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介绍DDS的基本原理和结构,DDS芯片AD7008的功能,16位单片机MSP430F435的基本使用,以及由该单片机和AD7008芯片组成的数字信号发生器的原理和结构.利用全数字频率合成技术,制作高质量低成本的信号发生器,使用单片机通过数字调节控制AD7008芯片,对信号进行放大滤波处理,提供稳定度高和失真度小,频率、相位、幅度可调的正弦波或余弦波信号.系统频率输出稳定度高、精度高,提供高质量的信号源,为高精度的计量和测试提供方便,易于控制,在实际应用中取得了明显的应用成效.  相似文献   

针对医疗保健领域人体生理监护的需要,提出了一种基于信号质量评估和卡尔曼滤波的可穿戴动态心电监护系统的设计。首先分析了可穿戴动态心电信号的特征,接着给出了基于信号质量评估和卡尔曼滤波的动态心率估计模型,并说明了利用R波检测和加速度计的结果来获得运动状态下心电信号质量指数SQI的方法,然后通过SQI的值对卡尔曼滤波器的参数进行动态调节,以获得最佳的心率估计。最后,通过实际的测试证明了该系统具有较高的可靠性和有效性。  相似文献   

设计了嵌入式睡眠监测系统,在不干扰睡眠的前提下,对睡眠者的脉搏信号进行采样,通过无线网络传输至上位机,利用LabVIEW搭建上位机虚拟仪器平台,实现脉搏信号的实时显示与分析;同时,利用上位机摄像头采集睡眠者睡眠过程的面部图像,存储与脉搏信号同步的图像信息,可提高对脉搏信号分析的可靠性;测试实验对比分析了睡眠期间分别使用该系统与传统方式所测得的心率参数,结果表明嵌入式睡眠监测系统对睡眠过程进行监测的实时性好、可靠性高,对睡眠质量的评估提供重要的参考依据。  相似文献   

设计了一种根据环境温度自动调节白光LED色温的智能照明系统,系统是基于MSP430单片机与DS18B20数字温度传感器构成的测温模块与LED模块。系统上电后,温度传感器就会读出当前环境的温度,并将当前的温度数据传给MSP430,经数据处理后再用调控电流来控制三色LED芯片的亮度,达到用户体验舒适的色温,提供更人性化、个性化、智能化的服务。  相似文献   

针对目前大多数多生理参数监测产品存在的体积大、价格高的弊端,将智能手机与人体生理参数监测相结合,基于Android平台设计了一种多生理参数监测系统。系统采用集成芯片ADS1292R实现心电和呼吸信号的采集与模/数转换,采用AFE4400实现血氧信号的采集和模/数转换,完成了多生理参数监测系统的硬件和软件设计。设计的系统可实现3个主要功能:信号采集;将信号通过蓝牙模块发送到手机终端;在手机终端实现心电、脉搏波波形的绘制以及心率、呼吸、血氧和脉搏值的实时显示。  相似文献   

胡杰  胡洪波  龙辉 《微型机与应用》2012,31(23):89-90,94
以ARM9核心处理器作为处理平台,设计了一款针对老年人的睡眠感知系统。系统通过对人体生理参数和环境参数的综合分析,推断出老年人是否已经睡着,通过一定的阈值设定,触发相应的利于睡眠的控制,并且通过睡眠,推测出老年人的情绪,通过GSM模块向子女发出关心老年人的信号,子女通过网络能够清晰地看到家里老人的睡眠状况。  相似文献   

睡眠质量对人的健康至关重要,为减小多导睡眠图仪监测睡眠时给患者带来的生理心理负荷,采用了一种仅通过监测双光源手指脉搏信号来完成患者睡眠质量监测的方法.通过硬件电路采集整夜的双光源手指脉搏波信号,再用上位机软件对信号进行分析,从中分离出睡眠相关信息,从而对睡眠质量进行客观评估.该方法对睡眠几乎没有影响,记录方法简单、操作...  相似文献   

本文以STM32F103单片机为控制芯片,利用MLX90614红外测温传感器和MKB0805脉搏血压传感器设计了一款能够实时检测人体血压、心率和体温的多功能健康检测系统。该系统由人体生理参数采集、数据分析处理、显示数据三部分组成,实现了对人体生理参数的实时采集显示和异常生理参数提醒的功能。  相似文献   

当今社会中计算机技术、数字信号处理技术、电子技术等行业不断地发展促进了医学技术的发展。人体生理信号发生器也在不断地发展。它是一种人体生理信号发生设备,其功能是对多参数监护仪是否可以正常工作进行检测。通过设置参数能够模拟出心电、呼吸、血压等信号的波形与数据情况。利用MATLAB软件主要完成了人体心电信号、呼吸信号、血压信号波形的软件仿真设计,且仿真效果较好。  相似文献   

针对人体生理状态判别问题,提出从时域中提取脉搏周期和主波高度这2个参数作为支持向量机的输入特征向量,通过有监督学习的训练方法构建二分类模型,从脉搏的角度将人的生理状态分为普通状态和事件状态。通过人体在运动、睡眠、喝酒3种状态下的实验,对SVM的分类性能进行了统计分析和评价,并验证了SVM对人体生理状态判别具有良好的效果。  相似文献   

Pan D  Chan M  Deng S  Xia L  Xu X 《Ergonomics》2011,54(11):1088-1100
This article reports on two numerical studies on the microclimate around, and the thermal neutrality of, a sleeping person in a space installed with a displacement ventilation system. The development of a sleeping computational thermal manikin (SCTM) placed in a space air-conditioned by a displacement ventilation system is first described. This is followed by reporting the results of the first numerical study on the microclimate around the SCTM, including air temperature and velocity distributions and the heat transfer characteristics. Then the outcomes of the other numerical study on the thermal neutrality of a sleeping person are presented, including the thermal neutrality for a naked sleeping person and the effects of the total insulation value of a bedding system on the thermal neutrality of a sleeping person. STATEMENT OF RELEVANCE: The thermal environment would greatly affect the sleep quality of human beings. Through developing a SCTM, the microclimate around a sleeping person has been numerically studied. The thermal neutral environment may then be predicted and contributions to improved sleep quality may be made.  相似文献   

This article reports on two numerical studies on the microclimate around, and the thermal neutrality of, a sleeping person in a space installed with a displacement ventilation system. The development of a sleeping computational thermal manikin (SCTM) placed in a space air-conditioned by a displacement ventilation system is first described. This is followed by reporting the results of the first numerical study on the microclimate around the SCTM, including air temperature and velocity distributions and the heat transfer characteristics. Then the outcomes of the other numerical study on the thermal neutrality of a sleeping person are presented, including the thermal neutrality for a naked sleeping person and the effects of the total insulation value of a bedding system on the thermal neutrality of a sleeping person.

Statement of relevance: The thermal environment would greatly affect the sleep quality of human beings. Through developing a SCTM, the microclimate around a sleeping person has been numerically studied. The thermal neutral environment may then be predicted and contributions to improved sleep quality may be made.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess sleep quality and comfort of participants diagnosed with low back pain and stiffness following sleep on individually prescribed mattresses based on dominant sleeping positions. Subjects consisted of 27 patients (females, n = 14; males, n = 13; age 44.8 yrs ± SD 14.6, weight 174 lb. ±SD 39.6, height 68.3 in. ± SD 3.7) referred by chiropractic physicians for the study. For the baseline (pretest) data subjects recorded back and shoulder discomfort, sleep quality and comfort by visual analog scales (VAS) for 21 days while sleeping in their own beds. Subsequently, participants’ beds were replaced by medium-firm mattresses specifically layered with foam and latex based on the participants’ reported prominent sleeping position and they again rated their sleep comfort and quality daily for the following 12 weeks. Analysis yielded significant differences between pre- and post means for all variables and for back pain, we found significant (p < 0.01) differences between the first posttest mean and weeks 4 and weeks 8-12, thus indicating progressive improvement in both back pain and stiffness while sleeping on the new mattresses. Additionally, the number of days per week of experiencing poor sleep and physical discomfort decreased significantly. It was concluded that sleep surfaces are related to sleep discomfort and that is indeed possible to reduce pain and discomfort and to increase sleep quality in those with chronic back pain by replacing mattresses based on sleeping position.  相似文献   

This study combines concepts of bed design and sleep registrations to investigate how quality of spine support affects the manifestation of sleep in healthy subjects. Altogether, 17 normal sleepers (nine males, eight females; age 24.3±7.1 years) participated in an anthropometric screening, prior to the actual sleep experiments, during which personalised sleep system settings were determined according to individual body measures. Sleep systems (i.e. mattress and supporting structure) with an adjustable stiffness distribution were used. Subjects spent three nights of 8 h in bed in the sleep laboratory in a counterbalanced order (adaptation, personalised support and sagging support). During these nights, polysomnography was performed. Subjective sleep data were gathered by means of questionnaires. Results show that individual posture preferences are a determinant factor in the extent that subjects experience a negative effect while sleeping on a sagging sleep system. STATEMENT OF RELEVANCE: This study investigated how spine support affects sleep in healthy subjects, finding that the relationship between bedding and sleep quality is affected by individual anthropometry and sleep posture. In particular, results indicate that a sagging sleep system negatively affects sleep quality for people sleeping in a prone or lateral posture.  相似文献   

《Applied ergonomics》2011,42(1):91-97
The purpose of this study was to assess sleep quality and comfort of participants diagnosed with low back pain and stiffness following sleep on individually prescribed mattresses based on dominant sleeping positions. Subjects consisted of 27 patients (females, n = 14; males, n = 13; age 44.8 yrs ± SD 14.6, weight 174 lb. ±SD 39.6, height 68.3 in. ± SD 3.7) referred by chiropractic physicians for the study. For the baseline (pretest) data subjects recorded back and shoulder discomfort, sleep quality and comfort by visual analog scales (VAS) for 21 days while sleeping in their own beds. Subsequently, participants’ beds were replaced by medium-firm mattresses specifically layered with foam and latex based on the participants’ reported prominent sleeping position and they again rated their sleep comfort and quality daily for the following 12 weeks. Analysis yielded significant differences between pre- and post means for all variables and for back pain, we found significant (p < 0.01) differences between the first posttest mean and weeks 4 and weeks 8–12, thus indicating progressive improvement in both back pain and stiffness while sleeping on the new mattresses. Additionally, the number of days per week of experiencing poor sleep and physical discomfort decreased significantly. It was concluded that sleep surfaces are related to sleep discomfort and that is indeed possible to reduce pain and discomfort and to increase sleep quality in those with chronic back pain by replacing mattresses based on sleeping position.  相似文献   

拥有一个舒适的室内睡眠环境是许多人所梦寐以求的,结合睡眠的医学知识和自动控制理论,提出一种以单片机为控制核心,整合多种家居电器的睡眠环境智能调节系统的设计方案,并介绍了系统的总体规划、控制策略和软件实现,经实际测试表明该系统实用价值较高,不仅能有效地改善睡眠环境也可有助睡眠医学的相关研究.  相似文献   

研究证明,睡眠质量与睡姿有着密切关系,不良的睡姿甚至会加剧多种疾病的潜在风险。为了更精准地进行睡眠健康监控,提出了一种基于心冲击(BCG)信号的睡姿模式识别算法,使用非接触、无干扰的压电薄膜传感器采集BCG信号,在腰腹部采集仰卧、俯卧、左侧卧和右侧卧4种睡姿信号,经小波变换降噪等预处理后提取基于J波的特征值,设计并比较基于神经网络和KNN的睡姿识别分类器。实验结果表明,神经网络睡眠识别算法的平均正确识别率为93%,KNN算法为84%,因此基于BCG信号的神经网络睡姿识别算法可以广泛用于睡眠监测应用。  相似文献   

The monitoring of sleep patterns is of major importance for various reasons such as the detection and treatment of sleep disorders, the assessment of the effect of different medical conditions or medications on the sleep quality, and the assessment of mortality risks associated with sleeping patterns in adults and children. Sleep monitoring by itself is a difficult problem due to both privacy and technical considerations. The proposed system uses a combination of non-invasive sensors to assess and report sleep patterns: a contact-based pressure mattress and a non-contact 3D image acquisition device, which can complement each other. To evaluate our system, we used real data collected in Heracleia Lab’s assistive living apartment. Our system uses Machine Learning techniques to automatically analyze the collected data and recognize sleep patterns. It is non-invasive, as it does not disrupt the user’s usual sleeping behavior and it can be used both at the clinic and at home with minimal cost.  相似文献   

水质参数监测系统设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了实现水质参数的远程监控,提出了一种基于MSP430和GPRS的水质参数监测系统设计方案--以MSP430F149单片机为核心,由水质参数检测模块,语音报警模块、数据储存模块、时钟模块、人机通信模块、GPRS通信模块和上位机软件平台组成,并给出了系统的构成及主要设计,实现了水质参数的检测及传输.  相似文献   

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