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支持分布式合作实时事务处理的协同检验点方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在实时事务执行时,事务故障或数据竞争会导致事务重启,为减少事务重启损失的工作量,可以采用检验点技术保证事务的时间正确性.在一类分布式实时数据库应用中,不同结点的事务通过消息交换形成合作关系,为保证合作事务间的全局一致性,当某一事务记检验点时,相关事务也要记检验点.传统协同检验点方法没有考虑应用的定时约束,不能很好地支持分布式合作实时事务处理.该文提出了一种基于图论的协同检验点方法,利用在每个计算结点上为每个合作事务集维护的局部有向图,使用一个基于图论的计算过程标识出应记检验点的事务,该方法既具有最小协同检验点特性,又使全局检验点的时延最小.实验表明该算法减少了全局检验点时延,有利于实时事务截止期的满足.  相似文献   

分布式实时数据库并发控制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在集中式实时数据库中,事务并发控制一般采用基于优先级的事务重启或优先级继承.在分布式实时数据库中,由于一个主事务的各参与事务可能分布在多个节点上,事务重启一方面会造成系统资源的极大浪费,另一方面又会加大网络传输的负担.而在优先级继承策略中,被阻塞的高优先级事务的执行完全依赖于阻塞它的低优先级事务,在分布式环境中,事务的执行具有更多的不可确定的因素,这就很难保证被阻塞事务的截止期.本文提出了一种基于数据多映像的并发控制协议,事务因访问数据而形成不同的依赖关系,改变高优先级事务和低优先级事务的依赖关系从而更有利于高优先级事务而又不矢折或阻塞其他事务,从而大大提高事务执行的并发度,更好地满足实时事务的截止期.  相似文献   

现有的协同检验点方法在移动环境中会带来较大的检验点过程延时 ,不能很好地支持实时事务处理 .提出了一种新的协同并行检验点方法 ,在正常的消息传输过程中 ,通过一点额外的带宽传送事务间检验点依赖关系 ;在某一事务记检验点时 ,尽可能地同时通知相关的事务记检验点 .实验表明 ,该算法对网络带宽没有明显的增加 ,而能大大降低事务记检验点的延时 ,使系统中超截止期的事务比例大大降低  相似文献   

在实时数据库中,事务对时态数据对象的访问在很多领域的应用日益广泛.目前实时数据库中的事务调度算法大多仅考虑数据的逻辑一致性,而忽略了满足时态的一致性.本文提出了临时数据截止期的概念,以定理的形式证明了低成本的预测算法的可行性,尽可能早地终止或推迟无法满足时态一致性要求的事务的执行,节省了计算资源以供其它事务执行.在此基础上提出了新的实时数据库中具有时态限制的事务调度算法TDDBPA(Temporary Data Deadline—Based Predictive Algorithm).通过与目前所知的有效算法比较,本算法在性能指标上(事务失败率、浪费的CPU时间)明显优于这些算法.  相似文献   

随着移动计算技术的快速发展,移动环境下涉及到实时事务处理的应用需求正逐渐增长.由于移动环境下固有特性:高的网络延迟、频繁的断接性和移动性等,采用传统的事务处理技术,在移动环境下很难满足事务的截止期要求.提出了一种基于高优先级两段锁的混合乐观实时事务并发控制协议(HORTCC—SHP2PL).该协议在移动实时事务处理中将乐观并发控制和高优先级两段锁结舍起来,利用两阶段提交协议实现移动实时事务的全局提交.为了进一步减少移动实时事务重启的数目.在并发控制协议中引入了相似性的概念.仿真实验显示.与分布式高优先级两段锁(HP2PL)比较,HORTCC—SHP2PL明显地减少了实时事务错过截止期的比率,提高了事务的并发度,能更好的满足移动实时事务截止期的要求.  相似文献   

分布式实时事务提交协议   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在分布式实时数据库系统中,保证事务原子性的唯一途径是研究和开发出一个实时的原子提交协议.首先详细分析了事务因数据访问冲突而形成的各种依赖关系,在此基础上提出了实时的原子乐观提交协议——2SC协议,该协议减少了事务的等待时间,提高了事务的并发度,且能无缝地和现有的并发控制协议集成在一起,保证事务的可串行化和原子性.通过模拟实验研究表明,采用该协议能够减少超过截止期的事务数目。  相似文献   

为支持分布式主动实时数据库事务处理的可预测性,提出了一种新的基于树的事务语义模型,该模型利用事务“关节点”的概念能较好地描述分布式主动实时事务的语义与结构特征,并能有效地支持分布式主动实时事务预分析处理与动态预测的结合。另外,分析了分布式主动实时事务的静态语义信息,构造了静态事务信息集合。  相似文献   

在实时数据库中,事务对时态数据对象的访问在很多领域的应用日益广泛。目前实时数据库中的事务调度算法大多仅考虑数据的逻辑一致性,而忽略了满足时态的一致性。论文提出了新的实时数据库中具有时态限制的事务调度算法PSBA(PredictionandSimilarity-BasedAlgorithm)。首先提出了临时数据截止期的概念,以定理的形式证明了低成本地预测算法的可行性,尽可能早地终止或推迟无法满足时态一致性要求的事务的执行,节省了计算资源以供其它事务执行。继而通过挖掘数据语义,利用数据相似性,结合预测算法,进一步提高了调度性能。与目前所知的有效算法比较,该算法在性能指标上(事务失败率、浪费的CPU时间)明显优于这些算法。  相似文献   

移动实时嵌套事务的并发控制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
廖国琼  刘云生  杨进才 《计算机学报》2003,26(10):1326-1331
在移动计算环境中,事务移动性和无线网络固有的缺陷使得传统分布式实时事务管理机制不足以支持移动实时事务的执行,故有必要为移动实时事务研究新的事务处理机制以提高其成功率.该文着重研究移动实时事务的并发控制机制.首先,该文给出了一个考虑事务定时限制以及移动性的嵌套事务模型.然后,为减少移动分布式环境中解决数据冲突的开销,该文研究了一种结合优先级夭折和优先级继承的基于封锁的并发控制协议PAI-2PL.当高优先级事务被低优先级事务阻塞时,对于相同家族事务,采用优先级继承方法解决冲突;而对于不同家族事务,则夭折重启低优先级事务.另外,为减少由于断接所引起的无效阻塞,PAI-2PL允许低优先级事务夭折处于断接状态的高优先级事务.通过性能测试,表明所提出的事务模型及并发控制机制能提高实时事务的成功率.  相似文献   

移动实时事务的相对时间正确性及其实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
随着移动通信技术的迅速发展,人们提出了新的应用要求:在移动环境下处理实时事务.而移动通信的带宽有限性引起较大的数据访问延迟,有时甚至由于网络传输的断接而使得事务得不到所需访问的数据,这些严重影响了移动环境下实时事务截止期的满足.实时事务的时间要求(典型地为截止性)的满足通常比事务执行的逻辑结果的完全正确更为重要.该文提出了移动环境下实时事务的“相对”时间正确性标准,只要事务访问的数据的陈旧度(staleness)在控制的范围内,就不一定要求实时事务访问的数据在事务提交时是有效的.文中提出了移动实时事务的相对时间正确性标准、保证事务相对时间正确性标准的算法及移动实时事务执行模型.所有这些策略一方面降低了移动实时事务的并发控制代价,另一方面以牺牲事务的“绝对”时间正确换取事务截止期的满足,这与实时数据库“宁愿要部分正确但及时的结果而不愿要绝对正确但过时的结果”的系统目标是相一致的.实验表明:相对时间正确性标准的提出及相应的事务执行模型能提高系统中满足截止期事务的比率,从而提高了系统性能.  相似文献   

Checkpointing and rollback recovery are well-known techniques for handling failures in distributed systems. The issues related to the design and implementation of efficient checkpointing and recovery techniques for distributed systems have been thoroughly understood. For example, the necessary and sufficient conditions for a set of checkpoints to be part of a consistent global checkpoint has been established for distributed computations. In this paper, we address the analogous question for distributed database systems. In distributed database systems, transaction-consistent global checkpoints are useful not only for recovery from failure but also for audit purposes. If each data item of a distributed database is checkpointed independently by a separate transaction, none of the checkpoints taken may be part of any transaction-consistent global checkpoint. However, allowing individual data items to be checkpointed independently results in non-intrusive checkpointing. In this paper, we establish the necessary and sufficient conditions for the checkpoints of a set of data items to be part of a transaction-consistent global checkpoint of the distributed database. Such conditions can also help in the design and implementation of non-intrusive checkpointing algorithms for distributed database systems.  相似文献   

Determining consistent global checkpoints is common to many distributed problems such as fault-tolerance, distributed debugging, properties detection, etc. Uncoordinated and coordinated checkpointing algorithms have been traditionally used for such determinations. This paper addresses a third technique, namely adaptive checkpointing, that has recently emerged. This technique assumes processes take local checkpoints independently and requires them to take additional local checkpoints in order that all local checkpoints be members of some consistent global checkpoint. We first study the characteristics of such adaptive algorithms. Then, a general adaptive checkpointing algorithm is designed from a condition, first stated by Netzer and Xu, that answers the following question: ‘does a given local checkpoint belong to a consistent global checkpoint’' (such a local checkpoint is not useless). The resulting algorithm has the nice property to reduce the number of additional local checkpoints taken to ensure the property ‘no local checkpoint is useless’. Futhermore, it provides each local checkpoint with a consistent global checkpoint to which it belongs. Compared to uncoordinated and coordinated checkpointing algorithms, this algorithm combines the advantages of both without inheriting their drawbacks.  相似文献   

实时数据库事务的正确性及实现算法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
实时数据库系统中事务可以有定时限制(典型地为截止期),事务超过截止期可能给系统带来灾难性后果,事务不光要满足数据库的完整性与一致性,而且要满足在时间上的正确性以及事务之间在结构上的正确性,传统的事务处理方法仅着眼于事务存取数据库的正确性,对于时间正确性与结构正确性无能为力,详细讲座了实时事务的正确性,包含结果正确性、时间正确性、行为正确性及结构正确性,已有的研究成果中大多用不央的算法及策略来保证不同的正确性要求;给出了保证实时事务正确性的一个统一的图论算法。  相似文献   

A database system supporting a real-time application has to provide real-time information to the executing transactions. Each real-time transaction is associated with a timing constraint, typically in the form of a deadline. It is difficult to satisfy all timing constraints due to the consistency requirements of the underlying database. In scheduling the transactions it is aimed to process as many transactions as possible within their deadlines. Replicated database systems possess desirable features for real-time applications, such as a high level of data availability, and potentially improved response time for queries. On the other hand, multiple copy updates lead to a considerable overhead due to the communication required among the data sites holding the copies. In this paper, we investigate the impact of storing multiple copies of data on satisfying the timing constraints of real-time transactions. A detailed performance model of a distributed database system is employed in evaluating the effects of various workload parameters and design alternatives on the system performance. The performance is expressed in terms of the fraction of satisfied transaction deadlines. A comparison of several real-time concurrency control protocols, which are based on different approaches in involving timing constraints of transactions in scheduling, is also provided in performance experiments. Recommended by: A. ElmagarmidThis work was initiated while the author was at the Computer Science Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  相似文献   

Chen  Hong-Ren  Chin  Y. H. 《Real-Time Systems》2004,27(3):237-269
Many noticeable studies have focussed on scheduling flat transactions in a distributed real-time database system (RTDBS). However, a nested transaction model has been widely adopted in many real-life applications such as Internet stock trading systems and telecommunications. This work concerns efficiently scheduling real-time nested transactions in a distributed RTDBS. A new real-time scheduler called flexible high reward for nested transactions (FHRN) is proposed. FHRN consists of (1) FHRNp 1 policy to schedule real-time nested transactions and (2) 2PL_HPN to resolve the concurrent data-accessing problem among interleaved nested transactions. Simulation results show that FHRN outperforms these existent real-time schedulers such as random priority (RP), earliest deadline (ED), highest value (HV), hierarchical earliest deadline (HED), and highest reward and urgency (HRU) when an application requires a nested transaction model.  相似文献   

Lam  Kam-Yiu  Hung  Sheung-Lun  Son  Sang H. 《Real-Time Systems》1997,13(2):141-166
The use of Static Two Phase Locking Protocols (S2PL) for concurrency control in real-time database systems (RTDBS) has received little attention in the past. Actually, real-time S2PL (RT-S2PL) protocols do possess some desirable features making them suitable for RTDBS, especially for distributed real-time database systems (DRTDBS) in which remote locking is required and distributed deadlock is possible. In this paper, different RT-S2PL protocols are proposed. They differ in their methods of reducing the blocking time of higher priority transactions. Their performance is studied and compared with a real-time dynamic two phase locking protocol (RT-D2PL), called Hybrid Two Phase Locking (Hb2PL). The impact of different system and workload parameters, such as mean inter-arrival time of transactions, number of remote lock requests of a transaction, communication overhead for sending messages, and database size on their performance have been examined. The performance results indicate that the RT-S2PL protocols are suitable for DRTDBS in which the proportion of local locks of a transaction is small and the communication overhead for locking is high.  相似文献   

A global state of a distributed transaction system is consistent if no transactions are in progress. A global checkpoint is a transaction which must view a globally consistent system state for correct operation. We present an algorithm for adding global checkpoint transactions to an arbitrary distributed transaction system. The algorithm is nonintrusive in the sense that checkpoint transactions do not interfere with ordinary transactions in progress; however, the checkpoint transactions still produce meaningful results.  相似文献   

许贵平  刘云生 《计算机科学》2005,32(10):110-113
在类似闭环控制的硬实时数据库应用环境,实时事务具有一定的静态可预报性,其中实时事务的可调度性分析是维护实时数据库时间正确性的基础.通过利用抢占阈值,提出了一种新的实时事务处理模型,它集成了CPU调度和数据调度,实现离线并发控制,具有单阻塞的特征与好的静态可预测性,并有利于降低事务系统的负载和改善可调度性.进一步由此建立了实时事务的静态可调度性分析模型以及求最优可行调度的整数规划模型,该模型有利于达到实时事务调度的整体优化.  相似文献   

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