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针对核空间模糊局部C-均值聚类分割算法时间复杂性过大而不适合实时场合图像分割需要的问题,提出了一种核空间局部模糊C-均值聚类分割的快速算法。利用像素与其邻域像素之间的空间距离信息和灰度方差信息构造一种加权共生矩阵;将图像像素的一维直方图以及像素与邻域像素之间的二维共生直方图相结合构造了一种新的核空间模糊C-均值聚类分割目标函数,并对其推导获得隶属度和聚类中心迭代表达式;将图像像素采用该算法聚类所得隶属度进行邻域滤波处理,以便改善该算法的抗噪性能。实验结果表明,该分割算法相比核空间局部模糊C-均值聚类分割更有利于实时场合和大幅面图像分割的需要。  相似文献   

指纹图像分割是指纹识别技术中的重要步骤之一。本文在分析了已有分割算法存在的不足的基础上,提出了一种改进的指纹图像分割算法,该算法引入像素聚类的概念,将灰度特性和像素聚类相结合,形成以灰度特性为主、像素聚类为辅的分割算法,该算法克服了前面算法由单一阈值分割的缺陷。实验表明对于背景条件较复杂的指纹图像,本算法也能很准确地实现指纹图像的分割,具有较好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

提出了一种改进的K均值聚类图像分割方法。针对彩色图像的像素特征,利用Ohta等人的研究成果,选取能有效表示彩色像素特征的彩色特征集中的第一个分量作为图像像素的一维特征向量,用来替代经典K均值聚类图像分割中的灰度.大大降低了运算量。基于粗糙集理论的算法,求出初始聚类个数与均值。选用对特征空间结构没有特殊要求的特征距离代替欧氏距离,应用改进的K均值聚类算法对样本数据进行聚类,从而实现对彩色图像的快速自动分割。实验表明,该图像分割算法可有效提高图像分类的精度和准确度,并且运算代价小.收敛速度快。  相似文献   

针对现有图像分割算法聚类复杂以及分割精度不够高的问题,提出了基于几何距优化质心和粗糙模糊C-均值(RFCM)相结合的医学图像聚类分割算法。首先建立软集表示的像素集,并计算每个像素与质心之间的距离,然后基于像素和质心之间的最小距离,将像素分组到聚类中。为了将软集应用到粗糙模糊C-均值中,定义了一个模糊软集,进一步将输入图像转换为二值图像,通过计算连通区域的几何距选择适当的质心。最后利用这些新的质心计算更新像素的隶属度值,从而完成模糊聚类划分。在Allen Brain Atlas等三个医学数据库上评估了所提出混合算法的性能,获得的Jaccards系数和分割精度(SA)都优于几种对比算法。实验证明,提出的聚类分割算法具有良好的性能。  相似文献   

超像素是近年来快速发展的一种图像预处理技术,被广泛应用于计算机视觉领域。简单线性迭代聚类(simple linear iterative clustering,SLIC)算法是其中的一种图像预处理技术框架,该算法根据像素的颜色和距离特征进行聚类来实现良好的分割结果。然而,SLIC算法尚存在一些问题。基于优化加权核K-means聚类初始中心点,提出一种新的SLIC算法(WKK-SLIC算法)。算法基于图像像素之间的颜色相似性和空间相似性度量,采用超像素分割的归一化割公式,使用核函数来近似相似性度量。算法将像素值和坐标映射到高维特征空间中,通过对该特征空间中的每个点赋予适当的权重,使加权K均值和归一化割的目标函数的优化在数学上等价。从而通过在所提出的特征空间中迭代地应用简单的K-means聚类来优化归一化割的目标函数。在WKK-SLIC算法中,采用密度敏感的相似性度量计算空间像素点的密度,启发式地生成K-means聚类的初始中心以达到稳定的聚类结果。实验结果表明,WKK-SLIC算法在评估超像素分割的几个标准上优于SLIC算法。  相似文献   

针对传统的模糊C均值聚类算法在进行图像分割时对孤立点、噪声点敏感性较强,聚类耗时随图像变大而快速增长等缺陷,基于临近元素空间距离的模糊C均值聚类算法即SFGFCM算法,采用核化的空间距离公式,计算出空间临近像素与考察像素的相似度Sij,然后用邻近像素灰度加权和计算出邻近信息制约图像,并进一步在邻近信息制约图像的灰度级统计的基础上进行聚类。该算法考察了临近像素灰度和位置等信息,并且它们之间取得了很好的平衡;不仅表现出较强的鲁棒性且很好地保留了原图像边缘等细节信息,提高了聚类精度,同时大大缩短了大幅图像的聚类时间。通过在合成图像、医学图像及自然图像上的大量实验,与传统算法对比该算法聚类性能明显提高,在图像分割上体现出了较好的分割效果。  相似文献   

针对RGB-D图像具有丰富的三维几何特征,复杂度高这一具有挑战性的难题,提出一种针对室内场景RGB-D图像的分割算法.首先,经过RGB-D图像过分割生成超像素,并基于超像素之间的距离度量测量超像素之间的相似性;然后,采用DBSCAN算法将具有相似的颜色信息和几何信息的超像素聚类到一个分类中.在该聚类过程中,通过限制扩散区域来降低计算复杂度.在室内场景RGB-D图像库上大量实验结果表明,文中算法分割精确度和速率均超过了其他算法,证明了其高效性和准确性.  相似文献   

传统的聚类图像分割方法一般仅仅利用图像中的灰度信息。为了更好地利用图像中的区域和边缘信息,提出一种基于分水岭过分割的多目标模糊核聚类图像分割算法。该算法采用分水岭算法获得图像的过分割区域,采用多目标模糊核聚类算法对区域代表点和分水岭上的像素进行聚类。根据聚类结果将图像中的像素进行标记,得到最终的分割图像。实验结果表明,由于利用了图像区域信息,使得目标能够比较完整地从背景中分离出来。  相似文献   

介绍了一个与模糊C均值FCM算法等效的图像颜色分割的方法.首先利用进化聚类对图像中的像素依据其RGB的值进行进化聚类划分,对划分后的各个类的类中心用遗传算法进行优化,然后再对图像中像素进行归类划分,使其满足各类中元素具有较高的相似度,而不同类中的元素相似度差别较大的目标,并与FCM算法进行了实验对比,结果表明经人工评价该算法与模糊C均值FCM算法等效.  相似文献   

冯飞  刘培学  李丽  陈玉杰 《计算机科学》2018,45(Z6):252-254
医学图像由于具有复杂性,在对其进行图像分割时存在很大的不确定性,为了提高模糊c均值聚类算法(FCM)在处理医学图像分割时的性能,提出一种新的混合方法进行图像分割。利用FCM算法将图像像素分成均匀的区域,融合引力搜索算法,将改进的引力搜索算法纳入模糊c均值聚类算法中,以找到最优聚类中心,使模糊c均值聚类的适应度函数值最小,从而提高分割效果。实验结果表明,相对于传统的聚类算法,所提算法在分割复杂的医学图像方面更具有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of reconstructing triangular surfaces from given contours. An algorithm solving this problem must decide which contours of two successive slices should be connected by the surface (branching problem) and, given that, which vertices of the assigned contours should be connected for the triangular mesh (correspondence problem). We present a new approach that solves both tasks in an elegant way. The main idea is to employ discrete distance fields enhanced with correspondence information. This allows us not only to connect vertices from successive slices in a reasonable way but also to solve the branching problem by creating intermediate contours where adjacent contours differ too much. Last but not least we show how the 2D distance fields used in the reconstruction step can be converted to a 3D distance field that can be advantageously exploited for distance calculations during a subsequent simplification step.  相似文献   

Two mobile agents having distinct identifiers and located in nodes of an unknown anonymous connected graph, have to meet at some node of the graph. We seek fast deterministic algorithms for this rendezvous problem, under two scenarios: simultaneous startup, when both agents start executing the algorithm at the same time, and arbitrary startup, when starting times of the agents are arbitrarily decided by an adversary. The measure of performance of a rendezvous algorithm is its cost: for a given initial location of agents in a graph, this is the number of steps since the startup of the later agent until rendezvous is achieved. We first show that rendezvous can be completed at cost O(n + log l) on any n-node tree, where l is the smaller of the two identifiers, even with arbitrary startup. This complexity of the cost cannot be improved for some trees, even with simultaneous startup. Efficient rendezvous in trees relies on fast network exploration and cannot be used when the graph contains cycles. We further study the simplest such network, i.e., the ring. We prove that, with simultaneous startup, optimal cost of rendezvous on any ring is Θ(D log l), where D is the initial distance between agents. We also establish bounds on rendezvous cost in rings with arbitrary startup. For arbitrary connected graphs, our main contribution is a deterministic rendezvous algorithm with cost polynomial in n, τ and log l, where τ is the difference between startup times of the agents. We also show a lower bound Ω (n2) on the cost of rendezvous in some family of graphs. If simultaneous startup is assumed, we construct a generic rendezvous algorithm, working for all connected graphs, which is optimal for the class of graphs of bounded degree, if the initial distance between agents is bounded.  相似文献   

基于距离的分析是GIS中的一项基本空间分析功能,目前该分析主要是基于二维的,对三维空间的距离分析研究则较少。对基于三维栅格的距离分析进行了研究,提出了基于三维栅格的最短距离算法,并把该算法应用于非均质的三维缓冲体的生成。  相似文献   

针对传统DV-Hop三维定位算法定位误差较大,且机器学习及仿生算法计算任务繁重的缺点,提出一种改进的无约束优化3D-DV-Hop定位算法,采用二通信半径策略计算最小跳数值,提出平方代价函数对锚节点跳距值进行优化处理,并将其加权跳距值作为未知节点跳距值,最后根据约束问题的无约束求解思想,将加权误差最小化进而求解.通过与传...  相似文献   

Ordered, labeled trees are trees in which each node has a label and the left-to-right order of its children (if it has any) is fixed. Such trees have many applications in vision, pattern recognition, molecular biology and natural language processing. We consider a substructure of an ordered labeled tree T to be a connected subgraph of T. Given two ordered labeled trees T1 and T2 and an integer d, the largest approximately common substructure problem is to find a substructure U1 of T1 and a substructure U2 of T2 such that U1 is within edit distance d of U2 and where there does not exist any other substructure V1 of T1 and V2 of T2 such that V1 and V2 satisfy the distance constraint and the sum of the sizes of V1 and V2 is greater than the sum of the sizes of U1 and U2. We present a dynamic programming algorithm to solve this problem, which runs as fast as the fastest known algorithm for computing the edit distance of two trees when the distance allowed in the common substructures is a constant independent of the input trees. To demonstrate the utility of our algorithm, we discuss its application to discovering motifs in multiple RNA secondary structures (which are ordered labeled trees)  相似文献   

如何对三维模型进行特征提取是近年来出现的三维模型检索中的主要问题.文章给出了一种基于视点距离的特征提取算法,该算法利用正规化后的三维模型表面到观察点的距离信息生成六幅距离图像,然后对图像进行二维傅立叶变换并对变换后的频域信息进行低频采样从而得到三维模型的特征向量.该算法克服了基于三维投影的二维图像轮廓算法中丢失模型空域信息、缺乏对图像内部信息进行描述的缺点.实验结果表明,该算法比基于轮廓算法的检索精确度提高了19%.  相似文献   

The 2D hexagonal mesh, based on triangle plane tessellation, is considered as a multiprocessor interconnection network. The 3D hexagonal mesh is presented as a natural extension of the hexagonal mesh. Although the topological properties of the 2D hexagonal mesh are well known, existing addressing schemes are not suitable to be extended to 3D hexagonal mesh. Then, we present, in this paper, a new addressing scheme and an optimal routing algorithm for 2D hexagonal network based on the distance formula and using shortest paths. We propose also a 3D hexagonal network that can be built with 2D hexagonal meshes as a natural generalization. We also present some topological properties, an efficient addressing scheme, and an optimal routing algorithm based on our 2D routing algorithm.  相似文献   

The skeleton is essential for general shape representation. The commonly required properties of a skeletonization algorithm are that the extracted skeleton should be accurate; robust to noise, position and rotation; able to reconstruct the original object; and able to produce a connected skeleton in order to preserve its topological and hierarchical properties. However, the use of a discrete image presents a lot of problems that may influence the extraction of the skeleton. Moreover, most of the methods are memory-intensive and computationally intensive, and require a complex data structure.In this paper, we propose a fast, efficient and accurate skeletonization method for the extraction of a well-connected Euclidean skeleton based on a signed sequential Euclidean distance map. A connectivity criterion is proposed, which can be used to determine whether a given pixel is a skeleton point independently. The criterion is based on a set of point pairs along the object boundary, which are the nearest contour points to the pixel under consideration and its 8 neighbors. Our proposed method generates a connected Euclidean skeleton with a single pixel width without requiring a linking algorithm or iteration process. Experiments show that the runtime of our algorithm is faster than the distance transformation and is linearly proportional to the number of pixels of an image.  相似文献   

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