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Three National Science Foundation (NSF) programs—Human–Computer Interaction, Universal Access, and Digital Society and Technologies—were recently combined into one new cluster called “Human-Centered Computing” (HCC). Two workshops were held to share information about this new cluster with researchers, provide guidance to researchers who are early in their research careers and have yet to receive NSF funding, and provide feedback to NSF from the affected research communities regarding topics that are considered particularly important by this community. Continuing and emerging research opportunities identified included privacy and security issues in HCC context, intelligent user interfaces, universal access including research for different populations such as children and older adults, mobile and ubiquitous computing, and social computing, among others. Various issues concerning interdisciplinary research opportunities were also raised, including understanding the disciplines, promotion and tenure concerns, administrative overhead, and where to publish. Education discussions produced a list of curricular recommendations and a number of opportunities to enhance the education of future HCC practitioners and researchers.  相似文献   

Service-Oriented Computing: State of the Art and Research Challenges   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Service-oriented computing promotes the idea of assembling application components into a network of services that can be loosely coupled to create flexible, dynamic business processes and agile applications that span organizations and computing platforms. An SOC research road map provides a context for exploring ongoing research activities.  相似文献   

主体服务能力描述和能力匹配是实现自主单元自配置的关键,也是基于主体的自主计算技术中的核心内容.在简要介绍自主计算基础上,重点对主体服务描述语言和主体服务匹配算法的研究成果进行了综述,并指出未来的发展趋势.  相似文献   

面向服务的WEB计算环境及应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
数据的分布性,开发平台的异构性,WEB后台技术的多样性及业务逻辑定义和数据属性描述的不一致性阻碍了电子商务的发展,电子商务不仅仅是解决在线支付eCommerce,对企业而言应该是解决在线采购,计划,生产,储运,分销和客户服务为主的eBusiness.随着企业越来越多的应用向网上转移,服务整合将革新下一代电子商务的模式,而面向服务体系结构描述了建立基于服务的动态绑定,松散耦合系统的基本准则。  相似文献   

自律计算的研究还处于初级阶段,具体设计和实现过程还不完善.自律评估是自律计算研究组成部分,对自律计算系统的实现和完善起着重要作用,国内外已有机构和学者对其进行深入研究并取得了一些成果.本文主要对国内外现有的自律计算的评估研究成果进行分类,时其评估能力的有效性和完备性进行分析,探讨影响评估研究的制约因素,最后总结评估研究领域存在问题,并展望该领域未来的发展方向.  相似文献   

开放网格服务体系结构(OGSA)的出现表明让网格资源以服务形式提供标准化的接口已成为趋势,以前的资源管理模式已经不能满足应用的要求。为此,提出了一种面向服务的作业管理机制,它为用户提供透明的、与资源物理位置无关的并带有会话支持的作业服务接口,还引入了服务分级的概念来表示用户需求的不同网格服务级别,作业管理系统则根据可定制的服务级别,将各项QoS特性映射到具体的作业管理行为。最后以电子政务为例,初步构建了该模型的原形系统。  相似文献   

一种支持自治计算的基于可废止逻辑的柔性Agent   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
廖备水  黄华新  高济 《软件学报》2008,19(3):605-620
以自治计算的研究为背景,利用可废止逻辑理论的非单调知识表征和推理机制,提出一种能够动态接受规则变更、灵活处理实时发生的规则冲突,并进行高效的非单调推理的柔性Agent模型.这种Agent既是自主的,又是可控的,而且可以在开放、动态的环境中通过合同与其他Agent进行协同工作.  相似文献   

自主计算软件工程方法   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从软件工程角度对自主计算进行研究,定义了一种自、主计算系统模型.以此模型为基础,提出了一种多主体系统设计方法DPMAS用于自主计算系统的建模,提出了一种基于构件复用的层次化自主计算未统开发方法.根据研究成果,实现了一个自主计算开发环境,较好的支撑了自主计算系统的软件工程过程.  相似文献   

From our previous work on biochemical applications, the structure of port graph (or multigraph with ports) and a rewriting calculus have proved to be well-suited formalisms for modeling interactions between proteins. Then port graphs have been proposed as a formal model for distributed resources and grid infrastructures, where each resource is modeled by a node with ports. The lack of global information and the autonomous and distributed behavior of components are modeled by a multiset of port graphs and rewrite rules which are applied locally, concurrently, and non-deterministically. Some computations take place wherever it is possible and in parallel, while others may be controlled by strategies. In this paper, we first introduce port graphs as graphs with multiple edges and loops, with nodes having explicit connection points, called ports, and edges attaching to ports of nodes. We then define an abstract biochemical calculus that instantiates to a rewrite calculus on these graphs. Rules and strategies are themselves port graphs, i.e. first-class objects of the calculus. As a consequence, they can be rewritten as well, and rules can create new rules, providing a way of modeling adaptive systems. This approach also provides a formal framework to reason about computations and to verify useful properties. We show how structural properties of a modeled system can be expressed as strategies and checked for satisfiability at each step of the computation. This provides a way to ensure invariant properties of a system. This work is a contribution to the formal specification and verification of adaptive systems and to theoretical foundations of autonomic computing.  相似文献   

面向服务的云数据挖掘引擎的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数据挖掘算法处理海量数据时,扩展性受到制约。在商业和科学研究的各个领域,知识发现的过程和需求差异较大,需要有效的机制来设计和运行各种类型的分布式数据挖掘应用。提出了一种面向服务的云数据挖掘引擎的框架CloudDM。不同于基于网格的分布式数据挖掘框架,CloudDM利用开源云计算平台Hadoop处理海量数据的能力,以面向服务的形式支持分布式数据挖掘应用的设计和运行,并描述面向服务的云数据挖掘引擎系统的关键部件和实现技术。依据面向服务的软件体系结构和基于云平台的数据挖掘引擎,可以有效解决海量数据挖掘中的海量数据存储、数据处理和数据挖掘算法互操作性等问题。  相似文献   

Vassev  Emil Hinchey  Mike 《Computer》2009,42(6):90-93
ASSL provides a framework for formal specification, validation, and code generation of autonomic systems.  相似文献   

自律计算系统是目前的一个热点研究方向,其目的是采用技术管理技术来降低用户使用系统的复杂性。目前,自律计算理论已广泛应用于网络安全、自动控制等多个领域并取得初步成功。基于学术界已有的研究成果,对自律计算概念、框架结构以及自律计算系统实现的关键技术进行了综述,以为自律计算领域研究人员后续研究提供指导。  相似文献   

容错服务是分布计算系统正常运作的有力保障。该文在一个基于多Agent的校园网格计算原型系统基础上,根据网格计算以及网格应用的本质,提出了网格容错服务的特征,采用Agent分而治之,自主容错的策略,将自主容错服务作为基础服务部署在校园网格计算原型系统的三个Agent层上,并对其实现和运作机制进行了详细的论述。  相似文献   

Autonomic computing systems are self-monitoring, self-tuning, self-organizing, self-optimizing, self-healing, and self-protecting, and they can address quality of-service, failure-recovery, and security issues with minimal human intervention.  相似文献   

集成Agent技术和面向服务计算技术:现状和展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Agent技术和面向服务计算技术是目前计算机科学与技术领域中的二项重要技术.这二种技术都试图为互联网软件系统的开发提供新颖的技术途径,但是它们的关注点、所采用的技术手段、优势和不足各不相同.将这二种技术相互集成有助于发挥各自的优势,同时弥补各自的不足.近年来有关集成Agent技术和面向服务计算技术的研究引起了人们的关注和重视,它将为部署在互联网上的动态、开放系统的开发提供新颖、有效的技术途径.分析了集成Agent技术和面向服务计算技术的背景和动机,综述了该领域的研究现状和已有的成果,并展望了其面临的问题和挑战.  相似文献   

Reinforcement learning is a promising new approach for automatically developing effective policies for real-time self-management. RL can achieve superior performance to traditional methods, while requiring less built-in domain knowledge. Several case studies from real and simulated systems management applications demonstrate RL's promises and challenges. These studies show that standard online RL can learn effective policies in feasible training times. Moreover, a Hybrid RL approach can profit from any knowledge contained in an existing policy by training on the policy's observable behavior, without needing to interface directly to such knowledge  相似文献   

The Journal of Supercomputing - Systems running in ubiquitous environments are characterized by a context that changes frequently. The adaptation of this kind of systems according to the context is...  相似文献   

《IT Professional》2007,9(3):19-24
The notion of "service" has spurred major evolutions for both information systems and the Web. A software application is no longer considered a monolithic component; it can be divided into services that are smaller components defined by their function and accessible through well-defined interfaces and protocols. As a result, IT actors are using service-oriented architectures (SOAs) to remodel the information systems of many companies while the Web is increasingly becoming a programmable place. In both domains, developers build composite client applications to consume these services. Even boundaries between enterprise services and Internet services are vanishing. Some companies, such as Strikelron provide enterprise services that were previously always hosted internally - like customer relationship management solutions. As a consequence, companies now have the technologies required to bring their business online. With Web services, private business processes can be exposed to partners through public composite Web applications. When new projects emerge, companies need guidance to properly handle such work. In this context, we aim to provide companies solutions - through a methodology, an architecture, and technical choices - that will help them solve generic problems such as security and application conception  相似文献   

面向服务的网格高性能计算策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网格技术和Web服务的发展,促成了服务计算的诞生和发展.本文在面向服务的架构下,重新研究传统计算网格下的高性能计算.首先,针舛高性能计算应用的特点,结合面向服务的思想,提出了一种层次资源管理体系结构.其次,分析了适用于网格环境的高性能计算应用的程序结构,并通过有向无循环图(DAG)加以表示.第三,基于上述的资源管理体系结构和高性能计算应用模型,提出了一种改进的动态优先级调度算法.最后,通过仿真实验,分析了提出的算法的性能,实验结果表明提出的算法适用于网格环境,进而验证了本文提出的面向服务的网格高性能计算策略的有效性.  相似文献   

自律计算是分布式异构环境下进行资源自动化管理的有效技术.其目的是通过系统的自我监视,主动发现硬件故障和软件故障,并采用策略技术加以修复,完成系统的自我管理.因此,故障监视是自律计算中较为重要的一个研究方向,但目前尚欠缺有效可行的方法来完成自律系统的故障监视.提出了一种分布式异构环境下基于事件分类的方法来设计自律计算系统故障监视机制,以统一监视管理异构资源的故障,并与自律系统互联通报,激活相应的策略来修复故障,为自律系统的自我修复提供依据.  相似文献   

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