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对于软件漏洞分析复杂度过高的现状问题,本文认为其主要原因在于当前软件分析知识、技术及数据耦合程度高、各类知识与技术间缺乏有效编程接口连接,因而提出了将软件漏洞分析解耦合为知识、探索、状态等三层平面的设计。其中,状态平面可基于基础分析数据和既有的大数据操作接口表征程序分析状态及转换;知识平面与探索平面分别对应漏洞分析知识与技术/工具集合,本文从符号执行、污点分析、模式检测、模糊测试等现有技术类别中抽象出两平面间的知识与技术间的交互接口。在阐述三层平面的基础上,本文例举了实际漏洞分析应用场景,描绘出通过可编程接口连接各平面、以自由定制的方式发挥各平面间互补优势的愿景;期望随之努力达到打通各类知识、技术间的互通门槛,并融合数据处理技术以提升软件漏洞分析效能的效果。  相似文献   

The technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) framework is increasing in use by educational technology researchers around the world who are interested in issues related to technology integration. Much that is good can be found in the TPACK framework; however considerable theoretical work needs to be done if TPACK research is to cohere and constructively strengthen the field of educational technology. This paper uses Whetten’s (1989) criteria for theory building as a lens for examining the TPACK framework. Specific weaknesses are identified, which in turn suggest areas needing theoretical development. This paper calls for researchers to increase emphasis on using research findings to constructively build common definitions and understandings of the TPACK constructs and the boundaries between them.  相似文献   

传统的教育知识图谱研究多数面向文本资源,忽略了多模态资源对教育知识的解读作用及其自身丰富的特征表示。为了更好地推进后续研究工作,以多模态资源为切入点,对教育知识图谱进行综述。首先,介绍了知识图谱的概念和分类;其次,综述了教育知识图谱的内涵,对教育知识图谱的定义、分类及其构建框架进行梳理;结合以神经网络为代表的深度学习方式,对教育知识图谱的构建技术进行重点介绍;最后,总结了教育知识图谱的相关应用,并指出当前研究中存在的问题与未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the problem of an educational gap existing between high schools and universities: many students consider their choice of field of study as inappropriate, mostly due to insufficient information regarding the discipline and the university educational process. To solve this problem, we define an innovative, information and communication technology‐supported educational process enabling various ways of collaboration between high schools and universities. The goal of that process is to increase the knowledge of prospective students regarding the next level of their education. We propose an environment for the implementation of the educational process. The concepts have been verified in practise as part of the Ma?opolska Educational Cloud project across several disciplines. We discuss the achievements of the pilot phase of the project as well as its reception by educators and students. Based on evaluation reports and opinions from both educators and students, we claim that the proposed model for information and communication technology‐supported collaboration between high schools and universities can effectively reduce the educational gap.  相似文献   

This paper presents finite element analysis of laminated anisotropic beams of bimodulus materials. The finite element has 16 d.o.f. and uses the displacement field in terms of first order Hermite interpolation polynomials. As the neutral axis position may change from point to point along the length of the beam, an iterative procedure is employed to determine the location of zero strain points along the length. Using this element some problems of laminated beams of bimodulus materials are solved for concentrated loads/moments perpendicular and parallel to the layering planes as well as combined loads.  相似文献   

随着自然语言处理技术的发展,对话机器人以节省人工和易于嵌入等特点受到业界青睐。为了满足在线教育的需求,本文提出的教育领域多轮对话机器人具备和用户针对知识点进行深入对话的能力。本文介绍了此对话机器人的实现全流程:采取用户模拟器生成教育领域语料,使用意图识别和槽位填充实现自然语言理解,通过对话状态追踪和对话策略设计多轮对话逻辑。这为学生提供了答疑解惑的新渠道,为线上教育的智能创新带来更多选择。  相似文献   

The combination of digital technology and education promotes the field of education to enter the stage of innovation and development. For educators and learners of computer network major, in order to give full play to their professional advantages in the digital age, it needs to break through the limitations of existing educational models, educational ideas and educational resources, and break the dilemma of computer network innovation teaching. It needs to enrich the way of knowledge acquisition by creative train- ing mode; establish a learner-centered internal driving model to change the traditional teaching and learning methods; and make full use of educational resources to create a scientific and intelligent teaching environment.  相似文献   

Technology adoption is usually modeled as a process with dynamic transitions between costs and benefits. Nevertheless, school teachers do not generally make effective use of technology in their teaching. This article describes a study designed to exhibit the interplay between two variables: the type of technology, in terms of its complexity of use, and the type of teacher, in terms of attitude towards innovation. The results from this study include: (a) elaboration of a characteristic teacher technology adoption process, based on an existing learning curve for new technology proposed for software development; and (b) presentation of exit points during the technology adoption process. This paper concludes that teachers who are early technology adopters and commit a significant portion of their time to incorporating educational technology into their teaching are more likely to adopt new technology, regardless of its complexity. However, teachers who are not early technology adopters and commit a small portion of their time to integrating educational technology are less likely to adopt new technology and are prone to abandoning the adoption at identified points in the process.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology for the design of intelligent learning environments. We recognise that in the educational technology field, theory development and system-design should be integrated and rely on an iterative process that addresses: (a) the difficulty to elicit precise, concise, and operationalised knowledge from ‘experts’ and (b) the crucial differences between the communication modalities that experts can relate to, and those that are available to a computer-based system. Inspired by the well-known wizard-of-Oz methodology we discuss the need for characterising and carefully controlling the range of its possible variations. We refer to our approach as ‘tapering’ of the communication capacity of carefully engineered didactical situations and present its application, and a case study from our work with an exploratory environment. We then discuss the generality of the methodology and pragmatic constraints which can be useful in similar research.  相似文献   

目前航空装备制造企业的设计、制造相关流程中积累了大量数据,基于知识图谱技术可以对这些数据进行有效融合与管理,对不断更新的制造知识进行挖掘,将为航空制造企业智慧化升级提供有力的知识支撑。为探明知识图谱在航空制造领域的理论支撑体系与实际应用情况,通过文献调研分析航空制造知识图谱架构、定义及特点;阐明知识图谱领域构建过程中的核心技术并进行研究综述,对比航空制造知识图谱与通用知识图谱构建技术上的异同,并提出了三个切合实际的航空制造知识图谱应用方向及其解决方案;最后对未来航空制造知识图谱的挑战进行了分析及展望,为后续该领域的研究提供一些思路。  相似文献   

ICT & learning in Chilean schools: Lessons learned   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By the early nineties a Chilean network on computers and education for public schools had emerged. There were both high expectancies that technology could revolutionize education as well as divergent voices that doubted the real impact of technology on learning. This paper presents an evaluation of the Enlaces network, a national Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and education initiative designed as part of a series of programs to overcome inequity and quality issues of public education in Chile, by integrating teachers and learners into the knowledge society. Data gathered and the results obtained in four major areas of educational policies – infrastructure, digital literacy, conditions of learning, and the impact on school learning of major national and international tests – are presented and fully analyzed. The strengths and weaknesses of Enlaces as a visible component of the educational system and educational reform are also discussed. Enlaces has provided basic infrastructure tools, connectivity, ICTs, and teacher training to a huge number of schools, but critical results are narrow in terms of classroom learning and no additional competencies have been observed. Data and results are limited by structural bottlenecks in the educational and social system. Finally, the lessons learned after more than 15 years of implementing technology in Chilean schools are presented and fully discussed.  相似文献   

One of the core challenges for building the semantic web is the creation of ontologies, a process known as ontology authoring. Controlled natural languages (CNLs) propose different frameworks for interfacing and creating ontologies in semantic web systems using restricted natural language. However, in order to engage non-expert users with no background in knowledge engineering, these language interfacing must be reliable, easy to understand and accepted by users. This paper includes the state-of-the-art for CNLs in terms of ontology authoring and the semantic web. In addition, it includes a detailed analysis of user evaluations with respect to each CNL and offers analytic conclusions with respect to the field.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of a longitudinal case study whose aim was to understand the processes of integration of a face‐to‐face and networked collaborative learning technology and pedagogy into a secondary school history‐geography classroom. Students carried out a sequence of argumentative tasks relating to sustainable development, including argument generation, sharing and elaboration, debate using a computer‐mediated communication, and organization of arguments in a shared diagram. Students' interactions and diagrams were analysed in terms of degree and quality of argumentativity, as well as catachresis (‘getting round’ the software to perform a non‐prescribed task). Results run counter to positive systems of ideas and values concerning collaborative learning and its technological mediation in that the scenario did not meet its pedagogical aims, having to be abandoned before its planned end. We discuss possible explanations for this ‘failure story’ in terms of the articulation between everyday, technology‐related and educational discourse genres, with their associated social milieux, as well as the social structure of the classroom. The relevance of these aspects for future attempts to integrate such technologies is discussed. In conclusion, we discuss a vision of learning that takes into account students who do not accept to play the educational game.  相似文献   

数据挖掘技术是一种新的信息处理技术。其目的是从海量数据中抽取潜在的,有价值的数据规律或数据模型。通过数据挖掘技术对高校教学数据的分析处理,能够形成真正有价值的知识,向决策者提供信息支持,有利于推动学校教学改革和建设的全面发展。本文主要针对现行高校实际运作的学分选课数据库系统,以关联规则挖掘为例,提出简单而可行的数据挖掘应用实施办法。  相似文献   

计算机网络技术教学的重点在于培养社会所需的应用型技能人才,但高等教育与计算机技术在知识更新迭代方面的差异性,使得计算机网络技术专业学生往往难以满足社会需求。大数据以其信息资源的丰富性和开放性,为传统教育带来了机遇与挑战。将计算机网络技术教育与大数据相结合,充分利用网络中丰富的教育资源与渠道,能够有效改变传统计算机网络技术教育存在的种种弊端,培养出更契合于社会需求的专业人才。因此,本文通过对计算机网络技术课程教学现状进行分析,以线上线下混合式教学模式提出了计算机网络技术教学策略,以期为推动计算机网络技术课程改革提供借鉴参考。  相似文献   

In the knowledge society, the appearance and development of new networked working and learning environments is increasingly common. In the Accelera project, which is the basis for this paper, we have developed an online community of practice which enables experiences and knowledge to be shared between various educational agents, and analysis of the processes generated, in order to produce and validate a model for the networked creation and management of knowledge.  相似文献   

In this paper we question the separation between technologies that support information and handle the ordered flow of work and technologies that support knowledge management. On the basis of observational studies and initiatives of participatory prototype design that we performed in the hospital domain and other cooperative work settings, the paper proposes a unified view of these high-level functionalities through the notion of Affording Mechanism. In order to clarify the implications for design, the paper discusses the relationships between knowledge and representations; the role of artifacts that are used in activities where knowledge is allegedly “produced, shared and consumed”; and finally the notion of affordance and its dynamics. In very general terms, an AM consists of an artifact and of dynamic relationships between the context of use and the artifact’s affordances, expressed in terms of simple if-then constructs. The affordances conveyed through and by the artifact are modulated in order to evoke a “positive” reaction in the actors who use these augmented artifacts and to support knowledgeable behaviors apt to the situation. Moreover, the paper illustrates a prototypical technology through examples derived from the studies mentioned above, and discusses the kind of support this application provides in the light of an unusual interpretation of what it might mean to “manage” knowledge through computer-based technology.  相似文献   

Within the field of educational technology, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) has been theorized as a seven-factor construct to describe teacher’s integration of information and communication technology (ICT) in their teaching. However, this framework has yet to be successfully validated through survey instruments. This paper examines the construct validity of a TPACK survey that was contextualized for the pedagogical approaches employed in a 12-week ICT course designed with reference to the TPACK framework for Singaporean primary school pre-service teachers. Using this framework, the researchers were able to uncover five of the seven TPACK constructs which were a better model fit as compared with several extant studies of TPACK surveys. Using these results, pre and post-course structural equation models were constructed to explain the relationships amongst the different constructs of teachers’ TPACK perceptions. It was found that pedagogical knowledge had a direct impact on TPACK at the beginning of the course. As teachers made connections between their technological knowledge and pedagogical knowledge to form technological pedagogical knowledge during the course, the direct relation between pedagogical knowledge and TPACK became insignificant where as the relations between pedagogical knowledge and technological pedagogical knowledge, and technological pedagogical knowledge and TPACK were strengthened. The comparison between the pre and post-course models also revealed that the pre-service teachers’ perceived relations between content knowledge and TPACK changes from insignificant to significant. The implications of these findings and suggestions to improve the construct validation of the TPACK framework are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Collaboration is acknowledged as a key element of learning. Thus, it is valuable to develop Information and Communication Technology applications that, implemented on proper devices, can support collaborative learning. Large multi-touch displays appear to encourage collaboration by offering users a shared environment to act upon. However, little knowledge is available on the actual influence of this technology on human behavior and more empirical evidence is needed to better understand its capability to foster collaboration. This paper provides a contribution in this direction by presenting a field study that helps understand collaborative practices of pupils playing an educational game that runs on a multi-touch large display. This study involved 98 fifth-graders at a primary school (average age 10 years old). Results confirmed the potential of large displays as useful devices for collaborative learning.  相似文献   

QUICK (QUick Index to Caduceus Knowledge), is a prototypical user-friendly access system which adapts the INTERNIST-1/CADUCEUS knowledge base for use as an electronic textbook of medicine. The QUICK program can be used both as a diagnostic aid and a teaching tool in the field of internal medicine. A preliminary evaluation of a prototypical version of QUICK was conducted in order to identify its strengths and weaknesses. QUICK was made available to the medical housestaff at three Pittsburgh area teaching hospitals for a period of 2 months. Most users felt QUICK was educational and wanted future access to the system. An examination of log files revealed the users' most frequently encountered difficulties. Using the INTERNIST-I knowledge base as an electronic textbook expands the project's intended audience by providing clinical support for a broad group of diagnostic problems.  相似文献   

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