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薛锋  汪定  曹品军  李勇 《计算机应用》2015,35(12):3424-3428
针对设计安全高效的无线传感器网络环境下匿名认证协议的问题,基于广泛接受的攻击者能力假设,采用基于场景的攻击技术,对新近提出的两个无线传感器网络环境下的双因子匿名身份认证协议进行了安全性分析。指出刘聪等提出的协议(刘聪,高峰修,马传贵,等.无线传感器网络中具有匿名性的用户认证协议.计算机工程,2012,38(22):99-103)无法实现所声称的抗离线口令猜测攻击,且在协议可用性方面存在根本性设计缺陷;指出闫丽丽等提出的协议(闫丽丽,张仕斌,昌燕.一种传感器网络用户认证与密钥协商协议.小型微型计算机系统,2013,34(10):2342-2344)不能抵抗用户仿冒攻击和离线口令猜测攻击,且无法实现用户不可追踪性。结果表明,这两个匿名身份认证协议都存在严重安全缺陷,不适于在实际无线传感器网络环境中应用。  相似文献   

WTLS握手协议不满足前向安全性,非匿名验证模式下不满足用户匿名性,完全匿名模式下易遭受中间人攻击.DH-EKE协议具有认证的密钥协商功能,将改进的DH-EKE集成到WTLS握手协议中,只需使用可记忆的用户口令,不需使用鉴权证书及数字签名.该方案适用于完全匿名的验证模式,可抵御中间人攻击和字典式攻击,且在服务器中不直接存储口令,攻击者即使攻破服务器获得口令文件也无法冒充用户,能够在WTLS握手协议中实现简单身份认证和安全密钥交换.  相似文献   

身份认证是确保信息安全的重要手段,混沌映射身份认证协议因其高效性而成为近期研究的热点。2015年,Zhu提出了一个改进的混沌映射协议,声称其可以抵抗冒充攻击、字典攻击,并且提供用户匿名性;然而,Tong等指出Zhu的协议存在离线字典攻击、冒充攻击等问题且无法确保用户匿名性,并提出了一个新的改进协议(简称TC协议)。针对Zhu和TC协议方案,文中指出了其不能确保前向安全性以及容易遭受拒绝服务攻击等安全性缺陷,并提出了一个新的基于智能卡的混沌映射协议方案。安全性分析及同其他相关方案的比较结果表明了所提协议的高安全性和实用性。  相似文献   

多服务器架构下的身份认证协议是远程认证的关键,但许多现有方案都存在潜在的攻击,未实现三因子安全性,忽略了匿名性。因此,需要指出其中的错误,并提出一个匿名的三因子方案。通过攻击者模型,攻击了温翔等人的方案,检验了新方案;使用椭圆曲线密码,保障认证阶段的核心安全性;使用模糊提取器与验证器,保护生物特征与口令;经与同类协议比较,分析了新协议的优势。分析表明,温翔等人的方案不能抵抗服务器仿冒用户,不具匿名性等。而新协议能有效防范智能卡丢失攻击、仿冒攻击等更多样的攻击,实现了匿名性、前向安全性等更全面的功能,计算效率也比前人提高了约14.8%。因此,可以应用于对安全性、可靠性要求较高的多服务器认证网络。  相似文献   

分析基于生物特征与二次剩余的远程用户认证方案,指出其存在不能抵抗冒充用户攻击、假冒服务器攻击、会话密钥泄露攻击和拒绝服务攻击等安全缺陷,基于此提出一个基于生物特征、口令与智能卡的匿名远程用户认证方案,主要包含注册、登录、认证和口令更新4个阶段。分析结果表明,该方案不仅克服了远程用户认证方案的安全缺陷,而且还可以抵抗智能卡丢失攻击、重放攻击,并实现了用户匿名性。  相似文献   

口令认证是最简单,方便和应用最广泛的一种用户认证方式。最近,Tsaur等人指出了Chang等人的口令更新协议存在拒绝服务攻击并且不能提供口令的后向安全。随后,他们给出了一种改进的口令更新协议,并声称该协议是安全的。文中,分析了Tsaur等人的口令更新协议,指出了其方案是易受离线字典攻击的,且不能提供口令的前向和后向安全性。最后,提出一种改进的口令更新协议,并分析其安全性。  相似文献   

陈杰  许春香  张源  蒋昌松  韩云霞  曹辰辰 《软件学报》2023,34(12):5787-5806
图形口令既可以减轻用户记忆传统文本口令的负担, 又可以简化用户输入口令的步骤, 近年来, 广泛应用于移动设备的用户认证. 现有的图形口令认证方案面临严峻的安全问题. 首先, 图形口令容易遭受肩窥攻击: 用户的登录过程被攻击者通过眼睛或者摄像头等方式偷窥导致图形口令泄露. 更为严重的是, 这类认证方案不能抵抗凭证泄露攻击: 服务器存储与用户图形口令有关的认证凭证并利用其验证用户身份, 攻击者如果得到服务器保存的凭证就可以通过离线口令猜测攻击恢复用户图形口令. 为了解决上述问题, 提出了一个安全的图形口令认证方案(GADL). GADL方案通过将随机的挑战值嵌入到用户的图形口令来抵御肩窥攻击, 因此攻击者即使捕获了用户的登录信息也无法得到用户图形口令. 为了解决服务器凭证数据库泄露问题, GADL方案采用了一种确定性的门限盲签名技术来保护用户图形口令. 该技术利用多个密钥服务器来协助用户生成凭证, 使得攻击者即使获得凭证也无法实施离线猜测攻击来获得用户口令. 给出的安全性分析证明了GADL方案可以抵抗上述攻击. 此外, 给出了全面的性能分析表明GADL方案在计算、存储和通信开销这3个方面性能较高, 且在移动设备上易于部署.  相似文献   

随着通讯技术的快速发展,用户的口令与生物特征值的结合越来越普遍。最近,Chuang等提出了一个基于用户口令和生物特征值的匿名的多服务器的认证密钥协议方案。本文指出了Chuang等协议容易受到丢失智能卡攻击、伪装攻击、重放攻击和服务器伪装攻击,并且没有提供匿名性。因此针对上述协议的安全缺陷,本文提出了一个新的、有效的基于生物特征的多服务器的密钥认证协议。通过详细的安全和性能分析,证明出本文所提出的协议能够抵抗多种攻击,并且提供匿名性,与Chuang等协议相比,该新协议更加安全和实用。  相似文献   

口令认证的两方密钥交换协议无法抵御口令字典攻击和服务器泄漏伪装攻击。为此,提出一种改进的PAKA-X协议,用户保存自己的口令明文,服务器存储用户口令明文的验证值,由此弥补原协议的安全漏洞。理论分析结果表明,改进协议具有完美前向安全性,能抵抗Denning-Sacco攻击、服务器泄漏攻击、在线和离线字典攻击以及中间人攻击,并且仅需9次指数运算、6次哈希运算和6次异或运算,运行效率较高。  相似文献   

赵一  刘行  LIANG Kaitai  明洋  赵祥模  杨波 《软件学报》2023,34(5):2482-2493
口令增强加密是一个近年来新出现的原语,可以通过增加一个第三方密码服务提供商承担辅助解密的功能,抵抗已有的服务器猜测低熵口令即可解密带来的恶意离线攻击风险,即实现了对口令认证进行增强并增加加密的功能.结合近年来新出现的算法替换攻击威胁,对提出该原语工作中的方案给出了一种服务器积极攻击的方法,该攻击具有不可检测性且可以让服务器仍然能实施离线攻击,从而证明原方案不具备其声称的抵抗恶意服务器的功能.接着讨论与总结能够抵抗恶意服务器实施算法替换攻击的方案应当具备的性质与构造特点;随后,给出一个能够真正抵抗恶意服务器算法替换攻击的方案并给出了仿真结果;最后,对于复杂交互式协议受到算法替换攻击时的安全性影响需要的系统性研究进行了展望.  相似文献   

Recently, Wang et al. showed that two new verifier-free remote user password authentication schemes, Ku-Chen's scheme and Yoon et al.'s scheme, are vulnerable to an off-line password guessing attack, a forgery attack, and a denial-of-service attack, and then proposed an improved scheme for the real application in resource-limited environments. Unfortunately, we find that Wang et al.'s scheme is still vulnerable to an impersonation attack and an off-line password guessing attack. In addition, Wang et al.'s scheme is not easily reparable and is unable to provide perfect forward secrecy. Finally, we propose an improved scheme with better security strength.  相似文献   

Spread of wireless network technology has opened new doors to utilize sensor technology in various areas via Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Many authentication protocols for among the service seeker users, sensing component sensor nodes (SNs) and the service provider base-station or gateway node (GWN) are available to realize services from WSNs efficiently and without any fear of deceit. Recently, Li et al. and He et al. independently proposed mutual authentication and key agreement schemes for WSNs. We find that both the schemes achieve mutual authentication, establish session key and resist many known attacks but still have security weaknesses. We show the applicability of stolen verifier, user impersonation, password guessing and smart card loss attacks on Li et al.’s scheme. Although their scheme employs the feature of dynamic identity, an attacker can reveal and guess the identity of a registered user. We demonstrate the susceptibility of He et al.’s scheme to password guessing attack. In both the schemes, the security of the session key established between user and SNs is imperfect due to lack of forward secrecy and session-specific temporary information leakage attack. In addition both the schemes impose extra computational load on resource scanty sensor-nodes and are not user friendly due to absence of user anonymity and lack of password change facility. To handle these drawbacks, we design a mutual authentication and key agreement scheme for WSN using chaotic maps. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose an authentication scheme for WSN based on chaotic maps. We show the superiority of the proposed scheme over its predecessor schemes by means of detailed security analysis and comparative evaluation. We also formally analyze our scheme using BAN logic.  相似文献   


In 2004, Das et al. proposed a dynamic identity-based remote user authentication scheme using smart cards. This scheme allows users to choose and change their passwords freely, and the server does not maintain any verification table. Das et al. claimed that their scheme is secure against stolen verifier attack, replay attack, forgery attack, dictionary attack, insider attack and identity theft. However, many researchers have demonstrated that Das et al.'s scheme is susceptible to various attacks. Furthermore, this scheme does not achieve mutual authentication and thus cannot resist malicious server attack. In 2009, Wang et al. argued that Das et al.'s scheme is susceptible to stolen smart card attack. If an attacker obtains the smart card of the user and chooses any random password, the attacker gets through the authentication process to get access of the remote server. Therefore, Wang et al. suggested an improved scheme to preclude the weaknesses of Das et al.'s scheme. However, we found that Wang et al.'s scheme is susceptible to impersonation attack, stolen smart card attack, offline password guessing attack, denial of service attack and fails to preserve the user anonymity. This paper improves Wang et al.'s scheme to resolve the aforementioned problems, while keeping the merits of different dynamic identity based smart card authentication schemes.  相似文献   

Smart card based password authentication is one of the simplest and efficient authentication mechanisms to ensure secure communication in insecure network environments. Recently, Chen et al. have pointed out the weaknesses of some password authentication schemes and proposed a robust smart card based remote user password authentication scheme to improve the security. As per their claims, their scheme is efficient and can ensure forward secrecy of the session key. However, we find that Chen et al.'s scheme cannot really ensure forward secrecy, and it cannot detect the wrong password in login phase. Besides, the password change phase of Chen et al.'s scheme is unfriendly and inefficient since the user has to communicate with the server to update his/her password. In this paper, we propose a modified smart card based remote user password authentication scheme to overcome the aforementioned weaknesses. The analysis shows that our proposed scheme is user friendly and more secure than other related schemes.  相似文献   

Remote user authentication is a mechanism, in which the remote server verifies the legitimacy of a user over an insecure communication channel. Until now, there have been ample of remote user authentication schemes published in the literature and each published scheme has its own merits and demerits. A common feature among most of the published schemes is that the user's identity (ID) is static in all the transaction sessions, which may leak some information about that user and can create risk of identity theft during the message transmission. To overcome this risk, many researchers have proposed dynamic ID based remote user authentication schemes. In this paper, we have defined all the security requirements and all the goals an ideal password authentication scheme should satisfy and achieve. We have presented the results of our survey through six of the currently available dynamic ID based remote user authentication schemes. All the schemes are vulnerable to guessing attack except Khan et al.'s scheme, and do not meet the goals such as session key agreement, secret key forward secrecy. In the future, we hope an ideal dynamic ID based password authentication scheme, which meets all the security requirements and achieves all the goals can be developed.  相似文献   

Password-based remote user authentication schemes using smart cards are designed to ensure that only a user who possesses both the smart card and the corresponding password can gain access to the remote servers. Despite many research efforts, it remains a challenging task to design a secure password-based authentication scheme with user anonymity. The author uses Kumari et al.’s scheme as the case study. Their scheme uses non-public key primitives. The author first presents the cryptanalysis of Kumari et al.’s scheme in which he shows that their scheme is vulnerable to user impersonation attack, and does not provide forward secrecy and user anonymity. Using the case study, he has identified that public-key techniques are indispensable to construct a two-factor authentication scheme with security attributes, such as user anonymity, unlinkability and forward secrecy under the nontamper resistance assumption of the smart card. The author proposes a password-based authentication scheme using elliptic curve cryptography. Through the informal and formal security analysis, he shows that proposed scheme is secure against various known attacks, including the attacks found in Kumari’s scheme. Furthermore, he verifies the correctness of mutual authentication using the BAN logic.  相似文献   

面向多网关的无线传感器网络多因素认证协议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
无线传感器网络作为物联网的重要组成部分,广泛应用于环境监测、医疗健康、智能家居等领域.身份认证为用户安全地访问传感器节点中的实时数据提供了基本安全保障,是保障无线传感器网络安全的第一道防线;前向安全性属于系统安全的最后一道防线,能够极大程度地降低系统被攻破后的损失,因此一直被学术及工业界视为重要的安全属性.设计面向多网关的可实现前向安全性的无线传感器网络多因素身份认证协议是近年来安全协议领域的研究热点.由于多网关无线传感器网络身份认证协议往往应用于高安全需求场景,一方面需要面临强大的攻击者,另一方面传感器节点的计算和存储资源却十分有限,这给如何设计一个安全的多网关无线传感器网络身份认证协议带来了挑战.近年来,大量的多网关身份认证协议被提出,但大部分都随后被指出存在各种安全问题.2018年,Ali等人提出了一个适用于农业监测的多因素认证协议,该协议通过一个可信的中心(基站)来实现用户与外部的传感器节点的认证;Srinivas等人提出了一个通用的面向多网关的多因素身份认证协议,该协议不需要一个可信的中心,而是通过在网关之间存储共享秘密参数来完成用户与外部传感器节点的认证.这两个协议是多网关无线传感器网络身份认证协议的典型代表,分别代表了两类实现不同网关间认证的方式:1)基于可信基站,2)基于共享秘密参数.分析指出这两个协议对离线字典猜测攻击、内部攻击是脆弱的,且无法实现匿名性和前向安全性.鉴于此,本文提出一个安全增强的可实现前向安全性的面向多网关的无线传感器网络多因素认证协议.该协议采用Srinivas等协议的认证方式,即通过网关之间的共享秘密参数完成用户与外部传感器节点的认证,包含两种典型的认证场景.对新协议进行了BAN逻辑分析及启发式分析,分析结果表明该协议实现了双向认证,且能够安全地协商会话密钥以及抵抗各类已知的攻击.与相关协议的对比结果显示,新协议在提高安全性的同时,保持了较高的效率,适于资源受限的无线传感器网络环境.  相似文献   

薛锋  汪定  王立萍  马春光 《计算机应用》2012,32(7):2007-2009
身份认证是确保信息系统安全的重要手段,基于智能卡的口令认证协议由于实用性较强而成为近期研究热点。采用基于场景的攻击技术,对最近新提出的两个基于智能卡的口令认证协议进行了安全性分析。指出“对Liao等身份鉴别方案的分析与改进”(潘春兰,周安民,肖丰霞,等.对Liao等人身份鉴别方案的分析与改进.计算机工程与应用,2010,46(4):110-112)中提出的认证协议无法实现所声称的抗离线口令猜测攻击;指出“基于双线性对的智能卡口令认证改进方案”(邓粟,王晓峰.基于双线性对的智能卡口令认证改进方案.计算机工程,2010,36(18):150-152)中提出的认证协议无法抗拒绝服务(DoS)攻击和内部人员攻击,且口令更新阶段存在设计缺陷。分析结果表明,这两个口令认证协议都存在严重安全缺陷,不适合安全需求较高的应用环境。  相似文献   

The session initiation protocol (SIP) has been receiving a lot of attention to provide security in the Voice over IP (VoIP) in Internet and mobility management. Recently, Yeh et al. proposed a smart card-based authentication scheme for SIP using elliptic curve cryptography (ECC). They claimed that their scheme is secure against known security attacks. However, in this paper, we indicate that Yeh et al.’s scheme is vulnerable to off-line password guessing attack, user impersonation attack and server impersonation attack, in the case that the smart card is stolen and the information stored in the smart card is disclosed. As a remedy, we also propose an improved smart card-based authentication scheme which not only conquers the security weaknesses of the related schemes but also provides a reduction in computational cost. The proposed scheme also provides the user anonymity and untraceability, and allows a user to change his/her password without informing the remote server. To show the security of our protocol, we prove its security the random oracle model.  相似文献   

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