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分簇被认为是延长无线传感器网络寿命的最有效的方法之一。本文首先说明根据节点数目以及分布区域特征,确定合理的成簇数目是分簇算法设计的核心;算法EBCO(Energy Balance Cluster Optimize)按照无线传感器网络运行过程中相邻簇簇头能量消耗速度信息来调整簇的大小,并且从能耗大的簇"驱逐"一些节点到能耗低的簇,从而平衡簇头之间的能量消耗。仿真结果表明,采用该能量平衡的传输策略时,能有效地平衡簇头间的能量消耗,较好地解决"热区"问题,延长网络生存时间。  相似文献   

基于混合分簇的无线传感器网络路由协议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出一种基于混合分簇的无线传感器网络路由协议(EEHCRP).该协议综合了集中式和分布式分簇的优点,使得簇头分布更加均匀并减少了簇重构的开销.在此分簇的基础上,使用改进的多路径路由树建立簇问路由,使其不但可以减少重传次数,提高数据传输的稳定性,还缓解了簇头的能耗.然后使用CMMBCR算法建立一条能量高效的簇内路由.仿真结果表明:该协议较之经典的分簇路由协议不仅有效地均衡了网络能量消耗、显著地延长了网络生命周期,而且具有较强的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

由于无线传感器网络节点能量有限和存储能力有限,因此节能高效的实现路由转发是其路由设计的一个关键点.它首先总结了目前已有的无线传感器网络的传输路由模式,在已有的基于簇的分层路由机制的基础上,结合平面路由基于最小跳数的思想,提出了一种新的路由转发模式,即在建立的簇中采用最小跳数路由法.节点只要记忆自己的转发节点集,就可以沿着最短路径向簇头发送数据.仿真结果显示新模式有更好的节能效果,延长了网络的生存时间.  相似文献   

针对事件驱动型传感器网络的应用,提出一种基于簇的多路径路由协议CBMRP(Cluster-Based Multi-path Routing Protocol),以平衡节点能耗和提高能量效率。根据应用特点,位于事件区域的节点根据部居节点的分布情况和自身的剩余能量进行簇首竞争;然后,利用蚁群算法有效搜索多路径,并动态地选择一条路径传输数据。此外,该协议还采用一种简单的簇内调度方法,使其在满足监测精度的情况下,通过关闭冗余节点来进一步降低网络能耗。仿真结果表明,与传统协议相比,该协议具有更低的能耗和更长的网络生存期。  相似文献   

无线传感器网络不同于传统的无线通信技术,传统的路由协议无法直接运用于无线传感器网络中,而分簇路由协议拓扑结构简单,簇内成员节点无需维护大量的路由表,簇型的路由结构有利于数据的传输与融合处理,符合无线传感器网络以数据为中心,因此分簇路由协议成了国内外关于无线传感器网络路由协议研究的重点.本文详细分析了典型的分簇路由协议,并对这些协议进行了比较与分析,最后探讨了未来可能的发展趋势.  相似文献   

一种容错的无线传感器网络聚类路由协议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文给出一种新的容错的无线传感器网络聚类路由协议FTCRP (Fault-Tolerant Cluster-Based Routing Protocol),新协议首先使用LEACH中的方法对节点进行分簇,再利用握手(Handshake)机制监测簇头CH(Cluster-Head)节点和非簇头NCH(Non-Cluster-Head)节点的工作状态--若CH节点失效,则NCH节点休眠;若NCH节点失效,则剩余的NCH节点等分帧内时间以增加数据发送量.与已有的容错协议相比,新协议具有简单、容易实现及高效等优点.仿真实验表明,当节点失效概率在0.1到0.2之间时,新协议与LEACH相比,收集的数据量增加10%-15%,网络生存时间延长25%-45%;与CRAM相比,收集的数据量增加5%-20%,网络生存时间延长15%-35%.  相似文献   

一种基于分簇结构的无线传感器网络混合调度MAC协议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对突发和周期信号并存的应用场景,提出了一种基于分簇结构的无线传感器网络混合调度MAC协议--CBPMAC/TFC(A Cluster-based Wireless Sensor Network MAC Protocol for the System with Burst and Periodic Signals/ Based on TDMA,FDMA,CSMA).簇间采用基于FDMA的调度机制,簇内采用基于TDMA和CSMA的联合调度机制.提出了以簇头为基准的相对时间同步机制,同步精度为一个帧周期的时钟漂移.给出了基于能量阈值的簇头轮换策略和基于侦听的故障处理策略.理论分析和实验结果表明:CBPMAC/TFC协议在响应实时性和能量有效性方面介于CSMA和TDMA之间,与CSMA相比,在损失一定突发信号响应实时性的情况下,节省能耗18.7%;与TDMA相比,在改善突发信号响应实时性的情况下,损失能耗23.6%.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络与传统无线网络相比,网络节点在具有的电源能量、计算与处理能力、通信带宽等方面都十分有限。延长网络的生命周期成为无线传感器网络的一个关键问题。在低功耗自适应分簇路由算法(LEACH)的基础上提出了一种改进算法,其主要思想在于根据监测区域面积、节点数目及基站位置来确定最优簇个数而不是低功耗自适应算法中的固定值。最后仿真结果表明,改进后的算法与LEACH算法相比,无论是在能量消耗还是网络生命周期方面都有较大的提高。  相似文献   

协作式MIMO技术被认为是传感器网络中有效的节能解决方案之一.针对中小规模传感器网络设计了一种基于分簇的能量高效的协作式虚拟MIMO传输策略(ECCM).在考虑了分布式STBC编码信道训练开销的情况下,分析了该传输策略的系统总体能耗.基于该能耗模型,建立了一种基于端到端的全网能耗最优化模型,并用该模型来求解最优的虚拟MIMO域(分簇)个数、协作节点(虚拟天线)个数以及传输速率等网络通信参数.仿真结果表明,通过选取最优协议参数,即使考虑到电路能耗和信道训练开销,ECCM策略也能显著降低节点传输能耗,延长网络寿命.  相似文献   

针对大规模无线传感器网络中收集数据的需要,提出一种基于簇的高能效数据收集协议CEDGP(Cluster-basedEnergy-efficient Data Gathering Protocol).在该协议中,首先,节点根据自身剩余能量竞争簇首;然后,为了均衡节点的能耗,簇首节点将收集到的数据通过多跳方式传送至sink...  相似文献   

A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of many low-cost, small devices. Usually, as they are deployed to an open and unprotected region, they are vulnerable to various types of attacks. In this research, a mechanism of Intrusion Detection System (IDS) created in a Cluster-based Wireless Sensor Network (CWSN) is proposed. The proposed IDS is an Integrated Intrusion Detection System (IIDS). It can provide the system to resist intrusions, and process in real-time by analyzing the attacks. The IIDS includes three individual IDSs: Intelligent Hybrid Intrusion Detection System (IHIDS), Hybrid Intrusion Detection System (HIDS) and misuse Intrusion Detection System. These are designed for the sink, cluster head and sensor node according to different capabilities and the probabilities of attacks these suffer from. The proposed IIDS consists of an anomaly and a misuse detection module. The goal is to raise the detection rate and lower the false positive rate through misuse detection and anomaly detection. Finally, a decision-making module is used to integrate the detected results and report the types of attacks.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the Byzantine Agreement (BA) problem is studied either in a fully connected network or in a broadcast network. A generalized network model for BA is proposed in this paper. A fully-connected network or a broadcast network is a special case of the new network architecture. Under the new generalized network model, the BA problem is reexamined with the assumption of malicious faults on both processors and transmission medium (TM), as opposed to previous studies which consider malicious faults on processors only. The proposed algorithm uses the minimum number of message exchanges, and can tolerate the maximum number of allowable faulty components to make each healthy processor reach a common agreement for the cases of processor failures, TM failures, or processor/TM failures. The results can also be used to solve the interactive consistency problem and the consensus problem  相似文献   

We present an efficient, optimally-resilient Asynchronous Byzantine Agreement (ABA) protocol involving $n = 3t+1$ parties over a completely asynchronous network, tolerating a computationally unbounded Byzantine adversary, capable of corrupting at most $t$ out of the $n$ parties. In comparison with the best known optimally-resilient ABA protocols of Canetti and Rabin (STOC 1993) and Abraham et al. (PODC 2008), our protocol is significantly more efficient in terms of the communication complexity. Our ABA protocol is built on a new statistical asynchronous verifiable secret sharing (AVSS) protocol with optimal resilience. Our AVSS protocol significantly improves the communication complexity of the only known statistical and optimally-resilient AVSS protocol of Canetti et al. Our AVSS protocol is further built on an asynchronous primitive called asynchronous weak commitment (AWC), while the AVSS of Canetti et al. is built on the primitive called asynchronous weak secret sharing (AWSS). We observe that AWC has weaker requirements than AWSS and hence it can be designed more efficiently than AWSS. The common coin primitive is one of the most important building blocks for the construction of an ABA protocol. In this paper, we extend the existing common coin protocol to make it compatible with our new AVSS protocol that shares multiple secrets simultaneously. As a byproduct, our new common coin protocol is more communication efficient than all the existing common coin protocols.  相似文献   

基于均匀分簇的无线传感器网络寿命最大化理论分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无线传感器网络路由协议的一个重要目标是均衡节点能量消耗并延长网络寿命.基于均匀分簇的无线传感器网络模型,对网络寿命最大化进行了理论分析.在此基础上,提出了一种改进的数据传输方式,有效地均衡了节点的能量消耗,并显著地延长了网络寿命.模拟实验表明,在网络半径一定时,通过合理地选取最优的簇半径,可以最大化网络寿命.改进数据传输方式后的最大网络寿命比改进前的提高了13%.最后,结合该领域当前研究现状,指出了基于分簇路由协议的最大网络寿命未来的研究重点.  相似文献   

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are energyconstrained, so energy saving is one of the most important issues in typical applications. The clustered WSN topology is considered in this paper. To achieve the balance of energy consumption and utility of network resources, we explicitly model and factor the effect of power and rate. A novel joint optimization model is proposed with the protection for cluster head. By the mean of a choice of two appropriate sub-utility functions, the distributed iterative algorithm is obtained. The convergence of the proposed iterative algorithm is proved analytically. We consider general dual decomposition method to realize variable separation and distributed computation, which is practical in large-scale sensor networks. Numerical results show that the proposed joint optimal algorithm converges to the optimal power allocation and rate transmission, and validate the performance in terms of prolonging of network lifetime and improvement of throughput.   相似文献   

胡倩  陈新 《传感技术学报》2013,26(1):105-109
本文提出了一种密度感知的自适应簇内占空比机制:DAA-DC(Density Aware Adaptive Duty Cycle).DAA-DC能够根据簇内节点密度,自适应的将簇成员进行分组,同一小组的簇成员的工作周期相同,但与其他小组的工作周期不相重叠,从而在不改变网络拓扑结构以及其他网络参数的前提下,降低工作节点的密度,减少冲突发生的概率,提高网络吞吐量.我们将DAA-DC应用于S-MAC,并在NS2网络仿真平台对其性能进行了仿真.仿真结果表明,DAA-DC能够有效地减少冲突的发生概率,提高数据传输效率.  相似文献   

刘震  郭航 《计算机科学》2013,40(12):147-151
如何避免能量空洞现象已经成为无线传感网络应用中迫切需要解决的关键问题。在分析 国内外能量空洞的避免机制和方法的基础上,考虑在同心环模型的基础上对逐层分环构思进行扩展,提出了一种基于同心环分簇网络模型的无线传感器网络能量空洞避免方法,对该方法的网络结构模型和能量消耗模型进行了描述,对簇头节点位置初始化、簇头轮转选择算法和簇间多跳路由算法进行了设计,并通过仿真实验对算法进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

There are inherent vulnerabillties that are not easily preventable in the mobile Ad-Hoc networks.To build a highly secure wireless Ad-Hoc network,intrusion detection and response techniques need to be deployed;The intrusion detection and cluster-based Ad-Hoc networks has been introduced,then,an architecture for better intrusion detection based on cluster using Data Mining in wireless Ad-Hoc networks has been shown.A statistical anomaly detection approach has been used.The anomaly detection and trace analysis have been done locally in each node and possibly through cooperation with clusterhead detection in the network.  相似文献   

随着无线传感器网络的发展,外部用户可以直接访问传感器内部节点获取信息,因此如何认证外部用户的身份,只允许授权用户获取节点数据,保证传输数据的保密性和完整性,已成为当前无线传感器网络研究的热点问题.本文基于用户口令和智能卡提出一个无线传感器网络用户认证与密钥协商协议,协议中采用哈希和异或运算实现主体的身份认证和密钥协商功能.为了分析协议的安全性,本文扩展了串空间理论,构造了分析无线传感器网络认证与密钥协商协议的形式化方法,证明了协议的安全性.最后,文中分析了协议的执行效率,并与同类协议进行了比较.  相似文献   

基于簇的无线传感器网络预分配密钥机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
李明  苗付友  熊焰 《计算机工程》2011,37(20):127-129
无线传感器网络预分配密钥管理机制的连通性和抗捕获性较差.为此,提出一种基于簇的预分配密钥管理机制.采用分布式管理策略,通过更新原始共享对称多项式的系数,确保被捕获节点无法与安全节点建立共享密钥对,从而隔离被捕获节点.实验结果表明,该机制具有较好的抗捕获性和可扩展性,密钥对实时更新能保证网络具有较高的连通性,在隔离被捕获...  相似文献   

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