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模型驱动的软件体系结构自适应是支持软件适应性的主要方法之一,其重点是基于模型来支持适应过程中的分析和规划.但是已有的方法和实现大多特定于体系结构描述语言,导致复用性和集成性比较差.由于使用标准的模型技术能够提高方法的复用性和集成性,总结了分析和规划中所需的模型以及模型上的操作,并考察了如何在体系结构建模语言中引入标准模型技术进行支持.基于分析所得的设计原则,对ABC-ADL进行扩展,并且在实现中使用模型转换和模型查询等标准化技术来支持分析和规划.以ECPerf系统中一个性能相关的不良模式自适应分析和规划的过程为例,展示了如何使用扩展后的ADL对分析规划过程进行支持.此外,其中使用2种不同的分析方法,展示了如何使用ADL复用和集成不同的分析和规划方法.  相似文献   

需求规约到软件体系结构(SA)模型的转换是软件工程领域的一个研究热点,UML-RT广泛用于实时系统软件体系结构建模,然而基于自然语言规约建立的UML-RT模型往往是不精确的,存在二义性,为了解决这一问题,需要赋予UML-RT模型形式化语义.进程代数是一种用来解决并发系统通信问题的形式化方法,具有精确的语法和语义,并且便于机器自动检验与验证.TCSP是进程代数CSP的实时扩展,适合于规约实时系统带有时间约束的行为.提出一种基于进程代数规约生成SA模型的方法.首先建立了自然语言规约到SA模型的转换框架;然后使用时间通信顺序进程(TCSP)描述实时系统需求规约,通过建立TCSP到UML-RT的转换机制,从而实现进程代数规约到SA模型的转换;最后通过一个实例来验证该方法在实时软件建模过程中的有效性.实验分析表明通过该方法建立的UML-RT模型能够从整体上提高实时系统SA设计的可信性.  相似文献   

在CWM的基础上,分析了在多维实体资源中增加键的一种机制,同时依靠CWM的扩展机制,给出了一种为多维实体资源产生键的技术,从而得到一套在多维实体资源中键自动产生并加入的方法.给出了该方法的元模型,为多维资源的建模提供一个框架,并且利用XMI给出了元模型的形式化表示,最后分析了元模型的一个具体使用实例.  相似文献   

利用DoDAF开发TOGAF定义的企业应用架构设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
能力驱动的企业级架构标准(DoDAF)在支撑企业面向服务架构设计过程中缺少有效开发方法,而利用企业架构规范(TO-GAF)的架构开发方法(ADM)开发企业架构时缺少丰富而成熟的交付物支撑,以企业应用架构为结合点,将TOGAF对该阶段输入输出的定义映射至DoDAF的视图中得到描述框架,通过DoDAF元数据和视图的元模型及形式化描述分析视图模型间约束关系,从而提出了一种良好定义的基于多视角可操作的企业应用架构设计框架和视图模型开发方法.  相似文献   

安全关键系统的实现需要通过需求、设计、集成、验证和测试等多个阶段。近年来,模型驱动开发方法逐渐成为安全关键系统设计与开发的重要手段。由于还没有一个建模语言能够支持整个安全关键系统开发生命周期,因此选择集成使用2种广泛使用的标准语言:系统建模语言(SysML)和嵌入式实时系统体系结构分析与设计语言(AADL)。SysML和AADL提供了同一系统的2个不同视图,SysML模型为系统工程师提供了一个系统视图,AADL为架构设计师建立一个较低层次的设计视图,它结合了实现所有功能的硬件、操作系统和代码。提出一种SysML模型到AADL模型的自动转换方法。首先,定义SysML子集SubSysML,主要包括模块定义图(BDD)、内部模块图(IBD)、活动图(ACT)子集和从IBD和BDD扩展的AADL Profile;其次,定义SubSysML到AADL的转换规则并设计转换算法;然后,对生成的AADL初始模型进行精化;最后,使用EMF框架技术实现SubSysML到AADL的模型转换工具并通过雷达案例验证所提方法的有效性。  相似文献   

基于Agent的空防作战系统建模仿真方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李昊  戴金海 《计算机仿真》2007,24(1):281-284
空防作战系统是一类复杂的军事作战系统.从军事作战系统的主导因素入手,讨论了传统研究方法的局限性,进而提出使用基于Agent的建模仿真(ABMS)方法研究空防作战系统的思路,并根据空防作战系统建模仿真应用的需要对ABMS进行了改进:建立了层次化的ABMS建模框架,为解决对作战动态过程的建模而引入了事件的扩展概念及其分析方法.然后介绍了一个空防作战系统建模仿真研究的完整过程,给出了系统动态演化的事件模型和作战单元的Agent模型,并针对仿真结果进行了分析;从而证明了ABMS方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

基于MDA的设计模式建模与模型转换   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张天  张岩  于笑丰  王林章  李宣东 《软件学报》2008,19(9):2203-2217
MDA(model driven architecture)的一个重要意图是将模型作为软件开发的基本单元,以进一步提高软件开发的抽象层次.为此,MDA划分了3种抽象级的模型,并通过建立高抽象级的模型和向低抽象级模型及代码的转换来构造可运行的应用程序.在MDA的框架下,将设计模式作为一种独立的建模和转换单元能够在较高的抽象层次上充分支持复用并提高建模粒度,从而进一步发挥设计模式的优点,提高软件开发效率、降低生产成本.然而,要在MDA的框架下将设计模式作为完整的开发单元来使用,必须解决以模式为单元的建模及转换两个具体问题.针对单元化模式建模的问题,通过扩展MOF(meta object facility)的方式定义了模式单元元模型,并提供了基于此元模型的单元化建模支撑机制,以分离业务模型与模式模型的方式解决了该问题.针对单元化模式模型转换问题,在模式单元元模型的基础上定义了向EJB平台的转换规则.该转换规则使用QVT标准描述,支持单元化的模式模型转换,并具有良好的复用性.  相似文献   

由于当前企业建模方法和模型复杂度高并存在一定的僵化,造成了当前信息系统的系统结构僵化和企业模型适应差,当外界环境发生变化时和企业流程发生变化而企业信息系统却很难随之发生改变。基于此提出了基于组织符号学的企业模型框架,该模型框架建立在组织符号学的理论基础上,结合多agent方法而构建。模型采用分视图方法,从四个视图视角:组织视图、过程视图、交互视图和本体视图来对企业进行建模。该模型框架以本体视图为统一基础,以过程视图纽带,对企业视图进行集成建模,该模型具有实用性、开放性和简洁性等优点。  相似文献   

为解决软件组织在软件项目开发过程中难以实施CMMI(capability maturity model integration)过程改进的问题,基于模型驱动架构的思想和技术,提出了一种"裁剪+重型扩展+轻型扩展"的元模型建模策略.给出了该建模策略下的具体实施步骤和方法,实现了一种支持CMMI过程改进的软件过程元建模,同时给出了基于该元模型的建模实例.实验结果表明,该元模型有助于软件组织建立体现其组织特征并有效支持符合CMMI框架的软件过程用户模型.  相似文献   

数据建模是虚拟样机开发的一个重要内容。首先分析了虚拟样机技术对产品数据模型定义的要求;然后从过程、产品、组织、资源和约束五个视图角度分析了虚拟样机数据模型元模型定义,并以过程视图为核心建立了各视图元模型集成模型,分析了元模型数据描述方法;最后用一个实例系统实现了虚拟样机数据模型。  相似文献   

曲以堃  张伟 《计算机应用研究》2020,37(10):3053-3057
AADL是嵌入式领域对SA进行建模、评估的常用方法,但其属于一种半形式化开发语言,无法直接对SA的可靠性进行验证。为此,提出一种基于AADL的可靠性分析框架,对SA的可靠性进行形式化验证。首先通过分析系统体系结构的元素关系,建立AADL可靠性模型;然后设计转换模型及其规则,将AADL模型转换为连续时间马尔科夫链模型;最后采用概率模型检验工具对连续时间马尔科夫链模型进行可靠性定量分析。仿真结果表明,与现有可靠性分析方法相比,该方法在计算效率和转换效率上都有明显的提高。基于AADL的可靠性分析框架实现在软件系统开发早期对SA进行可靠性定量计算,为AADL在嵌入式软件系统可靠性定量分析方面提供了一种新的验证思路。  相似文献   

With the increasing maturity of model-driven tools and methods, new model-based analysis methods are developed to support specific stakeholder concerns during software lifecycle. This multiplication of models and their related analysis tools calls for solution addressing the integration of MOF-based analysis methods. Current research works on integration of analysis methods have already addressed the extraction of the needed input data as well as the control and the integration of the tools supporting the analysis execution. However, little attention has been paid to the integration of analysis results back into initial model. We propose an MOF-based framework enabling the integration of analysis results that a) defines a meta-model capturing the integration requirements, b) provides an MOF meta-model extension mechanism with support for upward compatibility; and c) automatically generates a model transformation for model integration. We illustrate the use of our framework by integrating a reliability analysis methods and a fault tolerant reconfiguration method on the ABC/ADL Software Architecture. We applied the resulting analysis composition onto the ECPerf JEE system.  相似文献   

软件体系结构分析与评价方法评述   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
近年来,软件体系结构逐渐成为软件工程领域的研究热点以及大型软件系统开发和产品线开发中的关键技术.体系结构分析评价的目的是为了识别体系结构设计中的潜在风险,帮助开发人员进行设计决策.从软件体系结构的概念出发,分类介绍了体系结构描述的不同观点,评述了国内外有代表性的分析评价方法和工具.最后探讨了软件体系结构分析评价研究中存在的不足及其原因,作为总结,给出体系结构分析评价未来的发展方向.  相似文献   

随着软件规模的不断增大,软件安全问题日益严重.作为软件系统安全检测的有效手段,形式化证明旨在利用数学方法完成对软件属性的严格验证.常用的形式化证明方法利用模式匹配来进行定理证明,但存在策略生成不完备等缺陷.本文提出一种基于注意力机制的命令预测框架,将LSTM与Coq结合,预测定理证明过程中的策略和参数.实验结果表明本文提出的模型在生成命令的准确度方面高于现有工作(本工作预测命令准确率为28.31%).  相似文献   

Model-driven development (MDD) is a very popular technique in the area of software development, but this technique is criticized due to lack of a formal semantics. MDD is used for large-scale system development using semi-formal techniques like UML (Unified Modeling Language), which are not amenable to formal analysis and consistency checking. Formal methods with MDD may provide an assurance of correctness of the system. This paper advocates an approach to building generic framework for rigorous MDD that is based on combining semi-formal notations with formal modeling languages, correctness of the system using model checker and automatic code generation from the verified formal specification. The main objective of this work is to apply model-driven techniques and tools with formal verification and its code generation for designing critical systems. An assessment of the proposed framework is given through a case study, relative to the development of a cardiac pacemaker system.  相似文献   

There has been an increasing awareness that large-scale datasets of earth-system model results would be produced and accumulated rapidly within the next few decades with extensive usage of numerical models. The successful exploration of these data for scientific research and engineering applications requires the capability of efficient storage, retrieval, integration and visualization of these large datasets. Robust publication methods are also needed to enable data exchange through the web to increase global research collaborations. In this study, a comprehensive GIS-based data management and publication framework (GMPF) was developed and applied to the use, representation, and analysis of hydrodynamic modeling results of Hamburg Port, Germany. Linking with GIS, a desktop- and a web-based model-results data atlas were developed to provide an interactive environment for various cartography and time series plots. The implementation of the framework was based on modular software design, open specifications and reuse of open source projects. The study results showed that the project life-cycle was shortened and development efforts were reduced through applying GMPF. The developed system could be integrated into commercial hydrodynamics software platforms to enhance the capability of model-results management and publication.  相似文献   

Modern software systems are usually designed in the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), which provides methods for system development and integration of existing, reusable services. Due to the growing com-plexity of such systems, there is a need to design them in a way which enables adaptation to changes in the execution environment. This paper presents the Adaptive ESB framework for adaptive execution of services with the use of statistical models representing knowledge about service execution. Statisti- cal models are exploited in many different areas, but applying them to SOA applications requires specific methods for their identification, updating and processing. A statistical model of service execution represents knowledge of how a complex system behaves as a high-level abstraction of a system related to the problem space.  相似文献   

This paper presents the MDE process in use at Elettronica SpA (ELT) for the development of complex embedded systems integrating software and firmware. The process is based on the adoption of SysML as the system-level modeling language and the use of Simulink for the refinement of selected subsystems. Implementations are generated automatically for both the software (C++ code) and firmware parts, and communication adapters are automatically generated from SysML using a dedicated profile and open-source tools for modeling and code generation. The process starts from a SysML system model, developed according to the platform-based design paradigm, in which a functional model of the system is paired to a model of the execution platform. Subsystems are refined as Simulink models or hand-coded in C++. An implementation for Simulink models is generated as software code or firmware on FPGA. Based on the SysML system architecture specification, our framework drives the generation of Simulink models with consistent interfaces, allows the automatic generation of the communication code among all subsystems (including the HW–FW interface code). In addition, it provides for the automatic generation of connectors for system-level simulation and of test harnesses and mockups to ease the integration and verification stage. We provide early results on the time savings obtained by using these technologies in the development process.  相似文献   

管飞  代云超  韩子龙 《测控技术》2014,33(9):110-112
在充分研究航天测控系统软件研发维护特点的基础上,通过引入相异性软件故障模型,结合软件故障检测和故障定位等分析方法,构建了一种基于功能组件的航天测控系统软件相异性故障模型,提出了一种具有较强针对性的航天测控系统软件故障分析框架,为航天测控系统软件故障分析的集成化研究提供了新思路。这种软件故障分析框架已在航天测控系统软件测试及软件故障问题排查等实际问题中得到有效应用,实践表明该框架对软件系统的研发维护及软件故障的快速分析定位具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a number of modifications to the learning algorithm of the self-organizing fuzzy neural network (SOFNN) to improve computational efficiency. It is shown that the modified SOFNN favorably compares to other evolving fuzzy systems in terms of accuracy and structural complexity. An analysis of the SOFNN's effectiveness when applied in an electroencephalogram (EEG)-based brain-computer interface (BCI) involving the neural-time-series-prediction-preprocessing (NTSPP) framework is also presented, where a sensitivity analysis (SA) of the SOFNN hyperparameters was performed using EEG data recorded from three subjects during left/right-motor-imagery-based BCI experiments. The aim of this one-time SA was to eliminate the need to choose subject- and signal-specific hyperparameters for the SOFNN and thus apply the SOFNN in the NTSPP framework as a parameterless self-organizing framework for EEG preprocessing. The results indicate that a general set of NTSPP parameters chosen via the SA provide the best results when tested in a BCI system. Therefore, with this general set of SOFNN parameters and its self-organizing structure, in conjunction with parameterless feature extraction and linear discriminant classification, a fully parameterless BCI that lends itself well to autonomous adaptation is realizable.  相似文献   

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