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Jackson设计方法中关于结构冲突的处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Jackson设计方法是一种面向数据结构的设计方法,本文对此方法的内容给予简单介绍,并对此方法所涉及的输出输出结构冲突问题给予扩充处理。  相似文献   

本文论述了在C语言开发环境下,构造一个面向Foxbase应用和C语言应用的人机界面自动生成工具的设计思想及实现方法。介绍了人机界面设计应考虑的主要问题,该工具的总体模型,数据结构定义,以及与应用系统的接口。给出了具体实现时的软件模块结构及其功能,并对设计中应解决的若干技术问题作了讨论。  相似文献   

本文介绍一种用户接口自动生成工具的设计原理及实现方法,使用这种工具,可以自动生成适合用户需要的接口程序。  相似文献   

1 引言精化演算是一种数学表示法和若干规则的集合,用于从程序规约推导出命令式程序。精化是从抽象程序向具体程序转换的过程,其中包含程序的正确性证明。精化的程序开发方法比对已有程序进行验证以保证程序正确性的方法更有效。通过精化演算中的转换规则可以演算出精化的程序。利用精化演算从规约导出程序的过程由大量步骤构成,非常适合利用机器工具进行辅助。本文对精化工具进行了需求分析和功能分析,研究了一个新的精化工具PRT(Program Refinement Tool)并与现有的一些工具进行了比较。  相似文献   

本文研究了粉末压制工艺的自动设计得以实施的难点和关键技术,建立了基于CAE技术的粉末成形产品工艺的CAD/CAE/CAPP集成系统,描述了系统框架和实施的技术,并给出了应用实例。  相似文献   

管理信息系统中自定义报表工具的研究与设计   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
简述了在一个需求多变的环境下建立一个相对独立的自定义报表工具的必要性及其必须具备的基本功能。在综合分析了当前各类常用报表工具的优缺点之后对它们进行了分类,并选择其一恰当者作为我们开发自定义报表工具的基础。然后详细阐述了一个具体的报表工具的设计方法,数据模型,用户接口及执行流程。最后,阐述了该报表工具在几个不同类型的应用程序中的使用效果,并指出了它的局限性和有效性。  相似文献   

面向路径的测试数据自动生成工具的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面向路径的测试数据生成问题是软件测试中的一个基本问题。Gupta等提出一种线性化谓词函数的迭代松驰方法求解该问题。文献[2]改进了该方法,证明改进后的方法与原方法生成的约束系统相同,文章以改进后的方法为核心算法,根据软件工程的思想,采用面向对象的方法,使用UML进行设计,并且在Linux Red Hat7.0操作系统下用C++语言言实现一个为程序路径自动生成测试数据的原型工具,然后将它移植到Windows操作系统。  相似文献   

利用精化演算的方法开发软件,其过程由巨大数量的小步骤构成,由手工完成极其烦琐,也极容易出错。因此,利用机器辅助工具的支持是必要的。在分析现有的精化工具的基础上,我们提出了一个用于软件形式化开发的精化工具RT(RefinementTool),对精化工具进行了需求分析和功能分析。在精化工具的设计中,分析了精化工具的设计目标、总体结构、精化与证明的表示方法、用户界面和工具的扩充性等问题,通过对精化和证明的表示方法的分析,提出了一种精化与证明的表示相结合的方法。  相似文献   

基于笔交互的标注工具研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着电子文档的大量应用,人们需要寻找一种更加符合日常习惯的电子文档标注工具。该文介绍了一种基于笔交互的标注工具,用户可以在电子文档上使用笔进行任意标注。工具使用XML作为存储媒介,可以方便地将标注结果共享和再现。  相似文献   

本文论述了在C语言开发环境下,构造一个面向Foxbase应用和C语言应用的人机界面自动生成工具的设计思想及实现方法。介绍了人机界面设计应考虑的主要问题,该工具的总体模型,数据结构定义,以及与应用系统的接口。给出了具体实现时的软件模块结构及其功能,并对设计中应解决的若干技术问题作了讨论。  相似文献   

基于AOP的软件运行轨迹捕获技术研究与实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张瞩熹  王怀民 《计算机应用》2008,28(5):1322-1324
借助面向方面编程(AOP)的关注点分离思想,提出了基于AOP的软件运行轨迹捕获技术,它能在不改变源代码的情况下为系统注入运行轨迹捕获和运行行为监测功能,从而有效提高系统中监控模块的松耦合性。以该技术为基础实现了系统运行轨迹分析工具SRT,该工具能够在改善系统模块性的同时,为软件轨迹监测、系统故障定位提供量化依据与可信性保障。  相似文献   

给出了Spring框架中基于注解形式实现AOP编程的具体方法.讨论了AOP的相关概念、切点表达式的定义形式、各类通知的执行特点等.结合实例探讨了AOP的配置与编程要点.  相似文献   

面向切面的数据验证组件研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的数据验证方法会造成数据验证代码纠缠在一起,使得软件的维护性与重用性大大降低.面向切面编程技术(AOP)可将应用程序中的"横切关注点"从"纵向关注点"中分离出来并被封装到一个可重用的模块中,再利用反转控制(IoC)实现数据验证逻辑与其它业务逻辑间的松散耦合.在此基础上具体构建了一个基于服务器端的数据验证组件All4Validate,并将其以低侵入的方式融入到现有的J2EE/EJB开发过程的组件产品中,有效地解决了传统数据验证方法的弊端,并极大地提高软件的开发效率.  相似文献   

面向方面编程的分析与研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
深入地分析了传统面向对象编程方式在项目开发中出现的问题,明确指出了面向对象建模技术的内在局限性,提出了一种新型的,实用的、面向方面的编程方式.在介绍面向方面编程(AOP)原理和思想的基础上深入分析了AOP的实质.详细讨论了采用AOP进行具体开发的步骤和实现过程.通过几个静态指标详细分析和评测了由AOP开发的一个项目实例,体现了采用AOP进行软件开发的强大优势.  相似文献   

为了解决面向方面编程中的方面冲突问题,在分析现有解决方法的基础上,提出了一种基于契约式设计的方面冲突自动检测方案。根据设计文档使用JML给方面和基础程序标注契约,利用契约转换程序生成契约检查程序,契约检查程序与面向方面的应用程序一起编译,生成包含契约检查的目标文件,从而在程序执行时,自动检测出方面与基础程序间的冲突以及方面与方面间冲突。该方案不破坏现有的应用程序,且无需重新设计编译器。通过一个实例表明该方案的可行性。  相似文献   

Alexander  R. 《Software, IEEE》2003,20(6):92-93
As a software developer, one of my principal objectives is to deliver the highest quality software possible. Unfortunately, as a human being, my abilities are also my limitations, and I always make mistakes of one kind or another. To remedy this, I use tools to help ameliorate as many of my limitations as possible. One of rny concerns is to understand how using a particular tool affects my ability to meet objectives. How does it help with the various software development tasks? What does it Cost me to use a particular tool? Do the benefits outweigh the costs? If so, what degree is the benefit? If not, then the tool is of little use. There must be a significant benefit gain to justify using a tool. The essence of aspect-oriented programming is that crosscutting concerns are factored into distinct abstractions (that is, aspects) that are solely responsible for a particular crosscutting concern. This raises the system's modularity and increases cohesion of the abstractions that are primary concerns. Researchers and software developers must understand and address the various significant weaknesses before AOP's benefits can be realized.  相似文献   

This SCP special collects articles that make contributions to the foundations of aspect-oriented programming (AOP). Aspects have been developed over the last 10 years to facilitate the modularization of crosscutting concerns, i.e., concerns that crosscut with the primary modularization of a program. This special issue further continues the efforts of the annual FOAL workshop (Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages) in so far that it supports and integrates research on firm foundations of AOP. There are 5 contributions addressing the following issues: (i) a fundamental core language for aspects; (ii) subtleties of so-called around advice; (iii) aspects in higher-order languages; (iv) the interaction between aspects and generics; (v) a notion of aspects for reactive systems based on synchronous languages.  相似文献   

The principal objective of this work is to develop portable and extensible programming tools for the development of object-oriented parallel finite element codes for structural engineering applications. An object-oriented parallel portability interface for message-passing operations has been designed and implemented. An existing object-oriented matrix library is currently being extended to support the management of distributed matrix data and parallel solution of linear systems of algebraic equations. By taking advantage of C++ object-oriented programming, both the class libraries provide clean and consistent user interfaces, which not only help to improve the clarity and expressiveness of the client parallel codes, but also hide implementation details and complexity from the user to ease parallel programming tasks. In this paper, the object-oriented design and implementation of the class libraries are discussed. The libraries were first developed and tested using a network of Sun SPARC 10 workstations. Application examples were then studied on two commercial parallel computers: the IBM SP1 and the Intel Paragon XP/S 10, for evaluation of the portability and efficiency of the present class libraries.  相似文献   

ContextAspect-oriented programming (AOP) promises to improve many facets of software quality by providing better modularization and separation of concerns, which may have system wide affect. There have been numerous claims in favor and against AOP compared with traditional programming languages such as Objective Oriented and Structured Programming Languages. However, there has been no attempt to systematically review and report the available evidence in the literature to support the claims made in favor or against AOP compared with non-AOP approaches.ObjectiveThis research aimed to systematically identify, analyze, and report the evidence published in the literature to support the claims made in favor or against AOP compared with non-AOP approaches.MethodWe performed a systematic literature review of empirical studies of AOP based development, published in major software engineering journals and conference proceedings.ResultsOur search strategy identified 3307 papers, of which 22 were identified as reporting empirical studies comparing AOP with non-AOP approaches. Based on the analysis of the data extracted from those 22 papers, our findings show that for performance, code size, modularity, and evolution related characteristics, a majority of the studies reported positive effects, a few studies reported insignificant effects, and no study reported negative effects; however, for cognition and language mechanism, negative effects were reported.ConclusionAOP is likely to have positive effect on performance, code size, modularity, and evolution. However its effect on cognition and language mechanism is less likely to be positive. Care should be taken using AOP outside the context in which it has been validated.  相似文献   

A fundamental functionality of a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is to control and execute a set of operations. But a large part of the program code is more involved in supporting the user with concerns like alarm, HMI, communication, safety and manual control. Code related to these supporting concerns is often tangled with operation execution code, the core concerns, which makes it hard to reuse.This paper describes a method to reuse code and functionality when developing PLC programs and code libraries. The method proposes that core concerns are planned with a software tool called Sequence Planner, and the supporting concerns are integrated into the core concerns with a tool based on aspect-oriented programming.  相似文献   

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