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Semantic surface decomposition (SSD) facilitates various geometry processing and product re‐design tasks. Filter‐based techniques are meaningful and widely used to achieve the SSD, which however often leads to surface either under‐fitting or over‐fitting. In this paper, we propose a reliable rolling‐guided point normal filtering method to decompose textures from a captured point cloud surface. Our method is built on the geometry assumption that 3D surfaces are comprised of an underlying shape (US) and a variety of bump ups and downs (BUDs) on the US. We have three core contributions. First, by considering the BUDs as surface textures, we present a RANSAC‐based sub‐neighborhood detection scheme to distinguish the US and the textures. Second, to better preserve the US (especially the prominent structures), we introduce a patch shift scheme to estimate the guidance normal for feeding the rolling‐guided filter. Third, we formulate a new position updating scheme to alleviate the common uneven distribution of points. Both visual and numerical experiments demonstrate that our method is comparable to state‐of‐the‐art methods in terms of the robustness of texture removal and the effectiveness of the underlying shape preservation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a PatchMatch‐based Multi‐View Stereo (MVS) algorithm which can efficiently estimate geometry for the textureless area. Conventional PatchMatch‐based MVS algorithms estimate depth and normal hypotheses mainly by optimizing photometric consistency metrics between patch in the reference image and its projection on other images. The photometric consistency works well in textured regions but can not discriminate textureless regions, which makes geometry estimation for textureless regions hard work. To address this issue, we introduce the local consistency. Based on the assumption that neighboring pixels with similar colors likely belong to the same surface and share approximate depth‐normal values, local consistency guides the depth and normal estimation with geometry from neighboring pixels with similar colors. To fasten the convergence of pixelwise local consistency across the image, we further introduce a pyramid architecture similar to previous work which can also provide coarse estimation at upper levels. We validate the effectiveness of our method on the ETH3D benchmark and Tanks and Temples benchmark. Results show that our method outperforms the state‐of‐the‐art.  相似文献   

曲面重构中点云数据的区域分割研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
在曲面重构中,由于实际的曲面模型往往含有多个曲面几何特征,即由多张曲面组成,如果对使用激光法测量的“点云”数据直接进行拟合,将会造成曲面模型的数学表示和拟合算法处理的难度加大,甚至无法用较简单的数学表达式描述曲面模型,因此针对该问题,提出了一种基于数据点曲率变化的区域分割方法,即先对每一条扫描线上的数据点求取曲率值,然后将其中曲率值变化较大的点提取出来作为边界点,当边界确定后,再将云点数据分割成多个区域,由于每个区域一般具有较简单的几何特征,因此可用简单的数学模型来描述,并可重构单张曲面。该算法不仅原理简单、易于理解和编程,而且能提高曲面模型重构效率。  相似文献   

Dictionaries are very useful objects for data analysis, as they enable a compact representation of large sets of objects through the combination of atoms. Dictionary‐based techniques have also particularly benefited from the recent advances in machine learning, which has allowed for data‐driven algorithms to take advantage of the redundancy in the input dataset and discover relations between objects without human supervision or hard‐coded rules. Despite the success of dictionary‐based techniques on a wide range of tasks in geometric modeling and geometry processing, the literature is missing a principled state‐of‐the‐art of the current knowledge in this field. To fill this gap, we provide in this survey an overview of data‐driven dictionary‐based methods in geometric modeling. We structure our discussion by application domain: surface reconstruction, compression, and synthesis. Contrary to previous surveys, we place special emphasis on dictionary‐based methods suitable for 3D data synthesis, with applications in geometric modeling and design. Our ultimate goal is to enlight the fact that these techniques can be used to combine the data‐driven paradigm with design intent to synthesize new plausible objects with minimal human intervention. This is the main motivation to restrict the scope of the present survey to techniques handling point clouds and meshes, making use of dictionaries whose definition depends on the input data, and enabling shape reconstruction or synthesis through the combination of atoms.  相似文献   

Acquired 3D point clouds make possible quick modeling of virtual scenes from the real world. With modern 3D capture pipelines, each point sample often comes with additional attributes such as normal vector and color response. Although rendering and processing such data has been extensively studied, little attention has been devoted using the light transport hidden in the recorded per‐sample color response to relight virtual objects in visual effects (VFX) look‐dev or augmented reality (AR) scenarios. Typically, standard relighting environment exploits global environment maps together with a collection of local light probes to reflect the light mood of the real scene on the virtual object. We propose instead a unified spatial approximation of the radiance and visibility relationships present in the scene, in the form of a colored point cloud. To do so, our method relies on two core components: High Dynamic Range (HDR) expansion and real‐time Point‐Based Global Illumination (PBGI). First, since an acquired color point cloud typically comes in Low Dynamic Range (LDR) format, we boost it using a single HDR photo exemplar of the captured scene that can cover part of it. We perform this expansion efficiently by first expanding the dynamic range of a set of renderings of the point cloud and then projecting these renderings on the original cloud. At this stage, we propagate the expansion to the regions not covered by the renderings or with low‐quality dynamic range by solving a Poisson system. Then, at rendering time, we use the resulting HDR point cloud to relight virtual objects, providing a diffuse model of the indirect illumination propagated by the environment. To do so, we design a PBGI algorithm that exploits the GPU's geometry shader stage as well as a new mipmapping operator, tailored for G‐buffers, to achieve real‐time performances. As a result, our method can effectively relight virtual objects exhibiting diffuse and glossy physically‐based materials in real time. Furthermore, it accounts for the spatial embedding of the object within the 3D environment. We evaluate our approach on manufactured scenes to assess the error introduced at every step from the perfect ground truth. We also report experiments with real captured data, covering a range of capture technologies, from active scanning to multiview stereo reconstruction.  相似文献   

Despite the recent impressive development of deep neural networks, using deep learning based methods to generate large‐scale Chinese fonts is still a rather challenging task due to the huge number of intricate Chinese glyphs, e.g., the official standard Chinese charset GB18030‐2000 consists of 27,533 Chinese characters. Until now, most existing models for this task adopt Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to generate bitmap images of Chinese characters due to CNN based models' remarkable success in various applications. However, CNN based models focus more on image‐level features while usually ignore stroke order information when writing characters. Instead, we treat Chinese characters as sequences of points (i.e., writing trajectories) and propose to handle this task via an effective Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) model with monotonic attention mechanism, which can learn from as few as hundreds of training samples and then synthesize glyphs for remaining thousands of characters in the same style. Experimental results show that our proposed FontRNN can be used for synthesizing large‐scale Chinese fonts as well as generating realistic Chinese handwritings efficiently.  相似文献   

Automatic synthesis of high quality 3D shapes is an ongoing and challenging area of research. While several data‐driven methods have been proposed that make use of neural networks to generate 3D shapes, none of them reach the level of quality that deep learning synthesis approaches for images provide. In this work we present a method for a convolutional point cloud decoder/generator that makes use of recent advances in the domain of image synthesis. Namely, we use Adaptive Instance Normalization and offer an intuition on why it can improve training. Furthermore, we propose extensions to the minimization of the commonly used Chamfer distance for auto‐encoding point clouds. In addition, we show that careful sampling is important both for the input geometry and in our point cloud generation process to improve results. The results are evaluated in an auto‐encoding setup to offer both qualitative and quantitative analysis. The proposed decoder is validated by an extensive ablation study and is able to outperform current state of the art results in a number of experiments. We show the applicability of our method in the fields of point cloud upsampling, single view reconstruction, and shape synthesis.  相似文献   

We present a reverse engineering method for constructing a surface approximation scheme whose input is a set of unorganized noisy points in space and whose output is a set of quadric patches. The local surface properties, necessary for the subsequent segmentation, are estimated directly from the data using a simple and efficient data structure—the neighborhood graph. Our segmentation scheme, based on principal curvatures, constructs initial point subsets, which may be enlarged or further subdivided based on associated approximation error estimates obtained through approximation of the initial segments by quadric surfaces. Our method is highly efficient and produces a high‐quality piecewise quadric surface approximation of engineering objects, which we demonstrate for several simple and complex example data sets.  相似文献   

一种基于点云数据的快速曲面重构方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究激光扫描中的点云数据重构技术,提出一种基于规则点云数据的快速曲面重构方法。分析相邻扫描线之间数据点的相对位置关系,在三角剖分的基础上,设计改进的扫描线剖分算法,根据激光逐行扫描的特点,对点云数据进行不规则三角网格划分,利用几何关系进行配对构网,并在所建三角模型的基础上实现三角网格的局部优化和纹理映射,得到重建模型。实验结果表明,与传统Delaunay空间三角剖分算法相比,该算法可明显提高三角构网速度和质量,消除空洞,改善重建效果。  相似文献   

We present a deep learning based technique that enables novel‐view videos of human performances to be synthesized from sparse multi‐view captures. While performance capturing from a sparse set of videos has received significant attention, there has been relatively less progress which is about non‐rigid objects (e.g., human bodies). The rich articulation modes of human body make it rather challenging to synthesize and interpolate the model well. To address this problem, we propose a novel deep learning based framework that directly predicts novel‐view videos of human performances without explicit 3D reconstruction. Our method is a composition of two steps: novel‐view prediction and detail enhancement. We first learn a novel deep generative query network for view prediction. We synthesize novel‐view performances from a sparse set of just five or less camera videos. Then, we use a new generative adversarial network to enhance fine‐scale details of the first step results. This opens up the possibility of high‐quality low‐cost video‐based performance synthesis, which is gaining popularity for VA and AR applications. We demonstrate a variety of promising results, where our method is able to synthesis more robust and accurate performances than existing state‐of‐the‐art approaches when only sparse views are available.  相似文献   

Detecting geometric changes between two 3D captures of the same location performed at different moments is a critical operation for all systems requiring a precise segmentation between change and no‐change regions. Such application scenarios include 3D surface reconstruction, environment monitoring, natural events management and forensic science. Unfortunately, typical 3D scanning setups cannot provide any one‐to‐one mapping between measured samples in static regions: in particular, both extrinsic and intrinsic sensor parameters may vary over time while sensor noise and outliers additionally corrupt the data. In this paper, we adopt a multi‐scale approach to robustly tackle these issues. Starting from two point clouds, we first remove outliers using a probabilistic operator. Then, we detect the actual change using the implicit surface defined by the point clouds under a Growing Least Square reconstruction that, compared to the classical proximity measure, offers a more robust change/no‐change characterization near the temporal intersection of the scans and in the areas exhibiting different sampling density and direction. The resulting classification is enhanced with a spatial reasoning step to solve critical geometric configurations that are common in man‐made environments. We validate our approach on a synthetic test case and on a collection of real data sets acquired using commodity hardware. Finally, we show how 3D reconstruction benefits from the resulting precise change/no‐change segmentation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the first algorithm for progressive sampling of 3D surfaces with blue noise characteristics that runs entirely on the GPU. The performance of our algorithm is comparable to state‐of‐the‐art GPU Poisson‐disk sampling methods, while additionally producing ordered sequences of samples where every prefix exhibits good blue noise properties. The basic idea is, to reduce the 3D sampling domain to a set of 2.5D images which we sample in parallel utilizing the rasterization hardware of current GPUs. This allows for simple visibility‐aware sampling that only captures the surface as seen from outside the sampled object, which is especially useful for point‐based level‐of‐detail rendering methods. However, our method can be easily extended for sampling the entire surface without changing the basic algorithm. We provide a statistical analysis of our algorithm and show that it produces good blue noise characteristics for every prefix of the resulting sample sequence and analyze the performance of our method compared to related state‐of‐the‐art sampling methods.  相似文献   

A key processing step in numerous computer graphics applications is the solution of a linear system discretized over a spatial domain. Often, the linear system can be represented using an adaptive domain tessellation, either because the solution will only be sampled sparsely, or because the solution is known to be ‘interesting’ (e.g. high frequency) only in localized regions. In this work, we propose an adaptive, finite elements, multi‐grid solver capable of efficiently solving such linear systems. Our solver is designed to be general‐purpose, supporting finite elements of different degrees, across different dimensions and supporting both integrated and pointwise constraints. We demonstrate the efficacy of our solver in applications including surface reconstruction, image stitching and Euclidean Distance Transform calculation.  相似文献   

Street‐level imagery is now abundant but does not have sufficient capture density to be usable for Image‐Based Rendering (IBR) of facades. We present a method that exploits repetitive elements in facades ‐ such as windows ‐ to perform data augmentation, in turn improving camera calibration, reconstructed geometry and overall rendering quality for IBR. The main intuition behind our approach is that a few views of several instances of an element provide similar information to many views of a single instance of that element. We first select similar instances of an element from 3–4 views of a facade and transform them into a common coordinate system, creating a “platonic” element. We use this common space to refine the camera calibration of each view of each instance and to reconstruct a 3D mesh of the element with multi‐view stereo, that we regularize to obtain a piecewise‐planar mesh aligned with dominant image contours. Observing the same element under multiple views also allows us to identify reflective areas ‐ such as glass panels ‐ which we use at rendering time to generate plausible reflections using an environment map. Our detailed 3D mesh, augmented set of views, and reflection mask enable image‐based rendering of much higher quality than results obtained using the input images directly.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose PCPNET , a deep‐learning based approach for estimating local 3D shape properties in point clouds. In contrast to the majority of prior techniques that concentrate on global or mid‐level attributes, e.g., for shape classification or semantic labeling, we suggest a patch‐based learning method, in which a series of local patches at multiple scales around each point is encoded in a structured manner. Our approach is especially well‐adapted for estimating local shape properties such as normals (both unoriented and oriented) and curvature from raw point clouds in the presence of strong noise and multi‐scale features. Our main contributions include both a novel multi‐scale variant of the recently proposed PointNet architecture with emphasis on local shape information, and a series of novel applications in which we demonstrate how learning from training data arising from well‐structured triangle meshes, and applying the trained model to noisy point clouds can produce superior results compared to specialized state‐of‐the‐art techniques. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of our approach in the context of shape reconstruction, by showing how it can be used to extract normal orientation information from point clouds.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel method that improves the efficiency of high‐quality surface reconstructions for particle‐based fluids using Marching Cubes. By constructing the scalar field only in a narrow band around the surface, the computational complexity and the memory consumption scale with the fluid surface instead of the volume. Furthermore, a parallel implementation of the method is proposed. The presented method works with various scalar field construction approaches. Experiments show that our method reconstructs high‐quality surface meshes efficiently even on single‐core CPUs. It scales nearly linearly on multi‐core CPUs and runs up to fifty times faster on GPUs compared to the original scalar field construction approaches.  相似文献   

We construct a family of barycentric coordinates for 2D shapes including non‐convex shapes, shapes with boundaries, and skeletons. Furthermore, we extend these coordinates to 3D and arbitrary dimension. Our approach modifies the construction of the Floater‐Hormann‐Kós family of barycentric coordinates for 2D convex shapes. We show why such coordinates are restricted to convex shapes and show how to modify these coordinates to extend to discrete manifolds of co‐dimension 1 whose boundaries are composed of simplicial facets. Our coordinates are well‐defined everywhere (no poles) and easy to evaluate. While our construction is widely applicable to many domains, we show several examples related to image and mesh deformation.  相似文献   

We introduce a novel method for interactive generation of visually consistent, snow‐covered landscapes and provide control of their dynamic evolution over time. Our main contribution is the real‐time phenomenological simulation of avalanches and other user‐guided events, such as tracks left by Nordic skiing, which can be applied to interactively sculpt the landscape. The terrain is modeled as a height field with additional layers for stable, compacted, unstable, and powdery snow, which behave in combination as a semi‐viscous fluid. We incorporate the impact of several phenomena, including sunlight, temperature, prevailing wind direction, and skiing activities. The snow evolution includes snow‐melt and snow‐drift, which affect stability of the snow mass and the probability of avalanches. A user can shape landscapes and their evolution either with a variety of interactive brushes, or by prescribing events along a winter season time‐line. Our optimized GPU‐implementation allows interactive updates of snow type and depth across a large (10 × 10 km) terrain, including real‐time avalanches, making this suitable for visual assets in computer games. We evaluate our method through perceptual comparison against exiting methods and real snow‐depth data.  相似文献   

Molecular surface representations are an important tool for the visual analysis of molecular structure and function. In this paper, we present a novel method for the visualization of dynamic molecular surfaces based on the Gaussian model. In contrast to previous approaches, our technique does not rely on the construction of intermediate representations such as grids or triangulated surfaces. Instead, it operates entirely in image space, which enables us to exploit visibility information to efficiently skip unnecessary computations. With this visibility‐driven approach, we can visualize dynamic high‐quality surfaces for molecules consisting of millions of atoms. Our approach requires no preprocessing, allows for the interactive adjustment of all properties and parameters, and is significantly faster than previous approaches, while providing superior quality.  相似文献   

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