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In this paper,several kinds of multivalued logic for relational database and their developing process are presented on the basis of null value‘s semantics.A new 5 valued logic is led into relational database containing null value.The feasibility and necessity of using 5 valued logic are expounded.Comparative calculation and logical calculation under 5 valued logic are defined at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

The database auto-design is an important problem in database research.In this paper we propose some new ideas and an approach called “logic approach” to implement the database auto-design.Given a relational scheme and a set of the functional dependencies for the relation we can obtain all of the functional dependencies and key for the relation and determine the normal form the relation satisfies.  相似文献   

Based on the approach implementing a deductive object-oriented database system through the underlying relational database,this paper presents and object reasoning language O-Datalog,which is the extension of Datalog in form and can deal with object-oriented data.For any O-Datalog program,an dquivalent Datalog program can be built to help evaluate the original program.This paper focuses on the syntax,semantics and evaluation of O-Datalog.  相似文献   

Cloud computing is a very promising paradigm of service-oriented computing. One major benefit of cloud computing is its elasticity, i.e., the system's capacity to provide and remove resources automatically at runtime. For that, it is essential to design and implement an efficient and effective technique that takes full advantage of the system's potential flexibility. This paper presents a non-intrusive approach that monitors the performance of relational database management systems in a cloud infrastructure, and automatically makes decisions to maximize the efficiency of the provider's environment while still satisfying agreed upon "service level agreements" (SLAs). Our experiments conducted on Amazon's cloud infrastructure, confirm that our technique is capable of automatically and dynamically adjusting the system's allocated resources observing the SLA.  相似文献   

D-Tuili,having been implemented on microcompute network,is a distributed logical reasoning programming language.D-Tuili supports parallel programming on the language level,and couples loosely with the distributed database management system,so data in distributed databases can be used in the distributed logic programs.In this paper,we mainly introduce the components of D-Tuili used to design distributed logic programs.Furthermore,the main principles to implement D-Tuili and the main technologies adopted in the implemented system of D-Tuili are described.  相似文献   

Fundamentally, semantic grid database is about bringing globally distributed databases together in order to coordinate resource sharing and problem solving in which information is given well-defined meaning, and DartGrid II is the implemented database gird system whose goal is to provide a semantic solution for integrating database resources on the Web. Although many algorithms have been proposed for optimizing query-processing in order to minimize costs and/or response time, associated with obtaining the answer to query in a distributed database system, database grid query optimization problem is fundamentally different from traditional distributed query optimization. These differences are shown to be the consequences of autonomy and heterogeneity of database nodes in database grid. Therefore, more challenges have arisen for query optimization in database grid than traditional distributed database. Following this observation, the design of a query optimizer in DartGrid II is presented, and a heuristic, dynamic and parallel query optimization approach to processing query in database grid is proposed. A set of semantic tools supporting relational database integration and semantic-based information browsing has also been implemented to realize the above vision.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduced the RL project which aims to integrate logic programming,relational databases and constraint solving in a single relational framework.We gave a summary of the architecture of the RL/1 system and shorth discussed the characteristics of the RL/1 language.A target of the project has become to turn the RL/1 system into an industrial strength database interface.  相似文献   

A new type of intelligent CAI system for chemistry is developed in this paper based on automated reasoning with chemistry knowledge.The system has shown its ability to solve chemistry problems,to assist students and teachers in studies and instruction with the automated reasoning functions.Its open mode of the knowledge base and its unique style of the interface between the system and human provide more opportunities for the users to acquire living knowledge through active participation.The automated reasoning based on basic chemistry knowledge also opened a new approach to the information storage and management of the ICAI system for sciences.  相似文献   

空间数据库索引管理系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪林林  马锐 《计算机科学》2003,30(11):119-121
By the special character and wide application of spatial data,it is needed to design a kind of spatial database system management system(SDBMS),index management is a core part of SDBMS,the performance of a database is decided by the management function of index largely ,this paper defines from the structure of the minimum data item to index tree,index page‘s storage structure and memory management,designs and implements ultimately a spatial database index management system.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the design and implementation notes of the CodDdBase system,which is a combinative distributed database management system family based on an integrated object model.CoDdBase is implemented in CLUSTER 86,a general purposed object-oriented programming language designed by the authors.The CoDdBase environment is actually a part of the CLUSTER 86 programming environment,which offers various object-based models,supplies miscellaneous building blocks for constructing different distributed DBMS‘s,and provides integrated programming tools to develop new ways and new models in response to changing application needs.  相似文献   

较大型单位的后勤保障时刻离不开流程管理信息系统,传统方法采用固定流程图和固定表单的方式,无法适应新形势下后勤灵活自主管理的要求.同时,传统信息系统采用的关系型数据库方式在适应当前后勤保障大数据时也捉襟见肘.本文设计并实现了使用Activiti和MongoDB的后勤自由流程信息系统,以自由灵活流程管理为目标,以关系型数据库辅助非关系型数据库为设计理念,给出了自由流程框架、关键接口和重要代码逻辑,以及两类数据库协同的设计方法.实现的系统有效地解决了上述问题,较大地减少了开发人员的工作量,为当前大型企业或单位后勤保障流程管理信息化提供了一个较高效的系统设计参考.  相似文献   

This paper describes the basic concepts, design and implementation decisions, standpoints and significance of the database machine Delta in the scope of Japan’s Fifth Generation Computer Project. Delta is planned to be operational in 1985 for researchers’ use as a backend database machine for logic programming software development. Delta is basically a relational database machine system. It combines hardware facilities for efficient relational database operations, which are typically represented by relational algebra, and software which deals with hardware control and actual database management requirements. Notable features include attribute-based internal schema in accordance with the characteristics found in the relation access from logic programming environment. This is also useful for the hardware relational algebra manipulation algorithm based on merge-sorting of attributes by hardware and a large capacity Semiconductor Disk for fast access to databases. Various implementation decisions of database management requirements are made in this novel system configuration, which will be meaningful to give an example for constructing a hardware and software combination of a relational database machine. Delta is in the stage between detailed design and implementation.  相似文献   

PostgreSQL数据库运行状态数据的统计收集机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对象关系数据库是新一代的数据库管理系统,它将关系数据库系统与面向对象数据库系统两方面的特征相结合,不仅能很好地支持对象管理和规则管理,而且能更好地支持原有的关系数据管理.要维护一个对象关系数据库管理系统长期正常有效地运行,其中一个不可忽略的机制就是数据库的清理机制.PostgreSQL是一个面向公众的、开放源代码的对象关系数据库管理系统,受到了人们的普遍认可和欢迎.对该系统数据清理机制的一个重要组成部分--数据库运行状态的数据统计收集机制进行了全面分析,给出了统计收集信息的种类、主要函数、数据结构和实现算法,这将有助于维护和完善该数据库系统.  相似文献   

现在很流行在Web应用系统设计中运用MVC框架结构进行开发.在客户关系管理的Web应用中,选用SpringMVC作为系统构架模式.运用Hibernate技术实现关系型数据库模型上的持久化,对JDBC进行封装,提高Model层的质量.运用MyEclipse的IDE组件进行基于JDBC的数据库表的OR映射工作.运用DAO模式实现业务逻辑与数据逻辑分离,底层关系数据的结构变化不再对业务逻辑造成大的影响.  相似文献   

一个基于逻辑程序设计范例的专家数据库开发工具   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
GKD-EDST是一个集成型专家数据库系统开发工具,本文着重介绍该工具的设计思想与实现方法。  相似文献   

宋军  王坚  凌卫青 《数字社区&智能家居》2009,(11):8824-8825,8828
针对发电设备制造行业的产品设计过程中关于多个计算方法联合执行和参数映射的需求,对计算方法管理器进行研究:在分析工程计算方法的运行原理和计算文件格式的基础上,根据行号和列号从计算文件中解析参数,进而建立参数之间的映射关系,实现计算文件之间的参数值传递,同时利用动态载入的脚本程序,描述计算文件中的逻辑规则:设计并开发出基于J2EE框架,关系数据库和动态脚本等技术的计算方法管理器系统,并且在产品设计分析环境(PADE)系统下执行实际算例,验证其有效性  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于关系型数据库的工作流管理系统。该方案将业务分为基础业务与拓展业务,然后通过一个简单的工作流模型表示基础业务逻辑,并使用关系型数据库处理拓展业务。此外,该方案将业务逻辑与业务的设计相结合,形成了一个通过配置即可开发信息管理系统的平台。该系统的实际应用表明该方案实现简单,能够处理大部分其他工作流模型无法表示的工作流模式,并且该系统易于业务人员操作,能够达到快速开发的目的。  相似文献   

In electric power supply, railway, and other companies with many facilities, facility management is a laborious task. To realize a computerized facility management system, numerous paper-based facility maps should be stored in a database. In this paper, we present a system that constructs a facility management database by interpretation of paper-based facility maps. This system can automatically recognize structured figures with variable shapes on maps, while conventional methods cannot recognize these figures. And this system can easily generate relational data between facilities and character strings on maps. We compare our recognition method of structured figures with variable shapes with a conventional recognition method, and show the effectiveness of our system. Received: 18 November 1996 / Accepted: 16 February 1998  相似文献   

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