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影子系统PowerShadow在高校计算机教学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校计算机网络安全教学过程中需要对一些病毒、黑客程序等进行教学演示。如何让学生能真正体验这些程序的破坏性,同时保持教学用机的系统安全,这是一个难题。使用影子系统PowerShadow,可以在计算机上存放、运行有破坏性的病毒、黑客程序,当计算机重新启动以后,对原来的系统无任何损害。本文探讨如何使用影子系统为高校计算机教学服务。  相似文献   

高校计算机网络安全教学过程中需要对一些病毒、黑客程序等进行教学演示。如何让学生能真正体验这些程序的破坏性,同时保持教学用机的系统安全,这是一个难题。使用影子系统PowerShadow,可以在计算机上存放、运行有破坏性的病毒、黑客程序,当计算机重新启动以后,对原来的系统无任何损害。本文探讨如何使用影子系统为高校计算机教学服务。  相似文献   

本文首先对计算机取证进行概要论述;然后提出计算机取证遇到的问题-计算机证据有效性问题和基于UNIX系统的计算机取证困难问题;分析得出建立基于UNIX系统的计算机取证标准体系是有效的应对途径;建立规范且有利于实务操作的基于UNIX系统的计算机取证标准体系。解决计算机取证遇到的问题,为打击计算机犯罪、保障国家信息安全作贡献。  相似文献   

现今社会里,计算机的作用越来越重要,与此同时,计算机出现故障带来的损失也就越来越严重,无论是在生活中还是在工作中,计算机难免会出现故障,为了避免损失扩大,计算机使用者就要快速的对计算机故障进行定位,然后采取措施排除故障。本文探讨计算机故障快速定位与故障排除的方法,为计算机使用者处理计算机故障提供参考。  相似文献   

As the use of the computer is popularized, the damage from computer viruses and hacking by malicious users is increasing rapidly. To block the hacking that is an intrusion into a person's computer, and the viruses that destroy data, a study into an intrusion detection and virus detection system based on the biological immune system is in progress. In this article, we describe a model of positive and negative selection for self-recognition, which has a similar function to the cytotoxic T cells that play an important role in the biological immune system. We propose a self/nonself discrimination algorithm for a computer system, which will the important when we detect data infected by a computer virus, of data modified by an intrusion from outside. We also show the validity and effectiveness of the proposed self-recognition algorithm by a computer simulation of some infected data obtained from cell changes and string changes in the self-file. This work was presented, in part, at the Seventh International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Oita, Japan, January 16–18, 2002  相似文献   

本文在计算机用户分类模型的基础上,提出了设计人权交互系统的七项基本原则,并以“计算机导购系统”作为上述设计原则的载体与综合运用的对象。充分体现出这个人性化、智能化的人机交互界面“一看就懂、一用就会”的特点。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种异构环境下(异种网络协议、异种机)的多功能文件传输服务系统(FTS)的设计和实现原理、系统提供的服务,以及系统的应用范围等。FTS系统基于ISO/OSI的FTAM标准,采用了标准软件集成、队列管理技术和协议迁移技术,为用户提供了不同机型、不同操作系统、不同网络和协议(OSI,SNA,TCP/IP等)之间的文件传输服务,并为用户进一步开发网络上的应用业务提供了良好的操作平台。  相似文献   

This paper describes human errors and violations of end users and network administration in computer and information security. This information is summarized in a conceptual framework for examining the human and organizational factors contributing to computer and information security. This framework includes human error taxonomies to describe the work conditions that contribute adversely to computer and information security, i.e. to security vulnerabilities and breaches. The issue of human error and violation in computer and information security was explored through a series of 16 interviews with network administrators and security specialists. The interviews were audio taped, transcribed, and analyzed by coding specific themes in a node structure. The result is an expanded framework that classifies types of human error and identifies specific human and organizational factors that contribute to computer and information security. Network administrators tended to view errors created by end users as more intentional than unintentional, while errors created by network administrators as more unintentional than intentional. Organizational factors, such as communication, security culture, policy, and organizational structure, were the most frequently cited factors associated with computer and information security.  相似文献   

Cross-disciplinary research involving semiotics and computer science is rare. With the Web 2.0, contemporary activities of users can be properly described as real ‘life on the screen’. One of the challenges for the design of interactive languages is to support these activities and to express the much wider variety of meanings that users want to exchange through and with software. As the discipline whose aim is to investigate meanings, through representation and interpretation processes, semiotics is remarkably well-positioned to contribute with new knowledge in our field. This viewpoint article examines the reasons why in spite of this positioning, semiotics remains unpopular among researchers interested in interactive computer languages. In particular, it proposes that a semiotic approach can help us think about computer languages to represent our individual and collective ‘selves’ on the screen.  相似文献   

当今计算机己成为人们生活中不可缺少的工具,但是很多计算机用户只会简单的使用计算机,对计算机的日常维护知之甚少,更不用说计算机出现故障后对其进行诊断和维修了。本文总结作者多年的实践经验和教学经验,介绍计算机日常维护的基本方法,计算机软硬件的故障排除和简单的维修方法。  相似文献   

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