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提出一种融合Gabor特征和局部三值模式(LTP)的人脸识别方法,并在算法中对局部三值模式(LTP)进行改进,提出能够自适应阈值的LATP算子。对归一化后的人脸图像进行多尺度、多方向的Gabor滤波提取其对应的幅值特征,在每个幅值图像上进行LATP运算,抽取局部邻域关系模式,这些模式的区域直方图再经过信息熵加权并串联得到最终的人脸描述,识别过程使用[χ2]距离对特征直方图进行相似度匹配。在ORL和Yale人脸数据库上实验,结果表明提出的算法对人脸表情和光照变化具有更好的适应性,对噪声干扰具有更强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

A new joint transform correlation (JTC) technique, named two-channel JTC (TJTC), is proposed in this paper for optical pattern recognition applications. The TJTC technique independently evaluates the autocorrelation and crosscorrelation values of the reference and the target images and employs a modified decision algorithm. In addition, optical threshold operation and fringe-adjusted filter are incorporated in the proposed technique to enhance the correlation output and to improve the discrimination performance. The proposed technique shows better recognition performance compared to existing JTC techniques. Computer simulation are presented to investigate the salient features of the proposed TJTC technique with noise-free as well as noisy input scenes. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the performance of an adaptive morphological filter on color image processing, and we develop fast algorithms for the operation. The adaptive filter is based on a new type of opening (NOP) and closing operators (NCP). The operational window of the NOP and NCP can alter its shape according to the local geometry of the processed images. Our experimental results show the effect of the geometric-based adaptivity in preserving the edges, details, highlights, smoothness and color appearance, while removing noise from color images.  相似文献   

Adaptive composite nonlinear filters for reliable illumination-invariant pattern recognition are proposed. The information about objects to be recognized, false objects, and a background to be rejected is utilized in an iterative training procedure to design a nonlinear adaptive correlation filter with a given value of discrimination capability. The designed filter during recognition process adapts its parameters to local statistics of the input image. Computer simulation results obtained with the proposed filters in test nonuniform illuminated scenes are discussed and compared with those of linear composite correlation filters in terms of recognition performance. The text was submitted by the authors in English. Saul Martínez Diaz. Received his MSc degree in Computer Science from Instituto Tecnologico de La Paz, Mexico in 2005. He is currently a PhD student at Department of Computer Science, CICESE, Mexico. His research interests include nonlinear image processing and pattern recognition. Vitaly Kober. Obtained his MS degree in Applied Mathematics from the Air-Space University of Samara (Russia) in 1984, his PhD degree in 1992, and Doctor of Sciences degree in 2004 in Image Processing from the Institute of Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences. Now he is a titular researcher at CICESE, Mexico. His research interests include signal and image processing, pattern recognition. Iosif A. Ovseyevich. Graduated from the Moscow Electrotechnical Institute of Telecommunications. Received Candidate’s degree in 1953 and Doctor’s degree in information theory in 1972. At present he is Emeritus Professor at the Institute of Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. His research interests include information theory, signal processing, and expert systems. He is a Member of IEEE, Popov Radio Society.  相似文献   

基于图像模式识别与PLC控制的印刷套准自适应系统*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对印刷过程的不稳定性,通过对套印标记的图像采集和处理,适时调整纸张张力大小,构建了一种印刷套准无模型自适应系统。该系统通过图像、PLC和组态软件的联合控制,实现了套准标记的自动检测、图像识别和自动校准。利用该系统中的PLC和组态软件还可实现印刷过程的实时监控,便于观察印刷过程的动态特性。该系统用于各类多色印刷设备上,可提高印刷设备的自动化程度。  相似文献   

针对传统的基于核相关滤波器的跟踪方法(KCF)缺少跟踪失败检测的问题,提出了一种改进的KCF目标跟踪方法。改进的KCF跟踪器采用高斯窗口方法在目标位置上截取训练样本,这种采样方法可以获得更有效的目标信噪比并同时减少背景干扰信息的引入,从而使跟踪器可以在复杂场景下具有更强的适应性。在目标跟踪的过程中,通过相关运算的峰值旁瓣比检测目标跟踪是否失败,并在相关匹配值较高的位置学习目标检测器。一旦检测到跟踪失败,便对跟踪器进行纠正,恢复目标跟踪。通过实验验证了改进算法的鲁棒性,相比传统的KCF跟踪器的总体性能提高了13.2%。  相似文献   

Image normalization for pattern recognition   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
In general, there are four basic forms of distortion in the recognition of planar patterns: translation, rotation, scaling and skew. In this paper, a normalization algorithm has been developed which transforms pattern into its normal form such that it is invariant to translation, rotation, scaling and skew. After normalization, the recognition can be performed by a simple matching method. In the algorithm, we first compute the covariance matrix of a given pattern. Then we rotate the pattern according to the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix, and scale the pattern along the two eigenvectors according to the eigenvalues to bring the pattern to its most compact form. After the process, the pattern is invariant to translation, scaling and skew. Only the rotation problem remains unsolved. By applying the tensor theory, we find a rotation angle which can make the pattern invariant to rotation. Thus, the resulting pattern is invariant to translation, rotation, scaling and skew. The planar image used in this algorithm may be curved, shaped, a grey-level image or a coloured image, so its applications are wide, including recognition problems about curve, shape, grey-level and coloured patterns. The technique suggested in this paper is easy, does not need much computation, and can serve as a pre-processing step in computer vision applications.  相似文献   

A pattern recognition system is described which employs normalized cross-correlation as a measure of similarity. A potential implementation is presented which is based on existing or feasibile charge-coupled device discrete analog structures. Estimates of processing times are given.  相似文献   

提出一种新的鲁棒的旋转估计算法,以核相关滤波器理论为基础,通过在目标中心等角度间隔来采样一个样本金字塔,单独训练一个一维的角度估计滤波器,从而将目标旋转角估计问题变为一个检测问题.提出的角度估计方法具有通用性,可以辅助其它没有角度估计功能的跟踪器.在实验中,单独训练一个位移跟踪滤波器和一个尺度估计滤波器,结合本文提出的角度估计滤波器形成一个由三层滤波器组成的跟踪器.和经典的算法在不同测试数据上的对比实验表明,该算法能达到较高的跟踪精度.  相似文献   

In the present work, adaptive multi-dimensional filtering technique is proposed, which in addition to numerical stabilization, results in significant reduction of computational efforts. A criterion for adaptive filtering is proposed with algorithm provided. A new buffer domain technique based on adaptive filtering is developed and demonstrated for flow past a stationary cylinder for different Reynolds numbers. This technique also allows calculations in a reduced domain, showing another use of adaptive filtering. Rotary oscillation of a circular cylinder at different forcing parameters show excellent match with results in the literature, demonstrating potential benefits of adaptive filtering.  相似文献   

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