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Prolonged use of the smartphone for texting was studied on a sample of 17 healthy young adult participants (11 females), who were asked to type interactively on a handheld device while standing and sitting. Upper body kinematics ad upper trapezius surface EMG were recorded to capture parameters of joint kinematics and muscular activity, which were then compared with self-reported indicators of discomfort through the Borg's CR 10 scale questionnaire. The results indicated that, while showing a similar postural strategy in both conditions that is assumed to be controlled by the visual system to maintain a constant viewing distance from the device, the participants adopted a “stiffer” posture of the head and neck during standing than when sitting, with a direct correlation between upper trapezius muscle activity, neck angle and perceived discomfort. The evidence obtained in this study highlights the importance of monitoring muscle activity and head and neck kinematics, to assess the biomechanical risk factors of neuromuscular disorders associated with smartphone overuse.  相似文献   

This cross-sectional study aimed to identify gender differences in the cervical postures when young adults were using mobile phones, as well as the correlations between the postures and the digital devices use (computer and mobile phone). Questionnaires regarding the habits of computer and mobile phone use were administrated to 429 subjects aged from 17 to 33 years old (19.75 ± 2.58 years old). Subjects were instructed to stand habitually and use a mobile phone as in daily life; the sagittal head and cervical postures were measured by head flexion, neck flexion angle and gaze angle. Male participants had a significantly larger head flexion angle (96.41° ± 12.23° vs. 93.57° ± 12.62°, p = 0.018) and neck flexion angle (51.92° ± 9.55° vs. 47.09° ± 9.45°, p < 0.001) than females. There were significant differences in head (F = 3.62, p = 0.014) and neck flexion (F = 3.99, p = 0.009) between different amounts of computer use.

Practitioner Summary: We investigated possible gender differences in head and neck postures of young adults using mobile phones, as well as the potential correlations between these postures and digital device use. We found that males displayed larger head and neck flexion angles than females, which were associated with the amount of computer use.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven subjects completed 2-min typing tasks using four typing styles: right-hand holding/typing (S-thumb) and two-hand typing at three heights (B-low, B-mid and B-high). The styles had significant effects on typing performance, neck and elbow flexion and muscle activities of the right trapezius and several muscles of the right upper limb (p < 0.0001 by repeated-measure analysis of variance). The subjects typed the fewest words (error-adjusted characters per minute: 78) with the S-thumb style. S-thumb style resulted in similar flexion angles of the neck, elbow and wrist, but significantly increased muscle activities in all tested muscles compared with the B-mid style. Holding the phone high or low reduced the flexion angles of the neck and right elbow compared with the B-mid style, but the former styles increased the muscle activity of the right trapezius. Right-hand holding/typing was not a preferable posture due to high muscle activities and slow typing speed.

Practitioner Summary: Right-hand holding/typing was not favoured, due to increased muscle activities and slower typing speed. Holding the phone high or low reduced the flexion angles of the neck and right elbow, but the former styles increased the muscle activity of the right trapezius compared with holding the phone at chest level.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify biomechanical measures that can distinguish texting distraction in a laboratory-simulated driving environment. The goal would be to use this information to provide an intervention for risky driving behaviour. Sixteen subjects participated in this study. Three independent variables were tested: task (texting, visual targeting, weighted and non-weighted movements), task direction (front and side) and task distance (close and far). Dependent variables consisted of biomechanical moments, head displacement and the length of time to complete each task. Results revealed that the time to complete each task was higher for texting compared to other tasks. Peak moments during texting were only distinguishable from visual targeting. Peak head displacement and cumulative biomechanical exposure measures indicated that texting can be distinguished from other tasks. Therefore, it may be useful to take into account both temporal and biomechanical measures when considering warning systems to detect texting distraction.  相似文献   

While using their smartphone, users tend to adopt awkward neck and shoulder postures for an extended duration. Such postures impose the risk of MSDs on those body parts. Numerous studies have been undertaken to examine neck posture; however, few studies have investigated shoulder postures. This study examined various shoulder postures during smartphone use and their effect on neck and shoulder kinematics, muscle loading, and neck/shoulder discomfort. Thirty-two asymptomatic young adult smartphone users randomly performed texting tasks for 3 min at four different shoulder flexion angles (15°, 30°, 45°, and 60°), while maintained a neck posture in the neutral position (0° neck flexion angle). Measures were taken of neck and shoulder muscle activity of the cervical erector spinae (CES), anterior deltoid (AD), upper trapezius (UT) and lower trapezius (LT), and kinematic data (angle, distance and gravitational moment). Results showed AD and LT muscle activity significantly increased when the shoulder flexion angle increased with an opposite effect on CES and UT. A recommended shoulder posture was identified as 30° flexion, as this yielded the best compromise between activation levels of the four muscles studied. This angle also induced the lowest neck/shoulder discomfort score. The findings suggest smartphone users hold their device at approximately 30° shoulder flexion angle with their neck in a neutral posture to reduce the risk of shoulder and neck musculoskeletal disorders when smartphone texting.Relevance to industrySmartphone use in the manufacturing and service industries is an integral part of work and useful means of communication tool. Awkward postures during extensive smartphone use impose an increased risk of both neck and shoulder musculoskeletal disorders. Shoulder flexion angles need consideration when making recommendations about safe work postures during smartphone use.  相似文献   

Neck/shoulder pain is a common complaint, with evidence suggesting rates in adolescence have increased in line with increased computer use. The study aimed to examine the influence of gender on relationships between computer use, habitual posture and neck/shoulder pain. Adolescents (n = 1483) participating in the 14 year follow-up of the Raine Study cohort were surveyed for computer use, habitual sitting posture and neck/shoulder pain. Females used computers less than males (52% vs. 45% used for up to 7 h per week). Females sat much more upright than males with greater anterior pelvic tilt (9.4° vs. 0.4°). Females reported a higher 1 month prevalence of neck/shoulder pain (34.7%) than males (23.1%). A multivariate model showed neck/shoulder pain risk was increased in females (OR 2.61, 95% CI 1.70–4.00) and with computer use (OR 1.19, CI 1.01–1.40). Computer use is related to neck/shoulder pain and posture in adolescents but this relationship is different in boys and girls.

Statement of Relevance: This study showed the confounding effect of gender on the relationships among computer use, posture and neck/shoulder pain and thus the need to consider genders separately in research and practice aiming to optimise young people's use of computers.  相似文献   

Tablet computer use requires substantial head and neck flexion, which is a risk factor for neck pain. The goal of this study was to evaluate the biomechanics of the head–neck system during seated tablet computer use under a variety of conditions. A physiologically relevant variable, gravitational demand (the ratio of gravitational moment due to the weight of the head to maximal muscle moment capacity), was estimated using a musculoskeletal model incorporating subject-specific size and intervertebral postures from radiographs. Gravitational demand in postures adopted during tablet computer use was 3–5 times that of the neutral posture, with the lowest demand when the tablet was in a high propped position. Moreover, the estimated gravitational demand could be correlated to head and neck postural measures (0.48 < R 2 < 0.64, p < 0.001). These findings provide quantitative data about mechanical requirements on the neck musculature during tablet computer use and are important for developing ergonomics guidelines.

Practitioner Summary: Flexed head and neck postures occur during tablet computer use and are implicated in neck pain. The mechanical demand on the neck muscles was estimated to increase 3–5 times during seated tablet computer use versus seated neutral posture, with the lowest demand in a high propped tablet position but few differences in other conditions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if a change in forward head posture and occipital extension occurred in participants who wore multifocal lenses vs. those persons with non-multifocal lenses while performing an 8-min visual reading task on a visual display unit (VDU). Forty-two healthy human participants were recruited for this study. Thirty-three participants completed the study. Fourteen participants wore multifocal lenses and 19 wore frames with non-multifocal lenses. To evaluate the degree of change of forward head posture and occipital extension digital photographs of cervical posture were taken at four different time intervals: prior to performing the reading task and at 3, 5 and 8 min during the reading task. The digital photographs were analysed utilizing a computer program. Two one-way ANOVA were utilized to determine the degree of change of forward head posture and occipital extension between groups. A significant difference was identified between groups for changes in degrees of forward head posture while performing a visual reading task on a VDU. However, no significant difference between groups was found for occipital extension while performing the same task. Multifocal wearers exhibit greater degrees of change in forward head posture and occipital extension than non-multifocal wearers. These postural changes may place them at a greater risk for musculoskeletal disorders and headaches.  相似文献   

Computers are now widely used by children. Tablet computers are becoming widely available and promoted for use by school children. The primary objective of this study was to compare the posture and muscle activity of children using a tablet computer to the posture and muscle activity of children using a desktop computer and paper technology. Eighteen children (mean age 5.6 years) performed a colouring-in task in tablet, desktop and paper conditions. 3-D posture and muscle activity around the neck and shoulder was assessed. Tablet computer use was similar to paper use, with less neutral spinal posture, more elevated scapular posture and greater upper trapezius and cervical erector spinae activity. This was offset by greater variability of posture and muscle activity. Tablet computer use clearly results in different musculoskeletal stresses than desktop computer use. Computer use guidelines need to be appropriate to traditional and emerging technologies. Tablet computers are being promoted for use by adults and children. However, the physical impact of using this type of technology is not known. The findings of this study provide the first tablet-specific evidence to inform guidelines on wise use of tablet computers by children.  相似文献   

Neck-shoulder and upper back musculoskeletal symptoms in smartphone users have gained increasing attention. We evaluated trapezius muscle activity and fatigue using an objective method (surface electromyography, sEMG), and discomfort using a subjective method (questionnaire), in smartphone users during the performance of different text-entry tasks. Fifteen participants were recruited to perform six text-entry tasks under different forearm conditions (floating and supported) and body postures (sitting, standing, lying, and walking). We collected upper trapezius (UT) and lower trapezius (LT) sEMG data, and recorded muscle discomfort scores after each task. We found that static postures (especially sitting) during smartphone use predisposed to lower muscle activity with higher fatigue level and discomfort scores than dynamic posture; there was a significant main effect of body posture on average sEMG amplitude (aEMG) and discomfort scores of both muscles (all p < 0.05). Moreover, using a smartphone with the forearm supported can reduce muscle activity, fatigue level, and discomfort scores; there was a significant main effect of the forearm condition on aEMG and discomfort scores of both muscles (all p < 0.05). Our study indicates that smartphone use with the forearm floating for a long time in a static posture should be avoided (especially while sitting).  相似文献   

The increasing ubiquity of smartphones coupled with the mobility of their users will allow the use of smartphones to enhance the operation of wireless sensor networks. In addition to accessing data from a wireless sensor network for personal use, and the generation of data through participatory sensing, we propose the use of smartphones to collect data from sensor nodes opportunistically. For this to be feasible, the mobility patterns of smartphone users must support opportunistic use. We analyze the dataset from the Mobile Data Challenge by Nokia, and we identify the significant patterns, including strong spatial and temporal localities. These patterns should be exploited when designing protocols and algorithms, and their existence supports the proposal for opportunistic data collection through smartphones.  相似文献   

This study investigated neck loads and neck postures experienced by Canadian Forces (CF) helicopter pilots during routine simulator day and night flights. During the night flights pilots’ helmets were equipped with night vision goggles (NVG) which have been implicated in the increase of neck pain amongst pilots. Pilot’s postures were determined from video recordings of their flight missions to: (1) identify the neck postures assumed during day and night flight missions, and (2) determine the amount of biomechanical cervical spine loading experienced during these flights. Neck postures and peak and cumulative cervical kinetic loading were significant different (P < 0.05) between day and night. During night flights the percentage of work cycle spent in mildly flexed posture increased significantly from 43% during day flights to 74% during night flights. As well, cumulative reaction compression values significantly increased from 583 kN s to 694 kN s. The biomechanical results lend support to previous physiological investigations of NVG use and further justify the need for guidelines associated with NVG use.

Relevance to industry

The research highlights the biomechanical demands on the neck resulting from wearing a helmet with added weight from night vision equipment. The results have direct implication to military and commercial operators required to wear night vision equipment or added weight to the head.  相似文献   

由于目前基于移动Sink的WSN数据收集方法存在网络攻击检测率不高、内存开销大等问题,导致网络较易受到网络攻击且难以被实际应用。针对该问题,提出一种基于移动Sink的WSN安全数据收集方法,利用能量感知的凸壳算法,识别数据收集点,使用椭圆加密算法(ECC)为网络内的所有节点生成密钥,通过ElGamal算法实现节点身份和消息的认证,使用支持向量机(SVM)识别网络攻击类型。仿真实验结果表明,所提出的安全数据收集方法在攻击检测率、内存开销以及数据包投递率方面都表现出较好的性能。  相似文献   

In order to examine the effects of work surface height (WSH) on muscle activity, posture and discomfort during simulated pipetting, an experimental study was conducted using electromyography, electrogoniometry, video techniques and also qualitative data. The experimental design consisted of one independent variable (WSH with six heights) and 13 dependent variables. The levels of muscle strain and discomfort were significantly lower at the shoulder when the WSHs were low but thumb muscle activities and neck flexion levels were markedly higher at these WSHs compared to higher WSHs. To reduce shoulder strain, without raising thumb and neck strain beyond acceptable limits, the findings suggest that the height of a laboratory workbench should be at the level of the pipette tip when held in a standing position with the hand at elbow height. It was also found that pipetting should not be done in a seated posture.

Practitioner Summary: An experimental study was conducted to examine the effects of work surface height on upper extremity muscle activity, posture and discomfort during simulated pipetting. The findings suggest that the laboratory workbench height should be at the pipette-tip level when held in a standing position with the hand at elbow height.  相似文献   

Working at a computer is part of a large number of jobs and has been associated with upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders and back pain. The study evaluated the effects of a board attachment on upper extremity and back. The findings are mixed in that the board may have a positive effect in preventing back pain, but may be detrimental to upper extremities. Effect of a desk attachment board on upper extremity and trunk posture, and muscle activity was assessed in women video display terminal users. Participants completed a standard 20-min computer task under two conditions: 1) using a standard desk; 2) using a desk attachment board designed to support the forearms. Bilateral electromyography of the trapezius, multifidus and longissimus muscles and the right anterior deltoid and forearm extensor muscles was recorded. 3-D trunk and upper extremity posture was monitored. Participants were tested before and after 2 weeks of familiarisation with the board in their workplace. Perceived tension and discomfort were recorded before and after use of the board. Use of the board tended to increase muscle activity in the right trapezius and forearm extensor and to decrease muscle activity in the back. Perceived tension in the low back decreased slightly with the board. The board may be useful in reducing tension in the low back during computer work, but may adversely affect the upper extremities.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of an alternative welding system designed to reduce exposure to extreme trunk flexion on measures of trunk inclination and muscle activity. Among 10 participants, data were collected while using conventional stud welding equipment and while using the alternate system. Paired t-tests were used to compare results between the two welding systems. Mean trunk inclination angle was reduced with the alternate system (34.4° versus 9.7°, p < 0.01). Percent time with trunk inclination angles greater than 60° was also reduced (40.0% versus 4.7%, p < 0.01). In general, the alternate system resulted in less desirable upper trapezius muscle activity levels. The alternate system appears to be effective in reducing exposure to extreme trunk flexion among stud welders. Continued development of the system should explore features designed to reduce shoulder forces and improve productivity.  相似文献   

Twelve boys with an average age of 9.9 years were instructed to carry backpacks that weighed 0%, 10% and 15% of their body weights (BWs) to complete planned and unplanned gait termination experiments. The craniohorizontal, craniovertebral and sagittal shoulder posture angles at the sagittal plane as well as the anterior head alignment and coronal shoulder posture angles at the coronal plane were analysed. Results revealed significantly smaller craniohorizontal and sagittal shoulder posture angles during planned gait termination and a significantly smaller sagittal shoulder posture angle during unplanned gait termination under loaded conditions compared with those at 0% BW backpacks. Furthermore, the coronal shoulder posture angles at 10% and 15% BW during planned and unplanned gait terminations were significantly larger than those at 0% BW. Therefore, subjects were more likely to have a forward head posture, rounded shoulder posture and increased lateral tilting of the shoulders during gait termination as backpack loads were increased. However, gait termination, whether planned or unplanned, did not elicit a remarkable effect on posture.  相似文献   

设计了一个基于4光束激光扫描和特征靶标的汽车车身关键点尺寸的三维测量系统。对测量系统中数据采集与处理部分的实现过程作了详细的介绍。此数据采集和处理模块解决了当多路信号同时到达时,如何将数据完整地写入FIFO的关键问题,实现了数据的有效采集。最后给出了数据采集与处理部分的完整的程序流程图。  相似文献   

Understanding urban vibrancy aids policy-making to foster urban space and therefore has long been a goal of urban studies. Recently, the emerging urban big data and urban analytic methods have enabled us to portray citywide vibrancy. From the social sensing perspective, this study presents a comprehensive and comparative framework to cross-validate urban vibrancy and uncover associated spatial effects. Spatial patterns of urban vibrancy indicated by multisource urban sensing data (points-of-interest, social media check-ins, and mobile phone records) were investigated. A comprehensive urban vibrancy metric was formed by adaptively weighting these metrics. The association between urban vibrancy and demographic, economic, and built environmental factors was revealed with global regression models and local regression models. An empirical experiment was conducted in Shenzhen. The results demonstrate that four urban vibrancy metrics are all higher in the special economic zone (SEZ) and lower in non-SEZs but with different degrees of spatial aggregation. The influences of employment and road density on all vibrancy metrics are significant and positive. However, the effects of metro stations, land use mix, building footprints, and distance to district center depend on the vibrancy indicator and location. These findings unravel the commonalities and differences in urban vibrancy metrics derived from multisource urban big data and the hidden spatial dynamics of the influences of associated factors. They further suggest that urban policies should be proposed to foster vibrancy in Shenzhen therefore benefit social wellbeing and urban development in the long term. They also provide valuable insights into the reliability of urban big data-driven urban studies.  相似文献   

陈琪  陈宏滨 《计算机应用研究》2020,37(11):3467-3471
为了提高无线传感器网络中数据采集效率,提出了一种基于节点分级的混合多跳数据采集(hybrid multi-hop data collection,HMDC) 算法。该算法首先基于数据量将所有节点均匀划分成簇,然后在簇内采用节点分级的思想进行数据的多跳传输,最后使用移动采集器沿着最短路径访问簇头节点,对指定节点进行数据集采集。仿真结果表明,HMDC算法有效地提高了数据采集效率,均衡了能量消耗,延长了网络的生命周期,且更加适用于较大规模的数据采集。  相似文献   

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