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垃圾邮件是互联网上亟待解决的问题。介绍了几种典型的垃圾邮件过滤技术,提出了一种结合邮件过滤和病毒检测技术、可以个性化定制过滤需求的综合过滤方案。相比于已有的方案,文中提出的方案具有同时检测病毒、过滤垃圾邮件和个性化过滤的优点,可以更加有效地鼹决邮件安全和个性化过滤的问题。  相似文献   

杨磊  张代远 《微机发展》2013,(7):159-162
垃圾邮件的泛滥带来了各种各样的问题,尤其在安全方面。如何减少垃圾邮件也是很值得去研究的课题。文中的主要目的就是探索一种更加有效的拦截垃圾邮件的方法。在文中,首先简要地介绍了两种不同的反垃圾邮件技术,结合DKIM和基于内容的过滤技术的优点,设计出了一个反垃圾邮件的方案。方案中采用评分管理的方法来实现对邮件内容的过滤,可以取得与ID3算法一致的结果。因此,通过将现有的反邮件技术的有效整合,可以取得有效的垃圾邮件过滤效果。  相似文献   

垃圾邮件的泛滥带来了各种各样的问题,尤其在安全方面.如何减少垃圾邮件也是很值得去研究的课题.文中的主要目的就是探索一种更加有效的拦截垃圾邮件的方法.在文中,首先简要地介绍了两种不同的反垃圾邮件技术,结合DKIM和基于内容的过滤技术的优点,设计出了一个反垃圾邮件的方案.方案中采用评分管理的方法来实现对邮件内容的过滤,可以取得与ID3算法一致的结果.因此,通过将现有的反邮件技术的有效整合,可以取得有效的垃圾邮件过滤效果.  相似文献   

基于Agent的邮件过滤与个性化分类系统设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着电子邮件的广泛使用,垃圾邮件的危害日益增大,用户的个性化需求也日趋强烈.文中提出了一个基于A-gent的邮件过滤与个性化分类系统,既能过滤垃圾邮件,又可以根据用户的个性化需求对正常邮件进行自动分类.垃圾邮件过滤采用了朴素贝叶斯方法,邮件的个性分类采用了最小风险贝叶斯方法.邮件个性化分类有效地利用了邮件过滤的输出,提高了系统运行的效率.本系统还可以接收用户的反馈并传递给对应的Agent,从而改进分类算法,不断地微调分类系统.  相似文献   

贝叶斯过滤算法和费舍尔过滤算法均是利用统计学知识对于垃圾邮件进行过滤的算法,有着良好的过滤效果。该文设计将某一词组(单词)出现概率使用加权计算的方法,改善了朴素贝叶斯算法和朴素费舍尔的邮件过滤算法对于出现较少的单词误判情况,使系统对于垃圾邮件判断的准确率上升。设计可以使用个性化的垃圾邮件过滤方案,支持使用邮件下载协议(POP3、IMAP协议)从邮件服务器下载邮件,以及使用邮件解析协议(MIME协议)对于邮件进行解析,支持邮件发送协议(SMTP协议)帮助用户发送邮件。  相似文献   

垃圾邮件的内容因人而异,现有的垃圾邮件过滤系统大多采用统一的过滤标准对用户的邮件进行过滤,因而忽略了垃圾邮件的这种个性化特征.针对这一情况提出一种个性化垃圾邮件过滤的计算模型,它事先不需要对模型进行针对性的训练,从对用户日常处理不同类型邮件的行为中分析和挖掘垃圾邮件的个性化特征,然后利用这种个性化特征在对垃圾邮件进行识别的同时不断强化这种个性化特征,以实现逐步提升对垃圾邮件识别率的目的.据此实现了相应的原型系统,通过对此系统的实验验证,该方法在现实环境下对垃圾邮件具有很好的过滤效果.  相似文献   

基于内容的协同过滤器利用用户关于误判和漏判信息的反馈,对电子邮件进行过滤,可以提高过滤器跟踪垃圾邮件中概念漂移的能力,但这类方法都对集中式的垃圾邮件过滤做出了隐含假设.为了解决集中式协同邮件过滤的问题,提出了一种基于P2P网络的个性化协同垃圾邮件过滤模型,描述了其系统结构和基于签名的系统设计与实现方法.实现了一个原型系统,收集使用其作为垃圾邮件过滤器的用户的数据进行分析.实验结果分析表明,这种个性化协同垃圾邮件过滤是准确和有效的.  相似文献   

基于免疫原理的个性化Spam过滤算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
受生物免疫系统工作机制的启发,本文提出一种基于免疫原理的个性化Spam过滤算法.其主要思想是根据用户兴趣和邮件特征定义垃圾邮件社区,将各垃圾邮件归类于不同的垃圾邮件社区,抽取各个垃圾邮件社区的特征并用一组特征检测器来表示,检测时通过判断待检测邮件是否归属于某垃圾邮件社区来进行过滤.该算法是一个增量学习算法,能连续过滤垃圾邮件.算法中免疫学习与免疫记忆机制的采用不仅能提高垃圾邮件过滤的检出率与正确率还能加快邮件过滤的速度.文中通过测试实验和分析表明,本文算法的垃圾邮件过滤性能优于AISEC与Naive Bayesian算法.  相似文献   

基于网络会话层的垃圾邮件行为识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前最流行的邮件内容过滤技术工作在网络应用层,通过对邮件内容的分析来判别邮件的合法性,无法避免由于垃圾邮件的泛滥而造成的网络带宽资源的浪费。针对这种情况,论文提出一种基于网络会话层的垃圾邮件行为识别方法。该方法运用决策树算法,对邮件发送过程中的网络会话层数据进行挖掘,发现垃圾邮件的行为规律,在垃圾邮件的内容数据发送前就对其实施过滤,有效地解决了垃圾邮件占用网络带宽的问题,是对当前各种垃圾邮件过滤技术的一个有益的补充。  相似文献   

针对传统邮件网关不能真正面向用户和处理垃圾邮件性能差等缺陷,设计一种个性化安全邮件网关,该邮件网关与邮件服务器协同工作,可以实现多过滤器过滤功能。对其体系结构进行详细设计和分析,通过与普通的邮件过滤网关进行对比测试,结果表明:多过滤安全邮件网关过滤效果好,性能高。  相似文献   

介绍了一种工作在Linux环境下、基于多层架构邮件过滤系统的实现,通过在邮件传递的不同层次提供过滤,有效地节制垃圾邮件和病毒邮件的泛滥.  相似文献   

介绍了几种典型的垃圾邮件过滤技术,提出了一种新的电子邮件综合过滤方案,其关键技术利用中文文档信息处理中的文档特征向量提取技术,作为邮件过滤的依据。经过实际运行测试,证明系统性能稳定,达到了预期设计目标。  相似文献   

鲁宁  李峰  王尚广  史闻博  杨放春 《软件学报》2019,30(9):2791-2814
IP匿名是当前互联网协议中最具威胁的安全漏洞,它会引发一系列安全、管理和计费问题.基于对等过滤的域间源地址验证方法通过构建反匿名联盟,能够利用当前已广泛实现、轻量的Egress Filtering有选择性地将流向联盟成员的匿名包清理掉,在保证高效的同时兼具部署激励性.然而,现有方法存在以下问题:过于扁平化、单一化的联盟体系结构,使得其过滤器需求量和成员更新传播范围随联盟规模的扩张而急剧增大;过于随机的非成员判定方式和低效的数据处理方式,使得其过滤规则优化算法的计算开销和精度都有待完善.对此,提出了一种层次化的基于对等过滤的反匿名联盟构建方法.通过理论分析和基于大规模真实互联网拓扑的仿真实验结果表明:相比以往同类典型方案,该方法在继承其优势的同时改善了过滤器开销、通信开销、计算开销和优化精度.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a new method for extending 1-D step edge detection filters to two dimensions via complex-valued filtering. Complex-valued filtering allows us to obtain edge magnitude and direction simultaneously. Our method can be viewed either as an extension of n-directional complex filtering of Paplinski to infinite directions or as a variant of Canny’s gradient-based approach. In the second view, the real part of our filter computes the gradient in the x direction and the imaginary part computes the gradient in the y direction. Paplinski claimed that n-directional filtering is an improvement over the gradient-based method, which computes gradient only in two directions. We show that our omnidirectional and Canny’s gradient-based extensions of the 1-D DoG coincide. In contrast to Paplinski’s claim, this coincidence shows that both approaches suffer from being confined to the subspace of two 2-D filters, even though n-directional filtering hides these filters in a single complex-valued filter. Aside from these theoretical results, the omnidirectional method has practical advantages over both n-directional and gradient-based approaches. Our experiments on synthetic and real-world images show the superiority of omnidirectional and gradient-based methods over n-directional approach. In comparison with the gradient-based method, the advantage of omnidirectional method lies mostly in freeing the user from specifying the smoothing window and its parameter. Since the omnidirectional and Canny’s gradient-based extensions of the 1-D DoG coincide, we have based our experiments on extending the 1-D Demigny filter. This filter has been proposed by Demigny as the optimal edge detection filter in sampled images.  相似文献   

针对传统中值滤波算法不能很好地保护图像细节以及受严重噪声污染时性能急剧下降的情况,提出了一种新型的自适应模糊中值滤波算法。通过比较滤波窗口内像素点的灰度值与像素点灰度值的均值定义了模糊滤波系数,利用此模糊滤波系数对滤波方法进行加权,得到一种加权中值滤波器。通过对小窗口内的灰度值不等于最大灰度值和最小灰度值的像素点的检测自适应调整窗口大小,对超过设定的最大窗口的情况,噪声点的灰度值用四个相邻的已处理的像素点灰度值的均值进行替换。仿真结果表明,新算法具有较好的细节保护能力和较强的去除噪声能力。  相似文献   

In this paper block Kalman filters for Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium models are presented and evaluated. Our approach is based on the simple idea of writing down the Kalman filter recursions on block form and appropriately sequencing the operations of the prediction step of the algorithm. It is argued that block filtering is the only viable serial algorithmic approach to significantly reduce Kalman filtering time in the context of large DSGE models. For the largest model we evaluate the block filter reduces the computation time by roughly a factor 2. Block filtering compares favourably with the more general method for faster Kalman filtering outlined by Koopman and Durbin (J Time Ser Anal 21:281–296, 2000) and, furthermore, the two approaches are largely complementary.   相似文献   

This study presents a rapid and reliable technique for the inspection of defects in a two-dimensional periodic image using a multi-band-pass filter. More importantly, the blurring effect of the resultant defect images is significantly reduced, thereby resulting in a more precise estimation of the size of defects when compared with methods that use low-pass filtering. As a filter-based approach, the present technique does not require an alignment procedure. In addition, computational time is reduced by implementing multi-band-pass filters with convolution masks when the filters are operated in the spatial domain. Further, this approach involves mostly addition operations with very few multiplications; hence, computational time is significantly reduced when compared with those for existing approaches. The efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed multi-band-pass filter is verified through examples. It is observed that there is a significant reduction in blurring effects, leakage effects, and computational effort. It is noteworthy that though the proposed approach is presented as a two-dimensional filtering problem, it can be reduced to a one-dimensional filtering problem under the assumption that the misorientation angle of the inspected periodic pattern is negligibly small.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide a tutorial for the applications of “game-theory-based extended H infinity filtering (EHIF)” approach to various problems in disciplines of signal processing. The algorithm of this filtering approach is similar to that of the extended Kalman filtering (EKF). Since its invention, the Kalman filtering approach has been successfully and widely employed for many problems in scientific and engineering fields, e.g. target tracking, satellite systems, control, communications, etc. Therefore, the H infinity filtering approach also can be applied to all these problems. One big difference of EHIF from the EKF approach is that we apply it with unknown noise statistics of the state and measurement. In this tutorial, we introduce this non-well-known approach in spite of its practical usefulness, by providing the step by step algorithm with example problems of a number of signal processing disciplines. We also show that EHIF can outperform other approaches including the EKF that need to know the noise statistics in their applications, in some scenarios. By the contribution of this tutorial, we look forward to easy, and disseminative applications of EHIF to problems where, particularly, the EKF or particle filter could have been applied if noise statistics were known.  相似文献   

Single-Channel Speech Separation Using Soft Mask Filtering   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present an approach for separating two speech signals when only one single recording of their linear mixture is available. For this purpose, we derive a filter, which we call the soft mask filter, using minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimation of the log spectral vectors of sources given the mixture's log spectral vectors. The soft mask filter's parameters are estimated using the mean and variance of the underlying sources which are modeled using the Gaussian composite source modeling (CSM) approach. It is also shown that the binary mask filter which has been empirically and extensively used in single-channel speech separation techniques is, in fact, a simplified form of the soft mask filter. The soft mask filtering technique is compared with the binary mask and Wiener filtering approaches when the input consists of male+male, female+female, and male+female mixtures. The experimental results in terms of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and segmental SNR show that soft mask filtering outperforms binary mask and Wiener filtering.  相似文献   

The subgraph isomorphism problem consists in deciding if there exists a copy of a pattern graph in a target graph. We introduce in this paper a global constraint and an associated filtering algorithm to solve this problem within the context of constraint programming. The main idea of the filtering algorithm is to label every node with respect to its relationships with other nodes of the graph, and to define a partial order on these labels in order to express compatibility of labels for subgraph isomorphism. This partial order over labels is used to filter domains. Labelings can also be strengthened by adding information from the labels of neighbors. Such a strengthening can be applied iteratively until a fixpoint is reached. Practical experiments illustrate that our new filtering approach is more effective on difficult instances of scale free graphs than state-of-the-art algorithms and other constraint programming approaches.  相似文献   

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