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该文首先在引入ERP基本概念的同时简单概述了ERP在国内的应用现状及发展;分析在ERP项目实施过程中的关键成功因素,根据关键成功因素分析原则,提出了国内企业成功实施ERP的措施。  相似文献   

一、系统规划和需求分析是实施过程中的关键要素 系统规划本应该是ERP建设过程中的关键环节,但经常被忽视.一些企业往往是在日常管理中对很多问题感到力不从心,于是在懵懵懂懂中觉得要上计算机项目加以解决,然后在未经科学规划和认真进行需求分析的情况下仓促上马,结果事与愿违,最后不了了之.因此,在系统规划阶段,有几个方面是一定要认真分析、对待的.  相似文献   

企业ERP实施关键成功因素探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
EPR是系统是一种管理思想基于这种前提下才是企业管理的工具,它主要是以市场为导向的对企业的资源优化配置其重要作用载体,作为管理方面的新型软件在企业的管理中还有些不成熟,怎样才能使ERP在企业中成功的实施,在文中对成功的关键因素进行了探讨.  相似文献   

ERP是从MRP发展而来的新一代集成化管理信息系统,它是在MRPⅡ功能基础上的扩展,其核心思想是供应链管理。它跳出了传统企业边界,从供应链范畴去优化企业的资源,是网络经济时代的新一代信息系统,它的实施应用对于改善企业业务流程、提高核心竞争力、整合企业的各种资源起着非常重要的作用。正因如此,在实施应用ERP的过程中,并不是一帆风顺的,有些企业为此付出了大量的人力和物力,最终却没有为企业带来预期的经济效益和管理效果,直至陷入了一种不断投入,却无法得到合理产出的投资旋涡,以至于使部分企业失  相似文献   

早期试水者经历的ERP惨败,为后来更多的企业趟平了ERP路上的种种“雷区”。越来越多的企业成功实施ERP,最近长城宽带网络服务有限公司也传来了佳音。  相似文献   

成功实施ERP的最佳时期   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
彼得·德鲁克认为,未来十年的中国是“管理的10年”。未来成功的企业将是创新、柔性、信息和知识生产型企业,企业管理将实现信息化,信息化水平则理所当然成为一个企业综合实力的重要标志。无庸置疑,中国企业在信息技术上的投资将会继续保持增长态势,近年来ERP系统由于集信息技术与先进的管理思想于一身,逐渐被越来越多的企业所青睐。在这里,笔者从BPR和财务管理信息化要素方面,也对“如何实施ERP”这个老生常谈的话题发表一点个人看法。企业资源计划穴Enterprise,Re鄄sourcesPlanning,ERP雪是由美国的计算机技术咨询集团GarterGroup…  相似文献   

悠虎 《网络与信息》2010,(10):11-11
针对国内企业实施ERP的现状,如果企业能够充分利用精益生产的优势,将ERP的实施与精益生产二者有效结合,相信我们的企业同样能够通过ERP的实施,快速提升企业的管理水准,达到世界超一流企业的水平。  相似文献   

youhu 《网络与信息》2012,26(6):18-18
一、在项目实施前做科学充分的需求分析 有不少企业认为,ERP是“标准化的企业管理模式”,因此在上ERP项目时,只需要直接套用即可,而用不着去搞什么需求分析(或系统分析)。  相似文献   

研究了对开源社区软件间进行开发的各项数据,采用挖掘存储库数据的方式获得一种可以客观量化开源软件成功度的简易方法,确保开源软件开发团队能够全面掌握开发软件的成功程度及整个开发团队的情况,找到开源软件取得成功的各项因素.本方法利用开源社区存储库数据,实现了对开源软件质量、团队活性、用户参与度、软件规模各项要素的客观、准确描...  相似文献   

李英  蒋河生 《福建电脑》2011,27(11):80+98-80,98
企业资源计划(ERP)是信息时代的现代企业向国际化发展的一种全新的管理模式,在引入这个模式的过程中,新的管理概念和现代化管理手段是提高企业管理水平和市场竞争力的关键。本文就ERP实施过程中关键的几点分别进行了相关阐述。  相似文献   

Large enterprise resource planning (ERP) programs and their critical success factors (CSFs) have been subject to intensive research in recent years. One of the key challenges is their complexity in terms of their duration, context, and social dynamics. The aim of this study is to investigate these matters with the help of an interpretative case study using the coding techniques of the grounded theory method. We extend extant ERP research by introducing a new theoretical perspective that helps to clarify how stakeholder perceptions and CSFs are interrelated, and evolve throughout the life cycle of a large ERP implementation conceptualized as a program in a postmerger context. Using Social Identity Theory as a metatheory for interpretation, we find that different perceptions of opposing salient groups are particularly important. Our result offers a dialectic process view of ERP program implementation success, which (1) considers the different perceptions of salient groups (2) at different points in time (phases) and (3) proposes that a low perceptual fit in relation to a specific CSF contributes to program failure as opposed to (4) a high perceptual fit in relation to the respective CSF, which contributes to program success. We offer a new theoretical lens and propositions for future work highlighting the importance of salient groups and their CSF perceptions for ERP program success. Practitioners can use our findings as a guide towards increasing the probability of success throughout the course of their ERP program life cycles.  相似文献   

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems implementation success factors have been widely researched; however, few have investigated ERP post-implementation success in organizational contexts. The paucity of research into ERP system success evaluations partly motivates this research. To that end, the objective of this study is twofold. First, it primarily investigates the relationships among six constructs or dimensions in a respecified ERP system success measurement model, which was developed from prior relevant frameworks. Second, this research adds to the body of knowledge in the information system (IS) success evaluation domain, especially with its focus on ERP packages. The extended ERP system success model was tested using data collected in a cross-sectional field survey of 109 firms in two European countries. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to test six relevant hypotheses. The SEM results showed that five out of the six hypotheses have significant, positive associations. Namely, the constructs of System Quality, Service Quality, Individual Impact, Workgroup Impact, and Organizational Impact have strong relevance in ERP success conceptualization, whereas Information Quality does not, at least, in the context of our data. The pertinence of the study’s findings for IS success evaluation as well as its implications for practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

基于ERP的卷烟制造企业智能信息系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梁新元  张勤 《计算机工程》2004,30(14):149-151
结合卷烟制造企业的背景和需求,分析了该行业的特点,应用ERP原理,设计并实现了适应烟厂管理特殊要求的智能信息系统;并依照系统总体设计日标和原则,给出了相应的系统结构与功能模块;系统可提供支持用户决策和全面管理的强大功能,实现企业组织流程的整体优化。  相似文献   

基于SQL的JDBC持久化技术和基于对象/关系映射(ORM)的面向对象持久化技术都会导致系统紧耦合。针对上述问题,通过研究Java持久化API(JPA)ORM技术、JPA模型和JPA接口,提出并实现一种灵活的数据持久化模型。该模型与ORM框架松耦合,可以简化对象持久化的开发,加快应用系统的开发速度。  相似文献   

With growing pressures for collaborative information systems (IS) partnerships, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation has been an important activity for improving supply chains efficiency in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs). Historically ERP consultants usually take a product-selling approach in SMEs, providing limited management consultancy services. However, a more constructive role for management consultants has become an emerging and challenging issue. This study explored the involvement of management consultants in ERP implementation, particularly with internal managers, ERP consultants and other project members. Extensive interviews were conducted with management consultants as well as 47 project members from four different SMEs in Taiwan employing ERP consultants. Using a grounded theory methodology, prior literature was used to sensitize the findings to key concepts of importance. The results were then analyzed and we described how owner-managers regard management consultants and how the consultants use role negotiation skills to work with both internal managers and ERP consultants. The study found resistance toward management consultants primarily from managers in SMEs, and not owner-managers. The relationships between management consultants and SME managers also differed from similar relationships in large organizations. Suggestions are also provided for academics and practitioners along with areas for future research to extend these exploratory findings.  相似文献   


With growing pressures for collaborative information systems (IS) partnerships, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation has been an important activity for improving supply chains efficiency in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs). Historically ERP consultants usually take a product-selling approach in SMEs, providing limited management consultancy services. However, a more constructive role for management consultants has become an emerging and challenging issue. This study explored the involvement of management consultants in ERP implementation, particularly with internal managers, ERP consultants and other project members. Extensive interviews were conducted with management consultants as well as 47 project members from four different SMEs in Taiwan employing ERP consultants. Using a grounded theory methodology, prior literature was used to sensitize the findings to key concepts of importance. The results were then analyzed and we described how owner-managers regard management consultants and how the consultants use role negotiation skills to work with both internal managers and ERP consultants. The study found resistance toward management consultants primarily from managers in SMEs, and not owner-managers. The relationships between management consultants and SME managers also differed from similar relationships in large organizations. Suggestions are also provided for academics and practitioners along with areas for future research to extend these exploratory findings.  相似文献   

External expertise and adequate levels of internal computer skills and knowledge are essential factors that can contribute to the success of complex information technology (IT) systems, including enterprise resource planning (ERP). Studies examining the effects of external expertise and in-house or internal computer/IT knowledge on the success of ERP packages are rare. This present study was designed to fill this gap in research. A relevant research model was developed to test fifteen (15) hypothesized paths or relationships among the study's variables. Data was collected in a cross-sectional field survey of 109 firms in two European countries. The partial least squares (PLS) technique was used for data analysis. The PLS results supported eleven (11) out of the fifteen (15) hypotheses. Essentially, this research's results confirmed that external expertise (an exogenous factor) and internal computer/IT knowledge (endogenous factors) are pertinent to success enhancement of ERP system success for adopting organizations. The implications of the findings for both practice and research are discussed, and possible areas of future research identified.  相似文献   

采用面向方面软件开发方法建立事务工作流管理系统的软件体系结构。通过提取工作流应用的业务流程业务活动、参业者和事务这四个关注点,利用面向方面的软件开发方法实现并独立封装事务工作流的需求关注,并对这些关注的实现进编织生成事务工作流应用程序,解决不同工作流程之间、不同事务之间信息交换和协同工作,在确保系统执行状态正确的基础上,降低了工作流应用关注间的耦合性,增强了事务管理柔性管理能力。  相似文献   

夏锐  肖明清 《计算机工程》2007,33(9):62-63,1
并行测试技术是未来自动测试系统的发展方向之一,而目前国内外尚无实用的并行测试系统体系结构的开发模型。该文介绍了基于UML的并行测试系统分析、设计和实现的全过程,为并行测试系统的研发提供了一个参考。  相似文献   

陈旭  徐中伟  喻钢 《计算机工程》2008,34(22):165-167
安全性是安全苛求软件的重要特性,基于传统构件模型的软件开发技术尚不能满足安全苛求软件的开发需求。安全构件模型是一种既具有功能性需求又具有安全性需求的特殊构件模型。该文提出一种基于有色Petri网的安全构件模型及相应的构件组装算法,以确保系统符合相应的安全性需求并将其应用于CTCS-2级列车控制中心仿真系统建模。  相似文献   

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