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基于MDA的设计模式建模与模型转换   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张天  张岩  于笑丰  王林章  李宣东 《软件学报》2008,19(9):2203-2217
MDA(model driven architecture)的一个重要意图是将模型作为软件开发的基本单元,以进一步提高软件开发的抽象层次.为此,MDA划分了3种抽象级的模型,并通过建立高抽象级的模型和向低抽象级模型及代码的转换来构造可运行的应用程序.在MDA的框架下,将设计模式作为一种独立的建模和转换单元能够在较高的抽象层次上充分支持复用并提高建模粒度,从而进一步发挥设计模式的优点,提高软件开发效率、降低生产成本.然而,要在MDA的框架下将设计模式作为完整的开发单元来使用,必须解决以模式为单元的建模及转换两个具体问题.针对单元化模式建模的问题,通过扩展MOF(meta object facility)的方式定义了模式单元元模型,并提供了基于此元模型的单元化建模支撑机制,以分离业务模型与模式模型的方式解决了该问题.针对单元化模式模型转换问题,在模式单元元模型的基础上定义了向EJB平台的转换规则.该转换规则使用QVT标准描述,支持单元化的模式模型转换,并具有良好的复用性.  相似文献   

模型转换是MDA的关键技术,也是MDA的研究热点。目前,不同的MDA开发平台都有一套相对独立的开发技术和转换框架,这使平台之间缺乏兼容性,模型转换代码重用困难。究其原因是缺少一种与具体转换语言相对应,且与平台无关的转换规则模型。为了解决以上问题,将高阶模型转换的思想与模型驱动软件开发相结合,提出了一种构造模型转换规则的高阶转换元模型,并以ATL语言为例展示了高阶转换元模型的使用方法;最后通过一个实例验证了该方法的可行性和可用性。该方法提高了模型转换语言的抽象层次,降低了模型转换语言的重用难度,在一定程度上解决了模型转换技术不兼容的问题。  相似文献   

基于模型驱动架构的数据库重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对交叉使用数据库重构方法较为困难的问题,提出一种基于模型驱动架构(MDA)的通用数据库重构框架,其中包括数据库重构中的元模型定义和模型转换定义,并采用EMF和Operational QVT构建工具,该框架利用MDA的模型转换能力实现了数据库重构的自动化。  相似文献   

吴钦阳 《福建电脑》2005,(11):42-43
本文对MDA产生的历史背景、其核心技术及整体框架作了深入的剖析,并对MDA方法作了一定的扩展。MDA将软件系统的模型分离为平台无关模型和特定平台模型,同时又能通过转换规则将它们统一起来,以这样的方式摆脱需求变更所带来的困境。  相似文献   

当前由于缺乏完整的转换规则描述和相应的实现机制,难以实现灵活、自动的模型转换。采用基于本体的方法来建立模型元素之间的映射关系,并结合本体描述语言给出了模型元素和转换规则在本体库中的描述方法,实现了在两个不同的计算无关层(CIM)建模工具所建模型之间的自动转换。该成果已成功地应用到基于MDA的军工企业数字化项目中。  相似文献   

基于ASM的元模型形式化语义的研究*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种在模型驱动开发过程中的形式化语义描述方法。该方法利用元建模技术,形式化地描述了元模型及其语义间的映射关系,以提供精确的语义描述,从而为模型驱动开发提供有力的支持。将描述框架用于模型转换规则的定义以及元模型的分析与验证,并以简单Petri网为例,说明该方法可以有效地支持模型转换和代码生成。  相似文献   

模型驱动体系结构(MDA)是一种以模型为中心的软件开发框架,其本质是元建模与模型转换。提出了一种基于MDA的实时软件资源建模与模型转换的方法。首先通过元建模抽象出包含资源信息的MARTS元模型以及价格时间自动机的元模型;然后利用模型转换语言ATL对MARTS元模型和价格时间自动机元模型构造转换规则,通过将对应的实例模型进行相互转换,实现在MDA下MAR"I'E模型到价格时间自动机模型的转换;最后通过形式化工具UPPAAL对模型转换结果进行形式化验证。实例分析表明了该方法的可行性与有效性,它能够提高实时软件资源建模的可信性。  相似文献   

信息系统中PIM功能元模型的构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决传统信息系统不能随着需求的改变而及时改变的问题,OMG提出了模型驱动体系(MDA)。平台无关模型(PIM)是模型驱动体系中最重要的一环,为了更好地建立信息系统的平台无关模型,提出了从信息系统的功能角度入手构建PIM。首先介绍了MDA框架下的信息系统开发过程,然后从模型构建的一般性要求出发,结合MDA框架下的信息系统开发的特点,提出了MDA框架下的信息系统开发过程的PIM功能元模型构建方法。为了验证了构建方法的正确性,最后基于XML语言实现了PIM功能元模型的构建。  相似文献   

元模型支持下的模型转换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模型转换是MDA的核心思想,包括模型到代码的转换和模型到模型的转换。文章所提出的模型转换方法用元模型表示转换规则,通过基于图转换的模型转换,最终得到目标模型的元模型表达。元模型支持下的模型转换可以对转换规则进行精确的描述,使转换具有明确的语义,更便于工具实现。  相似文献   

尽管模型驱动开发(MDD)代表软件工程的发展方向,但是目前MDD还缺乏一套完整的转换规则描述方法和相应的实现机制,难以实现模型的自动转换。为此定义了一个平台独立模型到平台相关模型的转换框架,采用UML活动图说明模型转换的实现机制;基于OCL定义了转换规则的表示法,并结合UML模型到Java模型的转换给出了转换规则的定义。最后在一个具体的实例中验证了此方法的合理性和易用性。  相似文献   

Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is a software development approach promoted by the OMG. MDA is based on two key concepts, models and model transformations. Several kinds of models are generally used throughout the development process to specify a software system and to support its analysis and validation. UML and its extensions, such as the UML profile for real-time systems (UML/SPT), are commonly used to define the structure and the behavior of software systems while other models, such as performance models or schedulability models, are more suitable for performance or schedulability analysis, respectively. In this paper we discuss a model transformation enabling the derivation of schedulability analysis models from UML/SPT models. As a proof of concepts, we present a prototype implementation of this model transformation using ATL. We provide a definition of the source and target metamodels using the metamodel specification language KM3 and we specify the transformation in an ATL module. We discuss the merits and limitations of our approach and of its implementation.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an MDA approach to knowledge engineering, centered on the CommonKADS knowledge model. The latter corresponds to the CIM level of MDA whereas PRR, which represents production rules and rulesets, corresponds to the PIM level. The paper explores the mapping between CommonKADS knowledge models and production rules and rulesets based on PRR. Mapping CommonKADS knowledge models into PRR is very useful, due to the fact that the CIM level remains relatively unexplored, despite its key role in MDA. This motivates our choice to focus on the CIM and PIM levels. Furthermore, the mapping between PIM and PSM (i.e. the implementation of production rules in specific rule-based systems) constitutes less of an issue. To map CommonKADS knowledge models into PRR production rules and rulesets, we propose and illustrate a set of transformations. To ease these transformations, we start by grouping elements of the CommonKADS knowledge models into so-called “inference groups”. We propose and illustrate an algorithm that defines these inference groups automatically. The definition of transformations between models (CIM to PIM levels) requires a specific metamodel for CommonKADS as well as a dedicated metamodel for PRR. Unlike PRR, there is no published CommonKADS metamodel. This paper proposes a comprehensive CommonKADS knowledge metamodel. We describe and discuss an example, applying the whole approach.  相似文献   

袁峰  李明树 《软件学报》2007,18(9):2141-2152
SPEM(software process engineering metamodel)是国际标准化组织制定的标准元模型,正日益成为软件过程建模领域的行业标准,但在过程执行方面,SPEM还存在不足.将软件过程看作是一种特殊的工作流,提出了一种应用工作流运行机制支持软件过程执行的方法.通过将SPEM模型转换为XPDL(XML process definition language)模型,利用XPDL引擎支持SPEM模型的执行.制定了SPEM和XPDL之间的映射规则,设计了转换算法并开发了转换引擎.该方法被应用在SoftPM项目中,成功地基于XPDL引擎Shark实现了对软件过程模型的执行支持.  相似文献   

Model transformation is a fundamental technology in the MDA. Therefore, model transformations should be treated as first class entities, that is, models. One could use the metamodel of SDM, a graph based object transformation language, as the metamodel of such transformation models. However, there are two problems associated with this. First, SDM has a non-standardized metamodel, meaning a specific tool (Fujaba) would be needed to write transformation specifications. Secondly, due to assumptions of the code generator, the transformations could only be deployed on the Fujaba tool itself. In this paper, we describe how these issues have been overcome through the development of a template based code generator that translates instances of a UML profile for SDM to complete model transformation code that complies to the JMI standard. We have validated this approach by specifying a simple visual refactoring in one UML tool and deploying the generated plugin on another UML tool.  相似文献   

Simulation Model Portability standard 2 (SMP2) is a successful simulation model reuse standard in European Space Agency. Discrete Event System Specification (DEVS) is one of most common and powerful simulation model formalisms. Transforming a simulation model from DEVS representation to SMP2 representation is of great significance for model reuse. A Model Driven Architecture (MDA) based transformation methodology is presented first. According to this methodology, a MOF based DEVS metamodel is created and the mappings from DEVS metamodel to SMP2 metamodel are established. A transformation model from DEVS to SMP2 is described based on Query/View/Transformation (QVT) language. An illustrative example is detailed to demonstrate the application of the transformation model. The transformation model’s further application strategy and our next work are discussed in the final part.  相似文献   

提出基于模型驱动构架的嵌入式系统模型驱动设计方法.首先建立UMLforSystemC语言元模型,以扩充UML对硬件平台相关模型的描述能力;然后分析模型变换的映射规则;最后基于系统平台结构模型和软硬件划分提供模型变换实现.该方法能自动地生成不同实现的SystemC系统模型,以加速系统设计空间搜索效率。支持嵌入式系统的快速开发和验证.  相似文献   

针对不同模式之间规则不能重用甚至无法描述嵌套模式的问题.提出一种基于扩展MOF元模型与扩展QVT语言相结合的模型转换方法。该方法通过扩展MOF元模型解决模型之间规则不能重用问题.通过扩展QVTRelations可以增强规则语言的有效性,为模型建立和模型转换提供一种更有效的途径。在一个股票交易系统的转换应用实例中验证该方法的正确性。  相似文献   

Access control is an important security issue. It has been addressed since the late 1960s in the early time-sharing computer systems. Many access control models have been proposed since than but of particular interest is Ferraiolo and Khun’s role-based access control model (RBAC). It is a simple and yet general model which has been deeply studied and applied both in industry and in academia. A variety of industrial standards have been proposed based on this model. Generating code for an access control policy is an interesting challenge. Understanding access control as a non-functional concern that cross-cuts the functional part of a system raises difficulties quite suitable for a solution based on aspect-oriented programming. In this paper, we address the problems of specification and validation of code generation for access control policies targeting an aspect-based infra-structure. We propose an MDA approach. The code generator is a transformation from SecureUML, an RBAC-based modeling language, to the language Aspects for Access Control (AAC), an aspect-oriented modeling language proposed in this paper. Metamodels are used to represent the languages and to specify the transformation. A metamodel is used to represent the abstract syntax of a language and the constraints that a given instance model of the metamodel must fulfill. We also use a metamodel to specify the code generator. This transformation metamodel, together with all the constraints, that is, from both languages and those constraints regarding the merge of the two languages, we call a transformation contract. It merges and conservatively extends the source and target metamodels of the model transformation it represents. In the context of code-generation for access control policies, the transformation contract specifies the relationships between the abstract syntaxes of SecureUML and AAC and constrains the two languages. The validation of the code generator also uses the transformation contract. For a given access control policy and aspect, represented as instances of the appropriate metamodels, with aspects produced by the code generator, the constraints of the transformation contract must hold. We have prototyped a transformer from SecureUML to aspects on top of ITP/OCL, an OCL interpreter that automatically validates the generated aspect code by applying the constraints of the transformation contract.  相似文献   

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