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宫丽娜  姜淑娟  姜丽 《软件学报》2019,30(10):3090-3114
随着软件规模的扩大和复杂度的不断提高,软件的质量问题成为关注的焦点,软件缺陷是软件质量的对立面,威胁着软件质量,如何在软件开发的早期挖掘出缺陷模块成为一个亟需解决的问题.软件缺陷预测通过挖掘软件历史仓库,设计出与缺陷相关的内在度量元,然后借助机器学习等方法来提前发现与锁定缺陷模块,从而合理地分配有限的资源.因此,软件缺陷预测是软件质量保证的重要途径之一,近年来已成为软件工程中一个非常重要的研究课题.汇总近8年(2010年~2017年)国内外的缺陷预测技术的研究成果,并以缺陷预测的形式为主线进行分析,首先介绍了软件缺陷预测模型的框架;然后从软件缺陷数据集、构建模型的方法及评价指标这3个方面对已有的研究工作进行分类归纳和比较;最后探讨了软件缺陷预测的未来可能的研究方向、机遇和挑战.  相似文献   

提高航空机载软件质量成为当前一个亟须解决的问题.建立软件缺陷知识库对于进行有效的软件质量评价及软件故障预测,识别易于出现缺陷的软件模块,提高软件测试效率和软件质量,都能起到重要作用.提出了一个基于机器学习和产生式系统推理相结合的航空机载软件缺陷知识库构建方法和相应的框架,该框架还包含软件缺陷度量元选取标准、选取清单,以及缺陷信息统计要求、分析方法.在此框架的基础上,利用实际测评工作中积累的大量航空机载软件缺陷数据,构建了一个统一、规范的软件缺陷知识库,并通过该知识库给出了缺陷预防信息,从而对航空机载软件全寿命周期进行了有效指导.  相似文献   

通过挖掘软件代码仓库数据预测软件缺陷是提高软件质量和增强软件安全性的重要方法。人们提出了多种基于机器学习的方法挖掘软件代码仓缺陷数据预测软件缺陷。然而,由于从不同代码仓提取的软件缺陷数据具有异质性,因此机器学习的预测效果往往并不理想。为此,本文提出一种基于多源域适应和数据增强的缺陷预测方法。该方法通过挖掘各种源代码仓和目标代码仓之间的特征相似性提高预测的准确性:一方面利用带权重的最大平均方差使特征分布距离最小,另一方面利用注意力机制提高与目标代码仓高度相似的源代码仓权重。对比实验结果表明,本文所提方法在软件缺陷预测效果最佳。  相似文献   

基于已有软件缺陷数据,建立分类模型对待测软件模块进行预测,能够提高测试效率和降低测试成本。现有基于机器学习方法对软件缺陷预测的研究大部分基于二支决策方式,存在误分率较高等问题。本文针对软件缺陷数据具有代价敏感特性且软件度量取值为连续值等特性,提出了一种基于邻域三支决策粗糙集模型的软件缺陷预测方法,该方法对易分错的待测软件模块作出延迟决策,和二支决策方法相比,降低了误分类率。在NASA软件数据集上的实验表明所提方法能够提高分类正确率并减小误分类代价。  相似文献   

软件缺陷预测是改善软件开发质量,提高测试效率的重要途径.文中提出一种基于软件度量元的集成k-NN软件缺陷预测方法.首先,该方法在不同的Bootstrap抽样数据集上迭代训练生成一个基本k-NN预测器集合.然后,这些基本预测器分别对软件模块进行独立预测,各基本预测值将被融合生成最终的预测结果.为判别新的软件模块是否为缺陷模块,设计分类阈值的自适应学习方法.集成预测结果大于该阈值的模块将被识别为缺陷模块,反之则为正常模块.NASAMDP及PROMISEAR标准软件缺陷数据集上的实验结果表明集成k-NN缺陷预测的性能较之广泛采用的对比缺陷预测方法有较明显的提高,同时也证明软件度量元在缺陷预测中的有效性.  相似文献   

软件缺陷预测是软件工程中的一个研究热点问题,通常软件缺陷预测的研究工作主要关注于软件模块是否存在缺陷和软件模块存在缺陷的数量。目前软件缺陷数量研究主要集中在基于缺陷数的软件模块排序。为提高软件模块排序的准确度,提出一种回环软件缺陷数量预测模型。此模型主要包括回环特征选择和缺陷预测两部分。在回环特征选择部分,将改进的密度峰值聚类算法和包裹式特征选择方法相结合,以回环的方式动态的选出最优特征,并训练学习器;陷预测部分采用反距离加权集成的方式得到预测结果。实验结果表明,此模型相比于LRCR、GRCR、LR、MLP、GP、NBR、ZIP分别提升了10.36%、28.74%、13.51%、36.61%、25.30%、60.14%、54.72%,有助于提高软件缺陷预测准确性。  相似文献   

软件缺陷预测是提高软件测试效率,保证软件可靠性的重要途径。考虑到软件缺陷预测模型对软件模块错误分类代价的不同,提出了代价敏感分类的软件缺陷预测模型构建方法。针对代码属性度量数据,采用Bagging方式有放回地多次随机抽取训练样本来构建代价敏感分类的决策树基分类器,然后通过投票的方式集成后进行软件模块的缺陷预测,并给出模型构建过程中代价因子最优值的判定选择方法。使用公开的NASA软件缺陷预测数据集进行仿真实验,结果表明该方法在保证缺陷预测率的前提下,误报率明显降低,综合评价指标AUC和F值均优于现有方法。  相似文献   

软件缺陷预测是提高软件测试效率、保证软件可靠性的重要途径,已经成为目前实证软件工程领域的研究热点。在软件工程中,软件的开发过程或技术平台可能随时变化,特别是遇到新项目启动或旧项目重新开发时,基于目标项目数据的传统软件缺陷预测方法无法满足实践需求。基于迁移学习技术采用其他项目中已经标注的软件数据实现跨项目的缺陷预测,可以有效解决传统方法的不足,引起了国内外研究者的极大关注,并取得了一系列的研究成果。首先总结了跨项目软件缺陷预测中的关键问题。然后根据迁移学习的技术特点将现有方法分为基于软件属性特征迁移和软件模块实例迁移两大类,并分析比较了常见方法的特点和不足。最后探讨了跨项目软件缺陷预测未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

软件缺陷检测旨在自动检测程序模块中是否包含缺陷,从而加速软件测试过程,提高软件系统的质量。针对传统软件缺陷预测模型被限制在一定的应用范围而影响其预测的准确性和适用性,提出了一种基于PSO-BP软件缺陷预测模型。该模型运用粒子群优化算法优化BP神经网络的权值和阈值,采用交叉验证的方式进行实验,并与传统的机器学习方法J48和BP神经网络等方法进行了比较。实验结果表明提出的方法具有较高的预测准确性。  相似文献   

提出基于改进的粒子群优化支持向量机方法(PSO-ISVM)的测控软件缺陷预测方法。通过引入代价惩罚系数,定义粒子群优化算法中的适应度函数,利用最小化适应度函数值作为优化目标,排除大量的冗余干扰信息,提高对测控软件有缺陷模块的预测准确度,寻找支持向量机的最优参数。通过仿真实例分析测控软件有效性,并与常用缺陷预测方法进行比较,表明该模型能加快软件缺陷预测速度和提高对有缺陷模块的预测准确度。  相似文献   

王琪  于波  朱杰 《计算机仿真》2005,22(3):159-161
在软件开发的早期预测有失效倾向的软件模块,能够极大的提高软件的质量。软件失效预测中的一个普遍的问题是数据中存在噪声,而神经网络具有鲁棒性并对噪声有很强的抑制能力。该文介绍了一种基于人工神经网络的软件失效预测模型,给出了基于反向传播算法的多层前向网络的网络结构。用这种方法对朗讯光网络有限公司开发的SDH通信软件进行了分析,并得到了较高的预测准确率。通过采集通信软件的不同发布版本的测试历史数据,讨论了训练集数据的选择与预测精度之间的关系。  相似文献   

The authors describe a number of results from a quantitative study of faults and failures in two releases of a major commercial software system. They tested a range of basic software engineering hypotheses relating to: the Pareto principle of distribution of faults and failures; the use of early fault data to predict later fault and failure data; metrics for fault prediction; and benchmarking fault data. For example, we found strong evidence that a small number of modules contain most of the faults discovered in prerelease testing and that a very small number of modules contain most of the faults discovered in operation. We found no evidence to support previous claims relating module size to fault density nor did we find evidence that popular complexity metrics are good predictors of either fault-prone or failure-prone modules. We confirmed that the number of faults discovered in prerelease testing is an order of magnitude greater than the number discovered in 12 months of operational use. The most important result was strong evidence of a counter-intuitive relationship between pre- and postrelease faults; those modules which are the most fault-prone prerelease are among the least fault-prone postrelease, while conversely, the modules which are most fault-prone postrelease are among the least fault-prone prerelease. This observation has serious ramifications for the commonly used fault density measure. Our results provide data-points in building up an empirical picture of the software development process  相似文献   

Prediction of fault-prone modules provides one way to support software quality engineering through improved scheduling and project control. The primary goal of our research was to develop and refine techniques for early prediction of fault-prone modules. The objective of this paper is to review and improve an approach previously examined in the literature for building prediction models, i.e. principal component analysis (PCA) and discriminant analysis (DA). We present findings of an empirical study at Ericsson Telecom AB for which the previous approach was found inadequate for predicting the most fault-prone modules using software design metrics. Instead of dividing modules into fault-prone and not-fault-prone, modules are categorized into several groups according to the ordered number of faults. It is shown that the first discriminant coordinates (DC) statistically increase with the ordering of modules, thus improving prediction and prioritization efforts. The authors also experienced problems with the smoothing parameter as used previously for DA. To correct this problem and further improve predictability, separate estimation of the smoothing parameter is shown to be required.  相似文献   

Many development organizations try to minimize faults in software as a means for improving customer satisfaction. Assuring high software quality often entails time-consuming and costly development processes. A software quality model based on software metrics can be used to guide enhancement efforts by predicting which modules are fault-prone. This paper presents statistical techniques to determine which predictions by a classification tree should be considered uncertain. We conducted a case study of a large legacy telecommunications system. One release was the basis for the training dataset, and the subsequent release was the basis for the evaluation dataset. We built a classification tree using the TREEDISC algorithm, which is based on 2 tests of contingency tables. The model predicted whether a module was likely to have faults discovered by customers, or not, based on software product, process, and execution metrics. We simulated practical use of the model by classifying the modules in the evaluation dataset. The model achieved useful accuracy, in spite of the very small proportion of fault-prone modules in the system. We assessed whether the classes assigned to the leaves were appropriate by statistical tests, and found sizable subsets of modules with uncertain classification. Discovering which modules have uncertain classifications allows sophisticated enhancement strategies to resolve uncertainties. Moreover, TREEDISC is especially well suited to identifying uncertain classifications.  相似文献   

遗传优化支持向量机的软件可靠性预测模型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
软件可靠性预测在软件开发的早期就能预测出哪些模块有出错倾向。提出一种改进的支持向量机来进行软件可靠性预测。针对支持向量机参数难选择的问题,将遗传算法引入到支持向量机的参数选择中,构造基于遗传算法优化支持向量机的软件可靠性预测模型,并用主成分分析的方法对软件度量数据进行降维,通过仿真实验,证明该模型比支持向量机、BP神经网络、分类回归树和聚类分析等预测模型具有更高的预测精度。  相似文献   

Software metrics-based quality estimation models can be effective tools for identifying which modules are likely to be fault-prone or not fault-prone. The use of such models prior to system deployment can considerably reduce the likelihood of faults discovered during operations, hence improving system reliability. A software quality classification model is calibrated using metrics from a past release or similar project, and is then applied to modules currently under development. Subsequently, a timely prediction of which modules are likely to have faults can be obtained. However, software quality classification models used in practice may not provide a useful balance between the two misclassification rates, especially when there are very few faulty modules in the system being modeled.This paper presents, in the context of case-based reasoning, two practical classification rules that allow appropriate emphasis on each type of misclassification as per the project requirements. The suggested techniques are especially useful for high-assurance systems where faulty modules are rare. The proposed generalized classification methods emphasize on the costs of misclassifications, and the unbalanced distribution of the faulty program modules. We illustrate the proposed techniques with a case study that consists of software measurements and fault data collected over multiple releases of a large-scale legacy telecommunication system. In addition to investigating the two classification methods, a brief relative comparison of the techniques is also presented. It is indicated that the level of classification accuracy and model-robustness observed for the case study would be beneficial in achieving high software reliability of its subsequent system releases. Similar observations are made from our empirical studies with other case studies.  相似文献   

肖中元  王琪  于波  朱杰 《计算机仿真》2005,22(10):179-182
在软件开发的早期预测有失效倾向的软件模块,能够极大地提高软件的质量.软件失效预测中的一个普遍问题是数据中噪声的存在.神经网络具有鲁棒性而且对噪声有很强的抑制能力.不同结构的神经网络在训练算法和应用领域都有差异.该文主要就软件失效预测这个应用领域叙述几种适用的网络,并比较这几种网络在训练结果和性能上的差异.上述方法在SDH通信软件的失效预测中得到了成功的应用.试验结果显示虽然MLP、PNN、LVQ网络都能解决这类模式分类问题,但是只有MLP网络训练结果比较稳定,在不同的数据集上训练出的网络都有很好的预测效果.  相似文献   

Predicting fault-prone software modules in telephone switches   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An empirical study was carried out at Ericsson Telecom AB to investigate the relationship between several design metrics and the number of function test failure reports associated with software modules. A tool, ERIMET, was developed to analyze the design documents automatically. Preliminary results from the study of 130 modules showed that: based on fault and design data one can satisfactorily build, before coding has started, a prediction model for identifying the most fault-prone modules. The data analyzed show that 20 percent of the most fault-prone modules account for 60 percent of all faults. The prediction model built in this paper would have identified 20 percent of the modules accounting for 47 percent of all faults. At least four design measures can alternatively be used as predictors with equivalent performance. The size (with respect to the number of lines of code) used in a previous prediction model was not significantly better than these four measures. The Alberg diagram introduced in this paper offers a way of assessing a predictor based on historical data, which is a valuable complement to linear regression when prediction data is ordinal. Applying the method described in this paper makes it possible to use measures at the design phase to predict the most fault-prone modules  相似文献   

识别有故障倾向的模块能够将有限的资源最大化地用于软件维护.目的是利用软件模块排序模型预测模块故障倾向程度,从而指导纠正性软件维护.研究软件模块排序模型的评估和使用方法,并提出以贝叶斯信念网络改进排序模型的基本定量模型.  相似文献   

In the last decade, empirical studies on object-oriented design metrics have shown some of them to be useful for predicting the fault-proneness of classes in object-oriented software systems. This research did not, however, distinguish among faults according to the severity of impact. It would be valuable to know how object-oriented design metrics and class fault-proneness are related when fault severity is taken into account. In this paper, we use logistic regression and machine learning methods to empirically investigate the usefulness of object-oriented design metrics, specifically, a subset of the Chidamber and Kemerer suite, in predicting fault-proneness when taking fault severity into account. Our results, based on a public domain NASA data set, indicate that 1) most of these design metrics are statistically related to fault-proneness of classes across fault severity, and 2) the prediction capabilities of the investigated metrics greatly depend on the severity of faults. More specifically, these design metrics are able to predict low severity faults in fault-prone classes better than high severity faults in fault-prone classes  相似文献   

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