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我国计算机网络安全问题及防范措施   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着计算机及其网络在我国的日趋普及,与之相关的网络安全问题也日益突出。文章从目前我国网络安全面临的不乐观现状,逐一对合理的安全防范措施(安全技术、安全管理、安全教育)进行分析。  相似文献   

目前在计算机网络安全方面的研究非常热烈,而在通信网络安全方面,安全技术发展还是不能满足需求,通信网络安全服务对象是指在通信网络内流动的所有用户信息和网络息。本文重点讨论的通信网络安全关键技术包括:信息加密技术、通信网络内部协议安全、网络管理安全、内部节点安全策略、通信网入侵检测技术和通信网络安全效果评估技术。同时探讨了各个关键技术的作用、机制和发展趋势。  相似文献   

伴随网络技术突飞猛进的发展,网络的安全问题频繁发生,网络攻击现象不断涌现,特别是在政府机构、科研研所、金融机构、企业的计算机网络较易遭遇来自黑客的侵袭。黑客攻击者可轻易地攻击未附加任何安全保护措施的网络,例如肆意变更关键的信息数据、进行非授权访问以及传播网络病毒等。这些不良攻击事件一旦出现,将会给相应部门带来较大的经济损失。在已经研制出的众多安全防范方案中,防火墙技术由于较成熟,并具备产品化,相对较早地被不少单位所运用。本文结合网络安全技术发展现状,系统地阐述防火墙的安全技术保障措施及未来发展前景。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的飞速发展,信息技术也得到了突飞猛进的发展,已广泛应用在生活中的各个领域,不仅方便了人们的业余生活,还带动了社会经济快速发展。但是企业在信息化建设的过程中,往往也存在一些问题。笔者首先分析了我国信息化建设中的网络安全现状,进而阐述了企业信息化建设中网络安全管理方面存在的一些问题,最后针对这些问题提出了加强网络安全管理工作的有效策略。  相似文献   

随着计算机网络技术的发展和应用,各大中专院校实现了管理网络化、教学手段现代化和信息资源共享,然而随着校园网规模的壮大和运用水平的提高使得校园网面临的隐患也相应加剧,因此,怎样确保校园网络系统的安全性和鲁棒性是校园网络管理者急需解决的重要课题。文章从当前校园网络存在的安全隐患入手,提出了校园网络安全解决策略,最后对常用的网络安全防范技术进行探讨。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术和信息网络技术水平的不断进步,当前人类已经逐渐的进入到了信息社会,计算机的普及也让网络技术普及到了医院管理领域。所以,在未来医院管理工作开展的过程中要注重信息系统的建设,以实现增强服务质量水平的效果,并最终为医院创造更多的经济利益。在信息系统运行的过程中,其安全性能的增强已经成为一个十分关键的环节,采取怎样的措施去确保计算机信息网络的安全,已成为备受关注的问题。  相似文献   

刘希涵 《福建电脑》2012,28(12):145-146
本文着重从几个方面入手,阐述了如何应用有效的网络安全防范技术解决校园网的安全问题.力求使网络安全技术在校园网的实际应用当中得以有效的应用。  相似文献   

Windows 2003服务器安全性问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从安全漏洞、网络服务、身份验证、访问控制、安全策略等不同层面上讨论了WindowsServer2003服务器的安全性问题及其防范措施,以最大限度地降低病毒对服务器的侵害和攻击者对服务器的非法入侵的机会,有效的保护服务器系统的安全。  相似文献   

从安全漏洞、网络服务、身份验证、访问控制、安全策略等不同层面上讨论了Windows Server 2003服务器的安全性问题及其防范措施,以最大限度地降低病毒对服务器的侵害和攻击者对服务器的非法入侵的机会,有效的保护服务器系统的安全.  相似文献   

国家税收信息化建设历经20多年的努力,己经取得了初步成效,随着国税系统信息网络技术的不断深化,网络与信息安全问题已经成为影响国税系统工作效能的重要问题,本文从分析网络安全的定义着手,通过对国税网络安全现状的分析,解析了威胁国税网络安全的原因,并提出了具体的解决手段。  相似文献   

Increasingly, distributed processing is used to achieve the availability and processing power required by today's information technology systems. Networks are an important element in this drive towards more responsive systems. These systems can vary in size from a few desk top machines connected together in a single office to a complex of mainframes, controllers and terminals owned by a variety of organizations worldwide. It is shown that much work has been done to establish the security services that can be provided to users of these networks. If these services are to achieve their desired level of service, however, careful attention must be paid to the way they are planned, implemented and, in particular, the way in which they are managed.  相似文献   

我们平常所说的网络安全包括人、技术、地区、法规、社会舆论及教育管制等许多因素。随着社会的迅速发展,网络安全问题越来越受到人们的重视,同时,网络中出现的各种安全性问题需要我们关注并及时解决。本文主要就目前我国存在的网络安全问题及其解决对策进行了探讨和分析。  相似文献   

企业信息化管理指的就是企业将自身生产过程中的业务流程、生产过程、客户交换、事物处理等工作进行电子化和数字化的处理,并且应用先进的信息系统网络加工组合数据信息,进而得到新的信息资源,提供给企业各个部门的人员参考和使用,最终设计出最好的解决方案,对企业的资源进行充分的利用。也就是促使企业更好的适应和顺应市场的发展,最大化企业的利益。文章主要分析和研究了我国企业的信息化建设,并对信息化建设中的问题进行了分析,最后提出了解决的对策,为我国企业管理的信息化建设提供了一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

This presentation of a systems theory is applicable to security in the private sector which is profit dependent. At a time of heightened security specialization, it is necessary to establish a professional consensus that all private security areas are unified at the basic conceptual level. Business and industry face numerous threats to profitability. Threats applicable to the mission of security have been organized here by the WAECUP (waste, accident, error, crime, unethical practice) acronym. WAECUP threats are shown to be so interrelated that a security department that ignores even one threat is bound to fail. Computer security and all private sector security are shown linked in efforts to make loss control (the author's term for modern security) effective. The most common fallacy about private security is to equate it with police activity. This myth is dismantled and security is defined by a careful comparison between law enforcement and private security with respect to their clients, goals, focus, environmental restructuring abilities, and movement (access) controls. A graphic Loss Control Model is offered to explain how informational transfer minimizes loss and tends to stabilize any corporation. It is an open-ended systems model that all private security practitioners can identify with and utilize as a heuristic tool.  相似文献   

近几年来,随着信息技术的不断发展,计算机在各个生产及生活领域均得到了广泛应用。在给人们生活、工作带来方便的同时,也带来了信息安全问题,使得信息在网络中破坏及泄露,为此,加强计算机网络的安全建设具有重要意义。本文首先分析计算机网络建设中的安全性问题,然后重点分析其安全对策。  相似文献   

For the general logical and probabilistic models of estimating the success of an attack on a defense object in a typical corporate network, we have obtained and found extreme values of the corresponding analytic expressions for the weights and sensitivity functions in various factors (defense functions). On the example of a typical corporate functions, by using the sensitivity functions formalism, we have obtained risk estimated for certain dangerous events and practical recommendations to increase the level of information security.  相似文献   

Network security     
《Data Processing》1986,28(4):191-194
Security in computer networks is often viewed as too expensive, but it is important. A first step in protecting a computer network is to restrict access. A product has been designed to provide secure identification of a user for access to a network, computer and data system. A system has also been developed which handles user verification, message protection and message privacy. This system is application-dependent.  相似文献   

The automated teller machine (ATM) system is the well-known system in E-society that provides us with easy access to banking activities, e.g. money transfers between a user's accounts. This article focuses on the security issues of ATM systems. We examine a criminal case concerning large-scale fraudulent cash withdrawals at ATMs around Taiwan. The common tricks used by criminals are copies of cards as well as the use of tiny cameras to record the personal identification numbers of card users. With continued advances in technology, the criminal case can be handled easily. We also discuss security policies to prevent fraudulent cash withdrawals.  相似文献   

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