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李杰 《计算机应用》1997,17(5):22-23
本文介绍利用MSOLE2.0技术将Visual Basic4.0中MCI控件移植到Visual Foxpro系统中的方法和步骤,实现了使用Visual Foxpro开发多媒体信息管理程序。  相似文献   

VERSIONCONTROLOFDISTRIBUTEDEDBMSFORCSCW¥WangQianping;LinZongkai;GuoYuchai(CADLab.,InstituteofComputingTechnologyAcademiaSinic...  相似文献   

本文讲述了Sybase和Foxpro之间的数据传输问题,重点介绍了使用Bcp.CopyTo命令及Edit软件将Foxpro数据库内容复制到Sybase数据表的实现方法  相似文献   

WFC(WindowsFoundationClass)是VisualJ++6.0的Windows基础类库,它包含com.ms.wfc.html等11个包(package)。每个包有若干个类,这些类有两个基本功能,一是支持Windows操作系统,二是支持动态HTML应用程序。动态HTML应用程序是建立跨平台应用程序最可靠的方式之一,目前制作动态HTML的主要途径是使用脚本(Script)语言,使用WFC后,仅仅通过Java语言程序就能实现服务器端和客户端的动态HTML。本文通过一个实例介绍如何用J…  相似文献   

一个高质量汉字笔划字形到轮廓字形的转换系统   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
董韫美  陈海明 《软件学报》1996,7(5):257-263
本文介绍一个基于三阶Bezier曲线的字形转换系统SOCS(stroketooutlineconvertionsystem).该系统作为汉字字形设计系统CCDS(Chinesecharacterdesignsystem)的后端,把CCDS产生的多笔划曲线轮廓字形数据加工成整字曲线轮廓字形数据.其结果适于多种高精度输出,如Postscript印字机.SOCS系统具有一定的通用性,它不只限于接受CCDS的加工结果,还可以作为独立的系统使用.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一个基于两种傅氏变换进行图谱增强,用概率神经网络进行指纹分类的指纹自动分类系统,又称AFCS(Automatic Fingerprint Classification System)。该系统运用了一种新的图谱增强方法及不均匀的特征表示方法,用PNN(Probabilistic Network)进行分类,实现了提纹的自动分类。  相似文献   

基于LON技术开发FCS的若干问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
LON技术基于LonWorks遵从LonTalk通信规约,用LON技术可以研制出符合“过程管理”概念的FCS系统。本阐明LON与LonWorks技术、LonTalk、LonMark间的关系,以及用LON技术开发FCS系统的目标和实现“防爆”、“冗余”和“互操作”的观点。本还构划了一个这类FCS的软、硬件系统概貌。  相似文献   

武小鹏  黄涛  冯涛 《软件学报》1996,7(12):735-742
本文描述了PCLAgenda(processcontrolinglanguageagenda)的设计与实现.PCLAgen-da是SCOP组合框架软件工具系统中提供的以过程为核心的软件工程环境,其主要功能是定义软件开发过程,指导、控制和自动化软件开发工作,支持开发人员的合作和协调.PCLAgenda的核心是基于SCOP软件开发方法学的、面向活动的软件过程模型.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一个基于Client/Server模型下的管理查询系统的设计与实现.同时给出了在WindowsNTServer及Windows95操作系统下配置ORACLE7.33数据库及PB的ODBC接口的方法,并介绍了使用PowerBuilder5.0对系统开发的一些技巧.  相似文献   

CONVERSIONFORMULASFORRATIONALBEZIERSURFACESHuShimin;WangGuozhaoAbstract:Inthispaper,weinvestigatetheinherentrelationshipbetwe...  相似文献   

嵌入式系统规范语言   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
规范语言是整个嵌入式系统设计方法学的核心。归纳总结了嵌入式系统规范语言的发展过程,并针对当前嵌入式系统的发展趋势。说明了嵌入式系统规范和规范语言的设计需求,进而介绍比较了两种重要的基于C/C++语言的新的规范语言SystemC和SpecC,最后阐述了基于C/C++的规范语言的看法,并展望了未来规范语言的发展。  相似文献   

Codesign from cospecification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Woo  N.S. Dunlop  A.E. Wolf  W. 《Computer》1994,27(1):42-47
Describes an object-oriented codesign specification approach designed to eliminate the bias introduced from using more commonplace software or hardware specification languages. The goal is to investigate automated partitioning of behavior into hardware and software. The design methodology allows gradual, continuous repartitioning of codesign operations during design. For instance, designers might start with an all-software implementation and check the implementation's functionality: they might then refine the implementation over time to a mixed hardware-software implementation. At the system level, the authors use an object-oriented approach to identify the basic objects and associated functions of a system. They divide them into three groups: hardware, software, and codesign . They represent the codesign group's objects and functions using a prototype codesign specification language, Object-Oriented Functional Specifications (OOFS), which lets one describe system state in objects and write object methods as pure functions. Thus, the authors can describe complex systems without biasing the implementation toward hardware or software  相似文献   

一个支持规约获取的形式规约语言   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
该文介绍了形式规约语言LFC设计的一些主要方面,并通过例子说明了LFC的一些特色。形式规约语言LFC是为支持软件形式规约的获取工作而开发的。该语言以一种新的递归函数,即定义在上下文无关语言上的递归函数为基础,以上下文无关语言为数据类型,在语言级支持规约获取。LFC语言已被用作形式规约获取系统SAQ的一部分。使用表明,LFC是一个能力强、易使用的语言,适合软件形式规约获取之用,并且适合其它一些用途。  相似文献   

Open standardization seems to be very popular among software developers as it simplifies the standard’s adoption by the software engineering. Formal specification methods, while very promising, are being adopted slowly as the industry seems to have little motivation to move into this territory. In this paper the authors present (1) the idea of applying formal specification techniques to open standards’ specifications, and (2) an example of a formal specification of the Rich Site Summary (RSS) v2.0 open standard. The authors provide evidence for the advantages of the open standards formal specification over natural language documentations: formal specifications are more concise, less ambiguous, more complete with respect to the original documentation and, when using certain kinds of specification languages, executable and reusable as they support module inheritance. The merging of formal specification methods and open standards allows (1) a more concrete standard design; (2) an improved understanding of the environment under design; (3) an enforced certain level of precision into the specification, and also (4) provides software engineers with extended property checking/verification capabilities, especially if they opt to use any algebraic specification language. The authors showcase how the RSS standard can be formally specified using an algebraic specification language and demonstrate how can that be beneficial.  相似文献   

杨培根  李楠 《计算机学报》1994,17(2):104-111
CPSL是一种精确描述通信协议需求的形式规格说明语言,本文简述了CPSL的设计及其支撑系统的开发,并和其它类似语言作了比较。  相似文献   

To contribute to the current effort toward the definition of a system-level design language, this article proposes a benchmark for system specification. The authors analyze the results of experiments using the benchmark with several languages  相似文献   

Miro is a set of languages and tools that support the visual specification of file system security. Two visual languages are presented: the instance language, which allows specification of file system access, and the constraint language, which allows specification of security policies. Miro visual languages and tools are used to specify security configurations. A visual language is one whose entities are graphical, such as boxes and arrows, specifying means stating independently of any implementation the desired properties of a system. Security means file system protection: ensuring that files are protected from unauthorized access and granting privileges to some users, but not others. Tools implemented and examples of how these languages can be applied to real security specification problems are described  相似文献   

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