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传统手工艺在中国文化的发展历程中有着不可或缺的历史地位,其独特的艺术魅力对文化创意产品产生了重要影响。但是在全球化和现代化发展的今天,传统手工艺的传承与创新面临着严峻的考验。文章通过分析中国传统手工艺在文化创意产品中的发展现状,提出以文化创意产品为传播载体的创新模式,从美学思想、创新"再设计"以及情感化"再设计"三个方面分别探讨了如何创造出符合现代审美和功能需求的转型手工艺产品。  相似文献   

设计是创意产业,同时也是理性的、有据可循的。通过特定的方式寻找设计的创意点,有助于设计师诞生更多的优秀的设计作品。本文通过使用者的行为分析、多功能产品、特殊人群、情感化设计等方面,结合具体的设计案例,分析这些优秀设计创意点的产生,总结出寻找有效设计创意点的方法。  相似文献   

清廉文化作为一种精神现象和道德的教化值得传承与发扬,如何将廉洁的道德操守,通过润物细无声的方式渗透并转化为一种普遍的"廉荣贪耻"的价值观是值得研究的课题。文章基于诺曼的情感化设计理论,提出清廉文创设计的情感系统三层次,在对"清廉文化"进行设计解读的基础上,构建情感化三层次清廉文化设计原则与方法,并进行视觉、应用、品牌方面的实践,对清廉文化创意产品的具体设计与开发具有指导意义。  相似文献   

飞速发展的科学技术为人们带来了高质量的物质生活,与此同时人们的精神文化生活的需求也在不断提高,人们开始喜欢能与人的情感产生共鸣的产品。产品的使命也不仅仅只是工具,产品和人的关系越来越紧密,它正在由"工具化"向"角色化"转变。本文将详细阐述人的情感、情感在产品设计中的应用、情感化设计的方法及情感化设计在办公用品中的应用和现状。  相似文献   

随着人们对物质和精神需求的不断提高,人们更关心产品在情感上的需求、精神上的慰藉,以排解各方面的压力。而家作为让人得到身心休息的地方,家居产品起着至关重要的作用,情感化设计正是家居产品设计的趋势和潮流。本文分析了家具产品设计的发展趋势以及情感化设计的特点,并通过具体案例分析情感化设计在家居产品中的应用,最后提出了家居产品情感化设计的策略。  相似文献   

随着LED照明产品日渐普及的今天,设计此类产品所要关注的不仅是技术和外观方面等因素,更需要情感化的设计去实现人们内心的丰富需求。本文从LED照明产品中所涉及的外形、色彩、材质及功能的情感化设计进行探讨,藉此分析并且展望当今和未来的LED照明产品将如何构建出人、光、物(产品)之间的和谐关系。  相似文献   

文章基于情感化理论充分探究老年人拐杖设计。首先,利用问卷调查老年人的生活状态,并采用实地观察及访谈的方法,对需要介助拐杖工具的老年人进行观察及动作分析;其次,基于诺曼的情感化设计理论,从本能、行为、反思三个层次,对老年人拐杖的情感化设计进行论述;最后,提出以人因工程为基础的符合情感化设计层次理论的老年人拐杖设计方案。研究结果可为老年人拐杖的设计提供创新思路,提高老年人产品的情感及体验之内涵。  相似文献   

文章探讨在听力障碍人群使用的生活辅助器具产品中融入情感化设计。运用观察法、问卷调查法、用户访谈法对听障人士的心理情感需求进行分析,并依据情感设计基础理论,研究听障人士生活辅助产品的功能特点,归纳出此类产品的情感设计策略。根据情感化设计的三个层次探讨听力障碍者对生活辅具的情感化需求,提出听力障碍者生活辅具在功能设计、交互反馈设计和人性化体验方面的设计策略,以提升听力障碍者的生活质量。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,人们对于人的本质属性与精神需求的探索重点越来越关注,关注情感化产品也得以广泛应用。设计来源于生活,生活源于自然,仿生设计应运而生。文章结合仿生设计、情感化设计,思考仿生产品中的情感化应用,分析实际应用案例,基本构建仿生产品情感化的新思路。  相似文献   

论文对国内部分大型超市及厨具专卖店销售的厨具产品进行调研,从材料、造型和功能入手,使用SPSS for Windows统计软件,进行了厨房用品情感化设计的统计分析。明确了我国厨房用品情感化设计方面的现状,结合我国传统饮食习惯,提出了在我国厨房用品中应用情感化设计的基本原则。  相似文献   

创新是企业提高产品竞争力的核心策略之一,既是公司产品研发的源头,也是推动公司不断向前发展的原动力。现代的工业设计不仅仅是对产品的外观、制造技术产生影响,而且对公司品牌建设也起到一定作用。那么企业应如何创新?哪些信息在设计师创意阶段起到决定性的作用呢?笔者认为:企业需要研究用户的需求,使客户接受自己公司产品同时也接受本公司的文化内涵,从而给企业带来盈利。本文将通过两个实际案例说明其上述观点的重要性。  相似文献   

假定市场是完全竞争的,以卖者退货返款期T为决策变量,基于委托代理理论建立一次性交易中揭示产品质量信息的模型,给出了一个可避免逆向选择的机制.指出现实中企业以接受该机制作为信号传递来揭示所提供的产品是高质量产品;生产低质量产品的企业不可能效仿,因为那样做无利可图.该模型还说明在非对称信息下企业会将高质量产品价格定得较对称信息下高些,但交易双方在两种情况下所得的期望效用不会改变.  相似文献   

An algorithm for the construction of finite models of sets of predicate-calculus sentences is given. The algorithm differs from resolution in its ability to incorporate certain extra sentences (human advice) gracefully. Since the problem attacked by the algorithm is NP-complete, it is hoped that this ability to accept advice will make the algorithm useful more as a tool in the hands of a researcher than as a stand-alone procedure.  相似文献   

生态教学的概念始于20世纪30年代,其根本目的是用生态学原理来研究教学现象,从而促进学生的个性发展。生态教学需要教师拥有以学生为本的教学态度。photoshop作为一个强大的图形处理工具,已经成为众多高校设计类教学的一门必修课程,如何让学生更好的接受photoshop的课程教育,如何让学生们更加熟练地掌握photoshop软件工具已经成为众多ps教师当下面临的重要问题。本文就高校如何更好的开展PS教育课程展开讨论,从生态教学方面入手,探索出一条有益于学生学习发展,有利于教师教学的道路。  相似文献   

The conventional usability lab is primarily responsible for testing prototypes and products to determine if customers will accept a new design. Often this testing comes too late in the development cycle to allow major design or product changes to occur. In the Customer-Centered Design Group at Tektronix Labs, the usability lab is a small part of our group's involvement in the entire design life cycle of a Tektronix product. We work with design groups to bring the benefits of a usability lab to all phases of design, beginning with understanding our customer's current system and work processes to assessing the competitor's strengths and weaknesses to simulating and evaluating design alternatives. Our 'lab' is often on the road; meeting with customers where they work, working with design teams to simulate and prototype designs, and evaluating designs with our customers. To keep in touch with customers and to keep product development focused, we feel a usability group must break down the barriers inherent in a conventional testing suite. By breaking these barriers we can better determine what customers need and how these needs are addressed throughout the entire product life cycle.  相似文献   

H.H. Rosenbrock 《Automatica》1977,13(4):389-392
The development of control is briefly reviewed. It is suggested that ‘modern’ control has two aspects: a mathematical investigation of basic properties of dynamical systems, and the development of algorithmic methods of synthesis. Reasons are given for believing that the first of these will have more enduring value than the second. Algorithmic methods which try to eliminate the skill of the designer are contrasted with alternative methods which accept his skill and make it more productive. It is finally suggested that the impact of computers upon industry may give the opportunity for a similar development of production methods which accept and enhance the skill of manual workers.  相似文献   

Many organizations attempt to deploy methodologies intended to improve software development processes. However, resistance by individual software developers against using such methodologies often obstructs their successful deployment. To better explain why individual developers accept or resist methodologies, five theoretical models of individual intentions to accept information technology tools were examined. In a field study of 128 developers in a large organization that implemented a methodology, each model explained significant variance in developers' intentions to use the methodology. Similar to findings from the tool adoption context, we found that, if a methodology is not regarded as useful by developers, its prospects for successful deployment may be severely undermined. In contrast to the typical pattern of findings in a tool context, however, we found that methodology adoption intentions are driven by: 1) the presence of an organizational mandate to use the methodology, 2) the compatibility of the methodology with how developers perform their work, and 3) the opinions of developers' coworkers and supervisors toward using the methodology. Collectively, these results provide surprising new insights into why software developers accept or resist methodologies and suggest what software engineering managers might do to overcome developer resistance.  相似文献   

Assessing the computer attitudes of students: An Asian perspective   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Research has found that computer attitudes play a key role in influencing the extent to which students accept the computer as a learning tool and in determining the likelihood that computer will be used in the future for learning and study. A sample of 183 students reported their computer attitudes using a Likert-type questionnaire with three subscales, computer importance, computer enjoyment, and computer anxiety. One-way MANOVA revealed no significant differences in computer attitudes by gender although male students reported more positive towards the computer than female students. There were significant differences between students who own computers at home and those who do not and students who own a computer at home also reported a lower level of computer anxiety compared to those who do not.  相似文献   

Concurrent engineering (CE) is a strategy that attempts to process as many product development tasks in parallel and incorporate relevant life-cycle attributes as early as possible in the design phase in an effort to reduce the duration of design projects, save development costs, and provide better quality products. The CE environment is characterized by a high degree of distributed cognitive processing in the form of product development team structures. The distribution of appropriate knowledge to members of these teams and other participants in the design process for the purpose of supporting management and planning decisions is a considerably complex problem. New approaches and tools based on artificial intelligence methodologies are needed to deal with this level of complexity in coordinating knowledge resources. This paper reviews a number of potential candidates for an intelligent software architecture that can represent this type of problem as well as support the knowledge handling necessary to solve such problems. The selection of an appropriate architecture will support the development of an intelligent information system that is able to mimic human cognitive processes as the basic tool for providing decision-making support for planning and controlling a CE design process.  相似文献   

伴随经济延展,化工产品现有的需求递增,化工这一行业,也获取到了凸显的发展时机。但是,从现状看,化工产品含有各类别的毒害成分,也含有易爆物等很危险的产物。因此,化工装置带有的事故概率,会超出其他类别的装置。最近几年,化工行业接纳了新颖的安全仪表,这样的仪表体系,能缩减化工设施惯有的事故几率,维护好装置运转必备的安全。  相似文献   

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