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基于强化学习的多任务联盟并行形成策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Agent coalition is an important manner of agents' coordination and cooperation. Forming a coalition, agents can enhance their ability to solve problems and obtain more utilities. In this paper, a novel multi-task coalition parallel formation strategy is presented, and the conclusion that the process of multi-task coalition formation is a Markov decision process is testified theoretically. Moreover, reinforcement learning is used to solve agents' behavior strategy, and the process of multi-task coalition parallel formation is described. In multi-task oriented domains, the strategy can effectively and parallel form multi-task coalitions.  相似文献   

Cooperating and sharing resources by creating coalitions of agents are important ways for autonomous agents to execute tasks and to maximize payoff. Such coalitions will form only if each member of a coalition gains more by joining the coalition than it could gain otherwise. There are several ways of creating such coalitions and dividing the joint payoff among the members. In this paper we present algorithms for coalition formation and payoff distribution in nonsuperadditive environments. We focus on a low-complexity kernel-oriented coalition formation algorithm. The properties of this algorithm were examined via simulations. These have shown that the model increases the benefits of the agents within a reasonable time period, and more coalition formations provide more benefits to the agents.

基于量子遗传算法的多任务联盟并行生成算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种基于量子遗传算法的多任务联盟并行生成算法,运用量子编码映射的方式将任务分配与资源组合合并为一个过程,使多任务联盟问题的复杂性得到降低。实验表明,该算法在面向多任务的领域中可以快速、有效地并行形成多个任务求解联盟;与遗传算法和蚁群算法的对比实验表明,该算法是正确、有效、可行的,在运行时间和解的性能上都优于前两种算法。  相似文献   

多任务联盟形成中的Agent行为策略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Agent联盟是多Agent系统中一种重要的合作方式,联盟形成是其研究的关键问题.本文提出一种串行多任务联盟形成中的Agent行为策略,首先论证了Agent合作求解多任务的过程是一个Markov决策过程,然后基于Q-学习求解单个Agent的最优行为策略.实例表明该策略在面向多任务的领域中可以快速、有效地串行形成多个任务求解联盟.  相似文献   

传统的重叠联盟形成问题大都聚焦智能体, 鲜有从任务视角出发. 为此, 本文首先构建了一种面向任务的 重叠联盟结构生成模型, 并分析了其解空间和相关决策问题的计算复杂性. 此外, 基于流网络分别设计了相应的孤 立联盟、重叠联盟、重叠联盟结构成功性判别算法和最优重叠联盟结构生成算法. 分析结果表明, 判别孤立联 盟、重叠联盟、重叠联盟结构的成功性的时间复杂度均与智能体数和任务数呈多项式关系, 而搜索最优重叠联盟结 构的时间复杂度与智能体数和任务数呈指数关系. 最后, 通过仿真实验验证了上述结果.  相似文献   

为了满足云资源消费者的需求,并有效扩展云资源的服务能力,设计基于云间合作博弈的资源联盟形成算法。以联盟总体利益最大化为目标,将多个云资源提供者间的合作行为建模为联盟博弈模型,从而得到最优联盟结构满足用户方的虚拟机实例请求;设计一种联盟的合并与分裂规则,使得最终联盟结构是稳定不变的;设计基于联盟成员贡献能力的标准化估计Banzhaf值法实现联盟总体利益的个体分割。实验结果表明,在不同虚拟机请求类型测试条件下,云联盟形成算法不仅可以确保更高的联盟总体利益,而且使利益分割更加公平,其算法执行效率也更高。  相似文献   

针对重叠联盟的合作博弈框架(OCF games)中重叠联盟结构生成(OCSG)求解困难的问题,提出了一种基于贪心方法的有效算法。首先使用了一种带有联盟数量k约束的OCF博弈(kOCF games)模型来限制OCSG问题的规模;然后引入了一种相似度量来表示任意两个联盟结构之间的相似程度,并基于相似度量定义了单调性的性质,这意味着某一联盟结构与最优联盟结构的相似度越高,该联盟的单调性的值就越大;最后对于具有单调性质的kOCF博弈,采用了逐一插入玩家编号以逼近最优联盟结构的方法设计了联盟约束贪心(CCG)算法来求解给定的OCSG问题,并在理论上证明了CCG算法的复杂度是On2k+1)。通过实验分析和验证了不同参数和联盟值分布对所提算法性能的影响,并把该算法与Zick等提出的算法(ZICK Y,CHALKIADAKIS G,ELKIND E,et al. Cooperative games with overlapping coalitions: charting the tractability frontier. Artificial Intelligence,2019,271:74-97)在约束条件等方面进行了对比,得出了当联盟最大数量k被常数约束时所提算法的搜索次数随agent的个数基本呈线性增长的结果。可见CCG算法是固定参数k可解的,而且拥有更好的适用性。  相似文献   

Manifold increase in the complexity of robotic tasks has mandated the use of robotic teams called coalitions that collaborate to perform complex tasks. In this scenario, the problem of allocating tasks to teams of robots (also known as the coalition formation problem) assumes significance. So far, solutions to this NP-hard problem have focused on optimizing a single utility function such as resource utilization or the number of tasks completed. We have modeled the multi-robot coalition formation problem as a multi-objective optimization problem with conflicting objectives. This paper extends our recent work in multi-objective approaches to robot coalition formation, and proposes the application of the Pareto Archived Evolution Strategy (PAES) algorithm to the coalition formation problem, resulting in more efficient solutions. Simulations were carried out to demonstrate the relative diversity in the solution sets generated by PAES as compared to previously studied methods. Experiments also demonstrate the relative scalability of PAES. Finally, three different selection strategies were implemented to choose solutions from the Pareto optimal set. Impact of the selection strategies on the final coalitions formed has been shown using Player/Stage.  相似文献   

Multi-robot coalition formation   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
As the community strives towards autonomous multi-robot systems, there is a need for these systems to autonomously form coalitions to complete assigned missions. Numerous coalition formation algorithms have been proposed in the software agent literature. Algorithms exist that form agent coalitions in both super additive and non-super additive environments. The algorithmic techniques vary from negotiation-based protocols in multi-agent system (MAS) environments to those based on computation in distributed problem solving (DPS) environments. Coalition formation behaviors have also been discussed in relation to game theory. Despite the plethora of MAS coalition formation literature, to the best of our knowledge none of the proposed algorithms have been demonstrated with an actual multi-robot system. There exists a discrepancy between the multi-agent algorithms and their applicability to the multi-robot domain. This paper aims to bridge that discrepancy by unearthing the issues that arise while attempting to tailor these algorithms to the multi-robot domain. A well-known multi-agent coalition formation algorithm has been studied in order to identify the necessary modifications to facilitate its application to the multi-robot domain. This paper reports multi-robot coalition formation results based upon simulation and actual robot experiments. A multi-agent coalition formation algorithm has been demonstrated on an actual robot system.  相似文献   

重叠联盟效用分配是多agent系统中的一个难点问题,文中提出面向并发多任务的重置联盟效用分配策略.首先基于能者多劳的思想采取按比例分配,对多个并发任务进行并行分派,并根据任务分派情况划分重叠联盟的效用.然后推演一个agent同时加入多个联盟时满足效用非减原则的充分必要条件.最后通过实例验证文中方法的有效性,并与串行效用分配进行对比分析.结果表明,在新agent申请加入联盟时,文中策略更易满足效用非减条件,具有更好的时效性.  相似文献   

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