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基于VANET的数据传递能为交通信息收集、城市生活服务、紧急告警、军事指挥等应用提供数据传输服务,但VANET数据传递面临诸多挑战,例如网络拓扑变化快、信道容量有限等。从VANET数据传递的关键挑战入手,指出了影响VANET数据传递的主要因素,对VANET数据传递的基本机制进行了分类,综述并分析了已有的实现方法。此外,还列举了提高数据传递能力的优化策略。最后对未来的研究趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

基于轨迹挖掘的公交车自组织网络路由机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数据传递是车载自组织网络(VANET)应用不可或缺的组成部分.在城市中,公交车网络具有覆盖面广、行驶线路固定等特点,VANET应用中的数据传递可以通过公交车自组织网络实现,但公交车网络能否在VANET数据传递中发挥其独特的作用取决于对公交车运行规律的挖掘和利用的程度.文中提出了一种公交车自组织网络的路由机制Vela,该机制依托从公交车历史轨迹中挖掘的公交车运行时空规律,建立了公交车数据传递的概率时空模型,并给出了基于路段上公交线路相遇的数据传递路径的选择策略.与已有相关研究相比,Vela路由机制一方面以路段为粒度刻画了公交车运行的时空规律,这使得所获得的公交车运行规律兼具准确性和稳定性,另一方面,基于公交车运行规律估算路段上数据传递的延迟和可靠性,能获得尽可能好的服务质量级别的数据传递路径.实验结果表明采用Vela路由机制能实现具有高到达率和低延迟的数据传递,而且Vela路由机制具有较强的可伸缩性.  相似文献   

车载自组织网络(vehicular ad-hoc network,简称VANET)作为一种新型的移动自组织网络,应用前景广阔.鉴于长距离数据分发机制是支撑VANET应用的一个不可或缺的机制,提出了一种VANET下路边单元(roadsideunit,简称RSU)辅助的数据分发机制Ara,并在不同的交通场景下对其性能进行了评估.实验结果表明,即使在有RSU出现故障的情况下,Ara也可以保证较高的数据到达率、较小的延迟和较低的消息开销.同时,通过建立分析模型对Ara的数据传递延迟进行了理论分析.该分析模型建立在车辆的微观流模型之上,可以推导出不同RSU 部署场景下的数据传递延迟.模拟实验结果验证了模型的正确性,因此该分析模型可以对Ara数据传递的性能进行预测.  相似文献   

冯诚  李治军  姜守旭 《计算机工程与设计》2011,32(5):1521-1526,1530
具有短距离通信能力的车载设备的改进和短距离微波通信授权频谱的分配推动了智能交通系统应用的发展,促进了车用自组织网络(VANET)的研究。对于VANET上的应用数据分发是各类应用实现的基础,同时数据聚合又是实现数据分发的关键技术。介绍了VANET的概念和网络构架,给出了当前VANET上的一些典型应用;详细阐述了VANET上的数据分发的基本结构,并对数据聚合算法的研究现状进行了详细的分析和比较;最后总结并展望了VANET上的数据聚合在未来一段时间的研究重点。  相似文献   

车载自组织网络(VANET)中有关安全的信息无疑具有最高优先级,应为其设计低延迟、高准确率的信息传递算法,基于此,提出一种基于认知代理的紧急数据处理算法。为每个簇分配三种代理,数据采集代理与数据传递代理独立、并行的工作,提高了整体处理的效率。紧急数据的聚集过程中,基于回归模型,过滤其中的冗余信息与重复信息,提高了数据紧凑度。试验结果表明,相较于其他仅针对数据传输的VANET路由算法,本算法具有更低的端到端延迟与控制信息的开销。  相似文献   

车用自组织网络传输控制研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
车用自组织网络--VANET(vehicle ad-hoc network)作为移动自组织网络和传感器网络在道路交通领域的应用,不具备完整协议体系结构,没有专门的传输控制协议.为提供VANET传输协议设计参考,研究了VANET传输协议设计应具备的目标和要素.首先介绍了VANET的特点、研究内容及其传输控制所面临的挑战.然后提出了无线传输协议的分类方法,使用分析和比较的方式讨论了各类无线传输协议用于VANET的利弊,并针对VANET应用及特性提出了VANET传输控制协议设计目标和设计要素.最后展望了VANET传输控制未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

基于OPNET的车用Ad hoc网可靠性评估研究*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张桃改  谢辉 《计算机应用研究》2009,26(10):3807-3811
通过搭建车用Ad hoc网络(VANET)的仿真平台,将一个真实的车辆节点移动模型与标准的无线移动Ad hoc网络模型进行结合来对车用网络的可靠性进行评估。反映了车辆的移动特性对整个VANET可靠性的影响,利于更详细、更直观的刻画VANET的重要特性,为将来VANET相关协议的设计提供具体、详实的参考数据和建议。  相似文献   

谢波  肖晓强  徐明  刘志强 《计算机应用》2008,28(10):2577-2579
根据车辆自组网(VANET)的特点和实际应用,分析了VANET的可生存性要素,给出了VANET的可生存性定义,分析了VANET的服务、威胁与策略,提出了基于马尔可夫链的平均可生存性量化模型,并通过模拟验证了该模型的正确性。理论和模拟结果均表明,保证基本服务和防止严重威胁可以有效保障VANET的可生存性。  相似文献   

车载自组织网络(VANET)在近几年成为最普及的移动ad hoc网络。随着交通业的发展,VANET已成为不断升温的研究热点,但关于VANET的应用大部分还处于理论阶段。如何把理论成果转化为实际应用成为现阶段的主要任务之一。介绍了VANET和一种VANET的应用协议一区域受限的本地化信息协议(LINGER),论述了协议实现阶段的工作流程和状态划分。基于实现的LINGER协议代码库进行VANET应用程序开发,降低了开发难度,缩短了开发周期。  相似文献   

基于复杂网络的车载自组织网络抗毁性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯慧芳  李彩虹 《计算机应用》2016,36(7):1789-1792
针对车载自组织网络(VANET)的抗毁性问题,分析了其在随意攻击和蓄意攻击下网络的抗毁性特征。首先,提出以最大连通度、连通分支平均规模、临界点移除比例及网络效率为评价指标的VANET拓扑抗毁性参数;然后,基于带有车辆换道功能的智能驾驶员模型,应用VanetMobisim仿真软件建立VANET;最后,通过仿真实验分析了网络节点数、通信半径以及攻击模式对VANET抗毁性的影响。实验结果表明由于车辆节点度分布的不均匀性,VANET对随意攻击具有较强的抗毁性,而在蓄意攻击下显得比较脆弱;基于节点介数的蓄意攻击对网络的破坏更快、更强。这些规律为优化VANET拓扑控制、网络协议开发和网络管理提供新的指导。  相似文献   

车载自组织网络(vehicular ad hoc networks,简称VANETs)具有网络间歇连通、节点高速移动及动态的网络拓扑结构等特性,如何有效地实现车辆间的数据传输,成为VANETs的重大挑战.现有研究工作基于历史交通流量或历史延迟预测路段当前交通状况的方法并不可靠.此外,要实现高效的数据路由传输,配置大量路边基础设施节点(deploying roadside unit,简称RSU)是一种可行方案,但通常需要额外开销.基于城市区域长时间拥有大量地上停放车辆这一事实,提出了基于停车骨干网络的数据传输策略PBBD(parking backbone based data delivery),不需要配置任何地面基础设施,而是把地面的停放车辆组成一个虚拟的停车覆盖网络,通过该停车覆盖网实现数据的传输.为此,首先,对于每一条道路,把路边和非路边停放车辆组成一个尽可能长的停车簇,并基于这些停车簇组织城市停车骨干网络.其次,设计基于停车覆盖网络的全新数据传输算法来实现车辆间的有效数据传输.基于真实城市地图和交通数据的模拟实验结果表明,与现有的几种数据传输算法相比,PBBD能够以较低的网络传输开销和较小的传输延迟获得较高的数据传输成功率.  相似文献   


Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are a subset of mobile ad hoc networks that provide communication services between nearby vehicles and also between vehicles and roadside infrastructure. These networks improve road safety and accident prevention and provide entertainment for passengers of vehicles. Due to the characteristics of VANET such as self-organization, dynamic nature and fast-moving vehicles, routing in this network is a considerable challenge. Swarm intelligence algorithms (nature-inspired) such as ant colony optimization (ACO) have been proposed for developing routing protocols in VANETs. In this paper, we propose an enhanced framework for ACO protocol based on fuzzy logic for VANETs. To indicate the effectiveness and performance of our proposed protocol, the network simulator NS-2 is used for simulation. The simulation results demonstrate that our proposed protocol achieves high data packet delivery ratio and low end-to-end delay compared to traditional routing algorithms such as ACO and ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV).


Recently, several studies addressed security and privacy issues in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). Most of them focused on safety applications. As VANETs will be available widely, it is anticipated that Internet services could be accessed through VANETs in the near future. Thus, non-safety applications for VANETs would rise in popularity. This paper proposes a novel portable privacy-preserving authentication and access control protocol, named PAACP, for non-safety applications in VANETs. In addition to the essential support of authentication, key establishment, and privacy preservation, PAACP is developed to provide sophisticated differentiated service access control, which will facilitate the deployment of a variety of non-safety applications. Besides, the portability feature of PAACP can eliminate the backend communications with service providers. Therefore, better performance and scalability can be achieved in PAACP.  相似文献   

Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) will start becoming deployed within the next decade. Among other benefits, it is expected that VANETs will support applications and services targeting the increase of safety on the road, and assist in improving the efficiency of the road transportation network. However, several serious challenges remain to be solved before efficient and secure VANET technology becomes available, one of them been efficient authentication of messages in a VANET. There is a significant body of research work addressing this issue, however, while progress has been made, the challenge is still far from having been resolved and reliable and secure systems ready for deployment becoming available. In this paper, we propose the Privacy Preserving Broadcast Message Authentication (PPBMA) scheme, which, instead of performing asymmetric verification, uses Message Authentication Code (MAC) functionality and HASH operations to authenticate messages. Moreover, we use two-level key hash chain, which assists avoiding message losses. Simulation results demonstrate that PPBMA has superior performances in terms of packet loss rate and message delivery latency when compared to existing solutions. Due to this advantage, it can support emergency and routine messages alike, while existing solutions can only support routine messages.  相似文献   

车载网络(VANETs)属于移动无线网络的特例,具有鲜明的特性。传统无线网络的路由协议难以直接应用于VANETs。节点的高速移动,引起网络拓扑动态变化,导致VANETs的通信链路频繁断裂。高动态网络的链路可靠性问题引起广泛的关注。为此,针对高速公路VANETs的路由可靠性进行分析,对演化图论进行扩展,建立扩展后的演化图论模型(EEGM),并利用EEGM获取VANETs拓扑的动态信息,从而预先获取可靠路由的信息。在此基础上,提出基于演化图论的可靠路由协议(EG-RAODV)。仿真结果表明,与同类的其他协议相比,提出的路由协议在分组传输率、端到端传输时延、路由请求消息率以及链路断裂数方面得到了提升。  相似文献   

Video streaming over Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) offers the opportunity to deploy many interesting services. These services, however, are strongly prone to packet loss due to the highly dynamic topology and shared wireless medium inherent in the VANETs. A possible strategy to enhance the delivery rate is to use redundancy for handling packet loss. This is a suitable technique for VANETs as it does not require any interaction between the source and receivers.In this work, we discuss novel approaches for the use of redundancy based on the particularities of video streaming over VANETs. A thorough study on the use of redundancy through Erasure Coding and Network Coding in both video unicast and video broadcast in VANETs is provided. We investigate each strategy, design novel solutions and compare their performance. We evaluated the proposed solutions from the perspective not only of cost as bandwidth utilization, but also the offered receiving rate of unique video content at the application layer. This perspective is fundamental to understanding how redundancy can be used without limiting the video quality that can be displayed to end users.Furthermore, we propose the selective use of redundancy solely on data that is more relevant to the video quality. This approach offers increases in overall video quality without leading to an excessive overhead nor to a substantial decrease in the receiving rate of unique video content.  相似文献   

Multi-channel IEEE WAVE 1609.4 protocol has been proposed to guarantee the co-existence of safety and non-safety applications over the same Vehicular Ad hoc NETwork (VANET) scenario. While the usage of multi-channel avoids the risk of collisions between applications allocated on different frequencies, its implementation on a single-radio transceiver poses some major concerns about the effective utilization of the channel resources. In this paper, we study the performance of safety applications over multi-channel single-radio VANETs, and we present three novel contributions in this regard. First, we propose an analytical analysis and a simulation study of IEEE 1609.4. We show the harmful impact of synchronous channel switching on the message delay and delivery ratio. Second, we investigate the problem of dissemination of safety broadcast messages over multi-channel VANETs, where the network is intermittently disconnected, due to the alternation of control and service intervals. Finally, we propose a WAVE-enhanced Safety message Delivery (WSD) scheme to enable fast dissemination of safety messages over multi-channel VANETs, while guaranteeing compatibility with the existing WAVE stack. To this aim, we formulate the dissemination problem as a multi-channel scheduling problem. We further introduce cooperation among vehicles to reduce the dissemination latency. Simulation study shows the ability of the WSD scheme to enhance the performance of IEEE 1609.4 in terms of message delay and delivery ratio under different topologies and various applications.  相似文献   

彭鑫  申巧巧  李文  刘志鹏 《软件学报》2016,27(S1):59-70
在稀疏交通环境下,车联网的数据转发机会较少,车辆携带数据时间较长,从而造成较大的数据传输时延.针对该问题,提出了基于车辆轨迹信息的数据转发协议(data dissemination based on trajectory,简称DDBT).协议采用“携带+连通组件”思想,通过分析双向交通路段延迟特征,建立了端对端传输延迟模型,提出了在路口接入点协助下基于最小传输延迟期望的车辆留存副本多径转发原则.理论分析及仿真实验结果表明,提出的DDBT协议在稀疏交通环境下表现出较好的数据传输延迟性能.  相似文献   

The combination of vehicles and wireless communication has resulted in a promising future for vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). The VANET is a kind of network that can be built randomly, quickly and temporarily without any infrastructure. The routing of data in a VANET is a challenging task due to the high dynamics, unstable connection environments and transfer direction limit (real road planning) involved. However, it has been discussed that radio obstacles, as found in urban areas, have a significant negative impact on the performance of location based routing. Therefore, the design of a suitable routing protocol for VANETs is an important issue, especially in regard to inter-vehicle communication applications. This paper proposes a energy-efficient geographic routing algorithm that uses the direction, density and distance between nodes in the crossroad routing strategy, to improve the link stability. We compare the novel scheme, ad hoc on-demand distance vector, and dynamic source routing (DSR) for packet loss rate and average end-to-end delay in VANETs to reduce the power consumptions. The simulation results are obtained which demonstrate the power effectiveness of our proposed routing strategy.  相似文献   

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