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遗传规划算法在化合物设计、筛选研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用计算机科学中新兴的遗传规划算法思想,结合化学物质的本质特点,运用进化操作来实现化合物的合成设计和筛选。文中针对算法运用讨论了函数集、终止集问题,通过计算元素组成的字符串的化合价的结果来确定适应度函数,既符合化学学科的本质规律,又满足了算法的要求。通过复制、交换和突变操作,经过多代次的进化终止,取得了满意的结果。文章还针对其实用性,从化学本质出发,提出了建议和研究方向。可以说本文是遗传规划在化学化合物合成筛选中运用的成功探索,同时也为进一步研究打下了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

针对面向空间众包平台的多工作者多任务路径规划问题,以求解时间成本和路程成本最小的全局最优路径规划方案为目标,提出了基于改进狮群进化算法的路径规划方法.首先,结合现实问题场景,提出带有任务开始点和结束点的路径规划模型;其次,借鉴狮群进化算法的思想,改进狮群智能行为,引入驱逐行为,针对求解问题设计染色体编码方式、交叉、变异操作等,提出了面向空间众包平台的多工作者多任务路径规划的改进狮群进化算法;最后,运用改进狮群进化算法求解面向空间众包平台的多工作者多任务路径规划模型,并根据真实数据集制作问题算例进行测试.实验结果表明了算法的可用性和有效性.  相似文献   

本文应用基于形式文法的方法,结合计算机科学中新兴有效的进化计算优化方法,进行了文法进化算法的有效性探索。通过运用巴科斯描述文法的四元组,强调了BNF产生式的设计,充分利用遗传操作来优化求解问题。并以有机化合物的分解(以离解能适应值进行适应度评价)为例子进行了算法设计,通过适应度函数择优,复制、交换和突变操作获得了实验结果。经过对结果的分析比较证明了算法的有效性。可以说是文法进化算法的成功探索。  相似文献   

为了提高遗传规划算法的性能,把遗传算法中的小生境技术运用到遗传规划中,提出了改进的遗传规划算法(NGP)。该算法首先对原始训练集进行数据拟合,然后应用小生境技术跟踪拟合函数的极值点,并根据拟合函数的维数的不同,分别计算极值点在自变量维上的欧氏距离并排序,选取欧式距离较大且数量不超过原始训练集10%的极值点,加入到原始训练集中作为新的训练集,最后用遗传规划算法处理新训练集。在符号回归实验中对NGP 的准确率进行了测试,说明了该算法的准确性和有效性。  相似文献   

支持向量机的进化多核设计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为提高支持向量机分类精度,提出一种基于遗传程序设计的进化多核算法.算法中每个个体表示一个多核函数,并采用树形结构进行编码,增强了多核函数的非线性;初始种群由生长法产生,经过遗传操作后得到适合具体问题的进化多核函数.遗传程序设计的全局搜索性能使得算法设计不需要先验知识.与单核函数及其他多核函数的对比实验结果表明,进化多核...  相似文献   

基于基因表达式的演化硬件进化和优化算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
电路进化设计是可进化硬件研究的重要内容.针对电路进化设计做了如下工作:(1)融合了数据挖掘、基因表达式编程与传统电路进化技术,提出两阶段电路进化方法.该方法包括基于表达式树遗传编程进化算法的电路进化阶段和基于挖掘频繁数字电路算法的电路优化阶段。(2)给出了详尽的实验.实验表明6次多项式函数发现的平均进化代数为442代、乘法器电路的平均进化代数为2292代.比笛卡尔遗传编程和NEHF(Novel Evolvable Hardware Framework)快6倍以上.用MFDC对乘法器电路进化结果进行挖掘后,得到了比传统电路更有效的乘法器电路。  相似文献   

针对大规模数据下遗传直接定位算法执行时间慢、实时性较差的问题,提出了基于GPU加速的并行遗传直接定位算法。根据直接定位代价函数特点,设计了GPU高速并行遗传进化架构,通过对适应度函数并行化计算以及对选择、交叉、变异等遗传操作并行化设计,缩短了算法执行时间,提高了算法执行效率。仿真实验表明,通过合理的GPU并行线程结构设计,显著提升了遗传直接定位算法的执行速度,可更快得到直接定位估计结果。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于精英培养的混合遗传算法,该算法采用参数自适应变化的遗传操作与精英个体的有方向的邻接爬山操作相结合。遗传参数的调整和搜索终止条件打破了传统的由整个进化群体的进化情况决定的做法,而改由精英团体的进化情况决定。通过仿真实验说明了通过新算法能实现PID参数的快速的自整定,且整定效果较好。  相似文献   

水平集方法应用于跟踪界面演化问题,是一种稳定有效的数值计算方法。图象小波变换模极大值对图象中目标轮廓边缘有很好的表征。论文应用水平集方法基于曲线进化提出了一种新的医学图像解剖轮廓分割算法,定义了一种基于小波变换模极大值的用于终止进化的函数,构造了一种基于领域的进化方式,并对脊柱MRI图象进行了分割实验,得到了令人鼓舞的结果。实验表明了该种算法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

基于改进遗传规划算法的数据拟合*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对传统数据拟合方法需预先估计基函数、依赖于应用领域等问题,基于遗传规划的动态可变特性,提出将遗传规划与最小二乘法结合,设计具有一定通用性和自适应能力的数据拟合算法。在分析传统遗传规划算法的基础上,详细介绍了算法改进方法,并针对各种类型的拟合数据进行了对比实验。实验结果表明,该算法不仅可以应用到多种场合,而且可以提高拟合效率与精度。  相似文献   

The method of least-squares is intended to fit a function to a set of data points closely, so as to satisfy a particular criterion of closeness. The approximating function can be taken to be a linear combination of linearly independent functions of an independent variable.If the number of data points is the same as the number of linearly independent primitive functions, then the compound function formed by the linear combination of the primitive functions will fit the data exactly.The method of least-squares is designed to fit an approximant to the data when the order of the approximant is incapable of yielding an exact fit to all the data. For example, given three data points, a linear approximant cannot fit the data points, usually. Likewise, given five data points (or more) a cubic approximant cannot fit the data exactly.In the classical method, all data points are considered to be equally important (or equally doubtful). If some of the data points are more reliable than others, it is easy to attach weights to these points, and with this modification to proceed with the classical method.But sometimes, some of the data points are absolutely reliable. This might suggest that we attach infinite weights to such points, somehow. But this presents arithmetical difficulties.We call “absolutely reliable” data points, “hard points”, and all the other points “soft points”, a terminology borrowed from the automobile, aircraft, and ship-building industries.The following paper shows how we can generate a compound approximant that fits the hard points exactly, and satisfies the least-squares criterion for all the soft points. Then the classical method exhibits itself as a special case of this more general solution.  相似文献   

A Competence Set, which is a Habitual Domain (HD), is a collection of knowledge and skills. We use these knowledge and skills to solve problems. Based on the concept of fuzzy set theory, this study proposes a method to find an optimal process to expand one's competence set. This process presents an expansion order and by a directed graph, the optimal path of expansion at each stage can be found by a proposed model. This model is a minimization form constrained by max-product fuzzy relation inequalities. With this model, not only the compound skills can be considered, but also the levels of the acquired skills to solve a problem can be described. Theoretical support is accompanied by an illustrative example.  相似文献   

在一些数学软件、统计软件和数值模拟软件中需要的一元函数表达式并不确定。因此,需要一种方法能够动态生成任意复杂的一元函数表达式。本文提出了一种构造函数表达式的动态组合法,该方法将四则运算符、基本初等函数、复合函数和常数项看成是对象,并采用C++实现了这些对象的类定义。通过这些对象的动态创建与组合可以复合成任意的一元函数表达式。结果表明,一元函数表达式对象能够通过接口向其调用者输出正确的表达式计算功能。  相似文献   

传统的嘴部肌肉建模方法中对肌肉运动划分比较细致与独立,设置的控制参数较多,缺乏对肌肉运动的分解以及运动控制相关性的分析。本文提出一种基于运动分解的嘴部子运动单元模型。该方法首先建立基于标准Cadide-3模型的嘴部改进网格模型,然后根据解剖结构及肌肉运动分析,将嘴部运动分解为下颌骨旋转、唇部的收缩与舒张、凸出与上翘三个基本运动单元,最后根据输入的文本信息与音素间视觉权重函数,并结合嘴部的子运动合成得到语音同步的嘴部动画。实验结果表明,该方法能够快速合成与中文语音相匹配的唇部动画。  相似文献   

关系词是多重复句的连接成分,其功能是关联分句且标志分句间的语义关系,它对多重复句的研究具有重要意义。但是,在研究基于规则的现代汉语复句关系词的自动标识过程中,发现多重复句内初次识别出的关系标记,较多是伪关系词。这就需要判定其是否是真正的关系词,而判定的基础是确定关系标记之间的搭配关系,这是一个难点。为解决该问题,本文提出了两个算法:(1)利用解空间树得到关系标记所有的搭配集合;(2)对解空间树进行剪枝,去掉无用搭配集。实验测试可知:这两个算法不仅通用性强,而且判定正确率达到98.9%,剩下的1.1%还可以得到近似解,这表明本文提出的算法在处理多重复句问题上具有较好的可行性。  相似文献   

The classical method for constructing the least fixedpoint of a recursive definition is to generate a sequence of functions whose initial element is the totally undefined function and which converges to the desired least fixedpoint. This method, due to Kleene, cannot be generalized to allow the construction of other fixedpoints. In this paper we present an alternate definition of convergence and a new fixedpoint access method of generating sequences of functions for a given recursive definition. The initial function of the sequence can be an arbitrary function, and the sequence will always converge to a fixedpoint that is “close” to the initial function. This defines a monotonic mapping from the set of partial functions onto the set of all fixedpoints of the given recursive definition.  相似文献   

对于人脸图像而言,偶图像相当于原始图像与它的镜像的和。为了增大训练样本,许多人脸识别算法把镜像图像加入到训练集中。与这些方法不同,本文把原始训练集中的每一幅图像都变换为它的半偶图像得到新的训练集。对于新的训练集,采用LDA(Linear discriminant analysis)方法提取特征后作分类。在ORL和IIS人脸库上的实验结果表明,对半偶图像作LDA的人脸识别方法有较高的识别率。  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to developing a robust numerical analysis of least squares Monte Carlo (LSM) in valuing R&D investment opportunities. As it is well known, R&D projects are characterized by sequential investments and therefore they can be considered as compound options involving a set of interacting American-type options. The basic Monte Carlo simulation takes a long time and it is computationally intensive and inefficient. In this context, LSM method is a powerful and flexible tool for capital budgeting decisions and for valuing R&D investments. In particular way, numerical tests are performed to examine the optimal choice of basis function and polynomial degree in terms of reduction of the execution time, accuracy and improvement in the simulation.  相似文献   

Composite quadratic Lyapunov functions for constrained control systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A Lyapunov function based on a set of quadratic functions is introduced in this paper. We call this Lyapunov function a composite quadratic function. Some important properties of this Lyapunov function are revealed. We show that this function is continuously differentiable and its level set is the convex hull of a set of ellipsoids. These results are used to study the set invariance properties of continuous-time linear systems with input and state constraints. We show that, for a system under a given saturated linear feedback, the convex hull of a set of invariant ellipsoids is also invariant. If each ellipsoid in a set can be made invariant with a bounded control of the saturating actuators, then their convex hull can also be made invariant by the same actuators. For a set of ellipsoids, each invariant under a separate saturated linear feedback, we also present a method for constructing a nonlinear continuous feedback law which makes their convex hull invariant.  相似文献   

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