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为了实现多接口车载自组织网络(VANET)车辆节点之间通信频谱的动态分配,提出了一种基于信道反馈的动态频谱分配算法。在图论着色模型的基础上,分析信道的质量情况,定义了信道反馈矩阵,车辆节点可以根据信道反馈矩阵中元素的值来自主选择可用信道,从而实现了信道的最大化利用。通过软件仿真比较,可以看出该算法实现了频谱的动态分配,在兼顾最大化系统总收益的前提下大幅度减少了算法的时间开销,显著提高了多接口多信道V ANET的网络性能。  相似文献   

为了合理地实现多接口多信道车载自组织网络(VANET)车辆节点间通信信道的动态分配,提出了一种基于通信双方车辆节点信道切换队列的动态信道分配算法。定义了车辆节点的射频接口状态,给出了信道的性能因子以及信道切换队列的生成方法,通过综合考虑通信双方车辆节点的射频接口状态和信道切换队列,快速自主地建立通信链路,从而解决了信道公平接入和分配不合理的问题。通过软件仿真比较可以看出,该算法实现了信道的动态分配,减小了平均端到端时延,增加了网络平均吞吐量,显著提高了多接口多信道VANET的网络性能。  相似文献   

如何提升链路的并行传输能力是车载自组网面临的重要问题.如果在车辆上装配多个无线接口,并且分别调制到不同的正交信道可以有效增强链路的并行传输能力,从而提升网络吞吐率.针对拓扑变化对多接口车载自组网动态频谱分配带来的影响,提出了一种多接口车载自组网动态频谱分配算法.算法根据车辆的运动速度进行分簇,然后在簇头间通信中采用离线频谱分配策略,从而避免了网络的拓扑变化对频谱分配造成的影响.而簇内车辆具有相同的运动速度,所以具有稳定的簇内拓扑结构,有利于频谱分配算法的应用.仿真分析表明,提出的算法适用于多接口车载自组网,在动态拓扑环境下表现出了良好的性能.  相似文献   

车载自组网研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
VANET是移动自组网在智能变通领域中的应用.介绍VANET的结构与属性,讨论几种用于车载自组网的无线通信技术,回顾VANET路由技术的研究进展,介绍VANET研究面临的挑战.  相似文献   

针对布谷鸟搜索算法在认知车载网中频谱分配收敛速度低的问题,提出了一种基于萤火虫算法的频谱分配方法。该方法考虑种群所获得的平均收益值,将频谱分配变量映射为萤火虫位置信息,并将车载网络的吞吐量转化为萤火虫的亮度值,采用萤火虫算法离散频谱分配变量并进行迭代寻优。数值结果表明,基于萤火虫算法的认知车载网络频谱分配方式的收敛速度快,且种群的平均收益值高于遗传算法和布谷鸟算法。  相似文献   

对专为车载自组网设计的应用层文件传输协议VDTP的设计需求进行简单介绍,使用交通仿真软件VanetMobiSim搭建单向双车遭和双向双车道的高速公路应用仿真场景,并使用网络仿真软件NS-2就已建的应用仿真场景对VDTP协议进行网络仿真.通过仿真中得到的丢包率和数据传送率等性能指标对VDTP进行评价,从而得出相关结论.  相似文献   

车载自组网移动模型综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
车载自组网已经在学术界和工业界受到广泛重视,新型应用和协议在实际工况条件下的测试需要很多人力和物力,并且不易控制,因此通常采用软件模拟方式进行实验验证.准确的移动模型是提高车载自组网模拟结果置信度的关键技术之一.文中从对交通特征的刻画粒度、移动模型的依赖与限制条件和移动模型的建立方法3个方面对已有的移动模型进行综合分析,提出若干面向宏观行为的统计特征量,并选取典型移动模型对其设计原理、微观特征和宏观特征等进行详细对比分析.微观方面,分析了各移动模型车辆的单次移动时间、单次移动距离、单次暂停时间和单次连接时间等特征量,结果发现不同模型在上述特征量的补累积分布下具有相似特征,而对应特征量的概率分布则具有一定差别.宏观方面,分析了各移动模型单个车辆的平均速度、总移动距离、总移动时间、平均邻居数量和平均加速度等特征量,结果表明不同模型在上述特征量的补累积分布下也体现出近似的相变行为,但各自的相变点不同,各模型对应特征量的概率分布具有明显的泊松分布特征,但均值差异较大.另外,也分析了各移动模型所有车辆的瞬时平均速度、瞬时移动距离、瞬时移动车辆数目、瞬时平均邻居节点数和瞬时平均加速度等特征量,结果表明各移动模型瞬时特性曲线的抖动强度和抖动趋势均不同,各模型特征量的平均值对车辆数量变化的敏感度也不尽相同.  相似文献   

一种新的拓扑无关的按需分配多信道自组网MAC协议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文针对节点具有多个可用信通的自组网,提出了一种与拓扑无关的多信道MAC接入协议,协议采用按需预约的方式进行动态的信道分配,通过携带在信道预约消息中的节点邻居状态信息实现节点信道状态的更新。该协议所需信道数与网络的拓扑和度无关,克服了拓朴相关的多信道MAC协议不适用于节点密集的应用场合的问题。在协议开销增加很小的情况下,每个节点只需要一部半双工收发信机就能够实现在多个信道上高效的数据收发,不需要节点间的时钟同步,极大地降低了对网络节点设备的硬件要求,具有良好的应用前景。仿真结果表明,协议在网络总吞吐量、端到端时延等方面具有优良的性能。  相似文献   

一种车载自组网中车辆轨迹推演算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统方法对车辆行驶路径的确定主要是通过GPS信息,借助GIS的电子地图,定位当前车辆所在的位置,但是确定不了车辆在行驶过程中的具体轨迹.该算法在车载自组网平台上,不利用GPS信息,利用车辆DR定位原理提出一种车载自组网中车辆轨迹推演算法,仅利用车联网基站的位置信息、基站车辆的感应时间点、速度和感应距离,计算出每个感应点对应的经纬度,利用这些经纬度点对车辆的行驶轨迹进行推演.通过仿真实验,结果表明算法的可行性高.  相似文献   

为使车载自组网(VANETs)的频谱及性能进一步提高,其研究的热点便成了多接口的动态频谱相关分配技术,对该技术进行研究,主要的目的在于为相关行业提供此类技术的应用经验。鉴于此,本文分析了多接口动态无线网络及其相应的计算方式,同时也为后续的研究作铺垫。  相似文献   

Internet-based vehicular ad hoc network (Ivanet) is an emerging technique that combines a wired Internet and a vehicular ad hoc network (Vanet) for developing an ubiquitous communication infrastructure and improving universal information and service accessibility. A key design optimization technique in Ivanets is to cache the frequently accessed data items in a local storage of vehicles. Since vehicles are not critically limited by the storage/memory space and power consumption, selecting proper data items for caching is not very critical. Rather, an important design issue is how to keep the cached copies valid when the original data items are updated. This is essential to provide fast access to valid data for fast moving vehicles. In this paper, we propose a cooperative cache invalidation (CCI) scheme and its enhancement (ECCI) that take advantage of the underlying location management scheme to reduce the number of broadcast operations and the corresponding query delay. We develop an analytical model for CCI and ECCI techniques for fasthand estimate of performance trends and critical design parameters. Then, we modify two prior cache invalidation techniques to work in Ivanets: a poll-each-read (PER) scheme, and an extended asynchronous (EAS) scheme. We compare the performance of four cache invalidation schemes as a function of query interval, cache update interval, and data size through extensive simulation. Our simulation results indicate that the proposed schemes can reduce the query delay up to 69% and increase the cache hit rate up to 57%, and have the lowest communication overhead compared to the prior PER and EAS schemes.  相似文献   

以孤立节点数、最大连通长度、全局网络效率等参数为连通性量化指标,应用VanetMobisim车辆仿真软件建立车载自组织网络,详细研究在Nakagami衰落信道模型和确定信道模型下VANETs连通性随时间的演化特征。结果表明当VANETs全连通时,网络时间相关性较弱,当网络连通性比较差时,各项连通性指标均呈现重尾现象,网络连通性具有很强的时间相关性。分析车辆节点密度、路径损耗指数和衰落因子等因素对网络连通性的影响。  相似文献   

移动自组网的动态编址问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张治  戴冠中  陈旿  赵玉亭 《计算机应用》2005,25(7):1502-1505
作为实现移动自组网自动配置的一个关键问题,综述了节点地址的自动配置的最新进展,描述了设计移动自组网动态地址配置协议所面临的问题,对该问题研究开展以来所提出的各种主要方法和协议进行了详细对比、分析和分类阐述,为进一步的研究提出了新的建议。  相似文献   

A primary goal of broadcasting in vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is to improve the road safety by transmitting alert messages to all surrounding vehicles as soon as possible. In this paper, we adopt the concept of opportunistic routing and propose a multiple candidate relays opportunistic broadcast (MCROB) protocol for VANET. The MCROB protocol is a sender-driven broadcast scheme independent of node density. The packet delivery ratio (PDR) is derived and an expected transmission speed (ETS) for the MCROB is proposed. A priority rule for selecting a proper candidate relay and an adaptive algorithm for forwarding timers of candidate relays are also presented in this paper. Simulations show that MCROB is adaptive to the rapid changing of network conditions. It keeps a low communication overhead introduced by the broadcast and increases the average transmission speed by around 40%.  相似文献   

传统的单路径路由使自组网路由性能一直不能获得太大的突破。因此,设计有效的和稳定的多路径路由成为最受关注的问题。为此提出了一种新的多路径路由算法,其在路由发现阶段使用了一种新的多路径转发策略。在基于稳定性因子的基础上,该算法计算路径间海明距离并据此选择多条相似的稳定不相交多路由,从而进一步提高该路由算法的性能。模拟结果显示,与经典的多路径路由相比较,该算法是一个有效的多路径自组网路由算法。  相似文献   

Security in Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) has been a topic of interest since the origins of vehicular communications. Different approaches have been followed as new security threats have emerged in the last few years. The approach of conditional privacy has been widely used as it guarantees authentication among vehicles but not revealing their real identities. Although the real identity of a vehicle can be traced by the authorities, the process to do that is time consuming and typically involves several entities (for instance road authorities that request the identification, license plate records bodies, a judge to allow revealing the identity associated to a license plate…). Moreover, this process is always subsequent to the detection of a road situation that requires knowing the real vehicle identities. However, in vehicular scenarios, authorities would beneficiate from knowing the real drivers’ identity in advance. We propose in this paper On-SiteDriverID, a secure protocol and its application which allows authorities’ vehicles to obtain drivers’ real identities rapidly and on demand on VANET scenarios. Thus, authorities would be able to gather information about drivers and vehicles, allowing them to act in a safer and better manner in situations such as traffic control duties or emergencies. The obtained simulation results in real VANET scenarios based on real maps guarantee that in the 60%–70% of cases the proposed On-SiteDriverID successfully obtains the identity of the drivers.  相似文献   

传统的AODV协议应用于车载自组织网络,尽管分组投递率比较高,但在数据分组需要发送时才建立路由,网络延迟较大。而DSDV中通过周期性的路由更新机制,网络延迟小,但需维护大量不必要的路由,并且拓扑结构变化使许多路由无效,导致分组投递率非常低。为了综合满足VANET分组投递率和网络延迟的要求,将AODV和DSDV两种路由建立机制相互融合,形成混合式路由协议。首先,根据车辆节点的位置、速度和方向等移动状态周期性地选择稳定且距离适中的链路,形成网络主干并更新路由;其次,当数据分组目的节点路由不存在时,发起路由发现过程建立路由,在路由请求报文前进和路由应答报文回溯过程中求出路由过期时间。仿真实验表明,尽管路由开销有所增大,分组投递率略低于AODV,但是网络延迟显著降低。  相似文献   

As there are more and more mobile devices in use, different mobile networking models such as ad hoc or mesh are attracting a large research interest. Self-organizing mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) allow devices to share their services and resources without any central administration or Internet support. In this respect they can become the backbone of the wireless grid or the gateway to existing grids. To achieve these goals, MANET management must be as effective as that of wired networks. This is, however, a challenging task due to network features like mobility, heterogeneity, limited resources of hosts and feeble communication. This paper presents a set of simple, cost-effective and resilient procedures for the basic tasks of MANET creation and management.  相似文献   

Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs), an emerging technology, would allow vehicles on roads to form a self-organized network without the aid of a permanent infrastructure. As a prerequisite to communication in VANETs, an efficient route between communicating nodes in the network must be established, and the routing protocol must adapt to the rapidly changing topology of vehicles in motion. This is one of the goals of VANET routing protocols. In this paper, we present an efficient routing protocol for VANETs, called the Reliable Inter-VEhicular Routing (RIVER) protocol. RIVER utilizes an undirected graph that represents the surrounding street layout where the vertices of the graph are points at which streets curve or intersect, and the graph edges represent the street segments between those vertices. Unlike existing protocols, RIVER performs real-time, active traffic monitoring and uses these data and other data gathered through passive mechanisms to assign a reliability rating to each street edge. The protocol then uses these reliability ratings to select the most reliable route. Control messages are used to identify a node’s neighbors, determine the reliability of street edges, and to share street edge reliability information with other nodes.  相似文献   

It is a challenge to make the routes quickly adapt to the changed network topology when nodes fail in a wireless ad hoc network. In this paper, we propose an adaptive routing protocol, which groups the network nodes into virtual nodes according to their data transfer capabilities and creates virtual-node-based routes. The protocol can accommodate the routes to node failures by adaptively pdating the virtual nodes and just-in-time using available nodes during data transmission. The simulations indicate that the proposed protocol can keep the routes failed-node-freewhen the available virtual node members cover the failed nodes scattering area.  相似文献   

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