the different vehicle conditions (road contact, free flight, one side lift off). The simulation can then switch between the different model structures. With this approach, classical multi-body vehicle models can be extended by special rollover models to gain insight in the mechanisms causing vehicle rollover.  相似文献   

通过分析已有的元胞自动机理论,结合人员疏散的特点,构建了考虑出口吸引力、火灾排斥力、摩擦力、排斥力和从众吸引力的普通超市火灾疏散模型。该模型充分考虑了多个因素对疏散过程的影响,对影响因素进行归一化处理,以综合影响因素建立的元胞转移强度作为行人移动规则。针对超市疏散人数、出口宽度及相隔距离、从众心理对疏散时间的影响进行了研究,并采用仿真疏散软件Pathfinder+FDS对模型进行验证,说明疏散模型具有一定可信性。研究表明行人疏散时间随人数呈线性正相关,人数存在临界值;出口宽度越宽或出口越多疏散时间相对越短,当达到出口阈值时对疏散时间影响不大;在陌生疏散环境或紧急情况下适当的从众行为会提高疏散效率。  相似文献   

Despite the total evacuation time of occupants in a multi-storey building not being affected by pedestrian merging on stairs, the calculation of evacuation times in each individual floor depends on the pedestrian merging ratio. In fact, different merging ratios may cause an evacuation to take place from the top to the bottom or vice versa. A simplified simulation model for the calculation of evacuation time at each floor is presented here. This model allows the investigation of the impact of two main variables affecting the evacuation time at each floor, namely 1) different initial numbers of pedestrians at each floor (i.e. occupant load), and 2) different merging ratios at each floor. This means that the model allows the calculation of the evacuation time at each floor considering a building with different occupancy types at different floors (e.g. office, residential, commercial, etc.) and different merging ratios which may be caused by a different configuration of the landing door at each floor. The model is presented in this paper using a case study of a hypothetical building. A detailed discussion on the model assumptions, advantages and limitations is also provided.  相似文献   

针对汽车乘员约束系统仿真模型的可信度验证需要大量重复的数据处理和结果分析的问题,基于可信度验证系统(system of verification and validation, SV2),将100%正碰、40%偏置碰和侧碰工况的分析流程固化,开发汽车乘员约束系统仿真模型可信度验证系统。对100%正碰工况进行试验验证,结果表明:新开发的仿真模型可信度验证系统对模型可信度验证能够提高90%的工作效率,自动生成分析报告,为仿真工程师提供模型改善建议。  相似文献   

Presented is an improved three-dimensional display model of a human being which can be used to display the results of three-dimensional simulation programs that predict the positions of an occupant during impact of a vehicle. The model allows the user to view the occupant from any orientation in any position during the crash. The display model assumes the usual break up of the body into rigid segments, which is normal for occupant-crash simulation programs, but the shape of the segments in the display model are not necessarily the same as those used in the crash simulation. The display model is proportioned so as to produce a realistic drawing of the human body in any position. Joints connecting the seqments are also drawn to improve realism.  相似文献   

一种无线传感网的Sink节点移动路径规划算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为寻找传感节点均匀分布时Sink节点的最优移动路径和最大网络生存时间,提出一种无线传感网的Sink节点移动路径规划算法(MPOA).在MPOA算法中,将Sink节点的数据收集范围分解成多个圆环,将监测区域分解成多个网格.根据Sink节点的停留位置和多跳通信方式,采用数学公式表示每一个网格的单位节点能耗,从而获得Sink节点移动的网络生存时间优化模型.采用修正的混合粒子群算法求解该优化模型,获得网络生存时间、Sink节点的停留位置和移动路径的最优方案.仿真结果表明:MPOA算法可寻找到Sink节点的最优移动路径,从而平衡网络能耗,提高网络生存时间.在一定的条件下,MPOA算法比Circle,Rect和Rand算法更优.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional model of a human being has been developed for display on a computer graphic terminal. The model was designed for use with the simula program which predicts the positions of an occupant within a vehicle cabin during a crash. However, the model can also be used in the simulation of other human motions, such as walking, etc.Also presented is the design of a simple device to automatically generate movies from a terminal screen. Triggered by the bell on the terminal, one frame is taken of each position of any time-varying event, thus creating a movie depicting simulated motion.  相似文献   

Macroscopic and microscopic models are typical approaches for simulating crowd behaviour and movement to simulate crowd and pedestrian movement, respectively. However, the two models are unlikely to address the issues beyond their modelling targets (i.e., pedestrian movement for microscopic models and crowd movement for macroscopic models). In order to solve such problem, we propose a hybrid model integrating macroscopic model into microscopic model, which is capable of taking into account issues both from crowd movement tendency and individual diversity to simulate crowd evacuation. In each simulation time step, the macroscopic model is executed first and generates a course-grain simulation result depicting the crowd movement, which directs microscopic model for goal selection and path planning to generate a fine-grain simulation result. In the mean time, different level-of-detail simulation results can also be obtained due to the proposed model containing two complete models. A synchronization mechanism is proposed to convey simulation results from one model to the other one. The simulation results via case study indicate the proposed model can simulate the crowd and agent behaviour in dynamic environments, and the simulation cost is proved to be efficient.  相似文献   

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