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A single-shot fringe pattern composed of red (R), green (G), and blue (B) is proposed for dynamic scene depth acquisition. A tricolor binary fringe is adopted and filtered in the frequency domain to obtain sinusoidal fringes. A Gabor filter is employed to estimate the wrapped phase. To overcome the phase ambiguity, we use the color-encoded De Bruijn sequence to denote the period of the phase information and assign the sequence to two channels of the pattern, while the third channel is equal to the inverse of the composition of the two channels. Benefiting from this coding strategy, two disparity maps with different phase shifts can be acquired in only one shot, and a disparity consistency check is used to eliminate errors. Quantitative and qualitative experiments are conducted to verify the performance of the proposed method and prove that it can achieve a high accuracy and dense depth map.  相似文献   

形变模型是当前人脸重建研究中的一种主要方法。针对形变模型方法中模型构建的缺陷,提出一种基于压缩感知理论的快速三维人脸重建方法。首先,利用压缩感知理论估计三维原型人脸与目标人脸的形状相似性,根据相似性对原型样本进行筛选并构建相应的形变模型,提高建模精度和效率;然后,利用特征点信息进行稀疏模型匹配,并结合径向基函数插值重建生成特定的三维人脸,提高重建表面的平滑性。在BJUT三维数据库和CAS_PEAL二维数据库上的实验结果表明,与经典方法相比,本文方法能够有效地提高重建精度和速度,重建人脸具有较强真实感。  相似文献   

The paper studies a 3D fingerprint reconstruction technique based on multi-view touchless fingerprint images. This technique offers a solution for 3D fingerprint image generation and application when only multi-view 2D images are available. However, the difficulties and stresses of 3D fingerprint reconstruction are the establishment of feature correspondences based on 2D touchless fingerprint images and the estimation of the finger shape model. In this paper, several popular used features, such as scale invariant feature transformation (SIFT) feature, ridge feature and minutiae, are employed for correspondences establishment. To extract these fingerprint features accurately, an improved fingerprint enhancement method has been proposed by polishing orientation and ridge frequency maps according to the characteristics of 2D touchless fingerprint images. Therefore, correspondences can be established by adopting hierarchical fingerprint matching approaches. Through an analysis of 440 3D point cloud finger data (220 fingers, 2 pictures each) collected by a 3D scanning technique, i.e., the structured light illumination (SLI) method, the finger shape model is estimated. It is found that the binary quadratic function is more suitable for the finger shape model than the other mixed model tested in this paper. In our experiments, the reconstruction accuracy is illustrated by constructing a cylinder. Furthermore, results obtained from different fingerprint feature correspondences are analyzed and compared to show which features are more suitable for 3D fingerprint images generation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel 3D depth information extraction method without calibration. Firstly, this paper develops an omni-directional 3D camera system, which consists of a CCD camera, hyperbolic mirror, infrared laser diodes and diffractive of element (DOE). Secondly, a depth measurement model is proposed to obtain the 3D depth information. Finally, in order to calculate the speckle shift accurately between the reference image and the object image, a dot matrix pattern and sequence coding algorithm are designed to find the corresponding speckles in the two images. Experimental results show that the reconstructed depth data have a good correlation with the actual distance. The accuracy of the data is also found to be influenced by the distance between the object and the camera.  相似文献   

文中提出一种羽毛球比赛的2D视频转换到3D视频的算法。在这类视频中,前景是最受关注的部分,准确地从背景中提取出前景对象是获取深度图的关键。文中采用一种改进的图割算法来获取前景,并根据场景结构构建背景深度模型,获取背景深度图;在背景深度图的基础上,根据前景与镜头之间的距离关系为前景对象进行深度赋值,从而得到前景深度图。然后,融合背景深度图和前景深度图,得到完整的深度图。最后,通过基于深度图像的虚拟视点绘制技术DIBR来获取用于3D显示的立体图像对。实验结果表明,最终生成的立体图像对具有较好的3D效果。  相似文献   

Generating large-scale and high-quality 3D scene reconstruction from monocular images is an essential technical foundation in augmented reality and robotics. However, the apparent shortcomings (e.g., scale ambiguity, dense depth estimation in texture-less areas) make applying monocular 3D reconstruction to real-world practice challenging. In this work, we combine the advantage of deep learning and multi-view geometry to propose RGB-Fusion, which effectively solves the inherent limitations of traditional monocular reconstruction. To eliminate the confinements of tracking accuracy imposed by the prediction deficiency of neural networks, we propose integrating the PnP (Perspective-n-Point) algorithm into the tracking module. We employ 3D ICP (Iterative Closest Point) matching and 2D feature matching to construct separate error terms and jointly optimize them, reducing the dependence on the accuracy of depth prediction and improving pose estimation accuracy. The approximate pose predicted by the neural network is employed as the initial optimization value to avoid the trapping of local minimums. We formulate a depth map refinement strategy based on the uncertainty of the depth value, which can naturally lead to a refined depth map. Through our method, low-uncertainty elements can significantly update the current depth value while avoiding high-uncertainty elements from adversely affecting depth estimation accuracy. Numerical qualitative and quantitative evaluation results of tracking, depth prediction, and 3D reconstruction show that RGB-Fusion exceeds most monocular 3D reconstruction systems.  相似文献   

陈涵  邬群勇  王钦敏 《计算机应用》2005,25(9):2196-2198
在比较表面重建中的面绘制法和体绘制法以及面绘制中的切片级和体素级两种表面重建方法、分析表面重建流程的基础上,提出了一种计算型值点集的方法,它在计算弯道部分的管线时较为简便。该方法通过二次曲面求管线表面轮廓方程进而求得管线的型值点集。之后用三角网格对型值点集进行拼接来获得管线的表面模型,最后利用图形学的方法对管线表面模型进行绘制,达到管线表面三维重建的目的。文末利用Java3D给出了一个具体的实现。  相似文献   

By facilitating measurement of river channel morphology, remote sensing techniques could enable significant advances in our understanding of fluvial systems. To realize this potential, researchers must first gain confidence in image-derived river information, as well as an appreciation of its inherent limitations. This paper describes a forward image model (FIM) for examining the capabilities and constraints associated with passive optical remote sensing of river bathymetry. Image data are simulated “from the streambed up” by first using information on depth and bottom reflectance to parameterize models of radiative transfer within the water column and atmosphere and then incorporating sensor technical specifications. This physics-based framework provides a means of assessing the potential for spectrally-based depth retrieval from a particular river of interest, given a sensor configuration. Forward image modeling of both a hypothetical meander bend and an actual gravel-bed river indicated that bathymetric accuracy and precision vary spatially as a function of channel morphology, with less reliable depth estimates in pools. A simpler, more computationally efficient analytical model highlighted additional controls on bathymetric uncertainty: optical depth and the ratio of the smallest detectable change in radiance to the bottom-reflected radiance. Application of the FIM to a complex, natural channel illustrated how the model can be used to quantify the effects of various sensor characteristics. Bathymetric accuracy was determined primarily by spatial resolution, due to mixed pixels along the banks and sub-pixel scale variations in depth, whereas depth retrieval precision depended on the sensor's ability to resolve subtle changes in radiance. This flexible forward modeling approach thus allows the utility of image-derived river information to be evaluated in the context of specific investigations, leading to more efficient, more informed use of remote sensing methods across a range of fluvial environments.  相似文献   

P.  V.  J. G. M.  F. 《Robotics and Autonomous Systems》2002,39(3-4):157-168
The objective of the work presented in this paper is to generate complete, high-resolution models of real world scenes from passive intensity images and active range sensors. In previous work, an automatic method has been developed in order to compute 3D models of real world scenes from laser range data. The aim of this project is to improve these existing models by fusing range and intensity data. The paper presents different techniques in order to find correspondences between the different sets of data. Based on these control points, a robust camera calibration is computed with a minimal user intervention in order to avoid the fastidious point and click phase that is still necessary in many systems. The intensity images are then re-projected into the laser coordinate frame to produce an image that combines the laser reflectance and the available video intensity images into a colour texture map.  相似文献   

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