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The healthcare industry is beginning to realize that its services and information systems need to be customer-centered. The author contends that not only is the patient a primary customer of the healthcare provider, but the patient's physician, employer and insurerer are also "customers" who need patient-related information. These interrelationships demand integration.  相似文献   

在对开放式数控系统的功能要求的分析基础上,对系统的硬件和软件进行了合理的功能配置。并由此进行了基于ARM的开放式数控系统的总体设计;详细介绍了系统的原理与构成:根据系统微型化、高性能、低成本、便携性的要求,在系统硬件设计时,选用了低功耗、高性能、成本低的微处理器,选用开放源代码的UC1inUX作为实时操作系统,构成了简单易学易操作的开放式数控系统。  相似文献   

针对多聚焦图像,通过小波变换和基于窗口的系数绝对值和选大融合规则,存在着对噪声敏感和融合信息不完整等缺点。为了克服这些缺点,使融合后的图像包含尽可能多的源图信息,提出了一种在融合时两幅图像的系数都选取的融合规则。通过对多聚焦图像融合的实验结果比较表明,提出的融合规则的融合效果更优,可避免信息损失。  相似文献   

Image fusion is the process of combining one or more images which are obtained from different environment into a single image which is more useful for further image processing tasks. Image registration and image fusion are of great importance in defence and civilian sectors, particularly for recognizing a ground/air force vehicle and medical imaging. In this paper a new way is drawn to fuse two or more images by using maximum, minimum operations in intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs). IFSs are more suitable for image processing since every digital image have lot of uncertainties. In processing phase, images are reformed into intuitionistic fuzzy images (IFIs). Entropy is employed to obtain the optimum value of the parameter in membership and non-membership function. Then the resulting IFIs are disintegrated into image blocks and the corresponding blocks of the images are reunioned by finding the count of blackness and whiteness of the blocks. This paper evaluates the performance of simple averaging (AVG), principal component analysis (PCA), discrete wavelet transform (DWT), stationary wavelet transform (SWT), dual tree complex wavelet transform (DTCWT), multi-resolution singular value decomposition (MSVD), nonsubsampled contourlet transform (NSCT) and IFS (proposed method) in terms of various performance measure. The experimental and comparison results show that luminance and contrast is of great importance for image processing and prove that the proposed method is better than all other methods.  相似文献   

基于多特征融合的图像检索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前图像检索的准确性是研究的难题,主要在于特征提取的方法。为了提高图像检索的精度,在图像底层特征研究的基础上,提出了一种综合多特征的图像检索算法--基于底层特征综合分析算法(CAUC)。首先,在YUV颜色空间下提取图像的平均值和标准方差作为全局颜色特征,获得图像的二值位图,提取其局部颜色特征;然后,基于紧密度和Krawtchouk矩不变量提取图像的形状特征;再根据改进的四像素共生矩阵算法提取图像的纹理特征;最后综合多特征将待查询图像与图像库中图像进行相似度计算,返回相似度高的图像。在Corel-1000的图像集上的实验结果显示,与原来仅考虑四像素共生矩阵的方法相比,CAUC的查准率与查全率没有明显降低,但检索时间大大减少;与另外两种多特征融合的图像检索方法相比,CAUC仍能在保证较高检索速度的同时提高查准率与查全率。实验结果表明,CAUC方案能有效提取图像特征,提高检索效率。  相似文献   

Image fusion can produce a single image that describes the scene better than the individual source image. One of the keys to image fusion algorithm is how to effectively and completely represent the source images. Morphological component analysis (MCA) believes that an image contains structures with different spatial morphologies and can be accordingly modeled as a superposition of cartoon and texture components, and that the sparse representations of these components can be obtained by some specific decomposition algorithms which exploit the structured dictionary. Compared with the traditional multiscale decomposition, which has been successfully applied to pixel-level image fusion, MCA employs the morphological diversity of an image and provides more complete representation for an image. Taking advantage of this property, we propose a multi-component fusion method for multi-source images in this paper. In our method, source images are separated into cartoon and texture components, and essential fusion takes place on the representation coefficients of these two components. Our fusion scheme is verified on three kinds of images and compared with six single-component fusion methods. According to the visual perceptions and objective evaluations on the fused results, our method can produce better fused images in our experiments, compared with other single-component fusion methods.  相似文献   

图像融合是指联合两个或两个以上的图像通过某种算法得到一幅更高质量的新图像.提出了一种融合全色图像和光谱图像的方法即能量最小化方法,能量主要由两个部分组成.第1部分保证了相关细节信息的注入.第2部分保持了多光谱图像的低频信息.另外,能量还可以包含高分辨率光谱图像的先验知识和其它一些约束条件.  相似文献   

像素级图像融合需要对待融合图像的像素灰度进行综合分析与处理,而巨大的数据量给图像融合带来了极大的不便。压缩感知理论的兴起提供了一种新的数据采集和压缩方法 ,它利用图像的部分信息重构原始图像,有效减轻了图像处理的计算复杂度。本文基于对压缩感知理论的研究,把压缩感知的方法应用于图像融合,并尝试通过对压缩感知观测矩阵的改进提高融合质量。文中设计出一种适应于DCT域的射线采样矩阵,通过与随机生成的观测矩阵融合效果的比较,证明该方法取得了良好的融合效果。  相似文献   

This paper presents an image fusion method based on a new class of wavelet - nonseparable wavelet with compact support, linear phase, orthogonality, and dilation matrix . We first construct a 6 x 6 nonseparable wavelet filter bank. Using these filters the images involved are decomposed into nonseparable wavelet pyramids. Then the following fusion algorithm is proposed: for the low-frequency part, we select the average of the low-frequency subimages from both sensors. For every high-frequency subimage of each level, we select the absolute value of each pixel of the high-frequency subimage to form a new subimage, and the variance of each image patch over a 3 x 3 window in the new subimages is computed as an activity measurement. If the variance of the 3 x 3 window in one new subimage is greater than the variance of the corresponding 3 x 3 window in the other new subimage, then the center pixel value of the 3 x 3 window is selected as a new pixel value of the fused image. A new fused image is then reconstructed. The performance of the method is evaluated using entropy, root mean square error, and peak-to-peak signal-to-noise ratio. The experimental results show that this method has good vision effect. Because the nonseparable wavelet transform can extract more details from source images, all the features in the source images can be seen in the fused image, and the fused image can extract more information from the source images.Received: 5 July 2003, Accepted: 29 November 2004, Published online: 25 February 2005This research was support by NSFC under project 60085002  相似文献   

《Information Fusion》2002,3(1):3-15
Image fusion refers to the acquisition, processing and synergistic combination of information provided by various sensors or by the same sensor in many measuring contexts. The aim of this survey paper is to describe three typical applications of data fusion in remote sensing. The first study case considers the problem of the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry, where a pair of antennas are used to obtain an elevation map of the observed scene; the second one refers to the fusion of multisensor and multitemporal (Landsat Thematic Mapper and SAR) images of the same site acquired at different times, by using neural networks; the third one presents a processor to fuse multifrequency, multipolarization and mutiresolution SAR images, based on wavelet transform and multiscale Kalman filter (MKF). Each study case presents also the results achieved by the proposed techniques applied to real data.  相似文献   

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