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袁希  刘弘 《计算机应用》2007,27(9):2349-2352
提出了一种基于微粒群算法的自适应优化布局求解算法,该算法以组件特征模型为基础,在微粒群算法中引入人机交互技术,从整体上自动优化布局方案,以满足约束条件为目标。并以手机组件的布局求解为例,对该算法进行了验证。理论和实例分析表明,该算法能有效地生成多个手机组件布局方案。  相似文献   

任宏萍  吴波 《计算机工程》1994,20(6):42-44,53
研究讨论了逻辑图的自动布局、布线问题。在布局方面,以减少线交叉为优化目标,对重心布局算法^⑴进行了几点改进;在布线方面,引入了垂直通道的概念,以减少线交叉和连线总长为优化目标,提出了一种新的布线算法,即求解线交叉最少和连接总长最短的布线算法。  相似文献   

实现网络图形中节点和边自动布局一直是可视化研究中一个重要内容,基于力导向模型的自动布局算法则是该类研究中应用最广、文献最多的一类方法。根据研究方向出现的时间顺序,从基本模型、基于多维尺度分析的布局算法、多层迭代布局算法、非欧空间节点布局算法、受约束图形自动布局算法等五个方面对基于力引导模型的网络图自动布局算法的典型方法、研究进展、分支情况等进行了描述,并对发展前沿进行了讨论。  相似文献   

本文研究并实现了一个用于宏单元阵列的自动布局算法。算法分为初始布局及迭代改善两部分,为提高布图成功率,以线网均匀分布为目标。在初始布图中,采用自下而上结群的方式将宏单元分配到各单元行上,再进行行内定位。在改善布局中,通过对单元行内及单元行间的迭代改善,进一步降低了布线密度,优化了初始布局的结果,从而可使布图成功率得到提高。算法已用C语言实现,并应用于自动布图系统中,实验结果表明了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

针对室内布局计算时间较长、无法在网页上在线自动放置家具的问题,提出一种基于FBS(功能—行为—结构)的卧室移动网页在线自动布局算法.该算法从卧室家具的功能出发,分析其使用行为,确定家具摆放顺序,构建面向卧室布局的FBS模型.首先根据家具功能设计初始静态能量函数,然后针对用户在线家具编辑设计动态布局能量函数,并设计了增量式家具自动布局算法.实验结果表明,文中算法的布局结果与实际案例相符,其适应性、多样性与轻量性均良好,可达到网页在线卧室自动布局.  相似文献   

线束连接图是线束图纸中去除接插件、由线段组成的表示接插件连接关系的连通无环图,线束连接图决定了线束图纸布局的骨架,是线束图纸布局的主要内容。该文将无向图布局理论中的力导向不算模型和算法引入到汽车线束连接图的布局中,实现了连接图主干的自动搜索和线束分支的约束对称布局,进而完成了汽车线束连接图的自动布局,为汽车线束图纸的自动布局提供了有效方法和技术。  相似文献   

一种基于遗传算法的工艺品布局求解算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在组件特征模型的基础上,针对工艺品布局创新的需要提出亚组件的概念,在遗传算法中引入人机交互技术,在适合度函数中引入形象度和抽象度,形成一种基于遗传算法的布局自动求解算法。以斑铜工艺品布局求解为例,对该算法进行了验证。理论和实例分析表明,该算法能快速有效地生成多个斑铜工艺品的布局方案。  相似文献   

本文设计并实现了一种时BPEL流程的可视化建模系统,能够为业务流程开发提供图形化的建模支持;并设计了一套自动布局算法,可以根据建模界面的改变进行自动布局,以提供灵活美观的用户开发界面;最后通过与Eclipse开源产品及Active公司建模产品布局界面的实例对比,展示了该工具使用自动布局算法进行界面布局的优势.  相似文献   

功述描述了用于规划芯片的自动布局布线程序。其特点是在单元电路版图实现之前进行布局布线以及布线是在单元内部进行,不存在专门的布线通道。这种布图模式,以多端网连接模型作为布局布线的连接模型,并以布线均匀作为主要的目标函数。 整个程序模块分为矩阵网格规划和布局,总体布线,端口分配三部分。在布局中采用最小切割算法。初始布线以布线均匀,连线长度最短为目标,并采用一个基于布线均匀的“重心“算法。通过再布线和通  相似文献   

何胜  梅娟  王正祥  李炜疆 《计算机工程》2010,36(8):292-292,F0003
介绍适应分子网络建模和信息系统需求的自动画图算法的研究成果。在分析代谢途径自动布局、力导向布局和基于网格的布局等3类具有代表性的自动画图算法的基础上,探究其各自的原理、内在联系、存在的优缺点以及亟待解决的问题,为应用网络可视化手段分析和解决具体生物问题提供参考和线索。  相似文献   

Line balancing of PCB assembly line using immune algorithms   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) are widely used in most electronic devices. Typically, a PCB design has a set of components that needs to be assembled. In a broad sense, this assembly task involves placing PCB components at designated location on a PCB board; fixing PCB components; and testing the PCB after assembly operation to ensure that it is in proper working order. The stringent requirements of having a higher component density on PCBs, a shorter assembly time, and a more reliable product prompt manufacturers to automate the process of PCB assembly. Frequently, a few placement machines may work together to form an assembly line. Thus, the application of more than one machine for component placement on a PCB presents a line-balancing problem, which is basically concerned with balancing the workload of all the machines in an assembly line. This paper describes the application of a new artificial intelligence technique known as the immune algorithm to PCB component placement as well as the line balancing of PCB assembly line. It also includes an overview of PCB assembly and an outline of the assembly line balancing problem. Two case studies are used to validate the IA engine developed in this work. The details of IA, the IA engine and the case studies are presented.  相似文献   

针对工业生产中的PCB图像边缘信息缺失且携带有大量噪声,现有去噪算法效果不佳、计算量庞大、复杂度高等问题,提出了一种基于改进NLM的PCB图像去噪算法,旨在提高PCB图像的去噪质量.首先,采用基于形态学的权重自适应算法对PCB图像进行图像增强,使PCB图像保留较好的边缘信息;其次,引入特征匹配模型对增强后的PCB图像与原始PCB图像进行特征点匹配融合;最后,通过改进NLM算法的权重值对PCB图像进行去噪,得到最终的去噪图像.实验结果显示,与现有算法相比,所提算法更好地保留了PCB图像的边缘信息,去噪效果佳,显著改善了图像质量,增强了图像的鲁棒性,且提高了计算速度,降低了算法复杂度.  相似文献   

The placement or onsertion of surface mounted components is an essential stage in printed circuit board assembly (PCBA). A reduction in production time of placement through efficient process planning will significantly increase total yield of the whole line. Addressed in this paper is the task of achieving high yield through determination of an optimal placement sequence given the constraints of feeder arrangement and machine design. A knowledge-based component placement system (CPS) which incorporates optimization algorithms is presented for a sophisticated but popular multi-head concurrent assembly machine. CPS has proven, in comparison to the machine proprietary algorithm, to be more practical and effective. CPS, a hybrid, which uniquely couples mathematical algorithms with a knowledge base, is a powerful tool in process PCB assembly.  相似文献   

张天恩  林嘉宇  陈巍 《微处理机》2012,33(5):68-70,75
针对目前印刷电路板工业高速发展的生产要求,设计了基于图像处理的印刷电路板质量检测系统总体结构,阐述了基于图像处理检测系统的工作原理,讨论了图像采集单元中扫描仪的选择,以及扫描仪驱动的设计;讨论了图像处理单元中的图像去噪,图像分割、图像识别算法,运用图像差分运算方法完成了对缺陷的检测。实验结果证明使用该方法能够简单、快速、有效地识别出PCB板上断路、短路和缺损缺陷。  相似文献   

高速PCB已成为数字系统设计中的主流设计。本文概述了PCB设计的发展趋势及设计流程,详细分析了影响高速信号传输的关键因素,具体介绍了规则驱动的PCB设计方法和高速PCB设计分析技术,介绍了现代EDA技术的概况。  相似文献   

The optimal placement of electronic components on a printed circuit board (PCB) requires satisfying multiple conflicting design objectives as most of the components have different power dissipation, operating temperature, types of material and dimension. In addition, most electronic companies are currently emphasizing on designing a smaller package electronic system in order to increase the system performance. This paper presents a new self organizing genetic algorithm (SOGA) method for solving this multi-objective optimization problem. The SOGA can be viewed as a cascade of two GAs which consists of two steps fitness evaluation process to ensure that the fitness of selected chromosomes for each iteration process is optimally selected. The algorithm is developed based on weighted sum approach genetic algorithm (WSGA) where an inner loop GA is used to optimize the selection of weights of the WSGA. Experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of SOGA. Four objective functions are formulated in the experiments which are temperature of components, area of PCB, high power component placement and high potential critical components distance. Comparisons of the performance of SOGA are made with two well known methods namely fixed weight GA (FWGA) and random weighted GA (RWGA). The results show that the SOGA gives a better optimal solution as compared to the other methods.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and evaluation of a custom application exploring the use of genetic algorithms (GA) to solve a component placement sequencing problem for printed circuit board (PCB) assembly. In the assembly of PCB’s, the component placement process is often the bottleneck, and the equipment to complete component placement is often the largest capital investment. The number of components placed on a PCB can range from few to hundreds. As a result, developing an application to determine an optimal or near-optimal placement sequence can translate into reduced cycle times for the overall assembly process and reduced assembly costs. A custom application was developed to evaluate the effectiveness of using GA’s to solve the component placement sequencing problem. A designed experiment was used to determine the best representation and crossover type, crossover rate, and mutation rate to use in solving a component sequencing problem for a PCB consisting of 10 components being placed on a single-headed placement machine. Three different representations (path, ordinal, and adjacency) and six appropriate crossover types (partially mapped, ordered, cycle, classical, alternating edges, and heuristic) were evaluated at three different mutation rates and at 11 crossover rates. Two algorithm response variables, the total distance traveled by the placement head and the algorithm solution efficiency (measured as number of generations and algorithm solution time) were used to evaluate the different GA applications. The combination of representation and crossover type along with mutation rate were found to be the most significant parameters in the algorithm design. In particular, path representation with order crossover was found to produce the best solution as measured by the total distance traveled as well as the solution generation efficiency. Increasing the mutation rate led to slightly improved solutions in terms of head travel, but also resulted in increased solution time.  相似文献   

文章研究了印制电路板(PCB)网络点集合分割算法,提出了网络集加激励产生响应的测试算法,给出了基于该算法的测试逻辑电路和控制流程图。实践表明,该算法较好地解决了网络点数与测试速度的矛盾,是快速检测PCB短路故障的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

在印制电路板(PCB)的自动检测过程中,已经注意到准确的定位在生产过程中对自动安置电子器件是非常重要的。骨架是图像几何形态的一种重要拓扑描述,利用骨架表示原始图像,在保持图像拓扑特征的前提下,减少了冗余信息。本文通过介绍一种通用的细化算法,进而引入数学形态学的改进细化算法,利用提取的骨架对电路板进行定位。经比较,运用形态学方法的细化结果有着较好的定位效果。  相似文献   

In printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturing the revolver head gantry machines are nowadays popular because of their flexibility, accuracy and high speed. The operation control of this kind of machines includes, for example, selecting the nozzles into the revolver, assigning the component reels to feeder slots, and determining the pick-up and placement sequences of the components. We consider in this article the feeder assignment and the pick-up and placement sequencing problems.  相似文献   

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