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针对块编码的视频解码后存在块效应的问题,提出了一种基于块和低秩张量恢复的块效应处理方法。首先在视频序列里寻找相似块构造三阶张量,根据背景张量的低秩性和块效应的稀疏性,利用扩展于张量上的增广拉格朗日乘子法求解一个低秩张量恢复问题。从张量模型的角度来进行视频块效应处理,更好地保护了高维数据的结构特性。实验结果显示,相对于传统去块效应方法,通过该方法得到的视频图像有更高的峰值信噪比(PSNR)和更好的视觉效果。  相似文献   

针对视频的高维结构特性,采用张量表征并将运动显著性目标提取转化为基于低秩张量恢复和块稀疏表示问题.首先根据背景张量的低秩性和运动目标的稀疏性,利用加速近端梯度张量恢复方法分别重建出RGB颜色通道中三维视频张量的低秩部分与稀疏部分,初步实现背景与运动目标的粗略分离;其次组合三颜色通道稀疏张量并转化为按照帧数展开的二维矩阵,进一步通过矩阵恢复的方法去除动态背景产生的小稀疏块干扰;最后通过自适应阈值法选择运动目标稀疏块掩模并对存在的空洞进行填充补偿,以达到重构出完整前景运动目标的目的.相对于常用方法,该方法从张量模型角度解决运动目标提取问题,较大程度地保护了视频序列的原始空间结构,不仅能够降低运动目标提取区域出现的漏检问题,而且可以很好地去除动态背景所带来的干扰.实验结果表明,该方法对运动目标提取的准确度较高,鲁棒性较强.  相似文献   

传统去噪算法不能在尽量滤除噪声的同时很好地保持原始图像信息。针对这种情况,提出基于鲁棒主成分分析的自适应视频去噪算法。首先根据视频数据的低秩性和噪声的稀疏性,利用加速近端梯度方法重建出原始视频的低秩部分和稀疏部分,实现噪声的初步分离;其次利用自适应中值滤波器进行预滤波处理,提高块匹配精度,进一步去除视频噪声;最后引入自适应奇异值阈值法,增强图像细节边缘信息,降低迭代优化算法的时间复杂度。实验结果表明,该方法不仅能极大程度地恢复出原始视频序列,还能自适应地去除干扰噪声。不论从客观指标PSNR值还是从主观视觉,该方法与传统去噪方法相比都具有很大的优势。  相似文献   

传统的基于低秩矩阵恢复的图像去噪算法只对低秩部分进行约束,当高斯噪声过大时,会导致去噪不充分或细节严重丢失。针对此问题,提出了一种新的鲁棒的图像去噪模型。该模型在原有的低秩矩阵核范数约束的基础上引入高斯噪声约束项,此外为了提高低秩矩阵的低秩性和稀疏矩阵的稀疏性,引入了加权的方法。为了考察方法的去噪能力,选取了不同参数类型的混合噪声图像进行仿真,并结合峰值信噪比、结构相似度评价标准与传统的基于低秩矩阵恢复的图像去噪算法进行对比。实验结果表明,加权低秩矩阵恢复的混合噪声图像去噪算法能增加低秩矩阵的低秩性和稀疏矩阵的稀疏性,在保证去噪效果的同时,保留了图像的细节信息,具有更佳的视觉效果,同时,客观评价指标均有所提高。  相似文献   

去噪是高光谱图像进一步分析的重要预处理步骤,许多去噪方法都被用于高光谱图像数据立方体的去噪.然而,传统的去噪方法对异常值和非高斯噪声很敏感.文中利用底层干净H SI的张量性质数据、异常值的稀疏性质和非高斯噪声,提出一个新的基于鲁棒低秩张量修复的模型,从而在保护H SI的同时删除离散值的全局结构和不同类型的噪声(高斯噪声、脉冲噪声、死线等).该模型可以用非精确增广拉格朗日法求解,仿真和真实高光谱图像实验的结果表明,该方法对H SI去噪是有效的.  相似文献   

张雯雯  韩裕生 《计算机应用》2018,38(9):2696-2700
针对许多图像去噪方法在去除噪声的同时容易丢失细节信息的问题,提出了一种基于非局部自相似性的低秩稀疏图像去噪算法。首先,利用基于马氏距离(MD)的块匹配方法将外部自然干净图像块分组,建立基于块组的高斯混合模型(GMM)学习非局部自相似性先验;其次,采用稳健主成分追踪(SPCP)方法,将噪声图像矩阵分解为低秩、稀疏及噪声三部分,其中稀疏矩阵包含了稀疏的有用信息;最后,通过最小化全局目标函数实现去噪。实验结果表明,提出的方法在峰值信噪比(PSNR)及结构相似性(SSIM)的结果上比EPLL、NCSR、PCLR等先进去噪算法都有较大的提升,且速度更快,去噪效果及细节保留能力都有更好的表现。  相似文献   

目的 各类终端设备获取的大量数据往往由于信息丢失而导致数据不完整,或经常受到降质问题的困扰。为有效恢复缺损或降质数据,低秩张量补全备受关注。张量分解可有效挖掘张量数据的内在特征,但传统分解方法诱导的张量秩函数无法探索张量不同模式之间的相关性;另外,传统张量补全方法通常将全变分约束施加于整体张量数据,无法充分利用张量低维子空间的平滑先验。为解决以上两个问题,提出了基于稀疏先验与多模式张量分解的低秩张量恢复方法。方法 在张量秩最小化模型基础上,融入多模式张量分解技术以及分解因子局部稀疏性。首先对原始张量施加核范数约束,以此捕获张量的全局低秩性,然后,利用多模式张量分解将整体张量沿着每个模式分解为一组低维张量和一组因子矩阵,以探索不同模式之间的相关性,对因子矩阵施加因子梯度稀疏正则化约束,探索张量子空间的局部稀疏性,进一步提高张量恢复性能。结果 在高光谱图像、多光谱图像、YUV(也称为YCbCr)视频和医学影像数据上,将本文方法与其他8种修复方法在3种丢失率下进行定量及定性比较。在恢复4种类型张量数据方面,本文方法与深度学习GP-WLRR方法(global prior refined weighted low-rank representation)的修复效果基本持平,本文方法的MPSNR(mean peak signal-to-noise ratio)在所有丢失率及张量数据上的总体平均高0.68dB,MSSIM(mean structural similarity)总体平均高0.01;与其他6种张量建模方法相比,本文方法的MPSNR及MSSIM均取得最优结果。结论 提出的基于稀疏先验与多模式张量分解的低秩张量恢复方法,可同时利用张量的全局低秩性与局部稀疏性,能够对受损的多维视觉数据进行有效修复。  相似文献   

内部先验的去噪方法侧重图像的低秩性、稀疏性等先验知识,较少考虑多尺度特性;而基于外部先验的去噪方法充分利用自然图像的先验信息,却难以恰当地估计相似块组的秩.针对这些问题,综合考虑不同尺度间的噪声图像信息以及外部清晰图像的统计分布规律,提出内外先验结合的多尺度低秩去噪方法.在预训练阶段,学习外部自然图像数据集的统计分布规律,获得外部自然图像的先验信息;在分组阶段,采用外部先验信息引导噪声图像分组,构建低秩矩阵;在低秩约束阶段,利用构建的多尺度低秩去噪方法对噪声图像进行重建.在Set5,Set12,Kodak,McMaster等经典图像数据集上的实验结果表明,该方法在客观评价指标上有较为明显的改善,如峰值信噪比优于对比方法0.2 dB,并在主观视觉效果上能够保留图像细节和纹理.  相似文献   

自然图像通常表现出一定的自相似性,这种相似性意味着由相似图像块所构成的图像矩阵具有低秩性.基于图像的这种低秩性和最小方差估计理论,提出一种有效的迭代去噪方法.该方法通过构造图像相似块矩阵将图像去噪问题转化为低秩矩阵估计问题,并由最小方差估计理论导出低秩矩阵的估计值;在此基础上,对图像块的估计值进行加权平均即可重构出去噪后的图像;针对少量噪声残留问题,将去噪方法与反向投影方法相结合实现图像的迭代去噪,进一步抑制图像中残留的噪声.实验结果表明,采用文中方法产生的去噪图像不仅具有较高的峰值信噪比和特征相似度均值,而且具有很好的视觉效果.  相似文献   

针对视频数据中严重的混合噪声问题,提出了一种基于块的视频去噪算法。通过对空间域和时间域的相似块进行分组,将混合噪声的去噪问题转化为一个低秩矩阵补全问题,从而得到一个对噪声统计特征没有强假设的去噪方法。由此产生的核范数最小化问题通过拉格朗日函数和不动点迭代算法得到有效的解决。实验验证了所提出的视频去噪方法在去除混合噪声方面的鲁棒性和有效性。  相似文献   

The parameter estimation problem from noisy signal measurements plays a key role in several practical applications in the array signal processing area ranging from telecommunications and radar to biomedical and acoustics. The performance of parameter estimation techniques is sensitive to the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and severely degrades in noisy scenarios. Classical denoising using SVD low-rank approximation and its tensor counterpart known as higher order SVD (HOSVD) have been widely applied as a preprocessing step to improve the SNR of the received signal. In this paper, we propose the tensor-based multiple denoising (MuDe) approach that successively applies spatial smoothing, denoising and reconstruction to the noisy data. By taking into account the knowledge of the model order and by exploiting subarrays created by the spatial smoothing, we can successively denoise the data by means of HOSVD-based and SVD-based low-rank approximation for tensor and matrix data, respectively. We show that our proposed approach significantly reduces the noise level, allowing a more accurate estimation of parameters compared to state-of-the-art matrix-based and tensor-based techniques without decreasing the sensor array aperture.  相似文献   

Computational Visual Media - This paper proposes a new algorithm based on low-rank matrix recovery to remove salt & pepper noise from surveillance video. Unlike single image denoising...  相似文献   


Nonlocal self-similarity shows great potential in image denoising. Therefore, the denoising performance can be attained by accurately exploiting the nonlocal prior. In this paper, we model nonlocal similar patches through the multi-linear approach and then propose two tensor-based methods for image denoising. Our methods are based on the study of low-rank tensor estimation (LRTE). By exploiting low-rank prior in the tensor presentation of similar patches, we devise two new adaptive tensor nuclear norms (i.e., ATNN-1 and ATNN-2) for the LRTE problem. Among them, ATNN-1 relaxes the general tensor N-rank in a weighting scheme, while ATNN-2 is defined based on a novel tensor singular-value decomposition (t-SVD). Both ATNN-1 and ATNN-2 construct the stronger spatial relationship between patches than the matrix nuclear norm. Regularized by ATNN-1 and ATNN-2 respectively, the derived two LRTE algorithms are implemented through the adaptive singular-value thresholding with global optimal guarantee. Then, we embed the two algorithms into a residual-based iterative framework to perform nonlocal image denoising. Experiments validate the rationality of our tensor low-rank assumption, and the denoising results demonstrate that our proposed two methods are exceeding the state-of-the-art methods, both visually and quantitatively.


This paper presents a new method for edge-preserving color image denoising based on the tensor voting framework, a robust perceptual grouping technique used to extract salient information from noisy data. The tensor voting framework is adapted to encode color information through tensors in order to propagate them in a neighborhood by using a specific voting process. This voting process is specifically designed for edge-preserving color image denoising by taking into account perceptual color differences, region uniformity and edginess according to a set of intuitive perceptual criteria. Perceptual color differences are estimated by means of an optimized version of the CIEDE2000 formula, while uniformity and edginess are estimated by means of saliency maps obtained from the tensor voting process. Measurements of removed noise, edge preservation and undesirable introduced artifacts, additionally to visual inspection, show that the proposed method has a better performance than the state-of-the-art image denoising algorithms for images contaminated with CCD camera noise.  相似文献   

权利  胡越黎  诸安骥  燕明 《计算机科学》2016,43(7):294-296, 309
传统的视频降噪滤波在空域或者时域中进行,若视频中的噪声过大,其滤波效果较差。最新的有着较高性能的BM3D算法必须进行块匹配处理,且对于部分有着平滑过渡色彩的图像并不适合。基于双域滤波算法提出了一种改进的算法,其更加适合视频降噪。通过空域和频域分别对分层图像进行降噪, 有效地滤除 大噪点和小噪点,在时域上的双边滤波不仅提高了滤除噪声的能力,而且更好地保留了图像边缘特征。仿真实验表明,改进的双域滤波视频降噪算法在PSNR值上较DCT算法提高了约1dB,与原双边滤波算法相比,无论是在主观视觉还是客观评价上,所提算法均有较好效果及优势。  相似文献   

Zhong  Yuanhong  Zhang  Jing  Zhou  Zhaokun  Cheng  Xinyu  Huang  Guan  Li  Qiang 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2021,80(5):7433-7450

In recent years, block-based compressive sensing (BCS) has been extensively studied because it can reduce computational complexity and data storage by dividing the image into smaller patches, but the performance of the reconstruction algorithm is not satisfactory. In this paper, a new reconstruction model for image and video is proposed. The model makes full use of spatio-temporal correlation and utilizes low-rank tensor approximation to improve the quality of the reconstructed image and video. For image recovery, the proposed model obtains a low-rank approximation of a tensor formed by non-local similar patches, and improves the reconstruction quality from a spatial perspective by combining non-local similarity and low-rank property. For video recovery, the reconstruction process is divided into two phases. In the first phase, each frame of the video sequence is regarded as an independent image to be reconstructed by taking advantage of spatial property. The second phase performs tensor approximation through searching similar patches within frames near the target frame, to achieve reconstruction by putting the spatio-temporal correlation into full play. The resulting model is solved by an efficient Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) algorithm. A series of experiments show that the quality of the proposed model is comparable to the current state-of-the-art recovery methods.


常见的图像去噪方法只是单独地利用了无噪图像或含噪图像的先验信息,并没有将这两种图像的先验信息有效地结合起来。针对这个问题,提出一种 联合无噪图像块的先验信息和含噪图像块的非局部自相似性进行去噪的图像去噪算法。首先,对无噪图像块进行谱聚类,通过谱聚类进行学习,图像中的相似块被聚集到同一类,并将学习得到的聚类信息用于含噪图像块的聚类;然后,向量化同一类中的含噪图像块并聚集形成一个矩阵,该矩阵中包含的原始图像数据构成一个低秩矩阵;再通过一个低秩逼近过程估计出相应的原始图像数据;最后,根据逼近得到的原始图像数据重建图像。实验结果表明,相较于已有的自适应正则化的非局部均值去噪算法以及基于主成分分析和局部像素聚类的两级图像去噪算法,提出的算法不仅可以获得较大的峰值信噪比,而且还能较好地保存图像的细节,取得了更好的去噪效果。  相似文献   


The traditional space-invariant isotropic kernel utilized by a bilateral filter (BF) frequently leads to blurry edges and gradient reversal artifacts due to the existence of a large amount of outliers in the local averaging window. However, the efficient and accurate estimation of space-variant kernels which adapt to image structures, and the fast realization of the corresponding space-variant bilateral filtering are challenging problems. To address these problems, we present a space-variant BF (SVBF), and its linear time and error-bounded acceleration method. First, we accurately estimate spacevariant anisotropic kernels that vary with image structures in linear time through structure tensor and minimum spanning tree. Second, we perform SVBF in linear time using two error-bounded approximation methods, namely, low-rank tensor approximation via higher-order singular value decomposition and exponential sum approximation. Therefore, the proposed SVBF can efficiently achieve good edge-preserving results. We validate the advantages of the proposed filter in applications including: image denoising, image enhancement, and image focus editing. Experimental results demonstrate that our fast and error-bounded SVBF is superior to state-of-the-art methods.


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