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PJVM(ParalelJavaVirtualMachine)采用扩充Java语言功能的方法,提供了基于分布式共享存储器的编程接口DSM(DistributedSharingMemory)和基于消息传递的编程接口MPI(MessagePasingInterface),用户可以利用Java语言和扩充的两个编程接口,方便地设计在异构环境下运行的并行/分布程序。  相似文献   

消息传递方式是广泛应用于一些并行机,特别是分布存储并行机的一种模式。PVM(ParallelVirtualMachine)和MPI(MessagePassingInterface)都是目前是广受欢迎的基于消息传递的并行程序库,其中PVM的消息传递接口,因其简单性,而没有给用户最大的灵活性以实现最佳的性能:为此,消息传递标准的讨论会工作组制定了消息传递接口MPI标准,为PVM实现最佳性能提供了可能。该文通过对PVM和MPI的比较,指出了从PVM应用移植到MPI应用时有利的方面和潜在的缺陷。如果一个应用程序能避开这些缺陷的影响,那么它就能够从移植中提高通信的性能,从而提高其分布式计算的性能。  相似文献   

基于消息传递的并行计算环境:MPI与PVM的比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文对在分布式计算中广泛应用的二种并行计算环境MPI(Message Passing Interface)和PVM(Parallel Virtual Machine)进行了比较。从MPI和PVM的设计思想出发,在可移植性、任务控制和分配、资源管理、容错、安全通信的上下文和多线程、通信方式、名字服务和消息句柄八个方面分析了它们各自的功能特点。  相似文献   

蒙特卡罗中子-光子输运程序MCNP的并行化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1.引 言 随着并行计算机的问世,并行算法和并行系统也不断发展,如 PVM(Parallel VirturalMachine),SMP(Sharae Memory Processors);MPI(Message Passing Interface)和 HPF(High Power Fortran)等,这些并行系统原理基本相同,差异主要是并行指令和数据传递方式.在这些并行系统中,PVM和 MPI系统具有通用性强、系统规模小、使用方便和可移植性强的优点,且安装、测试、编程与实现相对要容易一些,它是当前国际卜公认…  相似文献   

JapaneseElectronicsGiantWillUseiSIGHTfortheOptimizationofProductDesignProcessesMORRISVILLE,NorthCarolina(July27,1999)-Engineou...  相似文献   

可预测扩展并行性能的并行程序设计模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BSP(Bulk-Synchronous)模型是独立于并行体系结构的,即可作为并行计算模型又可看作并地程序设计模型,该模型使程序员在算法设计阶段和编程调试阶段可精确地分析和预测并行程序性能。BSP程序可移植性强,可在多种并行系统发PVM,MPI等上实现。  相似文献   

(2000年 3 月9日讯)Sun Microsystems公司宣布,立即提供XML语言分析选项包(JAXP:ParsingOptionaal Package)的Java(TM)应用编程接口(API)。 JAXP现在网址 http:// java.sun.com/xml/download.html上免费提供。 Sun是XML语言和Java平台的最杰出的创新者,这两个技术是.com计算的基础。Java和XML是创建基于Web的企业应用的理想选择,因为它们都具有多个优良的特性,如平台独立性、扩展性、反复利用…  相似文献   

Win32 API是 Windows 95及 Windows NT提供的应用程序设计接口(Application Programming Interface),按功能一般可以分为以下几项:打印功能(Printing)、进程与线程(Processand head)、通讯功能(Communications)、动态链结库(DLL)、安全运行(Security)、内存管理(Memory Management)、系统信息(System Information)、窗口控制(Windows Control)、文件管理(…  相似文献   

一、软件简介 PlantSpace是Bentley公司开发的以Macrostation为操作平台,以原Jocobus公司面向对象的JSpace Class为技术核心,集智能化建模、碰撞检查、出图及报表、全厂漫游等功能于一体的三维工厂设计软件。 该软件由设备、管道、电缆桥架、暖通(HVAC)、结构、支吊架等模块组成,与之相辅助的该公司集成系列产品则包括了功能强大的所有建模前、后所需的功能模块,如:二维P&ID(Schematic)、碰撞检查(Interference Manager)、出图及生成报表(…  相似文献   

相信很多朋友对Microsoft的ASP技术比较熟悉,ASP技术可以在静态HTML页面中嵌入由服务器运行的代码,并将代码运行的结果作为主页内容发送给客户机,从而实现了眼务器与客户机的真正的交互,为创建动态网站提供了方便有效的途径。在Microsoft的ASP技术取得了成功之后,Sun公司正式发布了 JSP(Javaserver PasesTM)规范,这种新的Web开发技术很快引起了人们的关注。JSP为创建高度动态的Web应用提供了一个独特的开发环境。按照Sun公司的说法,JSP能够适应市场上包括 …  相似文献   

Since its introduction in 1993, the Message Passing Interface (MPI) has become a de facto standard for writing High Performance Computing (HPC) applications on clusters and Massively Parallel Processors (MPPs). The recent emergence of multi-core processor systems presents a new challenge for established parallel programming paradigms, including those based on MPI. This paper presents a new Java messaging system called MPJ Express. Using this system, we exploit multiple levels of parallelism–messaging and threading–to improve application performance on multi-core processors. We refer to our approach as nested parallelism. This MPI-like Java library can support nested parallelism by using Java or Java OpenMP (JOMP) threads within an MPJ Express process. Practicality of this approach is assessed by porting to Java a massively parallel structure formation code from Cosmology called Gadget-2. We introduce nested parallelism in the Java version of the simulation code and report good speed-ups. To the best of our knowledge it is the first time this kind of hybrid parallelism is demonstrated in a high performance Java application.  相似文献   

MPI并行编程环境的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以RISC工作站或高档微机通过LAN连接的机群系统已经成为并行计算的主流技术,研究适应机群系统的并行编程环境自然重要起来。在众多的并行编程环境中,应用较为广泛的有消息传递接口(MPI)标准和并行虚拟机(PVM)环境。本文重点分析了MPI编程环境,并出给了MPI并行程序设计的基本方法。  相似文献   

网络环境中MPI和PVM的分析与比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
消息传递接口(MessagePassingInterface,MPI)和并行虚拟机(ParallelVirtualMachine,PVM)是两种广泛应用的网络分布式并行计算环境。论文首先介绍了消息传递接口和并行虚拟机两者各自的起源和特点,然后在此基础上从可移植性、点对点通信、集体通信、资源管理和容错能力等多方面分析和比较了这两者的功能特点。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present Jcluster, an efficient Java parallel environment that provides some critical services, in particular automatic load balancing and high‐performance communication, for developing parallel applications in Java on a large‐scale heterogeneous cluster. In the Jcluster environment, we implement a task scheduler based on a transitive random stealing (TRS) algorithm. Performance evaluations show that the scheduler based on TRS can make any idle node obtain a task from another node with much fewer stealing times than random stealing (RS), which is a well‐known dynamic load‐balancing algorithm, on a large‐scale cluster. In the performance aspects of communication, with the method of asynchronously multithreaded transmission, we implement a high‐performance PVM‐like and MPI‐like message‐passing interface in pure Java. The evaluation of the communication performance is conducted among the Jcluster environment, LAM‐MPI and mpiJava on LAM‐MPI based on the Java Grande Forum's pingpong benchmark. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

简要介绍了集群系统,指出其用于并行计算的工作原理,重点介绍MPI并行环境及其通信技术,并分析了MPI并行程序中的基本模式及其采用的通信技术。最后对构建MPI并行环境的集群系统进行了展望。  相似文献   

介绍了为曙光机群系统设计实现的并行调试器DCDB。DCDB同时支持调试MPI或PVM、C或Fortran的并行应用程序,实现了记录/重放并行调试功能,支持循环调试,解决了并行调试时并行程序的不确定性问题。DCDB采用Client/server/Client结构,具有友好的图形用户界面,系统主要采用Java语言开发,具有良好的可移植性和可扩展性。  相似文献   

Hua Zhang  Joohan Lee  Ratan Guha 《Software》2008,38(10):1049-1071
Clusters, composed of symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) machines and heterogeneous machines, have become increasingly popular for high‐performance computing. Message‐passing libraries, such as message‐passing interface (MPI) and parallel virtual machine (PVM), are de facto parallel programming libraries for clusters that usually consist of homogeneous and uni‐processor machines. For SMP machines, MPI is combined with multithreading libraries like POSIX Thread and OpenMP to take advantage of the architecture. In addition to existing parallel programming libraries that are in C/C++ and FORTRAN programming languages, the Java programming language presents itself as another alternative with its object‐oriented framework, platform neutral byte code, and ever‐increasing performance. This paper presents a new parallel programming model and a library, VCluster, which implements this model. VCluster is based on migrating virtual threads instead of processes to support clusters of SMP machines more efficiently. The implementation uses thread migration, which can be used in dynamic load balancing. VCluster was developed in pure Java, utilizing the portability of Java to support clusters of heterogeneous machines. Several applications are developed to illustrate the use of this library and compare the usability and performance of VCluster with other approaches. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes the Java MPI bindings that have been included in the Open MPI distribution. Open MPI is one of the most popular implementations of MPI, the Message-Passing Interface, which is the predominant programming paradigm for parallel applications on distributed memory computers. We have added Java support to Open MPI, exposing MPI functionality to Java programmers. Our approach is based on the Java Native Interface, and has similarities with previous efforts, as well as important differences. This paper serves as a reference for the application program interface, and in addition we provide details of the internal implementation to justify some of the design decisions. We also show some results to assess the performance of the bindings.  相似文献   

In this paper, a parallel implementation of the Iterative Alternating Direction Explicit method by D’Yakonov (IADE-DY) to solve 2-D telegraphic problem on a distributed system using Message Passing Interface (MPI) and Parallel Virtue Machine (PVM) are presented. The parallelization of the program is implemented by a domain decomposition strategy. A Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) model is employed for the implementation. The implementation is discussed in relation to means of the parallel performance strategies and analysis. The model enhances overlap communication and computation to avoid unnecessary synchronization, hence, the method yields significant speedup. The level of speedup observed from tables as the mesh increases are in the range of 5–10%. Improvement has been achieved by numbers of tables and figures in our experiment. We present some analyses that are helpful for speedup and efficiency. It is concluded that the efficiency is strongly dependent on the grid size, block numbers and the number of processors for both MPI and PVM. Different strategies to improve the computational efficiency are proposed.  相似文献   

In the 1990s the Message Passing Interface Forum defined MPI bindings for Fortran, C, and C++. With the success of MPI these relatively conservative languages have continued to dominate in the parallel computing community. There are compelling arguments in favour of more modern languages like Java. These include portability, better runtime error checking, modularity, and multi‐threading. But these arguments have not converted many HPC programmers, perhaps due to the scarcity of full‐scale scientific Java codes, and the lack of evidence for performance competitive with C or Fortran. This paper tries to redress this situation by porting two scientific applications to Java. Both of these applications are parallelized using our thread‐safe Java messaging system—MPJ Express. The first application is the Gadget‐2 code, which is a massively parallel structure formation code for cosmological simulations. The second application uses the finite‐domain time‐difference method for simulations in the area of computational electromagnetics. We evaluate and compare the performance of the Java and C versions of these two scientific applications, and demonstrate that the Java codes can achieve performance comparable with legacy applications written in conventional HPC languages. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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