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温州农网VOD农村信息综合服务系统主要利用宽带互联网,以家用电视机为主要终端。采用“宽带+机顶盒+电视机”的模式,设计了包括农业和娱乐等频道内容的“温州市农村信息综合服务”平台。本文着重介绍此系统的技术及信息服务设计方案,给各地建设新农村开展农业信息服务提供借鉴。.  相似文献   

PSOC平台架构灵活.支持超大型的系统接入及管理。功能丰富的同时.还提供了易于学习的操作界面.使得监看.应用、联动部署、上墙等十分贴切项目需求,可见该平台已趋于成熟。  相似文献   

近日获悉.中国移动上海公司与上海市公安局联手开发的”警务通”信息业务平台对外运营一个月以来,受到各有关部门的好评。 据介绍.该平台为上海全市213万车辆和365万驾驶员提供全天候.及时.个性化的警务交通信息服务.可提供包括电子眼和地面违章,扣分.验车.驾驶员体检.车辆保险到期、驾照到期及更换等多项信息服务,同时具备协助交警管理和交规宣传贯彻等功能。[第一段]  相似文献   

最近全国各地的气候普遍回暖.万物在春天的阳光里欣欣向荣.配件市场也和这个春天一样生机勃勃。近期不少中高端的5900DT和5900XT显卡上市但价格可不是大众所能轻易接受。主板则开始大兴整合之风.无论是一线的技嘉还是二线的映泰都纷纷推出了Intel平台或AMD平台的廉价集成声卡、显卡、网卡一体的整台主板.而且价格都在500~600元左右,非常适合学生和家庭装机。  相似文献   

基于KQML语言的多自主移动机器人仿真系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘淑华  田彦涛 《机器人》2005,27(4):350-353
用JAVA语言开发了栅格环境下的多自主移动机器人仿真系统,通过KQML语言通信模拟了多个自主的移动机器人,机器人的自主性主要体现在自主感知环境和自主进行路径规划、任务执行和安全导航等工作.该仿真系统具有平台无关性、地图无关性、算法无关性以及机器人配置的无关性,为多自主机器人系统的研究提供了一个可借鉴的平台.  相似文献   

Sunny:金秋的十月忙碌却也充实.在这收获的季节中、创游传媒先后成功地举办了一系列的活动,其中包括为业界投资方和开发人员搭建桥梁的投资研讨会.为策划朋友提供展示平台的“酷比杯”游戏策划大赛等。为游戏产业提供更多的服务,成为游戏行业沟通的平台和桥梁,一直是我们为之不断努力与奋斗的目标,在这收获的金秋,看着自己努力得到的成果.小编和全体《游戏创造》的工作人员都倍感欣慰。金秋寄语.希望来年会更好。  相似文献   

一种虚拟化资源管理服务模型及其实现   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
王敏  李静  范中磊  许鲁 《计算机学报》2005,28(5):856-863
当前IT资源基础构架日益增长的复杂性和不断变化的应用对系统平台的要求,使得如何搭建合理的资源管理基础构架成为企业信息平台亟待解决的基本问题.按需计算或效用计算等理念成为业界追求的目标,SOA思想是解决应用集成的一种思路.该文提出了一种虚拟化资源管理服务模型VMA,它适用于构建计算机系统资源的统一管理平台.作者也实现了一个VMA最小系统,它包括3个虚拟资源管理系统:虚拟存储资源系统VSDS、虚拟计算资源系统VCRS、虚拟用户资源系统VUSS.这3个系统分别提供三种虚拟资源:VSDS提供虚拟化的存储空间;VCRS提供虚拟化的服务器;VUSS提供虚拟化的用户系统.该文介绍了VMA模型概念,分别介绍了VMA的实现并描述了未来的工作.  相似文献   

本文以地理信息系统(GIS)、数据库和计算机网络等技术为基础,采用浏览器/服务器(B/S)三层体系结构,在超图公司的Surpcr MapIS.NET2008平台上运用asp.Net技术和C#程序语言设计开发了矿山水文地质信息管理系统,可为指导矿井生产和防治矿井水害提供及时有效的服务。文中详细阐述了系统的体系结构及客户端和服务器端平台配置,以及各子系统和模块实现的主要功能。  相似文献   

张炳良 《数码时代》2013,(8):102-103
01 Hyperlocal Online Food Marketplace数码街市 KayleighThompson 伦敦设计师Kayleigh Thompson开发的“Hyperlocal Online Food Marketplace”.为买家和销售方提供了一个实时的沟通平台.销售方可通过这款产品.在数字平台上上传自己的产品信息.例如品种、重量、价格等.  相似文献   

设计过程决定了产品的固有质量、固有成本、性能和可靠性等。因此,现代产品设计就要把质量设计作为研发过程的重要内容。通过预防和质量优化设计活动,提高产品的质量水平。PERA.Quality质量设计平台是国内专业的质量设计与可靠性分析软件。平台可以针对航空、航天、电子、汽车、轨道交通和船舶等复杂产品提供全面的设计质量解决方案,本文将结合具体案例介绍该平台在电子行业的应用。  相似文献   

胡志明 《福建电脑》2020,(5):141-143
当今社会,需要大量的创新创业人才,尤其是掌握核心技术、前沿技术的跨专业复合型人才。培养这样的人才,必须是校企深度合作,共建人才培养体系。因此,校企合作成立跨专业学习机构势在必行。学创中心的成立,为培养跨专业高端复合型创新创业人才提供了动力保证,能够实现大规模跨专业人才的培养。  相似文献   

以Web of Science中人工智能领域1964年至2015年包含的197 394篇文献为研究样本,借助于跨学科指数和科学叠加图技术,对近五十年来国际上人工智能领域的跨学科演变过程进行了探究,包括核心学科的识别及跨学科演变过程的分析。研究结果表明探寻到的核心学科主要集中在计算机类、工程电气类、医学及成像类、数学类等学科中,这些学科在人工智能领域跨学科的发展演变过程中起着关键性的作用;随着时间的推移人工智能领域的跨学科特征越来越明显,依次经历了萌芽期、迅速发展期、平稳期和缓慢降低期。研究结果同时表明了人工智能领域的跨学科范围起始于人工智能领域邻近的核心学科,近年来逐渐扩散到更加遥远的潜在学科和边缘学科中,随着这些学科的出现,可能会形成一些新的交叉领域。  相似文献   

Research across different disciplines provides enormous potential for creativity and innovation. To exploit these vast innovation opportunities, technology transfer becomes pivotal. However, yet little is known about technology transfer in interdisciplinary settings. Thus, this paper focuses on the bioeconomy, an emerging area where innovation is triggered by the combination of knowledge rooted in different disciplines. Given the potential of the bioeconomy to address the major challenges of the twenty‐first century, understanding technology transfer in this interdisciplinary research setting is of key importance. In this context, this paper explores the effectiveness of technology transfer in the interdisciplinary research setting of the bioeconomy. Empirical evidence is gathered from eight comprehensive case studies to understand how these interdisciplinary institutions manage technology transfer. We contribute to the existing body of literature by extending Bozeman's “Contingent Effectiveness Model of Technology Transfer”. Specifically, we include the increasing attention being paid to interdisciplinary collaborations. Finally, we derive managerial recommendations to improve the effectiveness of technology transfer in interdisciplinary settings.  相似文献   

随着各学科的不断交叉融合,动力学已广泛应用于生命科学.根据生命科学的研究对象进行分类,对动力学的理论方法在不同尺度生物系统上的应用做了回顾与总结,重点阐述了近年来的相关研究进展.未来的发展趋势在于动力学理论方法与生物学实验的有机结合,不仅可以利用动力学既有的方法研究和解决生命科学问题,也应当针对生命科学所提出的难题发展新的动力学方法,拓展与深化理论研究.  相似文献   

The information technology (IT) of today forms an integral part of everyday living, thus the nurture of children’s IT awareness early in life is crucial. Young children have an innate curiosity for IT which suggests that in the school environment it can easily be integrated with other subjects in thematic and interdisciplinary curriculum. This quasi-experimental study used the Technology Foundation Standards for Students of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) project on National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) as the basis to design a thematic and interdisciplinary IT curriculum for elementary students. A total of 1273 elementary students and 12 computer teachers were separated into either a control or experimental group. After one academic year, students’ final scores in English, mathematics, science, social studies, and art were gathered and compared. Statistical analysis indicated that there were significant differences in the experimental group’s academic scores. Findings also suggested that an interdisciplinary curriculum design opened opportunity for collaborative work and cohesiveness among faculty. Further longitudinal studies are recommended to examine the long-term implications of a thematic and interdisciplinary IT curriculum design.  相似文献   

An interdisciplinary project between geometry, architecture and music resulted in a concert and exhibition with sound installations. Professors and students of architecture and mathematics of the Technical University of Kaiserslautern worked with a professor and students of music composition of the Music Academy of Cologne in Germany. The theoretical and historical analyses of the relationships between geometry and music formed the basis for original creative works in interdisciplinary groups. Music was composed according geometrical-architectural concepts and geometrical images, forms and processes were developed after musical ideas. Geometrical forms are combined with the music into a kinetic, visual and acoustic work of art. Through such interdisciplinary art projects it is possible to experience scientific coherence in a sensual way. The combination of geometry, architecture and music enables a visual and aural approach to formal thinking of sciences.  相似文献   

基于动态罚函数法的协同优化算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为保证协同优化的系统级优化存在可行域,采用动态罚函数法,将学科间一致性约束条件下的系统级优化问题转化为无约束优化问题,提出了应用更为普遍的学科间不一致信息的定义形式,对各种定义形式进行了分析比较,并利用该值构造动态罚因子的表达式.从增强算法可靠性的角度,使用遗传算法来取代系统级优化问题中基于梯度的优化算法,同时减少了对优化函数的连续性要求,利用减速器典型算例对该方法进行了验证,结果表明该方法具有良好的优化性能.  相似文献   

As major contemporary scientific, technological, economic, and social issues are highly comprehensive and interdisciplinary, society has entered a period of systematization and integration. The traditional education model of "discipline-centered" makes the training of talents excessively "single", while the actual problems are becoming more and more complex and comprehensive, reflecting the multi-disciplinary nature. Disciplinary professional education is not suitable for the current new economy, new industry, and new era. Taking the "Internet + Finance" experimental class as an example, this article elaborates on the reform ideas of an interdisciplinary and compound innovative talent training model, and details the reform experience in four aspects: the curriculum system, characteristic professional orientation training model, collaborative teaching organization model and interdisciplinary talent training management model. After two years of construction and practice, the goal of interdisciplinary talent training under the background of new engineering disciplines has been achieved quite effectively.  相似文献   

Employing an interdisciplinary approach in design is an important part of the future of architecture. Therefore, taking a step toward better understanding the overlaps between disciplines, and formalizing the process of integration between disciplines accelerates progress in the field. In examining an interdisciplinary design approach using computational design and simulation tools, while considering shell structures as a special case for spanning large-span roofs, structural and daylighting discipline are considered. The aim is to understand what are the design parameters that co-exist in the structural and daylighting design disciplines, and how may these parameters be implemented in a parametric model created by designers. The parametric model that includes discipline specific parameters can later be used for interdisciplinary performance-based design. Implementing design parameters calls for an understanding of the ways in which parameters affect design and performance. This research considers the application of parametric design methods at the early stages of design for designing high-performance buildings.  相似文献   

随着生态学研究尺度的不断扩大,现有的数据采集管理系统已不能满足生态系统观测数据的跨学科、大规模等转变。我们针对现代生态学研究的要求,设计了一种通用的跨学科观测数据模型,采用 NoSQL 的技术方案构建了支持分布式大规模存储的数据库,并设计实现了通用的生态观测数据管理平台。解决了跨学科异构数据的融合存储、数据模型的高度可扩展等科学问题。  相似文献   

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