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班组是企业的细胞,是企业管理的基础,班组管理水平的高低,将直接影响企业日常的生产和经营活动。经过了多年信息化进程的积累,汕头供电局的多数班组部分业务处理都在计算机上进行,但是各个班组的依赖计算机工作的程度各不相同,需要一个班组管理系统对日常工作进行管理,对班组的生产、学习、管理情况进行记录,可以对这些内容进行检查和汇总。让各个班组能从一堆记录薄中解脱出来,达到无纸化办公,让班组建设信息共识和交流变得更轻松,提高班组管理水平,夯实企业发展基础。  相似文献   

对一个网络进行安全方面的维护,不仅需要有配套的安全防御措施,而且需要规范的管理制度和流程,更需要高素质的安全管理和维护操作人员。 一般网络管理人员所面对的网络环境大都已经采用了某些安全产品,构成了一定的防御体系,同时从管理的角度讲,比较重视网络安全的企业或事业单位,都设有专  相似文献   

随着我国经济转型的不断深入,人民的生活水平得到了明显的提升,电力行业在居民生活中的影响越来越大。但是由于我国法律法规在电力运行方面存在一定的漏洞,同时供电企业对客户的监管力度不够,导致窃电行为时有发生。窃电行为已经在一定程度上对电力部门的正常运行产生了较大影响,严重时甚至影响了我国经济的稳定发展。另外,由于电力公司大客户的用电量较大,居民个别窃电行为具有一定的隐蔽性,不易被发现。对于此问题,有效的反窃电措施成为供电企业保证大客户用电安全的重要任务。本文从供电公司反窃电工作存在的问题入手,对大客户专用变反窃电工作进行了研究,具有较高的指导意义。  相似文献   

班组是供电企业中最基层的单位,是供电企业管理的基础,班组的建设和管理水平直接影响着供电企业的发展。供电企业具有的特殊性和严谨性对班组的建设和管理有着很高的要求。提出了对供电企业班组管理思维模式转变具体的建议,旨在为电力生产的新型班组建设和管理提供参考。  相似文献   

随着人力资源市场的逐渐成熟,人员流动加快,企业信息化是企业管理的一项重要内容,在整个企业的管理中具有重要地位,是适应现代企业管理制度要求、推动企业劳动人事管理走向科学化、规范化的必要条件.提高对员工档案管理的认识,注重员工档案资源的利用,对保护员工的合法权益,稳定和谐的劳动关系,促进社会和谐具有十分重要的意义.在深入研究了各种有关人员管理方面的计算机书籍后,介绍了企业人事管理系统的设计与实现.从软件开发的基本过程和思想及企业人事信息管理的相关概念出发,重点研究了关于人事管理和机构管理信息系统的设计和实现过程.  相似文献   

李宁  楼莹 《网友世界》2012,(22):21-23
班组文化影响员工对各自岗位工作性质、职业发展、班组管理、人际关系、文化理念及自我实现等方面的认知情况和满意度评价,最终影响他们的工作幸福感。构建提升员工工作幸福感的班组文化要以企业文化为基础,通过人本化管理、规范化管理、特色文化、品牌化和可持续发展,来营造班组良好的人文环境,让员工以积极的心态享受工作,获得工作幸福感。  相似文献   

战术仿真是作战仿真中重要的一部分,是针对合同战术、班组战术层次的仿真,涉及班组的整体决策和成员的个体行为建模,班组的决策行为通常关注于班组成员间的协同合作,而成员的个体行为易受各种战场要素的影响,关注于个体行为的规划,只在单一层次进行建模会造成行为描述的混乱。为了区分班组行为和个体行为,增强个体行为的表达能力,基于行为树和HTN(Hierarchical Task Network)构建了班组层次行为模型,将战术命令的执行分为班组整体决策和实体具体执行两个层次。班组决策层采用行为树对班组的决策行为进行建模,提出了寻径距离因素和武器威胁因素的战术位置选择评估方法,负责班组成员间的协同决策,为班组成员分配任务;实体执行层采用HTN对作战实体的行为进行建模,根据班组决策层分配的任务利用规划算法规划个体任务计划,提升对实体行为描述的表达能力。并通过搭建仿真对抗环境验证了该层次行为模型的有效性。  相似文献   

在国家宏观经济形势的变化和国家经济体制改革的影响下,电力集体企业面临将面临改变传统经营模式,需要快速转型的挑战与压力。在企业内部内部人力资源短缺、管理跟不上发展需要的现状下,需要进行战略性筹划,用适当的方法来化解困难与压力。解决之道分别从集团层面和单个企业角度出发,主要从加强政策掌握、风险控制、人员结构调整、突破瓶颈、提升管理水平等方面进行阐述,其对于改变集体企业未来发展具有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

由于我国市场经济体制发展还不够完善,近几年,我国企业频频爆出公司施工安全出现露洞的问题,关键因素是企业缺少对施工安全的重视度,没有从内部对通信的施工进行内部控制管理制度或执行不力。同时,21世纪是知识和信息的时代,一个企业要想有一个好的声誉,就必须注重安全管理,对通信的线路施工中的安全操作规程进行一个标准化、规范化的规定,同时全球经济发展和企业管理理念也必将对安全操作产生了巨大的影响。信息化在中国发展到现在,在政府与企业的共同努力下,已经不少成就,但也在发展中积累了不少的问题。通信的线路施工中的安全操作规程与企业内部控制有着较大的关联性,施工企业内部控制的完善性将关系着施工人员的生命安全与施工质量。  相似文献   

新一代信息技术对社会发展具有巨大的影响,信息化已成为时代的潮流。在企业网络的建设和改造提升中,对信息安全的关注越来越多。对于目前的企业信息系统,作者从硬件、技术和人员行为这三个角度进行了深入分析,指出了其中存在的安全性问题。通过研究企业信息安全管理体系的执行现状,有针对性地提出了解决企业信息安全管理的方法。  相似文献   

The rise of global trade and economic development is not only apparently grown in terms of volume but with value as well. Such spurt has evoked the risk management that is associated with export business, and can allow high-tech items fall into the hands of foreign military programs or terrorist organizations. The internal control compliance for export has set the in-house procedures for firms to adopt, facilitate, and abide with defined national export control requirements. This is crucial for firms to prevent potential violations on export rules and regulations. Introducing internal control program for export compliance can mitigate terrorist activities. This present study has taken Taiwan on board to determine the acquaintance of export risk and the implementation of internal control program through a team effort. Hence, the purpose of this study is to investigate the factors affecting the performance of internal control task team within a firm. The findings show that team-based incentives have a positive impact on team cohesion while knowledge sharing and knowledge integration have a significant impact on team performance. Furthermore, it is found that higher social-related risks and technical-related risks may increase team management risk, and the reduction in team management risk is beneficial to improve team performance.  相似文献   

费宗铭 《计算机学报》1993,16(12):911-917
本文给出了一个自动获取程序转换规则的方法。通过对用户提供的一个具体程序转换过程的分析,运用解释学习的方法,总结其一般性,得出反映这一过程的转的换规则,该规则可用于一类问题的转换,提高了系统的自动化程度。  相似文献   

Today, work collaboration is normal practice in developing modern products. Engineering collaborative work involves a number of team members that need to share and exchange design ideas while working with engineering analysis tools such as mechanical computer aided engineering systems. This work presents the M-Sync prototype system that uses an active database approach to enable exchange of engineering information among distributed team members in a timely manner. The distributed data is fully accessible by the local member and is automatically synchronised between different places using a database management system that support event-condition-action (ECA) database rules. Only updates introduced at one location are distributed to other locations, thereby minimizing information transfer and enhancing performance. Members working at different locations can therefore work in a peer-to-peer (P2P) manner and interactively manipulate the same set of information at the same time.  相似文献   

秦海燕  章永龙  李斌 《计算机应用》2020,40(10):3019-3024
众包平台上出现了越来越多的宏任务,而这些宏任务需要工人的专业技能和团队的集体贡献。社会网络为社会工作者之间的合作提供了一个可用的平台。事实上,很少有研究关注众包工人之间的社会网络。在社会网络下的众包任务分配问题是NP难问题,并且社会网络中会存在参与者为了提高自己的效用而谎报要价的情况,因此提出一种社会网络下分配众包任务的真实机制(TMC-SN)。在社会网络下的众包任务分配问题被模拟成一个拍卖,其中任务请求者是买家,工人是卖家,众包平台充当拍卖者。为了找出最合适的团队,TMC-SN从边际贡献和团队凝聚力两个方面来衡量工人对团队的适应性。理论分析证明,TMC-SN具有真实性、个体理性、预算平衡等经济属性。实验结果表明,TMC-SN在社会福利方面具有一定的优势,并且能够提升工人的效用。  相似文献   

秦海燕  章永龙  李斌 《计算机应用》2005,40(10):3019-3024
众包平台上出现了越来越多的宏任务,而这些宏任务需要工人的专业技能和团队的集体贡献。社会网络为社会工作者之间的合作提供了一个可用的平台。事实上,很少有研究关注众包工人之间的社会网络。在社会网络下的众包任务分配问题是NP难问题,并且社会网络中会存在参与者为了提高自己的效用而谎报要价的情况,因此提出一种社会网络下分配众包任务的真实机制(TMC-SN)。在社会网络下的众包任务分配问题被模拟成一个拍卖,其中任务请求者是买家,工人是卖家,众包平台充当拍卖者。为了找出最合适的团队,TMC-SN从边际贡献和团队凝聚力两个方面来衡量工人对团队的适应性。理论分析证明,TMC-SN具有真实性、个体理性、预算平衡等经济属性。实验结果表明,TMC-SN在社会福利方面具有一定的优势,并且能够提升工人的效用。  相似文献   

《Information & Management》2004,41(3):335-349
Teamwork during IS development (ISD) is an important issue. This paper discusses the relationship between team structure and ISD team performance using a social network approach. Based on empirical evidence collected from 25 teams in a system analysis and design course, we found that:
  • (1)Group cohesion was positively related to overall performance.
  • (2)Group conflict indexes were not significantly correlated with overall performance.
  • (3)Group characteristics, e.g., cohesion and conflict, fluctuated in different phases, but in later stages, much less cohesion occurred and the advice network seemed to be very important.
  • (4)Group structures seemed to be a critical factor for good performance.
Further in-depth studies were conducted on teams exhibiting the highest and lowest performance to determine their differences from a sociogram analysis perspective.  相似文献   

In this paper we deal with the problem of sharing one communication wire among a (possibly large) number of communication stations. The fact that all communication stations are considered identical and that they share one objective of using the communication wire as efficiently as possible leads to the concept of symmetric team problems. For symmetric team problems we define a symmetric solution by the restriction that all decision makers must have identical decision rules. In the first section of this paper the concepts of symmetric team problems and symmetric solutions are developed and motivated. A theorem is given that relates symmetric solutions to randomized decision rules. An example is given which illustrates that the concept of symmetric solutions explains some everyday phenomena. In the second section the access problem in multi-access wire communication is considered as a symmetric team problem. It is shown that the symmetric solution, which corresponds to randomized access rules, tends to give as good performance as the unrestricted solution when the number of stations becomes large (asymptotic optimality). The solutions are also determined numerically, giving quantitative information on the asymptotic behavior.  相似文献   

Most of the tasks which require intelligent behavior have some degree of uncertainty associated with them. The occurrence of uncertainty might be because of several reasons such as the incomplete domain knowledge, unreliable or ambiguous data due to measurement errors, inconsistent data representation. Most of the knowledge-based systems require the incorporation of some form of uncertainty management, in order to handle this kind of indeterminacy present in the system. In this paper, we present one such method to handle the uncertainty in neurules, a neuro-symbolic integration concept. Neuro-Computing is used within the symbolic frame work for improving the performance of symbolic rules. The uncertainty, the personal belief degree that an uncertain event may occur is managed by computing the composite belief values of incomplete or conflicting data. With the implementation of uncertainty management in neurules, the accuracy of the inference mechanism and the generalization performance can be improved.  相似文献   

Enterprises frequently use project teams to perform various tasks. In a human-centered, highly collaborative environment, the importance of teamwork exceeds that of individual skill. Appropriate team composition is crucial to the success of ad-hoc teamwork, yet optimizing team composition is challenging. This study utilizes knowledge-intensive approaches to build project teaming models into ontologies. Furthermore, it helps develop a set of logic rules for identifying semantic relationships between individuals. By following a knowledge-base creation process, the factual data of project, workers, and teaming factors can be inserted into ontologies. Based on knowledge inference, reliable knowledge bases are established for selecting project team members in runtime. A case study is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design. Experimental lessons demonstrate that combining rules with ontological knowledge bases not only serves team composition needs, but also achieves knowledge base durability and system reliability.  相似文献   

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