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Ad Hoc网络中基于惩罚机制的激励合作转发模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于Ad hoc网络中的节点受到自身处理能力、存储空间和电池能量等各种资源的限制,节点为了节省自身的宝贵资源经常会表现出自私性,因此激励自私节点之间合作转发成为Ad hoe网络重要的研究内容.为此,结合重复博弈理论的思想,首先建立邻居节点之间的单阶段博弈模型,得到对应的支付策略,并对该模型进行延伸,建立了无限重复博弈模...  相似文献   

崔平付  任智  曹建玲 《计算机科学》2016,43(Z6):268-271
针对延时容忍移动传感器网络中节点自私性检测存在未考虑节点由于自身问题不能转发数据而引起信誉值计算不精确和重传数据造成能量浪费的问题,通过引入剩余能量和能否进行数据转发的两个概念,结合相应的惩罚机制,进一步提高了延时容忍移动传感器网络中节点自私性检查的准确度,同时可以延长网络的生存时间。对于现有延时容忍移动传感器网络中缺乏相应的激励机制,引入博弈的思想,通过理论证明,在条件允许的情况下节点会选择合作的行为,从而增加节点主动转发数据的积极性,提高网络的投递成功率,减少网络开销。  相似文献   

自私的移动节点不仅不会无偿为其他节点转发分组,而且有多占系统资源的动机.为此,提出了一种移动节点与无线接入点之间的接入服务博弈控制方案.方案基于已有移动节点的行为信任等级、请求服务所需的资源要求,预测其未来一定属性组合条件下各个信任和请求服务等级的概率,并结合博弈分析给出了无线接入点接纳移动节点的概率和接纳控制的决策条件.一旦收到某移动节点的接入服务请求,并根据接纳概率,若无线接入点决定处理它,则基于贝叶斯网络模型预测其信任和请求服务等级的未来值.基于预测值、接纳概率、移动节点的欺骗概率,无线接入点判断是否响应其接入服务请求.应用示例与仿真分析表明,方案对移动节点具有良好的激励作用和较强的服务响应能力,而且博弈消息代价比现有相关方案小.  相似文献   

移动社会网络的路由工作中存在一个不合理的假设,即所有节点是无私合作的,愿意为其他节点转发数据。然而,MSN网络节点通常表现出自私性,因为在现实世界中,节点通常被人们所支配,而社会中的人们可能由于节点资源的匮乏不愿意节点参与转发。这种节点的自私行为无疑极大地降低了网络的性能。为了解决移动社会网络的自私路由问题,提出了一种基于用户合作和贡献的自私路由协议C2SR。C2SR根据候选中继节点与目标节点之间的合作度及该节点对网络的贡献度来决定下一跳节点。其中节点合作度由节点社会合作度和个体合作度决定,贡献度则包括节点之间的相互贡献以及对整个网络的社会贡献。与目标节点具有较高合作度并且贡献度较小的候选节点更适合作为下一跳中继节点。仿真结果表明,C2SR协议比SSAR和ANT等协议具有更好的性能。  相似文献   

移动对等网络中自私节点的检测和激励机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曲大鹏  王兴伟  黄敏 《软件学报》2013,24(4):887-899
由于其自身资源等客观因素的限制以及主观态度的影响,移动对等网络中的节点常常表现出自私性,因此,检测并激励自私节点合作成为当前重要的研究内容通过允许节点自由表达其主观转发态度,实现对自私节点的检测.即在路由选择时,不仅考虑到链路质量和节点能量等因素决定的路径的客观转发概率,而且考虑到路径上节点自私性影响下的主观转发概率,以选择出综合转发概率最高的路径,从而减轻自私节点的影响.当节点自私度过重时,设计了一个基于惩罚机制的激励合作模型以鼓励节点参与合作.根据节点自私行为的危害程度,对其采取相应的惩罚措施.节点之间的监控机制和严格的惩罚机制保证了防策略性的实现.模拟实验结果表明,该检测和激励机制不仅能够在节点能量受限和理性自私的情况下寻找到合适的路由,而且能够激励过于自私的节点积极参与网络活动.  相似文献   

无线Mesh网中虽然有固定节点,但是其中大量的移动节点仍然有能源、带宽、内存等限制。在机会路由协议中,数据包从源节点至目的节点,需要中继节点机会性地转发;但由于节点自身条件的原因,节点行为往往趋向于自私,不愿接受转发请求。节点不合作行为中的自私性是导致网络吞吐量随之下降的主要原因之一。针对该问题,提出邻居节点合作度评估函数的概念,并建立基于合作度评估函数的宽容针锋相对策略节点重复博弈模型(CGTFT)。仿真表明,该模型可以有效抑制自私,激励节点合作,提高网络吞吐量。  相似文献   

VANET中基于博弈论的信任模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高车载自组织网络中通信的安全性,VANET迫切需要有效的信任管理;针对该问题提出一种基于博弈论的信任模型,该模型引入了时间衰减函数来提高信任评价的准确性和动态适应能力,并在推荐信任计算中引入节点交易密度函数来计算推荐节点的推荐可信度;为了有效激励节点积极提供高质量的服务,惩罚不良行为节点,还引入博弈论,对节点的信任值进行博弈分析,并根据分析结果决定是否转发消息;通过仿真实验证明,该信任模型在抵御恶意节点方面有很好的效果,并且能够识别自私节点并能在信任节点之间建立信任,而且有效地隔离了自私节点。  相似文献   

自私节点的存在使得MANETs网络的入侵检测性能低下。针对该问题提出一种基于非合作零和博弈的入侵检测模型。一方面,通过建立代价函数和提高信誉的方式激励自私节点积极参与合作,从而选择出最优领导节点,提高群内节点的生存时间;另一方面,建立领导节点IDS和入侵者的非合作博弈模型,利用求解贝叶斯纳什均衡的方法对其进行求解,按照求解结果为节点分配负载,实现对节点资源的合理使用,提高模型对入侵的检测率。  相似文献   

在无线传感器网络中,由于能量和资源有限,不是每个节点都愿意为邻节点提供转发服务。讨论了无线传感器网络中自私节点的问题,提出了一个博弈模型,设计了一个基于节点信誉和能量的效用函数来监测恶意节点和自私节点,并鼓励节点中有更多的合作。在所提算法中,每个节点维护有邻节点的信誉表,参与转发的节点可以获得信誉作为奖励,而表现自私的节点则会丢失信誉作为惩罚。同时,转发会消耗节点能量,节点的信誉值和剩余能量必须都大于阈值才能在网络中共存。这样,恶意节点最终会被排除网络,自私节点则可以在激励下通过调整转发概率来避免被孤立。  相似文献   

无线移动自组织网络中数据的传输是基于中间节点的合作转发的,但由于内部自私节点为了节省带宽和电量或者网络受到恶意节点的攻击,导致丢包行为发生,网络性能严重降低。基于无线自组织网络常用的路由协议AODV,提出了一种新的针对内部丢包攻击的检测模型。该检测模型引入旁信道概念,旁信道节点和看门狗共同检测并记录节点转发报文行为,采用邻居信息表存放检测结果,当相应节点的记录值达到一定下限时就被隔离出网络。由于旁信道可以发送警报报文,该模型能够同时检测到自私节点或合作攻击节点引起的内部丢包攻击。  相似文献   

Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) follow a unique organizational and behavioral logic. MANETs’ characteristics such as their dynamic topology coupled with the characteristics of the wireless communication medium make Quality of Service provisioning a difficult challenge. This paper presents a new approach based on a mobile routing backbone for supporting Quality of Service (QoS) in MANETs. In real-life MANETs, nodes will possess different communication capabilities and processing characteristics. Hence, we aim to identify those nodes whose capabilities and characteristics will enable them to take part in the mobile routing backbone and efficiently participate in the routing process. Moreover, the route discovery mechanism we developed for the mobile routing backbone dynamically distributes traffic within the network according to current network traffic levels and nodes’ processing loads. Simulation results show that our solution improves network throughput and packet delivery ratio by directing traffic through lowly congested regions of the network that are rich in resources. Moreover, our protocol incurs lower communication overheads than AODV (ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing protocol) when searching for routes in the network.  相似文献   

Ad Hoc网络中一种基于信任域值的IDS模型的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
移动Ad Hoc网络由于具有开放媒质、动态拓扑和分布合作及能量受限等特点,特别容易受到攻击.在Ad Hoc网络中,每个节点充当路由器,寻找和保持到其他节点的路由.路由安全是保证Ad Hoc网络安全最重要的一环.本文采用决策支持系统中的信任机制将一种基于信任域值的IDS模型(IDS_trust)引入到Ad Hoc网络中,并提出了一种新的安全解决方案.  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》2008,52(5):988-997
A mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is composed of mobile nodes without any infrastructure. Mobile nodes self-organize to form a network over radio links. The goal of MANETs is to extend mobility into the realm of autonomous, mobile and wireless domains, where a set of nodes form the network routing infrastructure in an ad-hoc fashion. The majority of applications of MANETs are in areas where rapid deployment and dynamic reconfiguration are necessary and wired network is not available. These include military battlefields, emergency search, rescue sites, classrooms and conventions, where participants share information dynamically using their mobile devices. These applications lend themselves well to multicast operations. In addition, within a wireless medium, it is crucial to reduce the transmission overhead and power consumption. Multicasting can improve the efficiency of the wireless link when sending multiple copies of messages by exploiting the inherent broadcast property of wireless transmission. Hence, reliable multicast routing plays a significant role in MANETs. However, to offer effective and reliable multicast routing is difficult and challenging. In recent years, various multicast routing protocols have been proposed for MANETs. These protocols have distinguishing features and employ different recovery mechanisms. To provide a comprehensive understanding of these multicast routing protocols and better organize existing ideas and work to facilitate multicast routing design for MANETs, we present the taxonomy of the multicast routing protocols, their properties and design features. This paper aims to aid those MANETs researchers and application developers in selecting appropriate multicast routing protocols for their work.  相似文献   

由于具有分布式特性,导致移动自组网容易遭受攻击。为了增强移动自组网的安全性,建立一套适合自组织、无认证中心的节点信任评估模型是非常必要的。因此,提出了一种移动自组网中基于多约束和协同过滤的动态信任机制。其主要思想是在根据节点自身的经历的基础上,采用一个带多约束的信任更新算法来评估直接信任。其中:时间衰减因子保证了信任度随时间进行衰减;奖励因子保证了良好的节点应受到奖励;惩罚因子保证了恶意节点应受到惩罚。另外,采用协同过滤技术来评估推荐信任,以此来阻止不诚实的推荐。通过定量评估分析和模拟仿真,结果表明所提出的方法比Bayesian模型能更精确地计算节点之间的信任度和提高移动自组网的安全性。  相似文献   

SmallWorld Model-Based Polylogarithmic Routing Using Mobile Nodes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The use of mobile nodes to improve network system performance has drawn considerable attention recently. The movement-assisted model considers mobility as a desirable feature,where routing is based on the store-carry-forward paradigm with random or controlled movement of resource rich mobile nodes.The application of such a model has been used in several emerging networks,including mobile ad hoc networks(MANETs),wireless sensor networks(WSNs),and delay tolerant networks(DTNs).It is well known that mobility increases the capacity of MANETs by reducing the number of relays for routing,prolonging the lifespan of WSNs by using mobile nodes in place of bottleneck static sensors,and ensuring network connectivity in DTNs using mobile nodes to connect different parts of a disconnected network.Trajectory planning and the coordination of mobile nodes are two important design issues aiming to optimize or balance several measures, including delay,average number of relays,and moving distance.In this paper,we propose a new controlled mobility model with an expected polylogarithmic number of relays to achieve a good balance among several contradictory goals,including delay,the number of relays,and moving distance.The model is based on the small-world model where each static node has"short"link connections to its nearest neighbors and"long"link connections to other nodes following a certain probability distribution.Short links are regular wireless connections whereas long links are implemented using mobile nodes.Various issues are considered,including trade-offs between delay and average number of relays,selection of the number of mobile nodes,and selection of the number of long links.The effectiveness of the proposed model is evaluated analytically as well as through simulation.  相似文献   

A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a group of low-power consumption of wireless mobile nodes that configure a wireless network without the assistance of any existing infrastructure/centralized organization. The primary aim of MANETs is to extend flexibility into the self-directed, mobile, and wireless domain, in which a cluster of autonomous nodes forms a MANET routing system. An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a tool that examines a network for malicious behavior/policy violations. A network monitoring system is often used to report/gather any suspicious attacks/violations. An IDS is a software program or hardware system that monitors network/security traffic for malicious attacks, sending out alerts whenever it detects malicious nodes. The impact of Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) in MANETs challenging blackhole attack is investigated in this research article. The Cluster Trust Adaptive Acknowledgement (CTAA) method is used to identify unauthorised and malfunctioning nodes in a MANET environment. MANET system is active and provides successful delivery of a data packet, which implements Kalman Filters (KF) to anticipate node trustworthiness. Furthermore, KF is used to eliminate synchronisation errors that arise during the sending and receiving data. In order to provide an energy-efficient solution and to minimize network traffic, route optimization in MANET by using Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) technique to determine the optimal number of clustered MANET along with energy dissipation in nodes. According to the research findings, the proposed CTAA-MPSO achieves a Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) of 3.3%. In MANET, the PDR of CTAA-MPSO improves CTAA-PSO by 3.5% at 30% malware.  相似文献   

Multicast routing in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) poses several challenges due to inherent characteristics of the network such as node mobility, reliability, scarce resources, etc. This paper proposes an Agent Based Multicast Routing Scheme (ABMRS) in MANETs, which uses a set of static and mobile agents. Five types of agents are used in the scheme: Route manager static agent, Network initiation mobile agent, Network management static agent, Multicast initiation mobile agent and Multicast management static agent. The scheme operates in the following steps: (1) to identify reliable nodes; (2) to connect reliable nodes through intermediate nodes; (3) to construct a backbone for multicasting using reliable nodes and intermediate nodes; (4) to join multicast group members to the backbone; (5) to perform backbone and group members management in case of mobility. The scheme has been simulated in various network scenarios to test operation effectiveness in terms of performance parameters such as packet delivery ratio, control overheads and group reliability. Also, a comparison of proposed scheme with MAODV (Multicast Ad hoc on-demand Distance Vector) protocol is presented. ABMRS performs better than MAODV as observed from the simulation. ABMRS offers flexible and adaptable multicast services and also supports component based software development.  相似文献   

TCP Issues in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Challenges and Solutions   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are a kind of very complex distributed communication systems with wireless mobile nodes that can be freely and dynamically self-organized into arbitrary and temporary network topologies. MANETs inherit several limitations of wireless networks, meanwhile make new challenges arising from the specificity of MANETs, such as route failures, hidden terminals and exposed terminals. When TCP is applied in a MANET environment, a number of tough problems have to be dealt with. In this paper, a comprehensive survey on this dynamic field is given. Specifically, for the first time all factors impairing TCP performance are identified based on network protocol hierarchy, i.e., lossy wireless channel at the physical layer; excessive contention and unfair access at the MAC layer; frail routing protocol at the network layer, the MAC layer and the network layer related mobile node; unfit congestion window size at the transport layer and the transport layer related asymmetric path. How these factors degrade TCP performance is clearly explained. Then, based on how to alleviate the impact of each of these factors listed above, the existing solutions are collected as comprehensively as possible and classified into a number of categories, and their advantages and limitations are discussed. Based on the limitations of these solutions, a set of open problems for designing more robust solutions is suggested.  相似文献   

Due to limited radio range and mobility of nodes in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), the network partitioning and merging could occur frequently. When structured peer-to-peer (P2P) overlays are running over MANETs, then network partition in the physical network can also cause network partition at the overlay layer. Existing approaches for structured P2P overlay over MANETs do not detect network partition at the overlay layer. This paper proposes a cross-layer approach to detect network partition at the overlay layer for structured P2P overlay over MANETs. Simulation results show that the proposed approach is highly effective and efficient in terms of routing overhead, success ratio and false-negative ratio.  相似文献   

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