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空间实体之间存在多种时空关系,主要包含拓扑、方向、距离、尺寸和时间等.以往的研究工作主要集中于3种以下时空关系结合的表示和推理,而3种以上结合的研究很少.但多种时空关系之间是相互统一和相互约束的,所以,将它们全部综合起来研究是时空推理研究发展的必然趋势,也是实际应用的迫切需要.提出了采用矩形关系统一表示多种空间关系,以矩形关系变化次数表示时间的时空统一表示模型,并在此基础上,利用概念邻域图推导空间关系变化和时间变化.据此,结合矩形关系网络和路径一致性算法,提出了检验上述统一模型网络一致性的算法,并分析了算法复杂度.该研究成果提高了空间关系分析方法的准确性,减小了时间信息的冗余,对地理信息系统中空间实体间的空间关系以及时间变化的分析和查询等有一定的理论意义与应用价值.  相似文献   

定性空间推理(QSR)研究空间关系,多数工作集中在单维空间关系,但在地理信息系统(GIS)中多维对象很常见.混合维对象空间关系是指点、线和区域3类对象出现在同一场景的情况,该类问题对定性空间推理研究有着重要的理论意义和应用价值.但这方面的研究工作还比较少.在已有的混合维区域连接演算的基础上进行完善,提出了MRCC5混合维拓扑模型,并研究了其上约束满足推理问题的复杂度.对定性尺寸关系进行了混合维扩展.给出了MDS模型,进而研究了其推理问题.在以上工作基础上.提出了RCCA和MDS的结合模型,给出并分析了结合模型的推理算法.将定性空间推理相关研究推广到混合维领域,深入研究了混合维拓扑关系推理,提出了混合维尺寸以及混合维拓扑尺寸结合模型.  相似文献   

一种分层递阶的定性拓扑推理方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
廖士中  石纯一 《软件学报》1999,10(5):462-468
文章针对现有的定性表示方法和拓扑推理算法存在的问题,提出了一种新的方法.首先,提出了基于概念邻域结构的定性表示方法.然后,给出了不同粒度层次上拓扑关系复合表的计算方法.最后,设计得出分层递阶的拓扑推理算法.文章给出的方法具有较高的认知合理性,所提出的推理算法可根据问题来选择合适的表示和推理层次,在已有推理算法给不出解的情况下,可以给出问题的合理解,对一般定性推理研究有参考价值.  相似文献   

时空推理是面向时间/空间问题的研究领域,在人工智能(如语义Web、机器人导航、自然语言处理、物理过程的定性模拟和常识推理等)和其他领域有着广泛的应用前景.复合推理在时空推理中具有重要作用,是约束满足问题等其他定性推理的基础.复合推理是由R(a,b)和R(b,c)决定R(a,c)的一种演绎推理.一般将关系复合结果放在复合表中备查.但目前复合表的建立需要逐个模型进行手工推导,少数模型给出了独立的复合表生成算法,没有适合多种时空关系模型、能自动生成复合表的通用算法.为此,提出了一种能自动生成复合表的通用算法.首先,给出了基于空间划分的通用时空表示模型.在此基础上,提出了基于场景检测的通用复合表生成算法.通过理论分析和对RCC、宽边界、区间代数等20余种典型时空模型的测试,证明了本算法对于所有以精确区域(或区间)为基础的确定、不确定时空模型均能正确快速地生成复合表.  相似文献   

基于MBR的拓扑、方位、尺寸结合的定性空间推理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
解决实际问题需将多方面空间关系结合进行推理,多方面空间关系结合推理已成为定性空间推理的研究热点;已有工作主要集中在两方面空间关系结合,缺少两方面以上空间关系结合工作.为解决上述问题,通过最小外包矩形近似表示区域对象,利用其在坐标轴上投影间的关系表示相应空间关系;提出扩展矩形关系模型,实现拓扑、方位和尺寸关系的统一表示和推理;给出RCC8、主方位及尺寸关系转换成扩展矩形关系的转换算法;讨论其上关系取反和复合,指出其复合是基于相容性而非存在性;证明(强预)凸扩展矩形关系约束网是可处理的.  相似文献   

结合定性空间推理中的区域连接演算(RCC)和基于区域的主方向关系模型,应用拓扑和方向关系上的复合表,将方向关系和拓扑关系的推理看作约束满足问题(CSP),给出了结合RCC8和主方向关系的约束满足问题推理算法,该算法可结合拓扑关系和方向关系进行推理。  相似文献   

空间区域的拓扑关系和方位关系是空间推理的重要研究内容,以往的工作集中在单一的空间方面, 这不能满足实际应用领域的需要.基于主方位模型给出了主方位关系的形式化定义,考虑到拓扑与方位间的相互依赖关系,提出了结合拓扑和方位的定性表示与推理算法,能够处理多方面空间信息,在空间数据库和机器人导航等领域具有实际应用价值.  相似文献   

面向语义Web语义表示的模糊描述逻辑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋运承  史忠植  汤庸  王驹 《软件学报》2007,18(6):1257-1269
分析了语义Web语义表示理论的研究现状及存在的问题,提出了一种新的面向语义Web语义表示的模糊描述逻辑FSHOIQ(fuzzy SHOIQ).给出了FSHOIQ的语法和语义,提出了FSHOIQ的模糊Tableaux的概念,给出了一种基于模糊Tableaux的FSHOIQ的ABox约束下的可满足性推理算法,证明了可满足性推理算法的正确性.提出了FSHOIQ的TBox扩展和去除方法,并证明了FSHOIQ的TBox约束下的包含推理问题可以转化为ABox约束下的可满足性推理问题.FSHOIQ为语义Web表示和推理模糊知识提供了理论基础.  相似文献   

定性空间推理的分层递阶框架   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
定性空间推理是定性推理和空间推理的重要组成部分 .拓扑和形状是定性空间推理研究的关键问题 .针对定性空间推理已有一般框架存在的问题 ,提出了定性空间推理的分层递阶框架 ,并结合拓扑和形状方面的定性空间推理研究工作阐述了所提出的框架的有效性和合理性 .最后总结了分层递阶框架的要点并提出了基于该框架的进一步研究工作 .  相似文献   

基于定性约束的故障诊断设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在B. J. Kuipers的QSIM算法基础上,提出了比较约束概念用于消减推理空间。给出了各定性约束的传递规则,用于对系统的推理仿真。以系统故障的观测结果为初始状态,依据约束流的传播,诊断变量异变的位置和原因,并把诊断结果进行正向推理,消除部分冗余。在压缩制冷系统实例中,根据制冷系统的定性微分方程建立约束关系。针对制冷效果不佳的症状,仿真诊断出故障源为系统中有空气或氟利昂充液量过大的故障,与实际系统相一致。  相似文献   

基于综合推理的构图知识生成模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了一种集成图案拓扑结构和元素表达内容的构图设计知识的表达模型,研究并提出一种应用综合推理的思想来生成新的构图设计知识的推理模型。这种方法可以直接从原有构图设计知识的形象信息出发,根据一定的初始要求,迅速综合生成新的构图设计知识,大大提高了知识的生成速度,使得智能图案设计系统具有更高的智能性与创新能力。  相似文献   

An essential requirement in integrating tasks in product development is to have a seamless exchange of product information through the entire product lifecycle. A key challenge in the integration is the exchange of shape semantics in terms of understandable labels and representations. A unified taxonomy is proposed to represent, classify, and extract shape features. This taxonomy is built using the Domain-Independent Form Feature (DIFF) model as the representation of features. All the shape features in a product model are classified under three main classes, namely, volumetric features, deformation features and free-form surface features. Shape feature ontology is developed using the unified taxonomy, which brings the shape features under a single reasoning framework. One-to-many reasoning framework is presented for mapping semantically equivalent information (label and representation) of the feature to be exchanged to target applications, and the reconstruction of the shape model automatically in that target application. An algorithm has been developed to extract the semantics of shape features and construct the model in the target application. The algorithm developed has been tested for shape models taken from literature and test cases are selected based on variations of topology and geometry. Results of exchanging product information are presented and discussed. Finally, the limitations of the proposed method for exchanging product information are explained.  相似文献   

定性空间推理是人工智能领域中非常重要的研究内容.空间信息包含拓扑关系、大小关系、形状、距离等很多方面.以往多侧重于单一方面的研究,如何将孤立的各方面信息进行统一表示和推理是当前定性空间推理中的一个重要问题.提出利用结合操作来融合不同空间信息表示的新方法.利用结合操作,可以由原先完备互斥关系集合得到新关系,同时利用原有的复合表自动生成新关系的粗复合表.基于结合操作,给出2个理论模型:结合拓扑关系与大小关系模型、结合拓扑关系与远近关系模型.并提出了邻域划分图的概念,说明了邻域划分图与概念邻域图的关系.利用邻域划分图回答了Galton提出的问题:为什么LOS(视觉光线演算)的概念邻域图不同于标准的空间或时间关系的概念邻域图,这些关系的复合表中关系总是来自于概念邻域图.  相似文献   

This article provides a comprehensive and comparative overview of question answering technology. It presents the question answering task from an information retrieval perspective and emphasises the importance of retrieval models, i.e., representations of queries and information documents, and retrieval functions which are used for estimating the relevance between a query and an answer candidate. The survey suggests a general question answering architecture that steadily increases the complexity of the representation level of questions and information objects. On the one hand, natural language queries are reduced to keyword-based searches, on the other hand, knowledge bases are queried with structured or logical queries obtained from the natural language questions, and answers are obtained through reasoning. We discuss different levels of processing yielding bag-of-words-based and more complex representations integrating part-of-speech tags, classification of the expected answer type, semantic roles, discourse analysis, translation into a SQL-like language and logical representations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a novel algorithm to solve the problem of object tracking across multiple non-overlapping cameras by learning inter-camera transfer models. The transfer models are divided into two parts according to different kinds of cues, i.e. spatio-temporal cues and appearance cues. To learn spatio-temporal transfer models across cameras, an unsupervised topology recovering approach based on N-neighbor accumulated cross-correlations is proposed, which estimates the topology of a non-overlapping multi-camera network. Different from previous methods, the proposed topology recovering method can deal with large amounts of data without considering the size of time window. To learn inter-camera appearance transfer models, a color transfer method is used to model the changes of color characteristics across cameras, which has an advantage of low requirements to training samples, making update efficient when illumination conditions change. The experiments are performed on different datasets. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

The predictive hotspot mapping of sparse spatio-temporal events (e.g., crime and traffic accidents) aims to forecast areas or locations with higher average risk of event occurrence, which is important to offer insight for preventative strategies. Although a network-based structure can better capture the micro-level variation of spatio-temporal events, existing deep learning methods of sparse events forecasting are either based on area or grid units due to the data sparsity in both space and time, and the complex network topology. To overcome these challenges, this paper develops the first deep learning (DL) model for network-based predictive mapping of sparse spatio-temporal events. Leveraging a graph-based representation of the network-structured data, a gated localised diffusion network (GLDNet) is introduced, which integrating a gated network to model the temporal propagation and a novel localised diffusion network to model the spatial propagation confined by the network topology. To deal with the sparsity issue, we reformulate the research problem as an imbalance regression task and employ a weighted loss function to train the DL model. The framework is validated on a crime forecasting case of South Chicago, USA, which outperforms the state-of-the-art benchmark by 12% and 25% in terms of the mean hit rate at 10% and 20% coverage level, respectively.  相似文献   

Tumor size is an objective measure that is used to evaluate the effectiveness of anticancer agents. Responses to therapy are categorized as complete response, partial response, stable disease and progressive disease. Implicit in this scheme is the change in the tumor over time; however, most tumor segmentation algorithms do not use temporal information. Here we introduce an automated method using probabilistic reasoning over both space and time to segment brain tumors from 4D spatio-temporal MRI data. The 3D expectation-maximization method is extended using the hidden Markov model to infer tumor classification based on previous and subsequent segmentation results. Spatial coherence via a Markov Random Field was included in the 3D spatial model. Simulated images as well as patient images from three independent sources were used to validate this method. The sensitivity and specificity of tumor segmentation using this spatio-temporal model is improved over commonly used spatial or temporal models alone.  相似文献   

With increasing numbers of flights worldwide and a continuing rise in airport traffic, air-traffic management is faced with a number of challenges. These include monitoring, reporting, planning, and problem analysis of past and current air traffic, e.g., to identify hotspots, minimize delays, or to optimize sector assignments to air-traffic controllers. To cope with these challenges, cyber worlds can be used for interactive visual analysis and analytical reasoning based on aircraft trajectory data. However, with growing data size and complexity, visualization requires high computational efficiency to process that data within real-time constraints. This paper presents a technique for real-time animated visualization of massive trajectory data. It enables (1) interactive spatio-temporal filtering, (2) generic mapping of trajectory attributes to geometric representations and appearance, and (3) real-time rendering within 3D virtual environments such as virtual 3D airport or 3D city models. Different visualization metaphors can be efficiently built upon this technique such as temporal focus+context, density maps, or overview+detail methods. As a general-purpose visualization technique, it can be applied to general 3D and 3+1D trajectory data, e.g., traffic movement data, geo-referenced networks, or spatio-temporal data, and it supports related visual analytics and data mining tasks within cyber worlds.  相似文献   

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