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业知识对企业性能、竞争力有着重要的影响,通过对伙伴企业知识的评价,可以加强虚拟企业对知识的管理,从而提高虚拟企业性能。针对虚拟企业知识评价的问题,提出一种以企业模型为媒介的间接的知识评价方法——KP2RP,并结合它的五个元素:知识、产品、过程、资源、性能,定义了它们之间的关联矩阵,给出了关联矩阵的知识评价级别,最后提出基于数据包络分析的知识评价模型,并且利用实例分析了评价方法的可行性。  相似文献   

潘艳丽 《福建电脑》2011,27(10):104-105,110
提出了基于DEA的煤炭企业综合效益评价模型,克服了煤炭企业系统多投入、多产出情况复杂不易评价的难题,如评价指标权重设定困难、评价函数未知时难于做出正确的判断等。论文采用DEA的C2R模型与C2GS模型为理论基础,对八家煤炭企业的综合效益进行了实证分析与评价,并给出了相应建议。  相似文献   

基于组织目标的分解和分析,应用经典的统计过程控制(SPC)技术,建立了基于目标的软件过程性能定量评价模型(G-SPPAM)。通过分析组织目标(Goal)、度量指标(Indictor)和软件子过程(Sub process)之间的映射关系,实现每一个子过程的定量评价。还给出了该模型的应用方法,并结合实例分析了该模型。  相似文献   

数据包络分析是面向多输入多输出决策单元的有效性评估方法。在介绍数据包络分析的基本思想和模型基础之上,总结了近年来国内外的研究热点,包括两阶段DEA、效率排序DEA、随机DEA和相关扩展问题,旨在围绕以上研究热点,对DEA近年来的理论研究及其扩展模型进行梳理和分类。最后对数据包络分析进一步研究提出展望。  相似文献   

针对中医组方的药量推算建模问题,提出了基于证候上下文分析的逆数据包络分析(IDEA)算法。该算法以证侯的典型方剂为依据,以数据包络分析为评价工具,建立起反映证候演化的方药评价模型;依据代表证候状态的评价值,给相应的证型症状信息赋值,以完成“词计算”过程。最后,把具体的辨证过程植入到证侯发展的上下文环境中,以典型证型的“词计算”为依据,给出具体案例的证侯状态评价,再采用IDEA算法推算出药量数据。该模型的推算结果表明,它能够反映中医的一般用药规律,这将对辨证论治组方环节的数值化、客观化研究提供一种可能的思路。  相似文献   

针对边缘检测算法的性能评价,提出了一种在真实场景下基于统计、自适应强的评价基准图计算方法。定义了算法参数的相关系数,研究了算法参数相关模型。根据建立的算法参数相关系数得到单算法的预选基准图,对不同算法预选基准图进行基于置信度的图像融合得到可用于边缘检测算法性能评价的基准图。该计算基准图的方法有助于实现边缘检测算法性能评价的自动化,实验结果验证了该方法的有效性及实用性。  相似文献   

软件项目实训是锻炼和提高软件工程专业学生动手能力和综合素质的重要手段。通过项目实训管理系统可以更好地模拟实际生产环境,培养学生的项目管理经验,但实训课程中对项目管理系统的功能要求与软件企业实际的项目管理工具并不完全等同。项目实训的管理系统必须突出教师对项目进度的控制以及学生对每个子任务的操作或实现,并能让教师及时反馈与评价。提出一种通过将实训项目分拆成任务进而通过任务控制来推动项目实训进度的管理模式,并将其设计成为一套信息管理系统,用于项目实训课程的管理。  相似文献   

针对传统系统软件读写时间延长,系统吞吐性能下降的趋势,设计了基于数据包络分析与ccr模型的病重成本自动计算系统。调整ARM外设接口和FPGA外围接口。采用数据包络分析法,通过设置ccr模型决策条件,评价病重费用使用效率实现系统对病重成本的自动计算。实验结果表明:当数据读写时间超过120s时,新系统吞吐性能未改变,传统系统的吞吐性能出现下降趋势;当数据读写时间超过520s,传统系统吞吐性能快速下降,比新系统的吞吐性能分别低了2227msg/sec以及2222msg/sec。可见数据包络分析与ccr模型提高了系统在长时间工作时数据的吞吐能力。  相似文献   

1 引言在并行处理领域,研究并行机中多处理器连接的方式(即互连网络)是一个很重要的课题。互连网络是MPP的核心部分,拓扑结构、寻径控制和流控策略是其要素。为了降低互连网络的代价、提高其传输性能和可伸缩能力,研究人员已经提出了许多种互连网络,其中Delta网络和基准网络是较早提出的总体性质较好的互连网络,它们已被用于许多种并行机中处理器连接的拓扑结构(如BBNTC-2000,IBM RP3)。Delta网络具有较高的频带和性能价格比,但可扩展性差。基准网络使用2×2交换开关,具有简单的寻径控制和较好的可伸缩性等性质,但硬件代价较大。从集成电路技术角度,系统规模的增大使得许多互连网络结构难以实现,系统的组装受限于组装单元的管脚数(边界面积)和布局面积,这种组装技术是互连网络结构的最  相似文献   

Software Process Models and Project Performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we review the progress in software process research and the role of process improvement in enhancing business outcomes of software projects. We first describe the process view of software development. Next, we review the literature on software process research and discuss some of the leading software process models. The business value of software process improvements and empirical evidence from the software industry are also discussed in this paper. We conclude with a discussion of current challenges in software process research and directions for future research.  相似文献   

VCSTalk:基于DEA的开源软件开发人员效率评价工具*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了VCSTalk的具体设计和实现架构,并展示了它用于评价若干开源软件项目中的开发人员效率的一个具体实例.  相似文献   

可靠性作为衡量软件质量的重要特性,其定量评估和预测已成为人们关注和研究的焦点。本文针对这个问题展开研究,提出一个可用于软件测试之前的早期可靠性预测仿真模型。此仿真模型通过考查影响软件可靠性的过程因素,采用基准比对思想,利用软件过程度量数据,根据相似度比较,预测软件的残留缺陷数。由于该仿真模型仅需要静态历史数据,故可在软件测试之前,用于估计软件的残留缺陷数,从而预测软件的可靠性,为后期软件过程的改进以及软件测试计划的修正提供依据。  相似文献   

ETL包含数据的抽取、转换、加载三个部分,是构建数据仓库的重要环节。为解决异构数据源集成问题,本文提出了基于元数据的数据交换系统,并在该基础上阐述了数据交换系统中的任务设计模型和任务调度模型。最后介绍了数据交换系统中的主要算法以及设计模式。  相似文献   

基于贝叶斯网络的软件项目风险分析过程   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
论文提出了一种基于贝叶斯网络的软件项目风险分析过程。随着软件项目的进行,该风险分析过程能够利用不断更新的项目数据持续地预测潜在风险,并以此确定风险源并采取适当的应对措施降低风险发生概率。经实践检验,在软件开发的风险分析过程中引入贝叶斯网络技术能够有效地对风险进行管理,提高软件开发的成功率。  相似文献   

面临网络的恶意攻击、设备损坏等突发情况,数据、配置信息的备份就成了系统快速恢复的重要途径. 经过反复试验证明,通过Windows系统自带的计划任务、脚本配合相应软件就可以完全对现有的服务器、交换路由设备中所有重要信息进行自动、手动备份,当灾难发生时,能够以最小代价迅速恢复.  相似文献   

Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is widely used as a benchmarking tool for improving performance of organizations. For that purpose, DEA analyses provide information on both target setting and peer identification. However, the identification of peers is actually a by-product of DEA. DEA models seek a projection point of the unit under evaluation on the efficient frontier of the production possibility set, which is used to set targets, while peers are identified simply as the members of the so-called reference sets, which consist of the efficient units that determine the projection point as a combination of them. In practice, the selection of peers is crucial for benchmarking, because organizations need to identify a peer group in their sector or industry that represents actual performances from which to learn. In this paper, we argue that DEA benchmarking models should incorporate into their objectives criteria for the selection of suitable benchmarks among peers, in addition to considering the setting of appropriate targets (as usual). Specifically, we develop models having two objectives: setting the closest targets and selecting the most similar reference sets. Thus, we seek to establish targets that require the least effort from organizations for their achievement in addition to identifying peer groups with the most similar performances, which are potential benchmarks to emulate and improve.  相似文献   

Software is quite often expensive to develop and can become a major cost factor in corporate information systems budgets. With the variability of software characteristics and the continual emergence of new technologies the accurate prediction of software development costs is a critical problem within the project management context. In order to address this issue a large number of software cost prediction models have been proposed. Each model succeeds to some extent but they all encounter the same problem, i.e., the inconsistency and inadequacy of the historical data sets. Often a preliminary data analysis has not been performed and it is possible for the data to contain non-dominated or confounded variables. Moreover, some of the project attributes or their values are inappropriately out of date, for example the type of computer used for project development in the COCOMO 81 (Boehm, 1981) data set. This paper proposes a framework composed of a set of clearly identified steps that should be performed before a data set is used within a cost estimation model. This framework is based closely on a paradigm proposed by Maxwell (2002). Briefly, the framework applies a set of statistical approaches, that includes correlation coefficient analysis, Analysis of Variance and Chi-Square test, etc., to the data set in order to remove outliers and identify dominant variables. To ground the framework within a practical context the procedure is used to analyze the ISBSG (International Software Benchmarking Standards Group data—Release 8) data set. This is a frequently used accessible data collection containing information for 2,008 software projects. As a consequence of this analysis, 6 explanatory variables are extracted and evaluated.  相似文献   

This article reports the evolution of the literature on Dynamic Data Envelopment Analysis (DDEA) models from 1996 to 2016. Systematic searches in the databases Scopus and Web of Science were performed to outline the state of the art. The results enabled the establishment of DDEA studies as the scope of this article, analyzing the transition elements to represent temporal interdependence. The categorization of these studies enabled the mapping of the evolution of the DDEA literature and identification of the relationships between models. The three most widely adopted studies to conduct DDEA research were classified as structuring models. Mapping elucidated the literature behavior through three phases and showed an increase in publications with applications in recent years. The analysis of applications indicated that most studies address evaluations in the agriculture and farming, banking and energy sectors and consider the facilities as transition elements between analysis periods.  相似文献   

针对理想软件产品方案选择研究中的不足,文章将单个顾客用多粒度语言来描述的软件产品功能需求属性重要度进行基本语言术语(BLTS)转换,在此基础上引进诱导有序加权平均(IOWA)算子来确定某类顾客对于软件产品所有的产品功能需求属性重要度的评价值;根据各软件产品方案的工程属性特征值运用数据包络分析(DEA)方法来确定各软件产品方案的排名权值;运用效用值法将基于不同需求因素的软件产品方案排名决策信息进行转换,再采用互补判断矩阵中的排序公式来选择最贴近某类顾客需求的理想软件产品方案。最后给出了算法释例。  相似文献   

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