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当数据规模庞大时,深度学习模型会遇到权重调整耗时,容易陷入局部最优解的问题.为了解决这些问题,宽度学习系统应运而生,宽度学习系统不仅结构简单、训练速度快、准确率高,而且还具有增量学习的优势.介绍了宽度学习系统的产生背景和发展历程,阐述了宽度学习系统的基础理论与实现方法,对比了它与深度网络的异同;介绍了宽度学习系统在图像分类、数值回归、脑电信号处理等应用中的改进算法,分析了这些算法的优势和不足.最后总结了现有宽度学习算法存在的缺陷,并对未来研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

根据Android系统的迅速发展和人们对新型教学方式的探索,提出基于Android系统开发的辅助学习系统的设计,对辅助学习系统进行需求分析、概要设计和详细设计.该系统的优势在于可以实现作业上传下载、师生实时互动、教学资源的共享等功能,此外对了相关国内外研究现状进行简要分析,为在Android系统上开发其他辅助系统提供一定的借鉴.  相似文献   

高阶无模型自适应迭代学习控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对一类非线性非仿射离散时间系统,提出了高阶无模型自适应迭代学习控制方案.控制器的设计和分析仅依赖于系统的输入/输出(I/O)数据,不需要已知任何其他知识.该方法采用了高阶学习律,可利用更多以前重复过程中的控制信息提高系统收敛性,且学习增益可通过"拟伪偏导数"更新律迭代调节.仿真结果验证了所提出算法的有效性.  相似文献   

游慧 《计算机时代》2005,(11):20-21
研究了建构主义学习理论,设计了网络学习系统的功能,在此基础上应用数据库、web等技术设计开发计算机基础课程的智能化网络学习系统.为学生构建了一个良好的计算机基础学习环境,以提高学生的学习兴趣和学习效率.  相似文献   

市面上的日语语法APP的功能都比较单一,没有一个系统的整合与归纳.为此,提出开发一个专业的日语语法学习APP.以移动学习、碎片化学习、情境学习为理论依据,概述了系统的需求和构成要素,设计了APP的主要功能.该APP包含在线学习与教学管理等功能,可用于日语专业课程的移动教学,具有一定的实用性和推广性.  相似文献   

基于Wiki的开放式协作学习教学模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了基于Wiki这种社会化软件的设计思想构建开放式协作学习系统的具体设计和实现方法.论述了基于Wiki的开放式协作学习模式的特点.本文提出的开放式协作学习系统是一个采用JSPWiki平台搭建,运用先进的协作创作Wiki模式,具有小组控制,角色控制的面向教学的开放式协作学习网站.  相似文献   

带有初态学习的可变增益迭代学习控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹伟  丛望  李金  郭媛 《控制与决策》2012,27(3):473-476
针对一类非线性系统提出一种新的学习控制算法,该算法在可变学习增益的迭代学习控制律基础上,增加了系统初态的迭代学习律.利用算子理论证明了系统在存在初态偏移时经过迭代学习后,其输出能够完全跟踪期望轨迹,同时得到了该算法谱半径形式的收敛条件.将该算法与传统迭代学习控制相比较可以看出,前者的收敛速度得到了较大提高,而且解决了可变学习增益迭代学习控制的初态偏移问题.仿真结果验证了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

一类输出饱和系统的学习控制算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传感器饱和是控制系统中较为常见的一种物理约束. 本文针对一类含饱和输出的受限系统, 提出了两种学习控制算法. 具体而言, 首先, 对于重复运行的被控系统, 设计了开环P型迭代学习控制器, 实现在有限时间区间内对期望轨迹的完全跟踪, 并在λ范数意义下分析了算法的收敛性, 给出了含饱和输出的迭代学习控制系统的收敛条件. 进而, 针对期望轨迹为周期信号的被控系统, 提出了闭环P型重复学习控制算法, 并分析了这类系统的收敛性条件. 最后, 通过一个仿真实例验证了本文所提算法的有效性.  相似文献   

基于Web的协作学习系统模型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王月  沈泽刚 《福建电脑》2007,(6):105-106
分析了基于web的协作学习的概念,阐述协作学习的理论基础,协作学习的策略,协作学习的功能要求,列举了一个基于Web的协作学习系统的结构模型.描述了这个系统的总体结构和系统的通用工具及系统的优点.  相似文献   

通过计算机软件学习语言是随着信息技术的不断发展而采的一种学习方式.笔者通过研究现有的各类语言学习软件,提出了在计算机环境下维汉双语学习软件的设计与开发构想,论述了维汉双语学习软件的设计思想及体系结构,阐述了学习系统的各个模块的主要功能.  相似文献   

能控性是多智能体系统研究的核心问题,主要包括结构可控性和精准可控性。对多智能体系统的模型和能控性代数条件进行了总结。在相对协议和绝对协议条件下,运用图论和矩阵论的知识系统分析了多智能体系统能控性的代数条件。按照同质多智能体到异质多智能体的顺序,对现有的多智能体系统模型和代数条件进行了梳理,并在已有结论的基础上对多智能体系统能控性的代数条件进行了改善,进一步提出了新的代数条件。多智能体能控性代数条件的改进大大简化了能控性的计算量。  相似文献   

研究一类T-S模糊广义系统的容许性条件和H∞控制问题. 首先将原系统表示成增广系统, 进而基于新的模糊Lyapunov函数和模糊控制器得到容许性条件. 所得开环容许条件不要求子系统是容许的; 闭环容许条件中不含有控制输入矩阵与控制增益矩阵的乘积项. 对于H∞控制问题, 利用隶属度函数的性质对H∞控制条件进行了放宽, 并得到了改进的严格线性矩阵不等式(LMI)形式的H∞控制条件. 数值算例表明所得结论较已有文献具有较小的保守性.  相似文献   

In this paper null controllability with vanishing energy for discrete-time systems is considered. As in the case of continuous time systems necessary and sufficient conditions in terms of an algebraic Riccati equation are given. Then necessary and sufficient conditions involving the eigenvalues of the state matrix are given. Reachability and controllability with vanishing energy are also considered and necessary and sufficient conditions for them are given. Finally applications to sampled-data systems, systems with impulse control and periodic systems are discussed.  相似文献   

The properties of general systems, so-called disconnectedness, connectedness, and hereditary disconnectedness, are studied. The construction of star sets plays an important role in the study of the following topics: structures of (hereditary) disconnecied systems; equivalent conditions of (hereditary) disconnected systems; equivalent conditions of disconnectedness of quotient systems. Conditions, under which disconnectedness of factor systems can be lifted up to product systems and cartesian product systems, and conditions under which disconnectedness of product systems (cartesian product systems) can predict the disconnectedness of factor systems, are given.  相似文献   

In the sampled-data control literature there are necessary conditions and sufficient conditions for stabilizability of distributed parameter systems by generalized sampled-data control. For finite-dimensional systems the necessary conditions are also known to be sufficient. We show that this equivalence extends to the infinite-dimensional case if the underlying semigroup is analytic. However, for general systems, the necessary conditions are not sufficient, nor are the sufficient conditions necessary. We prove this by a single example with a free parameter – one choice of parameter shows that the necessary conditions are too weak, and another choice shows that the sufficient conditions are too strong.  相似文献   

In the sampled-data control literature there are necessary conditions and sufficient conditions for stabilizability of distributed parameter systems by generalized sampled-data control. For finite-dimensional systems the necessary conditions are also known to be sufficient. We show that this equivalence extends to the infinite-dimensional case if the underlying semigroup is analytic. However, for general systems, the necessary conditions are not sufficient, nor are the sufficient conditions necessary. We prove this by a single example with a free parameter – one choice of parameter shows that the necessary conditions are too weak, and another choice shows that the sufficient conditions are too strong.  相似文献   

Global asymptotic stability conditions for discrete vector nonlinear stochastic systems with state delay and Volterra diffusion term are obtained based on the convergence theorem for semimartingale inequalities, without assuming the Lipschitz conditions for nonlinear drift functions. The derived stability conditions are directly expressed in terms of the system coefficients. A number of nontrivial examples of nonlinear systems satisfying the obtained stability conditions are given. The obtained results are compared to some previously known asymptotic stability conditions for discrete nonlinear stochastic systems.  相似文献   

A Lyapunov-like approach to the controllability of nonlinear dynamic systems is presented. A theory is developed which yields sufficient conditions for complete controllability for some classes of nonlinear systems; feedback controllers which drive the systems to desired terminal conditions, at a specified final time, are also obtained. Well-known controllability conditions for linear dynamic systems are derived using this general controllability theory. Elliptical regions are found which contain (bound) the trajectories of a class of systems controlled according to these methods. These regions are used in synthesizing controllers for nonlinear systems and for a class of state-variable inequality constrained problems. An uncontrollability theorem, based also upon Lyapunov-like notions, is presented; this yields sufficiency conditions for uncontrollability for some types of nonlinear systems. Relationships of the theories to other nonlinear controllability approaches are indicated.  相似文献   

线性时变广义系统的能控性与能观性问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张雪峰  张庆灵 《自动化学报》2009,35(9):1249-1253
讨论了线性时变系统和线性时变广义系统的两个基本问题, 得到了两种判定时变系统能控性与能观性的必要条件, 该判定条件只依赖于系统矩阵A(t)和输入矩阵B(t), 不必计算系统的系统状态转移矩阵, 使得判别时变系统能控性与能观性易于实现. 说明了本文结论是线性定常系统相应结论的自然扩展. 对进一步深入研究时变系统和时变广义系统具有实际启发作用.  相似文献   

It is well-known that checking certain controllability properties of very simple piecewise linear systems are undecidable problems. This paper deals with the controllability problem of a class of piecewise linear systems, known as linear complementarity systems. By exploiting the underlying structure and employing the results on the controllability of the so-called conewise linear systems, we present a set of inequality-type conditions as necessary and sufficient conditions for controllability of linear complementarity systems. The presented conditions are of Popov–Belevitch–Hautus type in nature.  相似文献   

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