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以当前的"消极学习型分类法"加"动态更新训练集"的组合模式,不足以解决好动态文本分类中的概念漂移问题.为此,受消极分类法基本思想的启发,并借鉴k-NN算法的优点,提出了针对概念漂移问题的"消极特征选择模式"的概念和基于此模式的动态文本分类算法.测试结果表明,新算法很好地解决了当前存在的难点问题,具有高可靠性、高实用性等优点.  相似文献   

垃圾邮件自身的特点决定了消极学习型的文本分类算法更加适合于垃圾邮件过滤问题.但是,以k-NN为代表的消极型文本分类算法却存在着运行效率偏低等诸多缺点,不便于实际使用.为此,该文在向量余弦相似性公式的基础上,提出了一种新的"嵌入式特征选择垃圾邮件过滤模型"和基于此模型的消极学习型垃圾邮件过滤算法.与一些经典算法相比,新算法在显著降低运算开销的同时,巧妙地避免了由此而引起的信息丢失问题,因而在性能与效率两个方面都有明显提高,具有非常高的实际价值.  相似文献   

为了提高文本自动分类准确率,提出一种改进的蜂群优化神经网络的选择特征的文本数据挖掘算法.该算法将文本特征选择转换成一个多目标优化问题,以特征维数最少、分类正确率最高为选择标准,采用蚁群算法找到最优特征子集,最后神经网络建立文本自动分类器,进行仿真实验测试算法性能.仿真实验结果表明,提出的方法从高维文本最优文本特征,提高了文本自动分类的正确率和识别效率,是一种有效的网络文本挖掘算法.  相似文献   

针对文本流分类中的概念漂移问题,以垃圾邮件过滤为应用背景,提出一种能适应概念漂移的垃圾邮件基于案例推理CBR(Case-based Reasoning)过滤算法。算法采用CBR过滤垃圾邮件,研究CBR过程中的案例库管理技术,提出基于惩罚降噪和等价除冗的案例库修正算法,以适应概念漂移问题。在真实数据集上的实验验证了提出的案例修正算法获得的垃圾邮件过滤效率的提高,可以更好地解决垃圾邮件中的概念漂移问题。  相似文献   

针对传统支持向量机(SVM)在封装式特征选择中分类精度低、特征子集选择冗余以及计算效率差的不足,利用元启发式优化算法同步优化SVM与特征选择。为改善SVM分类效果以及选择特征子集的能力,首先,利用自适应差分进化(DE)算法、混沌初始化与锦标赛选择策略对斑点鬣狗优化(SHO)算法改进,以增强其局部搜索能力并提高其寻优效率与求解精度;其次,将改进后的算法用于特征选择与SVM参数调整的同步优化中;最后,在UCI数据集进行特征选择仿真实验,采取分类准确率、选择特征数、适应度值及运行时间来综合评估所提算法的优化性能。实验结果证明,改进算法的同步优化机制能够在高分类准确率下降低特征选择的数目,该算法比传统算法更适合解决封装式特征选择问题,具有良好的应用价值。  相似文献   

目前如何对互联网上的海量数据进行文本分类已经成为一个重要的研究方向,随着云计算技术和Hadoop平台的逐步发展,文本分类的并行化方式将能够更有效的解决当前的问题.论文针对文本分类中特征选择阶段对文本分类性能有很大影响的缺点,提出了一种改进的特征选择算法——类别相关度算法(Class Correlation Algorithm,CCA),同时根据Hadoop平台在海量数据存储和处理方面所具有的优点,利用MapReduce的并行编程框架和HDFS分布式存储系统对文本分类的各个阶段实现了并行化编程.最后通过实验将Hadoop平台下的文本分类的优化算法与传统的单机运行环境下的文本分类算法进行了对比分析,实验结果表明对于相同的数据集,该算法在运算时间上有极大的提高.  相似文献   

基于信息熵的改进TFIDF特征选择算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
特征的选择对文本分类的精确性有着非常重要的影响。针对传统的TFIDF没有考虑特征词条在各个类之间的分布的不足,对TFIDF特征选择算法进行了深入的分析,并结合信息熵的概念提出了一种新的TFIDF特征选择算法。实验结果表明,改进后的算法可以有效地提高文本分类的精确度。  相似文献   

一种基于信息增益的特征优化选择方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
特征选择是文本分类的一个重要环节,它可以有效提高分类精度和效率。在研究文本分类特征选择方法的基础上,分析了信息增益方法的不足,将频度、集中度、分散度应用到信息增益方法上,提出了一种基于信息增益的特征优化选择方法。实验表明,该方法在分类效果与性能上都优于传统方法。  相似文献   

短文本分类经常面临特征维度高、特征稀疏、分类准确率差的问题。特征扩展是解决上述问题的有效方法,但却面临更大的短文本分类效率瓶颈。结合以上问题和现状,针对如何提升短文本分类准确率及效率进行了详细研究,提出了一种Spark平台上的基于关联规则挖掘的短文本特征扩展及分类方法。该方法首先采用背景语料库,通过关联规则挖掘的方式对原短文本进行特征补充;其次针对分类过程,提出基于距离选择的层叠支持向量机(support vector machine,SVM)算法;最后设计Spark平台上的短文本特征扩展与分类算法,通过分布式算法设计,提高短文本处理的效率。实验结果显示,采用提出的Spark平台上基于关联规则挖掘的短文本特征扩展方法后,针对大数据集,Spark集群上短文本特征扩展及分类效率约为传统单机上效率的4倍,且相比于传统分类实验,平均得到约15%的效率提升,其中特征扩展及分类优化准确率提升分别为10%与5%。  相似文献   

基于二进制PSO算法的特征选择及SVM参数同步优化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
特征选择及分类器参数优化是提高分类器性能的两个重要方面,传统上这两个问题是分开解决的。近年来,随着进化优化计算技术在模式识别领域的广泛应用,编码上的灵活性使得特征选择及参数的同步优化成为一种可能和趋势。为了解决此问题,本文研究采用二进制PSO算法同步进行特征选择及SVM参数的同步优化,提出了一种PSO-SVM算法。实验表明,该方法可有效地找出合适的特征子集及SVM参数,并取得较好的分类效果;且与文[4]所提出的GA-SVM算法相比具有特征精简幅度较大、运行效率较高等优点。  相似文献   

An efficient filter feature selection (FS) method is proposed in this paper, the SVM-FuzCoC approach, achieving a satisfactory trade-off between classification accuracy and dimensionality reduction. Additionally, the method has reasonably low computational requirements, even in high-dimensional feature spaces. To assess the quality of features, we introduce a local fuzzy evaluation measure with respect to patterns that embraces fuzzy membership degrees of every pattern in their classes. Accordingly, the above measure reveals the adequacy of data coverage provided by each feature. The required membership grades are determined via a novel fuzzy output kernel-based support vector machine, applied on single features. Based on a fuzzy complementary criterion (FuzCoC), the FS procedure iteratively selects features with maximum additional contribution in regard to the information content provided by previously selected features. This search strategy leads to small subsets of powerful and complementary features, alleviating the feature redundancy problem. We also devise different SVM-FuzCoC variants by employing seven other methods to derive fuzzy degrees from SVM outputs, based on probabilistic or fuzzy criteria. Our method is compared with a set of existing FS methods, in terms of performance capability, dimensionality reduction, and computational speed, via a comprehensive experimental setup, including synthetic and real-world datasets.  相似文献   

Strategic forest inventory programs produce forest resource estimates for large areas such as states and provinces using data collected for a large number of variables on a relatively sparse array of field plots. Management inventories produce stand-level estimates to guide management decisions using data obtained with sampling intensities much greater than for strategic inventories. The costs associated with these greater sampling intensities have motivated investigations of alternatives to traditional sample-based management inventories. This study focused on a relatively inexpensive alternative to management inventories that uses strategic forest inventory plot data, Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) satellite imagery, and the k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) technique. The approach entailed constructing stem density and basal area per unit area maps from which stand-level means were estimated as averages of k-NN pixel predictions. The study included investigations of the benefits of selecting optimal combinations of k-NN feature space variables derived from the TM imagery and the benefits of modifying the k-NN technique to eliminate spurious nearest neighbors. For both the stem density and basal area per unit area training data, the selection of optimal feature space covariates produced less than 1.5% improvement in root mean square error relative to using all covariates. The k-NN modification improved the sum of mean squared deviations for stand-level stem density and basal area per unit area estimates by 7–20% depending on the k-NN feature space covariates. For the best combination of feature space covariates, estimates of stand-level means were within confidence intervals for validation estimates for 11 of 12 stands for stem density and for 10 of 12 stands for basal area per unit area.  相似文献   

The high dimensionality of microarray datasets endows the task of multiclass tissue classification with various difficulties—the main challenge being the selection of features deemed relevant and non-redundant to form the predictor set for classifier training. The necessity of varying the emphases on relevance and redundancy, through the use of the degree of differential prioritization (DDP) during the search for the predictor set is also of no small importance. Furthermore, there are several types of decomposition technique for the feature selection (FS) problem—all-classes-at-once, one-vs.-all (OVA) or pairwise (PW). Also, in multiclass problems, there is the need to consider the type of classifier aggregation used—whether non-aggregated (a single machine), or aggregated (OVA or PW). From here, first we propose a systematic approach to combining the distinct problems of FS and classification. Then, using eight well-known multiclass microarray datasets, we empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of the DDP in various combinations of FS decomposition types and classifier aggregation methods. Aided by the variable DDP, feature selection leads to classification performance which is better than that of rank-based or equal-priorities scoring methods and accuracies higher than previously reported for benchmark datasets with large number of classes. Finally, based on several criteria, we make general recommendations on the optimal choice of the combination of FS decomposition type and classifier aggregation method for multiclass microarray datasets.  相似文献   

A novel two-dimensional (2D) learning framework has been proposed to address the feature selection problem in Power Quality (PQ) events. Unlike the existing feature selection approaches, the proposed 2D learning explicitly incorporates the information about the subset cardinality (i.e., the number of features) as an additional learning dimension to effectively guide the search process. The efficacy of this approach has been demonstrated considering fourteen distinct classes of PQ events which conform to the IEEE Standard 1159. The search performance of the 2D learning approach has been compared to the other six well-known feature selection wrappers by considering two induction algorithms: Naive–Bayes (NB) and k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN). Further, the robustness of the selected/reduced feature subsets has been investigated considering seven different levels of noise. The results of this investigation convincingly demonstrate that the proposed 2D learning can identify significantly better and robust feature subsets for PQ events.  相似文献   

Machine learning-based classification techniques provide support for the decision-making process in many areas of health care, including diagnosis, prognosis, screening, etc. Feature selection (FS) is expected to improve classification performance, particularly in situations characterized by the high data dimensionality problem caused by relatively few training examples compared to a large number of measured features. In this paper, a random forest classifier (RFC) approach is proposed to diagnose lymph diseases. Focusing on feature selection, the first stage of the proposed system aims at constructing diverse feature selection algorithms such as genetic algorithm (GA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Relief-F, Fisher, Sequential Forward Floating Search (SFFS) and the Sequential Backward Floating Search (SBFS) for reducing the dimension of lymph diseases dataset. Switching from feature selection to model construction, in the second stage, the obtained feature subsets are fed into the RFC for efficient classification. It was observed that GA-RFC achieved the highest classification accuracy of 92.2%. The dimension of input feature space is reduced from eighteen to six features by using GA.  相似文献   

Constantly, the assumption is made that there is an independent contribution of the individual feature extraction and classifier parameters to the recognition performance. In our approach, the problems of feature extraction and classifier design are viewed together as a single matter of estimating the optimal parameters from limited data. We propose, for the problem of facial recognition, a combination between an Interest Operator based feature extraction technique and a k-NN statistical classifier having the parameters determined using a pattern search based optimization technique. This approach enables us to achieve both higher classification accuracy and faster processing time.  相似文献   

We propose a new approach to text categorization known as generalized instance set (GIS) algorithm under the framework of generalized instance patterns. Our GIS algorithm unifies the strengths of k-NN and linear classifiers and adapts to characteristics of text categorization problems. It focuses on refining the original instances and constructs a set of generalized instances. We also propose a metamodel framework based on category feature characteristics. It has a metalearning phase which discovers a relationship between category feature characteristics and each component algorithm. Extensive experiments have been conducted on two large-scale document corpora for both GIS and the metamodel. The results demonstrate that both approaches generally achieve promising text categorization performance.  相似文献   

A Pyramidal Neural Network For Visual Pattern Recognition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we propose a new neural architecture for classification of visual patterns that is motivated by the two concepts of image pyramids and local receptive fields. The new architecture, called pyramidal neural network (PyraNet), has a hierarchical structure with two types of processing layers: Pyramidal layers and one-dimensional (1-D) layers. In the new network, nonlinear two-dimensional (2-D) neurons are trained to perform both image feature extraction and dimensionality reduction. We present and analyze five training methods for PyraNet [gradient descent (GD), gradient descent with momentum, resilient backpropagation (RPROP), Polak-Ribiere conjugate gradient (CG), and Levenberg-Marquadrt (LM)] and two choices of error functions [mean-square-error (mse) and cross-entropy (CE)]. In this paper, we apply PyraNet to determine gender from a facial image, and compare its performance on the standard facial recognition technology (FERET) database with three classifiers: The convolutional neural network (NN), the k-nearest neighbor (k-NN), and the support vector machine (SVM)  相似文献   

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