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产品配置管理PCM(Product ConfigureManagement)是PDM的一项重要功能,它可以有效地提高设计的重用性和效率,方便系列产品的管理。综观市场上的PDM软件,其中大多数产品在产品结构配置方面功能较弱,只有极少数大型系统在这方面比较成熟,如 SAP的 R/3系统。本文在研究国外系统的基础上,提出了适用于系列产品管理的统一产品变量结构PVS模型,并以此模型为基础提出变量化配置管理(VCM)概念,并辅以实例说明。 一、产品变量结构 PVS( Product Vari-ant Struct…  相似文献   

一个支持top-down设计的产品建模系统   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
研究了一种新型机制来实现支持top-down设计的产品建模。采用墨箱多叉树模型和设计变量约束网络(VCN)表达产品功能,实现面向对象的产品建模;提出了分类分步分解的策略求解VCN;在一个集成设计环境中,通过对典型零件的设计引导用户完成三维结构草图的设计和动态建立产品设计的关系模型。  相似文献   

研究精馏塔的优化控制问题,由于PID控制精度差,多变量解耦控制理想完全解耦难以实现,预测控制存在模型失配,参数与工程指标联系不紧密的缺点,提出基于PID的多变量动态矩阵控制(DMC)策略.通过在DMC性能指标中引入预测输出误差项,利用PID指标改变传统DMC优化过程.上述算法兼具预测控制的解耦特性与PID控制参数工程意义明确的特点,加快了Shell原油精馏塔响应速度,消除了产品干点在设定值附近振荡,减少一个产品干点改变致使另一产品干点波动的现象.同时改进算法与传统预测控制器结构类似,便于广大工程人员设计实现.  相似文献   

在设定与调整半阎化处理机(Treater)的变量过程中会造成大量的产品报废,章提出的基于BP神经网络对半固化处理机计算机模拟的方案能很好地解决该问题。该方案为其它类似的多变量机台用BP神经网络模型进行计算机模拟提供了指导和参考。  相似文献   

利用一种有界输入计算方法,根据对象的左互质分解(LCF) 特性,对一类多变量离散时间模型跟踪控制系统( MFCS) 进行设计,进而给出相应的非最小相位系统自适应控制器的设计方法。  相似文献   

邓晓刚  田学民 《控制与决策》2006,21(10):1109-1113
提出一种基于核规范变量分析(KCVA)的非线性过程故障诊断方法.该方法使用核函数完成非线性空间到高维线性空间的映射,避免了高维空间中的数据处理和非线性映射函数的使用.在线性空间中使用规范变量分析(CVA)来辨识状态空闻模型,从数据中提取状态信息.3个监测量(Tr^2,Ts^2,Q)用来进行故障检测,同时使用贡献图分离故障变量,并判断故障原因.在CSTR系统上的仿真结果表明,KCVA方法比主元分析法(PCA)和CVA方法能更灵敏地检测到故障的发生,更有效地监控过程变化.  相似文献   

基于事物特性表的参数化产品配置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种基于事物特性表的产品族(零部件族)描述方式,建立了产品族(零部件族)的通用结构模型;通过参数化的约束规则规范部件族之间的关系,并依据规则可传递原理简化产品配置规则的定义和推理,实现了参数化的产品配置.  相似文献   

多变量系统的辅助模型辨识方法的收敛性分析*   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
丁锋,谢新民[1]假设协方差阵P0-1(t)(s)的最大特征值与最小特征值之比(即条件数)有界,和系统噪声{w(t)}方差有界,证明了辅助模型辨识其法参数估计的一致收致性.本文将分别放松这两个条件,即ⅰ)条件数无界,ⅱ)系统噪声为非平稳噪声,且方差无界,探讨了辅助模型算法的收敛性.分析表明在这种较弱的假设下,辅助模型算法保持很强的鲁棒性,参数估计是一致收敛的.  相似文献   

程学云 《福建电脑》2008,(2):21-21,54
Visual Basic(VB)是近年来迅速普及的一种面向对象程序设计语言,采用了可视化界面和事件驱动的机制,功能强大。但在过程调用时,对于各类变量的正确理解及变量在参数传递过程中的变化一直来是学生学习的难点,为此本文提出了一种分析过程调用中变量变化的方法,在实际求解中得到较好应用。  相似文献   

自适应神经元非模型多变量优化补偿控制*   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据解耦补偿和优化控制的思想,本文提出了一种完全不依赖于对象模型的自适应神经元多变量优化补偿器模型,命同了神经元权系统的在线学习方法,分析了其工作机理,进一步给出在某多侧线精馏塔和连续搅拌釜式反应器(CSTR)上的仿真结果。  相似文献   

针对战场态势评估中的状态转移模型,提出了基于变异S-粗集的策略选择方法.通过构建变异S-粗集的结构差离度、粒度贴近度的概念,并结合序贯决策方法,给出了根据当前战场状态和给定的一系列的被选方案、选取策略使得战场态势向希望状态转移的方法.最后通过实例给出了方法的具体应用.  相似文献   

在VB中变量的数据类型有很多种类,如字符型串型、数值型、日期型、布尔型等。还有一种特殊类型:可变类型(Variant)。定义了一个可变类型变量后,该变量可以存放任何类型的数据(数值、字符、日期等),这样在给变量赋值时就不用对数据进行转换了,VB系统会根据赋给变量的值的不同自动进行数据类型的转换。  相似文献   

针对设计模式变体挖掘准确率较低的问题,提出引入线索约束的设计模式变体挖掘方法,旨在基于约束满足问题CSP描述设计模式变体线索,给出DPVMC算法,分结构特征约束与时序特征约束2个阶段引入线索。以Proxy、Bridge、Command、Factory Method 模式变体为例,设计了2阶段的单个设计模式变体挖掘实验与集成设计模式变体挖掘实验,通过4种主流设计模式挖掘工具与4种基准系统进行了设计模式挖掘实验,实验结果表明,本文方法取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

Variant design for mechanical artifacts: A state-of-the-art survey   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Variant design refers, to the technique of adapting existing design specifications to satisfy new design goals and constraints. Specific support of variant design techniques in current computer aided design systems would help to realize a rapid response manufacturing environment. A survey of approaches supporting variant design is presented. Capabilities used in current commercial computer aided design systems are discussed along with approaches used in recent research efforts. Information standards applicable to variant design are also identified. Barriers to variant design in current systems are identified and ideas are presented for augmentation of current systems to support variant design.  相似文献   

N-Queens problem derives three variants: obtaining a specific solution, obtaining a set of solutions and obtaining all solutions. The purpose of the variant I is to find a constructive solution, which has been solved. Variant III is aiming to find all solutions and the largest number of queens currently being resolved is 26. Variant II whose purpose is to obtain a set of solutions for larger-scale problems relies on various intelligent algorithms. In this paper, we use a master-slave model genetic algorithm that combines the idea of the evolutionary algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm to solve Variant III, and use a parallel fitness function based on compute unified device architecture. Experimental results show that our scheme achieved a maximum 60-fold speedup over the single-CPU counterpart. On this basis, a two-level parallel genetic algorithm based on the island model and master-slave model is implemented on the GPU cluster by using message passing interface technology. Using two-node and three-node GPU cluster, speedup of 1.46 and 2.01 are obtained on average over single-node, respectively. Compared with the sequential genetic algorithm, the two-level parallel genetic algorithm makes full use of the parallel computing power of GPU cluster in solving N-Queen variant II and improves the performance by 99.19 times in the best case.  相似文献   

基于产品动态模型的智能快速响应设计理论和方法研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
文中将产品动态模型应用于快速响应变型设计中,研究了快速响应变型设计智能化理论和方法,提出了采用规则推理和实例推理相结合的混合推理策略;并针对设计的过程性,将变型设计分为概念变型设计、装配变型设计和产品定义变型设计;最后分析了基于产品动态模型的智能变型设计过程。  相似文献   

In this work a Model Predictive Control (MPC) approach is used for controlling a Pulsed Electrochemical Machining (PECM) process. The MPC problem is formulated in order to optimally reach a desired state while satisfying various restrictions. PECM is modeled as a constrained nonlinear system. In the first approach the system is input-output linearized and a linear MPC scheme is applied to control it. In comparison a second approach uses the linearization around the current working point resulting in a Linear Time Variant system. This linear system is controlled using Linear Time Variant MPC (LTV-MPC). The simulation results are compared and the most promising controller is implemented on a real time platform controlling a PECM plant. The experimental results with online parameter estimation are shown and discussed.  相似文献   

RBAC职责分割定义及实现模型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
访问控制是信息安全领域的重要问题之一;目前,基于角色的访问控制模型(RBAC)已被广泛接受,并成为领域专家学者研究的热点;职责分割(SoD)是RBAC的重要方面,它为增强高层次的组织安全策略提供了强大的机制,RBAC职责分割定义给出了各种职责分割约束的具体内容;针对不同的职责分割需求,各种基于角色的访问控制职责分割约束实现模型不断出现;根据应用系统的实际需求选择合适的访问控制模型必须了解各种模型的特点,该文通过分析RBAC中不同SoD模型的特点,指出其适用范围。  相似文献   

A product variant table is a table that lists legal combinations of product features. Variant tables can be used to constrain the variability offered for a personalized product. The concept of such a table is easy to understand. Hence, variant tables are natural to use when ensuring the completeness and correctness of a quote/order for a customizable product. They are also used to filter out inadmissible choices for features in an interactive specification (configuration) process. Variant tables can be maintained as relational (database) tables, using spreadsheets, or in proprietary ways offered by the product modeling environment. Variant tables can become quite large. A way of compressing them is then sought that supports a space-efficient representation and a time-efficient evaluation. The motivation of this work is to develop a simple approach to compress/compile a variant table into an easy to read, but possibly hard to write form that can be deployed in a business setting at acceptable cost and risk in a similar manner as a database. The main result is a simple compression and evaluation scheme for an individual variant table called a Variant Decomposition Diagram (VDD). A VDD supports efficient consistency checks, the filtering of inadmissible features, and iteration over the table. A simple static heuristic for decomposition order is proposed that suggests itself from a “column oriented viewpoint”. This heuristic is not always optimal, but it has the advantage of allowing fast compilation of a variant table into a VDD. Compression results for a publicly available model of a Renault Megane are given. With the proposed heuristic the VDD is a specialization of a Zero-suppressed (binary) Decision Diagram (ZDD) (Knuth 2011) and also maps to a Multi-valued Decision Diagram (MDD) (Andersen et al. 2007; Berndt et al. 2012).  相似文献   

We introduce variant types and a pattern matching operation to synchronous dataflow languages. These languages are used in the design of reactive systems. As these systems grow increasingly complex, the need for abstraction mechanisms, in particular, data and control structures, is critical. Variant types provide a mechanism to precisely model structured data. The pattern matching operation, defined as a clock operator, provides an efficient control structure.  相似文献   

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