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Lines and Points in Three Views and the Trifocal Tensor   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
This paper discusses the basic role of the trifocal tensor in scene reconstruction from three views. This 3× 3× 3 tensor plays a role in the analysis of scenes from three views analogous to the role played by the fundamental matrix in the two-view case. In particular, the trifocal tensor may be computed by a linear algorithm from a set of 13 line correspondences in three views. It is further shown in this paper, that the trifocal tensor is essentially identical to a set of coefficients introduced by Shashua to effect point transfer in the three view case. This observation means that the 13-line algorithm may be extended to allow for the computation of the trifocal tensor given any mixture of sufficiently many line and point correspondences. From the trifocal tensor the camera matrices of the images may be computed, and the scene may be reconstructed. For unrelated uncalibrated cameras, this reconstruction will be unique up to projectivity. Thus, projective reconstruction of a set of lines and points may be carried out linearly from three views.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new method for self-calibration of camera with constant internal parameters under circular motion, using one sequence and two images captured with different camera orientations. Unlike the previous method, in which three circular motion sequences are needed with known motion, the new method computes the rotation angles and the projective reconstructions of the sequence and the images with circular constraint enforced, which is called a circular projective reconstruction, using a factorization-based method. It is then shown that the images of the circular points of each circular projective reconstruction can be readily obtained. Subsequently, the image of the absolute conic and the calibration matrix of the camera can be determined. Experiments on both synthetic and real image sequence are given, showing the accuracy and robustness of the new algorithm.  相似文献   

Conic reconstruction and correspondence from two views   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Conics are widely accepted as one of the most fundamental image features together with points and line segments. The problem of space reconstruction and correspondence of two conics from two views is addressed in this paper. It is shown that there are two independent polynomial conditions on the corresponding pair of conics across two views, given the relative orientation of the two views. These two correspondence conditions are derived algebraically and one of them is shown to be fundamental in establishing the correspondences of conics. A unified closed-form solution is also developed for both projective reconstruction of conics in space from two uncalibrated camera views and metric reconstruction from two calibrated camera views. Experiments are conducted to demonstrate the discriminality of the correspondence conditions and the accuracy and stability of the reconstruction both for simulated and real images  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel method for robustly recovering the camera geometry of an uncalibrated image sequence taken under circular motion. Under circular motion, all the camera centers lie on a circle and the mapping from the plane containing this circle to the horizon line observed in the image can be modelled as a 1D projection. A 2x2 homography is introduced in this paper to relate the projections of the camera centers in two 1D views. It is shown that the two imaged circular points of the motion plane and the rotation angle between the two views can be derived directly from such a homography. This way of recovering the imaged circular points and rotation angles is intrinsically a multiple view approach, as all the sequence geometry embedded in the epipoles is exploited in the estimation of the homography for each view pair. This results in a more robust method compared to those computing the rotation angles using adjacent views only. The proposed method has been applied to self-calibrate turntable sequences using either point features or silhouettes, and highly accurate results have been achieved.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于仿射点对应的分层重构方法,所谓仿射点对应是指相差一个仿射变换的两个空间点集的图像对应.该方法主要分为以下三个步骤:首先,从点对应计算准仿射重构;然后,由仿射点对应的准仿射重构建立一个三维射影变换,并利用这个射影变换的特征向量来确定无穷远平面,从而得到仿射重构;最后,从仿射重构所获得的无穷远平面单应矩阵标定摄像机内参数,进而得到度量重构.在上述三个步骤中,第二个步骤是最关键的,即如何确定对应于无穷远平面的特征向量,这也是该文的新思想和主要贡献所在.仿真和真实图像实验均表明,该文的方法是有效的,并且有很好的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is the recovery of 3D structure and camera projection matrices for each frame of an uncalibrated image sequence. In order to achieve this, correspondences are required throughout the sequence. A significant and successful mechanism for automatically establishing these correspondences is by the use of geometric constraints arising from scene rigidity. However, problems arise with such geometry guided matching if general viewpoint and general structure are assumed whilst frames in the sequence and/or scene structure do not conform to these assumptions. Such cases are termed degenerate.In this paper we describe two important cases of degeneracy and their effects on geometry guided matching. The cases are a motion degeneracy where the camera does not translate between frames, and a structure degeneracy where the viewed scene structure is planar. The effects include the loss of correspondences due to under or over fitting of geometric models estimated from image data, leading to the failure of the tracking method. These degeneracies are not a theoretical curiosity, but commonly occur in real sequences where models are statistically estimated from image points with measurement error.We investigate two strategies for tackling such degeneracies: the first uses a statistical model selection test to identify when degeneracies occur: the second uses multiple motion models to overcome the degeneracies. The strategies are evaluated on real sequences varying in motion, scene type, and length from 13 to 120 frames.  相似文献   

Visual Modeling with a Hand-Held Camera   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
In this paper a complete system to build visual models from camera images is presented. The system can deal with uncalibrated image sequences acquired with a hand-held camera. Based on tracked or matched features the relations between multiple views are computed. From this both the structure of the scene and the motion of the camera are retrieved. The ambiguity on the reconstruction is restricted from projective to metric through self-calibration. A flexible multi-view stereo matching scheme is used to obtain a dense estimation of the surface geometry. From the computed data different types of visual models are constructed. Besides the traditional geometry- and image-based approaches, a combined approach with view-dependent geometry and texture is presented. As an application fusion of real and virtual scenes is also shown.  相似文献   

Most model-based three-dimensional (3-D) object recognition systems use information from a single view of an object. However, a single view may not contain sufficient features to recognize it unambiguously. Further, two objects may have all views in common with respect to a given feature set, and may be distinguished only through a sequence of views. A further complication arises when in an image, we do not have a complete view of an object. This paper presents a new online scheme for the recognition and pose estimation of a large isolated 3-D object, which may not entirely fit in a camera's field of view. We consider an uncalibrated projective camera, and consider the case when the internal parameters of the camera may be varied either unintentionally, or on purpose. The scheme uses a probabilistic reasoning framework for recognition and next-view planning. We show results of successful recognition and pose estimation even in cases of a high degree of interpretation ambiguity associated with the initial view.  相似文献   

Generalised Epipolar Constraints   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this paper we will discuss structure and motion problems for curved surfaces. These will be studied using the silhouettes or apparent contours in the images. The problem of determining camera motion from the apparent contours of curved three-dimensional surfaces, is studied. It will be shown how special points, called epipolar tangency points or frontier points, can be used to solve this problem. A generalised epipolar constraint is introduced, which applies to points, curves, as well as to apparent contours of surfaces. The theory is developed for both continuous and discrete motion, known and unknown orientation, calibrated and uncalibrated, perspective, weak perspective and orthographic cameras. Results of an iterative scheme to recover the epipolar line structure from real image sequences using only the outlines of curved surfaces, is presented. A statistical evaluation is performed to estimate the stability of the solution. It is also shown how the motion of the camera from a sequence of images can be obtained from the relative motion between image pairs.  相似文献   

We address the problem of estimating three-dimensional motion, and structure from motion with an uncalibrated moving camera. We show that point correspondences between three images, and the fundamental matrices computed from these point correspondences, are sufficient to recover the internal orientation of the camera (its calibration), the motion parameters, and to compute coherent perspective projection matrices which enable us to reconstruct 3-D structure up to a similarity. In contrast with other methods, no calibration object with a known 3-D shape is needed, and no limitations are put upon the unknown motions to be performed or the parameters to be recovered, as long as they define a projective camera.The theory of the method, which is based on the constraint that the observed points are part of a static scene, thus allowing us to link the intrinsic parameters and the fundamental matrix via the absolute conic, is first detailed. Several algorithms are then presented, and their performances compared by means of extensive simulations and illustrated by several experiments with real images.  相似文献   

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