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为解决变光照下人脸识别的识别率低问题,提出一种最佳相关滤波和2DPCA相融合的光照人脸识别方法。通过采用特定类2DPCA重构人脸图像,生成一对相关滤波器;测试人脸图像通过相关性滤器将投影到二维子空间中,并根据预先设定的峰旁瓣比阈值进行人脸识别;最后采用PIE和YaleB人脸库进行仿真实验。相比其他人脸识别方法,该方法获得了更高的人脸识别率,鲁棒性更强。  相似文献   

针对人脸识别中的特征提取问题,对原始的非监督判别映射(UDP)算法进行了改进,提出一种基于核正交UDP的人脸识别算法.利用核的方法提取人脸图像中的非线性信息,并将其投影在一个高维非线性空间;在加入基向量正交的约束后,通过能够保持人脸图像局部几何结构的UDP算法作一个线性映射,以求取算法的正交基向量.该算法中,采用核方法可以更好地提取人脸非线性结构特征,正交基向量则可以更好地保留非线性子流形空间与度量结构有关的信息,增强了算法的识别性能.最后,通过在ORL和PIE人脸库上的人脸识别实验验证了文中算法的有效性.  相似文献   

为了解决传统人脸识别算法对低分辨率人脸图片识别效果不佳的问题,提出了一种轻型判别自归一化神经网络,能够从高分辨率及其对应的低分辨率图像中提取具有判别性的特征,并将特征耦合映射到共同的子空间。该模型引入缩放指数线性单元,具有自归一化属性,能够加速收敛。为了最小化类内距以及扩大类间距,基于高低分辨率图像特征之间的判别性和相似度,对现有的损失函数进行了优化,从而使得相同类别的特征更紧凑。提出的方法在一个标准人脸数据集以及两个监控数据集上的识别率分别达到了95.57%、94.10%和84.56%,优于其他算法,适用于非限制条件下的低分辨率人脸识别。  相似文献   

基于HMM的单样本可变光照、姿态人脸识别   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
提出了一种基于HMM的单样本可变光照、姿态人脸识别算法.该算法首先利用人工配准的训练集对单张正面人脸输入图像与Candide3模型进行自动配准,在配准的基础上重建特定人脸三维模型.对重建模型进行各种角度的旋转可得到姿态不同的数字人脸,然后利用球面谐波基图像调整数字人脸的光照系数可产生光照不同的数字人脸.将产生的光照、姿态不同的数字人脸同原始样本图像一起作为训练数据,为每个用户建立其独立的人脸隐马尔可夫模型.将所提算法对现有人脸库进行识别,并与基于光照补偿和姿态校正的识别方法进行比较.结果显示,该算法能有效避免光照补偿、姿态校正方法因对某些光照、姿态校正不理想而造成的识别率低的情况,能更好地适应光照、姿态不同条件下的人脸识别.  相似文献   

基于不同光照方向的子空间人脸识别方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了一种方法,用于解决人脸识别问题中光照方向变化所带来的困难。首先建立对应不同光照方向的子空间,再确定测试样本所对应的子空间,然后在这个子空间中利用最近邻法进行匹配,达到识别的目的。利用SHIMON人脸数据库,分仅有光照变化和同时有视角变化和光照变化两种情况进行了实验,实验结果证明该方法是有效的。  相似文献   

增强的典型相关分析及其在人脸识别特征融合中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在传统的典型相关分析(CCA)基础上,定义了类别相关性,提出了增强典型相关分析(ECCA)方法.对于一个模式空间的2个观测空间(对任意模式都有2种观测向量),ECCA能够找到这2个观测空间对类别而言更有意义的相关子空间,且同时保持了投影分量的无关性.实验结果表明,ECCA优于CCA,GCCA融合方法.  相似文献   

子模式典型相关分析及其在人脸识别中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
传统的典型相关分析 (CCA) 是有效的特征提取方法之一, 已广泛应用于包括人脸识别在内的模式识别的许多领域. 但在人脸识别为代表的高维小样本问题上该方法存在如下不足: 1) 人脸识别的小样本特性使 CCA 两组特征矢量构成的总体协方差矩阵奇异, 难以直接应用; 2) 作为一种全局线性投影方法, 不足以很好地描述非线性的人脸识别问题; 3) 缺乏对局部变化的识别鲁棒性. 本文受已提出的子模式主分量分析 (SpPCA) 的启发, 提出了子模式典型相关分析 (SpCCA). 该方法将局部与全局特征矢量之间的相关性特征作为有效的判别信息, 既达到了融合局部与全局信息的目的, 又消除了特征之间的信息冗余. 通过子模式的划分, SpCCA 避免了小样本问题, 更好地描述了非线性的人脸识别问题; 并通过投票方式融合结果, 增强了对局部变化的鲁棒性. 在 AR 与 Yale 两个人脸数据集上的实验证实了该方法比对比方法不仅有更优的识别性能, 而且更加稳定和鲁棒.  相似文献   

涂腾涛  顾嗣扬 《计算机应用》2008,28(8):2030-2032
提出了一种有监督的非线性核子空间人脸识别新方法。在核邻域保持投影方法的局部邻域构建过程中引入监督机制,更好地利用了人脸训练样本的类别信息,提高人脸识别的效率;在获取最佳重建权矩阵的过程中引入一个正则项约束 ,降低了其对噪声的敏感性。实验阶段,采用了AT&T和Yale人脸库和最近邻分类器测试该方法。结果表明,这种方法是有效的,且较无监督的KNPP方法及传统的经典人脸识别法具有更好的识别率和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

很多经典的人脸识别方法难以适应姿势变化及人脸错位的情形。为了解决这一问题,提出一种基于纹理豪斯多夫距离(THD)的人脸识别算法。将人脸图像的空间量及纹理特征相结合,使其在深入的头部转动和人脸错位中都有很高的容错度。在FERET及Yale两大人脸数据库的实验表明,与其他经典的方法相比较,所提出的方法取得了更好的识别效果。  相似文献   

提出了一种新的人脸识别算法,即基于余类零空间与最近距离的人脸识别算法. 通过构建不同类别的人脸图像的余类零空间与子空间,可以将不同类别的人脸最大化地区别出来. 本算法的主要思想在于:测试图像与所属类别图像的子空间之间的距离最小,而与所属类别的图像的余类零空间距离最大. 本算法基于ORL数据集与AR数据集进行了测试. 从这些人脸数据集上的测试结果可以看出,本文提出的算法在PCA降维方法的基础上,比一些常见的算法所使用的判别方式更有效,如最近邻分类器(NN)所使用的最近距离判别方式、最近空间分类器(NS)所使用的最近空间距离判别方式、最近最远子空间分类器(NFS)所使用的最近最远空间距离判别方式等.  相似文献   

The appearance of a face image is severely affected by illumination conditions that will hinder the automatic face recognition process. To recognize faces under varying lighting conditions, a homomorphic filtering-based illumination normalization method is proposed in this paper. In this work, the effect of illumination is effectively reduced by a modified implementation of homomorphic filtering whose key component is a Difference of Gaussian (DoG) filter, and the contrast is enhanced by histogram equalization. The resulted face image is not only reduced illumination effect but also preserved edges and details that will facilitate the further face recognition task. Among others, our method has the following advantages: (1) neither does it need any prior information of 3D shape or light sources, nor many training samples thus can be directly applied to single training image per person condition; and (2) it is simple and computationally fast because there are mature and fast algorithms for the Fourier transform used in homomorphic filter. The Eigenfaces method is chosen to recognize the normalized face images. Experimental results on the Yale face database B and the CMU PIE face database demonstrate the significant performance improvement of the proposed method in the face recognition system for the face images with large illumination variations.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel one-dimensional correlation filter based class-dependence feature analysis (1D-CFA) method is presented for robust face recognition. Compared with original CFA that works in the two dimensional (2D) image space, 1D-CFA encodes the image data as vectors. In 1D-CFA, a new correlation filter called optimal extra-class origin output tradeoff filter (OEOTF), which is designed in the low-dimensional principal component analysis (PCA) subspace, is proposed for effective feature extraction. Experimental results on benchmark face databases, such as FERET, AR, and FRGC, show that OEOTF based 1D-CFA consistently outperforms other state-of-the-art face recognition methods. This demonstrates the effectiveness and robustness of the novel method.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an effective feature extraction algorithm, called Multi-Subregion based Correlation Filter Bank (MS-CFB), for robust face recognition. MS-CFB combines the benefits of global-based and local-based feature extraction algorithms, where multiple correlation filters corresponding to different face subregions are jointly designed to optimize the overall correlation outputs. Furthermore, we reduce the computational complexity of MS-CFB by designing the correlation filter bank in the spatial domain and improve its generalization capability by capitalizing on the unconstrained form during the filter bank design process. MS-CFB not only takes the differences among face subregions into account, but also effectively exploits the discriminative information in face subregions. Experimental results on various public face databases demonstrate that the proposed algorithm provides a better feature representation for classification and achieves higher recognition rates compared with several state-of-the-art algorithms.  相似文献   

Illumination variation is one of the critical factors affecting face recognition rate. A novel approach for human face illumination compensation is presented in this paper. It constructs the nine-dimension face illumination subspace based on quotient image. In addition, with the aim to improve algorithm efficiency, a half-face illumination image is proposed and the low-dimension training set of the face image under different illumination conditions are obtained by means of PCA and wavelet transform. After processing, two different illumination compensation strategies are given: one is adding light, and the other is removing light. Based on the illumination compensation strategy, we implement the typical illumination sample image synthesis and the standard illumination sample image synthesis on a PCA feature subspace and a wavelet transform subspace, respectively, and the illumination compensation of the gray images and the color images are further realized. Experimental results based on the Yale Face Database B, the Extended Yale Face Database B and the CAS-PEAL Face Database indicate that execution time after compensation is approximately half the time and face recognition rate is improved by 20% compared with that of the original images.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a face recognition system to overcome the problem due to illumination variation. The propose system first classifies the image's illumination into dark, normal or shadow and then based on the illumination type; an appropriate technique is applied for illumination normalization. Propose system ensures that there is no loss of features from the image due to a proper selection of illumination normalization technique for illumination compensation. Moreover, it also saves the processing time for illumination normalization process when an image is classified as normal. This makes the approach computationally efficient. Rough Set Theory is used to build rmf illumination classifier for illumination classification. The results obtained as high as 96% in terms of accuracy of correct classification of images as dark, normal or shadow.  相似文献   

以前的研究已经证明,在变化光照条件,甚至多个光源和阴影存在的情况下,对象(尤其是人脸)所形成的图像能够被低维线性子空间有效地表示。Lee证明了存在9个光源方向的统一配置,任一对象在这些统一配置光照方向下的9幅图像所组成的线性子空间,能够很好地表示该对象所有光照情况,并且达到了很好的识别性能。但它要求每一对象在统一配置光照方向下的9幅图像作为训练集,这一要求限制了它在实际中的应用。此外,商图像方法中简单的三维点光源模型无法很好地近似任意光照情况,因此,提出一种基于九维线性子空间的改进的商图像方法,并利用改进后的商图像方法合成对象在统一配置光源方向下的9幅图像,克服了Lee所提方法的不足。该文方法较好地满足了商图像方法的理论前提,从而达到了较好的图像合成和人脸识别性能。  相似文献   

We propose a subspace distance measure to analyze the similarity between intrapersonal face subspaces, which characterize the variations between face images of the same individual. We call the conventional intrapersonal subspace the average intrapersonal subspace (AIS) because the image differences often come from a large number of persons. We call an intrapersonal subspace specific intrapersonal subspace (SIS) if the image differences are from just one person. We demonstrate that SIS varies from person to person and most SISs are not similar to AIS. Based on these observations, we introduce the maximum a posteriori (MAP) adaptation to the problem of SIS estimation, and apply it to the Bayesian face recognition algorithm. Experimental results show that the adaptive Bayesian algorithm outperforms the non-adaptive Bayesian algorithm as well as Eigenface and Fisherface methods when a small number of adaptation images are available.  相似文献   

This paper aims to address one of the many problems existing in current facial recognition techniques using tensor (TensorFace Algorithm and its extensions). Current methods rasterize facial images as vectors, which result in a loss of spatial structure information of facial images. In this paper, we propose a method called Sp-Tensor to extend TensorFace by applying the sub-pattern technique. Advantages of the proposed method include: (1) a portion of spatial structure and local information of facial images is preserved; (2) dramatically reduce the computation complexity than other existing methods when building the model. The experimental results demonstrate that Sp-Tensor has better performance than the original TensorFace and Sp-PCA1, especially for facial images with un-modeled views and light conditions.  相似文献   

Face recognition is challenging because variations can be introduced to the pattern of a face by varying pose, lighting, scale, and expression. A new face recognition approach using rank correlation of Gabor-filtered images is presented. Using this technique, Gabor filters of different sizes and orientations are applied on images before using rank correlation for matching the face representation. The representation used for each face is computed from the Gabor-filtered images and the original image. Although training requires a fairly substantial length of time, the computation time required for recognition is very short. Recognition rates ranging between 83.5% and 96% are obtained using the AT&T (formerly ORL) database using different permutations of 5 and 9 training images per subject. In addition, the effect of pose variation on the recognition system is systematically determined using images from the UMIST database.  相似文献   

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