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当前的高性能计算系统的资源管理和调度关注的焦点是计算资源,然而随着高性能计算系统的规模增大和计算能力增强,其I/O瓶颈问题日益突出.由于高性能计算系统的存储结构多样性带来了存储资源管理分配的难题,在目前主流的资源管理系统中尚未有针对I/O存储资源的调度和管理.随着对象存储结构的发展和广泛使用,大多数主流高性能系统采用分布对象存储系统,研究对分布对象存储系统的管理并结合资源管理系统,实现面向存储的作业优化调度,对提升高性能计算系统的实际性能有重要意义.针对具有分布对象存储结构的高性能计算系统,研究面向分布存储的资源管理方法,在作业调度和资源分配时考虑不同应用的I/O需求,通过建立分布对象存储资源模型和应用程序I/O能力需求模型,并在资源调度和分配上根据不同的I/O应用级别,为作业分配合适的存储资源,设计并实现基于I/O能力分级的作业调度和资源分配算法.系统测试表明:该方法可以显著提高多作业环境下应用的性能,保证应用程序的性能稳定性,提高系统的吞吐率.  相似文献   

网格计算是为解决大规模资源密集型问题而提出的新一代计算平台,是当前并行和分布处理技术的一个发展方向,而资源管理是计算网格的关键技术之一。对各种各样可利用资源的整合和管理是网格应用的基础,而资源的分布性、动态性、异构性、自治性和需要协调一致性使得网格资源的管理调度成为一个棘手的问题。目前基于市场的经济资源管理和调度算法非常适合计算网格中的资源管理问题,但有调度价格不能更改、负载平衡等问题。文中提出了“网格环境下基于经济模型的资源代理”,依靠多维QoS指导的调度策略和经济模型的启发式调节资源价格,改进和优化计算网格资源的分配。  相似文献   

由于网格的资源具有分布性、异构性、自治性动态性等特点,因而其资源管理较之一般系统的资源管理具有更大的复杂度,网格资源管理主要负责对网格资源进行组织、分配、调度,关系到资源分配、调度的效率,进而影响网格的整体性能。对当前网格资源管理的模型进行了分析,并分析了Agent技术应用于网格计算的技术优势,提出了基于Agent技术的网格资源管理层次模型,从而为使用者提供一个分布的、易于扩展的、高效实用的网络计算环境。  相似文献   

基于计算经济的网格资源管理研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
型,并定义了效用函数,给出了基于效用最优的资源调度算法。为解决网格资源管理的问题提供了一个有效的途径。  相似文献   

协同分配是在分布式计算环境中进行资源分配的一种重要技术,用于把一个应用程序分解为多个子作业,然后将其分配到多个资源上同时处理来满足特定的性能要求。本文提出了一个离散事件驱动的网格资源协同分配仿真系统,实现了对用户、调度器、协同分配器、协同预留器等协同分配相关实体的仿真,实现了FCFS、FPFS、Backfill等主要的协同分配调度算法和策略,可用于资源协同分配相关的分布式计算环境的资源管理和调度算法的仿真和研究。  相似文献   

为集中和有效管理企业网格中的资源,提出了多级资源管理模型,该模型能根据系统规模大小调整资源管理树的深度和广度,模型中的中级调度器间的交互提高了系统的容错性.多级资源管理模型应用在JMS中,解决了资源描述、资源需求描述、资源查询和资源匹配等问题,为实现有效利用企业IT资源的目标提供了理论基础和技术保障.  相似文献   

网格计算环境下资源联合分配的映射策略与机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘丽  杨扬  田志民 《计算机工程》2005,31(16):130-131,149
提出用于网格环境的资源协同调度框架及网格环境下多任务的资源映射策略,用图论中有向无环图解决资源调度过程中任务的优先级限制问题,并在有向无环图上构造兼容图,通过寻找图中最大独立任务集的方法,解决多任务对多资源请求的资源共享问题。给出了网格计算环境下动态资源联合分配的资源管理机制。  相似文献   

智能设备存在着存储能力以及计算能力不足的问题,导致无法满足计算密集型和延迟敏感型应用的服务质量要求。边缘计算和云计算被认为是解决智能设备局限性的有效方法。为了有效利用边云资源,并在延迟和服务失败概率方面提供良好的服务质量,首先提出了一种三层计算系统框架,然后考虑到边缘服务器的异构性和任务的延迟敏感性,在边缘层提出了一种高效的资源调度策略。三层计算系统框架可以根据应用程序的延迟敏感性提供计算资源和传输时延,保证了边缘资源的有效利用以及任务的实时性。仿真结果验证了所提资源调度策略的有效性,并表明该调度算法优于现有传统方法。  相似文献   

动态自适应性网格资源管理模型研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
由于网格计算中的资源具有分布性、自治性、异构性和动态性,对计算网格资源进行高效的管理是一个具有挑战性的问题。提出了把移动代理技术引入网格计算资源管理,从而为资源管理提供一个自适应性的广域资源环境,使网格计算系统能够自动适应环境的变化,为网格计算资源管理的动态自适应性研究指引了方向。  相似文献   

基于进化算法的网格计算资源管理调度系统   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
张颖峰  李毓麟 《计算机工程》2003,29(15):110-111,175
网格计算是下一代互联网的应用模式,资源管理是网格技术研究的核心任务之一,包含资源发现、任务调度和负载均衡。提出了种基于Agent的网格资源管理调度层次模型,并且采用了进化算法作为调度策略,满足了网格对调度系统可扩展性和全局最优调度的需求。  相似文献   

具有QoS保证的服务资源联合分配与管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伍之昂  罗军舟  宋爱波  曹玖新 《软件学报》2009,20(12):3150-3162
提出一种具有QoS保证的资源管理系统架构,理论分析表明,该系统架构能够较好地适应资源的动态性;其次将服务资源联合分配问题归化为MMKP(multiple-choice multiple-dimension knapsack problem)问题,并提出两种资源联合分配算法:最优解算法RA_BBLP和启发式算法RA_MHEU,实验结果表明,RA_BBLP保证求得最优解,可作为其他算法的参照系,而RA_MHEU收敛速度极快且所求出的解集接近最优,是一种理想的资源联合分配 算法.  相似文献   

Complex eScience and other sophisticated applications in the field of HPC imply new demands that queuing based resource management systems cannot meet. To guarantee Quality of Service and co-allocation in the Grid, planning based resource management systems implementing advance reservation are needed. These systems face new challenges as a planning based management system has to keep track of the jobs and reservations in the future. Additionally, during the negotiation process of incoming reservations, a good overview of the remaining, not-yet reserved capacity is needed—not only for the current allocation, but also for the whole book-ahead time. Therefore, the resource management problem becomes a two dimensional problem for advance reservations in this field. In this paper different data structures are investigated and discussed in order to fit to planning based resource management. As a result the benefits of using lists of resource allocation or free blocks are exposed. This general idea widely used to manage continuous resources is extended to cover not only the resource dimension but also the time dimension. The list of blocks approach is evaluated in a Grid level and a local resource management system for a computing cluster. The extensive simulations showed a better runtime and higher reservation success rate compared with the currently favored approach of a slotted time and the more sophisticated approach based on AVL trees.  相似文献   

介绍构造的元计算环境jME,阐述构建支持两层并行的元计算系统的节点管理、问题控制及用户管理等几个方面的关键技术。最后给出一个简单的性能分析。  相似文献   

Resource co-allocation is one of the crucial problems affecting the utility of the grid. Because the numbers of the application tasks and amounts of required resources are enormous and quick responses to the requirements of users are necessary in the real grid environment, real-time resource co-allocation may be large-scale. A parallel resource co-allocation algorithm based on the framework for mapping with resource co-allocation is proposed in this paper. Through the result of experiments, it is concluded that the parallel method reduces the execution time of the resource co-allocation algorithm significantly, and makes the overall response time to the end-users small.  相似文献   

Jie Cao  Zhiang Wu 《World Wide Web》2010,13(3):373-388
A multitude of applications require simultaneous access to multiple kinds of resources scatted in distributed sites. This problem is known as resource co-allocation which has evolved as a hot topic in network computing. How to design a kind of high-performance protocol for deadlock and livelock avoidance resource co-allocation becomes a challenging problem. In this paper, we propose a new protocol OODP3 (Optimal ODP3) which is based on the currently popular protocol ODP3 (Order-based Deadlock Prevention Protocol with Parallel requests).OODP3 not only inherits the advantage of ODP3 but also guarantees the fulfillment of resource co-allocation within polynomial time. Theoretical proof is conducted to verify the correctness of OODP3. Experimental results also show that OODP3 achieves the better performance improvements than the existing deadlock and livelock avoidance protocol.  相似文献   

本文探讨了复杂元计算系统资源管理的关键问题,结合资源的组合优化分析,充分考虑复杂元计算系统资源的动态特性,实现资源的合理配置。通过建立本地结点域资源优先原则和多对一原则,较好地避免了资源无限搜索和再定位问题,文章最后给出了算法实现,并在二次定位、检索精度等方面对算法作了评价。  相似文献   

Data transport infrastructures based on wavelength-routed optical networks are appealing to the grid community because they can provide a reconfigurable and high-bandwidth network service to emerging data-intensive grid applications. Traditionally, the control plane of those optical networks is independent from the management of other resources, such as computing systems, and it is commonly limited to fulfill immediate reservation demands of lightpaths. However, the lack of network integration to grid resources and the absence of advance reservation of bandwidth are critical aspects to the widespread adoption of optical networks in grid environments. Therefore, in this work, a distributed grid meta-scheduler based on an Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm is proposed, which is capable of co-allocating both optical networking and grid resources, under an integrated, extended and distributed control plane that supports advance reservations. The blocking probability and the delay for starting the processing of a request are evaluated for the proposed meta-scheduler under different resource co-allocation algorithms and different meta- and local scheduling policies, including the influence of the information aggregation across grid nodes. In addition, the benefits of the proposed approach are shown, such as grid and networking resource integration at the control plane, and capital expenditure reductions at the deployed optical network when compared to an immediate reservation scenario.  相似文献   

针对多用户分布式MIMO-OFDM系统中的资源分配问题,结合分布式架构特点,提出了一种基于分级优化的天线、子载波与功率联合分配算法.该算法将三维的资源联合分配问题分级转换为两次二维资源联合分配问题,即先引入端口并行处理机制,完成天线与子载波的分配,形成"用户-子信道对",进而采用注水功率分配的方式,完成功率在"用户-子...  相似文献   

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