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艾祖亮  张立民 《计算机仿真》2007,24(10):173-176
环境贴图是绘制物体表面漫反射和镜面反射效果的一种有效方法.为了把环境贴图应用于视景仿真中,实现场景对象的真实感绘制,首先从分析球面调和函数入手,提出了漫反射环境纹理图的快速计算方法;然后在研究镜面反射模型时,提出采用箱式滤波器代替Phong余弦函数滤波的方法,从而简化了镜面反射环境纹理图的滤波计算;最后在实现阶段,采用立方体环境纹理图表示场景光照环境,并对纹理图进行分级细化从而提高了绘制效率.实验表明,该方法在增强对象真实感的同时,其运算速度也能满足交互系统的需求,非常适合视景仿真应用.  相似文献   

辐照度环境纹理图是绘制任意光照环境下漫反射物体表面的一种有效的方法。为了实现动态光照环境下辐照度环境纹理图的实时绘制,基于当前的通用图形硬件,提出了一种采用顶点着色器快速计算辐照度环境纹理图的方法。该方法从分析球面调和函数入手,首先得出环境贴图的二次多项式表达形式;然后用顶点着色程序对多项式系数和球面调和函数进行加速计算,以快速生成辐照度环境纹理图;最后对于动态光照环境,则通过对环境纹理图的分级细化来加快光照系数的计算,进而实现了动态光照环境下辐照度环境纹理图的重新绘制。实验表明,在动态光照条件下,采用该方法在获取真实感光照效果的同时,其运算速度也能满足交互系统的需求。  相似文献   

物体表面的高光现象均由镜面反射的一个复杂的非线性表达式描述,这为实时绘制带来了困难,由此本文提出了一种使用纹理映射技术绘制高光表面的方法。首先将具有镜面反射表达式的Phong模型分解成多个预计算的函数,然后存储为纹理图,最后使用多重纹理技术将这些纹理组合起来,实现高光表面的绘制。实验结果表明,本文算法大大提高了绘制的性能。  相似文献   

包含镜面反射成分的像素常常出现饱和,导致场景失真。笔者基于图像绘制技术改进了镜面反射消除方法。首先采用格鲁布斯检测法选取像素计算线性系数,然后计算出多幅线性化图像,最后结合图像融合得到漫反射成分估计值,进而消除镜面反射成分。实验表明,该方法能够有效地消除彩色物体表面的镜面反射成分。  相似文献   

针对物体表面镜面反射现象的绘制,提出了一种新的基于二维纹理映射技术的加速算法。将具有镜面反射表达式的Phong模型分解成多个简单的数学函数,预先离散采样计算后作为纹理对象传给显卡。使用OpenGL多重纹理技术,将每个纹理对象放入相应的纹理单元,分别设置其组合函数,将多个纹理的运算组合起来。将三角片顶点坐标及多组纹理坐标传入,从而实现了物体镜面反射现象的实时绘制。实验结果表明,该算法大大提高了绘制的性能。  相似文献   

镜面反射和折射场景的真实感图形绘制一直是计算机图形学领域具有挑战性的研究课题之一.虽然传统的光线跟踪算法可以绘制出逼真的效果,但是计算量大、耗时长.为了快速地进行真实感图形的绘制,基于光学映射虚对象的概念,提出了一种基于二次曲面(球体、圆柱体等)反射折射场景的快速绘制技术,并给出了求解二次曲面物体反射和折射虚物体的计算公式,由于该技术可利用图形硬件像绘制实际物体一样绘制这些虚物体,从而可实现基于图形硬件加速的快速光线跟踪.实验证明,这种方法可以在普通图形加速卡上实现镜面反射和折射现象的快速绘制,从而极大地提高了真实感图形绘制的速度,特别适用于建筑物漫游、动画和虚拟现实等要求快速绘制的领域.  相似文献   

基于环境光场和漫反射光场的动态场景绘制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用光强的可叠加性,本文提出了将光场分解为不随场景变化的子光场的思想,使得物体、光源、观察点都可自由变动的动态场景绘制也能利用基于图象的绘制技术之优势。依靠漫反射与观察方向的无关性,本文还提出了漫反射光场的四维表示法,并且利用物体对不同点光源的漫反射之间以及环境光与漫反射光之间的内在联系,只用一个单位强度的单色点光源为物体构造漫反射光场,从而节省了存储空间和预处理时间。利用其数据结构的一致性,环境光场、漫反射光场和深度场中对应点的数据被合并成5维矢量以便更有效地压缩。本文给出的绘制算法,能准确地计算出物体的颜色和场景中阴影的变化等动态场景的典型特征,从而为在低档计算机实现动态场景的实时绘制提供了理论和技术依据。  相似文献   

由于环境光源下的柔和阴影绘制需要针对每像素对来自全景方向的上千个光源进行昂贵的可见性计算,这给实时绘制带来了巨大的挑战.在消除预计算的前提下,提出了一种环境光源下动态场景全频阴影实时绘制算法.通过基于光照强度的环境图重要性采样、场景几何信息近似采样、阴影图预滤波、BRDF重要性采样等方法,实现了环境光源下动态场景的全频阴影及其环境映射绘制.实验表明,算法可满足环境光源、场景物体及其材质动态变化的要求,并可在保证实时绘制效率的前提下,取得近似于预计算算法的绘制质量.  相似文献   

曹莉  李绍彬  申闫春 《计算机仿真》2009,26(8):208-211,215
针对虚拟现实领域中如何提高渲染性能的问题,提出采用OSG(Open Scene Graph)图形开发接口实现镜面反射特效.由于镜面反射特效中的反射映像需通过绘制被反射物体的镜像拷贝来实现,而OSG的场景图技术支持对象实例的重用,它可以在一次加载几何体模型的情况下,给模型添加多个父节点,用以绘制不同状态的模型.同时,OSG采用StateSet类管理渲染状态,每个StateSet对象可以自动优化状态设置,使状态转变量最小,从而提升渲染性能.实验证明,用OSG开发库可以快速模拟出真实的镜面反射现象,并有效避免了冗余状态的设置.  相似文献   

在大尺度三维复杂场景中,提出了降雪和积雪快速模拟的方法,采用视景体相关和线性分组变换的方法更新雪粒子系统,改进了降雪绘制的视觉效果。针对场景尺度大、复杂度高的特点,创建视点相关遮挡图(Occlusion Map)来精细绘制近处实体的表面积雪细节,生成积雪灰度纹理图来近似模拟远处地物的整体积雪效果,实现了大场景多细节层次积雪的动态模拟。在积雪绘制过程中,近处积雪细节模拟所需的视景体参数和遮挡图通过CPU获取,将复杂的积雪位置的判定和积雪量的计算从CPU移到GPU中,利用自定义的GPU顶点和片段操作加快了积雪模拟的速度。实验结果表明,在大尺度三维复杂场景交互式操作下,提出的方法能较好地实现雪的绘制和模拟。  相似文献   

为了解决全局光照下漫反射和高光反射的实时计算,提出了一种利用环境贴图实现漫反射和高光反射实时渲染的综合算法。通过对原始光照环境贴图进行分级,改进了原有计算漫反射贴图的滤波算法,提高了运算速度。同时在保证一定逼真度的条件下,利用硬件完成了高光反射贴图的生成。最终通过可编程图形管道,完成了光照的实时计算和渲染。实验结果表明,这种综合算法可以在VR程序中达到比较满意的效果。  相似文献   

Glossy to glossy reflections are lights bounced between glossy surfaces. Such directional light transports are important for humans to perceive glossy materials, but difficult to simulate. This paper proposes a new method for rendering screen‐space glossy to glossy reflections in realtime. We use spherical von Mises‐Fisher (vMF) distributions to model glossy BRDFs at surfaces, and employ screen space directional occlusion (SSDO) rendering framework to trace indirect light transports bounced in the screen space. As our main contributions, we derive a new parameterization of vMF distribution so as to convert the non‐linear fit of multiple vMF distributions into a linear sum in the new space. Then, we present a new linear filtering technique to build MIP‐maps on glossy BRDFs, which allows us to create filtered radiance transfer functions at runtime, and efficiently estimate indirect glossy to glossy reflections. We demonstrate our method in a realtime application for rendering scenes with dynamic glossy objects. Compared with screen space directional occlusion, our approach only requires one extra texture and has a negligible overhead, 3% ~ 6% loss at frame rate, but enables glossy to glossy reflections.  相似文献   

Dual paraboloid mapping is an approach for environment mapping. Its major advantage is its fast map generation speed. For graphics applications, when filtering is needed, the filtering tool would naturally be mipmapping. However, directly applying mipmapping to dual paraboloid mapping would give us three problems. They are the discontinuity across the dual paraboloid map boundary, the non‐uniform sampling problem and the depth testing issue. We propose three approaches to solve these problems. Our approaches are based on some closed form equations derived via theoretical analysis. Using these equations, we modify the coordinates involved during the rendering process. In other words, these problems are handled just by using dual paraboloid maps and mipmaps differently, instead of fundamentally altering their data structures. Consequently, we are fixing the problems without damaging the map generation speed advantage. Applying all three approaches, we improve the rendering quality of dual paraboloid map mipmaps to a level equivalent to that of cubemap mipmaps, while preserving its fast map generation speed advantage. This gives dual paraboloid map mipmaps the potential to be a better choice than cubemap mipmaps for the devices with less computational power. The effectiveness and the efficiency of the proposed approaches are demonstrated using a glossy reflection application and an omnidirectional soft shadow generation application.  相似文献   

Recent work in interactive global illumination addresses diffuse and moderately glossy indirect lighting effects, but high‐frequency effects such as multi‐bounce reflections on highly glossy surfaces are often ignored. Accurately simulating such effects is important to convey the realistic appearance of materials such as chrome and shiny metal. In this paper, we present an efficient method for visualizing multi‐bounce glossy reflections at interactive rates under environment lighting. Our main contribution is a pre‐computation–based method which efficiently gathers subsequent highly glossy reflection passes modelled with a non‐linear transfer function representation based on the von Mises–Fisher distribution. We show that our gathering method is superior to scattered sampling. To exploit the sparsity of the pre‐computed data, we apply perfect spatial hashing. As a result, we are able to visualize multi‐bounce glossy reflections at interactive rates at a low pre‐computation cost.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a method for efficiently rendering indirect highlights. Indirect highlights are caused by the primary light source reflecting off two or more glossy surfaces. Accurately simulating such highlights is important to convey the realistic appearance of materials such as chrome and shiny metal. Our method models the glossy BRDF at a surface point as a directional distribution, using a spherical von Mises‐Fisher (vMF) distribution. As our main contribution, we merge multiple vMFs into a combined multimodal distribution. This effectively creates a filtered radiance response function, allowing us to efficiently estimate indirect highlights. We demonstrate our method in a near‐interactive application for rendering scenes with highly glossy objects. Our results produce realistic reflections under both local and environment lighting.  相似文献   

Precomputed Radiance Transfer (PRT) remains an attractive solution for real-time rendering of complex light transport effects such as glossy global illumination. After precomputation, we can relight the scene with new environment maps while changing viewpoint in real-time. However, practical PRT methods are usually limited to low-frequency spherical harmonic lighting. All-frequency techniques using wavelets are promising but have so far had little practical impact. The curse of dimensionality and much higher data requirements have typically limited them to relighting with fixed view or only direct lighting with triple product integrals. In this paper, we demonstrate a hybrid neural-wavelet PRT solution to high-frequency indirect illumination, including glossy reflection, for relighting with changing view. Specifically, we seek to represent the light transport function in the Haar wavelet basis. For global illumination, we learn the wavelet transport using a small multi-layer perceptron (MLP) applied to a feature field as a function of spatial location and wavelet index, with reflected direction and material parameters being other MLP inputs. We optimize/learn the feature field (compactly represented by a tensor decomposition) and MLP parameters from multiple images of the scene under different lighting and viewing conditions. We demonstrate real-time (512 x 512 at 24 FPS, 800 x 600 at 13 FPS) precomputed rendering of challenging scenes involving view-dependent reflections and even caustics.  相似文献   

We present a technique for approximating isotropic BRDFs and precomputed self-occlusion that enables accurate and efficient prefiltered environment map rendering. Our approach uses a nonlinear approximation of the BRDF as a weighted sum of isotropic Gaussian functions. Our representation requires a minimal amount of storage, can accurately represent BRDFs of arbitrary sharpness, and is above all, efficient to render. We precompute visibility due to self-occlusion and store a low-frequency approximation suitable for glossy reflections. We demonstrate our method by fitting our representation to measured BRDF data, yielding high visual quality at real-time frame rates.  相似文献   

Environment‐mapped rendering of Lambertian isotropic surfaces is common, and a popular technique is to use a quadratic spherical harmonic expansion. This compact irradiance map representation is widely adopted in interactive applications like video games. However, many materials are anisotropic, and shading is determined by the local tangent direction, rather than the surface normal. Even for visualization and illustration, it is increasingly common to define a tangent vector field, and use anisotropic shading. In this paper, we extend spherical harmonic irradiance maps to anisotropic surfaces, replacing Lambertian reflectance with the diffuse term of the popular Kajiya‐Kay model. We show that there is a direct analogy, with the surface normal replaced by the tangent. Our main contribution is an analytic formula for the diffuse Kajiya‐Kay BRDF in terms of spherical harmonics; this derivation is more complicated than for the standard diffuse lobe. We show that the terms decay even more rapidly than for Lambertian reflectance, going as l–3, where l is the spherical harmonic order, and with only 6 terms (l = 0 and l = 2) capturing 99.8% of the energy. Existing code for irradiance environment maps can be trivially adapted for real‐time rendering with tangent irradiance maps. We also demonstrate an application to offline rendering of the diffuse component of fibers, using our formula as a control variate for Monte Carlo sampling.  相似文献   

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