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对虚拟现实及其实现技术进行了概述,通过分析化工实验操作的特点及实验所需达到的目的,提出一种以桌面式虚拟现实系统为设计模型、以教师机/学生机的网络通讯为基础的构建网络虚拟化工实验室的方案。该方案在有效降低实验成本的同时,很好地满足了实验教学与研究中情景化及自然交互性的要求。  相似文献   

对虚拟现实及其实现技术进行了概述,通过分析化工实验操作的特点及实验所需达到的目的,提出一种以桌面式虚拟现实系统为设计模型、以教师机/学生机的网络通讯为基础的构建网络虚拟化工实验室的方案。该方案在有效降低实验成本的同时,很好地满足了实验教学与研究中情景化及自然交互性的要求。  相似文献   

为设计一个实用的网络虚拟实验系统,探讨了2种典型网络应用体系模式在虚拟实验系统开发中的应用,分析了它们在构建教学网络虚拟实验系统中的优缺点。在结合具体实验教学的基础上,提出了在实验理论指导和实践训练两个不同环节。为实验系统选择不同的网络模型的应用策略,增强了系统的实用性。  相似文献   

以"互联网+"、虚拟技术视角,从技术层面搭建"互联网+"虚拟技术框架,提出虚拟实验室教学设计,然后使用虚拟化技术设计实验教学平台,包括实验虚拟交互、SPOC云、开放共享等。以校企共建实验室的理念和学科专业特点,搭建与企业接轨的仿真实验教学平台,包括3D仿真财务决策平台、财务与会计核心课程平台(含课程实验、综合实训、社会实践)、实验室管理平台等,并以该平台设计"互联网+"实验流程和财务会计相关专业案例分析。通过"互联网+"虚拟实验室构建在线教学共同体,并对该共同体进行优化设计,建立优化模型,以提升MOOC学习效率和实践效果。同时对国内外高校"以职业能力为导向"的教学模式设计进行了应用比较分析。最后总结虚拟实验室利用率的相关影响。  相似文献   

未来网络创新试验床和数据中心网络迫切需要具有虚拟化和可编程能力的路由器设备的支持,可编程虚拟路由器是构建未来网络试验床和数据中心网络的核心设备,逐渐成为研究热点.然而,可编程虚拟路由器在设计与实现中面临一系列挑战,其关键技术和原型系统研究对于可编程虚拟路由器研制具有十分重要的意义.文中从未来网络试验床和数据中心网络的需求出发,分析了可编程虚拟路由器的特性要求,归纳了可编程虚拟路由器在虚拟化、可编程性和高性能数据包转发等方面存在的技术挑战,并分类讨论了相关关键技术研究进展.论文最后评价和比较了国内外设计实现的可编程虚拟路由器原型系统,并讨论了可编程虚拟路由器中有待进一步解决的问题.  相似文献   

基于虚拟仿真软件技术的计算机网络实验教学体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了基于虚拟仿真软件技术的计算机网络实验教学体系.该体系是在传统的计算机网络实验教学体系中引入虚拟化软件技术,可进而搭建验证性或综合性的网络实验平台.按照不同的实验类别来选择相应的虚拟仿真软件.这些虚拟仿真软件可以虚拟仿真各种类型的技术先进的真实物理设备、构建仿真的实验环境、快速恢复实验环境,对物理设备不会造成损害.  相似文献   

建设网络虚拟实验平台,为学生提供一个与现实相似的实验环境,可大大缓解当今高校实验资源的短缺,有助于促进高校实验教学的改革。文章介绍了建立虚拟实验平台的原则、技术和应注意的问题,设计了虚拟电子实验室系统的网络模型和框架。  相似文献   

虚拟技术可以以极低成本构建先进的高校计算机实验教学平台。利用虚拟技术实现的实验平台可以模拟计算机学科需要的IT教学环境,符合计算机实验教学的发展趋势。本文在探讨虚拟化技术的基础上,结合高校计算机实验室建设,给出了具有实用价值的、基于虚拟化的实验教学平台解决方案。  相似文献   

VMware和Xen虚拟网络性能比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着个人计算机处理能力的增强,虚拟化技术成为计算机系统的发展趋势。VMware和Xen是两种典型的硬件抽象层虚拟化软件,通过实验比较了它们的虚拟网络的性能。Xen的虚拟网络性能与真实主机(Physical)接近,而且比VMware Workstaion虚拟网络的性能要好。  相似文献   

讨论了虚拟化技术实现原理及其在网络对抗教学中的应用上,分析了各类虚拟化技术的优缺点和构建网络对抗训练环境存在的问题。提出了一种混合虚拟化平台设计,该平台利用Libvirt虚拟化的应用程序编程接口(API)调用两种虚拟化技术同时运行在同一物理主机上。并详细叙述了混合虚拟化平台的实现过程和方法,并在多个虚拟机内同时运行测试基准,分析其可扩展性。多种虚拟化技术在同一物理机上的混合,实现了复杂实验环境的创建,对构建大规模的网络实验平台具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

PDSS虚拟机的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文针对可编程器件仿真系统设计中有关中断处理、I/O端口访问冲突等技术难题,将虚拟机的思想应用于PDSS,完成了PDSS虚拟机的设计。本文在介绍PDSS虚拟机结构及功能模块的基础上对虚拟机设计中有关虚拟内存管理和虚拟中断处理两个技术难题进行了较详细论述,给出了具体的处理方法,较好地解决了可编程器件仿真的问题。  相似文献   

Information Systems Frontiers in Knowledge Management   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
There can be no doubt that contemporary developments in information technology, including information systems developments, have changed business and organizational practices in many ways. For example, the world's financial systems are so closely coupled that that a small decrease in interest rates in the United States may cause a disproportionately large rise in stock market values in South East Asia. The information revolution has created entirely new ways of marketing, such that we now see very changed relationships between producers, distributors and customers. It has also led to changes in the way in which organizations are managed, the way in which they are structured, and the way in which they deal with their products and services. In particular, it creates a number of opportunities and challenges that affect the way in which data is converted into information and then into knowledge. It poses many opportunities for management of the environment for these transfers, such as to enhance the productivity of individuals and organizations. This paper discuses interactions and intersections between organizations, information technology and information systems, and the ways in which the creative use of information systems changes organizational environments.  相似文献   

对于复杂被控对象, 通常采用间接方法设计控制系统. 由于必须首先辨识对象模型, 因此这类方法往往耗时较多. 本文基于虚拟目标值反馈调整(VRFT)方法的思想, 利用支持向量机(SVM), 给出一种非线性控制器直接设计方法. 论文首先分析了VRFT方法与内模控制的关系, 接着给出了基于虚拟目标值(VR)和SVM的非线性控制器的结构和设计步骤. 仿真结果表明, 该方法具有良好的处理非线性和噪声的能力, 并且能消除稳态误差. 与经典基于神经网络(NN)的间接模型参考控制方法相比, 计算量大大降低.  相似文献   

Many important decisions in the design process are made during fairly early on, after designers have presented initial concepts. In many domains, these concepts are already realized as 3D digital models. Then, in a meeting, the stakeholders for the project get together and evaluate these potential solutions. Frequently, the participants in this meeting want to interactively modify the proposed 3D designs to explore the design space better. Today’s systems and tools do not support this, as computer systems typically support only a single user and computer-aided design tools require significant training. This paper presents the design of a new system to facilitate a collaborative 3D design process. First, we discuss a set of guidelines which have been introduced by others and that are relevant to collaborative 3D design systems. Then, we introduce the new system, which consists of two main parts. The first part is an easy-to-use conceptual 3D design tool that can be used productively even by naive users. The tool provides novel interaction techniques that support important properties of conceptual design. The user interface is non-obtrusive, easy-to-learn, and supports rapid creation and modification of 3D models. The second part is a novel infrastructure for collaborative work, which offers an interactive table and several large interactive displays in a semi-immersive setup. It is designed to support multiple users working together. This infrastructure also includes novel pointing devices that work both as a stylus and a remote pointing device. The combination of the (modified) design tool with the collaborative infrastructure forms a new platform for collaborative virtual 3D design. Then, we present an evaluation of the system against the guidelines for collaborative 3D design. Finally, we present results of a preliminary user study, which asked naive users to collaborate in a 3D design task on the new system.  相似文献   

时滞系统的控制在自动化领域具有重要意义。在剖析时滞系统控制的Smith预估法的本质的基础上,提出利用具有强大噪声抑制能力的"跟踪微分器"来实现"相位超前"、"相位滞后"等功能,从而解决时滞系统控制问题的新办法,其中包括把时滞算子近似成单位1的无视时滞法;把时滞算子近似成一阶惯性环节的提高阶次法;模仿Simith预估法把相位超前的虚拟输出当作被控量来进行无时滞对象控制的输出超前法;及引入虚似控制量的输入超前法等。相应的仿真研究表明,这些新方法都能控制好大时滞系统的控制问题,时滞大小已不再成为"难控"和"易控"的标准。  相似文献   

开展虚拟实验系统的研究和应用   总被引:91,自引:1,他引:90       下载免费PDF全文
虚拟实验系统是指应用虚拟现实技术来仿真实际物理实验的计算机应用系统。本文首先介绍了国内外虚拟实验系统的发展状况 ,然后给出了建立虚拟实验系统的原因 ,最后对开展虚拟实验系统的研究提出了一些建议  相似文献   

嵌入式跨平台虚拟软件是一种将RISC硬件体系结构虚拟成CISC硬件体系结构平台。本文的研究目的是通过在RISC体系硬件平台添加一个软件层,实现一个虚拟而且兼容X86的硬件平台,从而顺利地运行X86平台下的所有操作系统、应用程序等X86系列软件。重点讲述嵌入式跨平台虚拟机CPU虚拟设计和bootloader设计。嵌入式跨平台虚拟软件技术在嵌入式行业中有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

Recently, we developed a structural decomposition for multiple input multiple output nonlinear systems that are affine in control but otherwise general. This structural decomposition simplifies the conventional backstepping design and allows a new backstepping design procedure that is able to stabilize some systems on which the conventional backstepping is not applicable. In this paper we further exploit the properties of such a decomposition for the purpose of solving the semi-global stabilization problem for minimum phase nonlinear systems without vector relative degrees. By taking advantage of special structure of the decomposed system, we first apply the low gain design to the part of system that possesses a linear dynamics. The low gain design results in an augmented zero dynamics that is locally stable at the origin with a domain of attraction that can be made arbitrarily large by lowering the gain. With this augmented zero dynamics, backstepping design is then applied to achieve semi-global stabilization of the overall system.  相似文献   

一种新的ARX模型在磁悬浮系统建模中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用一种新的ARX模型(RBF-ARX模型)对磁悬浮系统进行离线建模,讨论了RBF-ARX模型的原理、结构的选取、模型参数辨识和RBF参数优化等问题。文章分别采用不同的序列作为状态变量,分别建立RBF-ARX模型,并分析了各模型的性能及可靠性。模型的预测输出和仿真结果,证实了RBF-ARX模型在非线性系统建模和辨识中的有效性。通过与ARX模型的比较,证明了RBF-ARX模型在非线性系统建模中效果更好。  相似文献   

Presents a state observer for a class of nonlinear systems based on the input output linearization. While the previous result presented state observers for nonlinear systems of full relative degree, we proposed a procedure fur the design of nonlinear state observers which do not require the hypothesis of full relative degree. Assuming that there exists a global state observer for internal dynamics and that some functions are globally Lipschitz, we can design a globally convergent state observer. It is also shown that if the zero dynamics are locally exponentially stable, then there exists a local state observer. An example is given to illustrate the proposed design of nonlinear state observers  相似文献   

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