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Three-dimensional (3-D) models of outdoor scenes are widely used for object recognition, navigation, mixed reality, and so on. Because such models are often made manually with high costs, automatic 3-D reconstruction has been widely investigated. In related work, a dense 3-D model is generated by using a stereo method. However, such approaches cannot use several hundreds images together for dense depth estimation because it is difficult to accurately calibrate a large number of cameras. In this paper, we propose a dense 3-D reconstruction method that first estimates extrinsic camera parameters of a hand-held video camera, and then reconstructs a dense 3-D model of a scene. In the first process, extrinsic camera parameters are estimated by tracking a small number of predefined markers of known 3-D positions and natural features automatically. Then, several hundreds dense depth maps obtained by multi-baseline stereo are combined together in a voxel space.So, we can acquire a dense 3-D model of the outdoor scene accurately by using several hundreds input images captured by a hand-held video camera.  相似文献   

犯罪现场的重建能够在一定程度上起到修正侦查方向,排除推测与论断,缩小侦查范围,帮助侦查人员发现更多的关键证据和重要线索的作用。本文结合笔者从事相关司法活动的实际经验,提出了计算机网络犯罪现场重现的概念、基本原则、一般步骤和分类,同时对计算机网络犯罪现场重建的关键技术进行了简要介绍。  相似文献   

以投影几何学以及双目立体视觉原理为理论基础,对移动机器人的三维重建技术进行研究,对移动机器人漫道过程中所在的兴趣区域的场景进行较为精确的建模.设计了机器人的快速建模方法,利用迭代最近点算法(ICP),完成了多个局部三维场景模型的融合.同时,结合栅格投射理论,完成了对全局三维场景模型的更新.利用栅格模型重建的三维场景,具有环境信息丰富,模型描述精确的特点,可以应用于移动机器人导航领域.  相似文献   

侯云  易卫东 《计算机工程》2010,36(4):273-275
针对建筑物模型的规则性问题,基于一幅或多幅非标定图像,对建筑物结构进行多视角三维场景重建,得到360°观测模型。区别于传统三维重建方法,该方法无需先标定摄像机参数与逐点配准、不依赖深度数据和高分辨率图像。实验结果表明该方法解决了单张图像方向性感知视野受限的问题,在系统复杂度和速度上优于传统方法。  相似文献   

王伟  任国恒  陈立勇  张效尉 《自动化学报》2019,45(11):2187-2198
在基于图像的城市场景三维重建中,场景分段平面重建算法可以克服场景中的弱纹理、光照变化等因素的影响而快速恢复场景完整的近似结构.然而,在初始空间点较为稀疏、候选平面集不完备、图像过分割质量较低等问题存在时,可靠性往往较低.为了解决此问题,本文根据城市场景的结构特征构造了一种新颖的融合场景结构先验、空间点可见性与颜色相似性的平面可靠性度量,然后采用图像区域与相应平面协同优化的方式对场景结构进行了推断.实验结果表明,本文算法利用稀疏空间点即可有效重建出完整的场景结构,整体上具有较高的精度与效率.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a reconstruction based recognition scheme for objects with repeated components, using a single image of such a configuration, in which one of the repeated components may be partially occluded. In our strategy we reconstruct each of the components with respect to the same frame and use these to compute invariants.We propose a new mathematical framework for the projective reconstruction of affinely repeated objects. This uses the repetition explicitly and hence is able to handle substantial occlusion of one of the components. We then apply this framework to the reconstruction of a pair of repeated quadrics. The image information required for the reconstruction are the outline conic of one of the quadrics and correspondence between any four points which are images of points in general position on the quadric and its repetition. Projective invariants computed using the reconstructed quadrics have been used for recognition. The recognition strategy has been applied to images of monuments with multi-dome architecture. Experiments have established the discriminatory ability of the invariants.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe an algorithm to recover the scene structure, the trajectories of the moving objects and the camera motion simultaneously given a monocular image sequence. The number of the moving objects is automatically detected without prior motion segmentation. Assuming that the objects are moving linearly with constant speeds, we propose a unified geometrical representation of the static scene and the moving objects. This representation enables the embedding of the motion constraints into the scene structure, which leads to a factorization-based algorithm. We also discuss solutions to the degenerate cases which can be automatically detected by the algorithm. Extension of the algorithm to weak perspective projections is presented as well. Experimental results on synthetic and real images show that the algorithm is reliable under noise.  相似文献   

基于稀疏点云的多平面场景稠密重建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
缪君  储珺  张桂梅  王璐 《自动化学报》2015,41(4):813-822
多平面场景是生活中常见的一种场景,然而由于该类场景中常常存在物体表面纹理缺乏和纹理重复的现象,导致从多视图像重建获得的三维点云数据中存在点云过于稀疏甚至孔洞等问题,进而导致以微面片拟合三维点云所得到的重建表面出现平面颠簸现象.针对这些问题,本文提出了一种基于稀疏点云的分段平面场景重建方法.首先,利用分层抽样代替随机抽样,改进了J-Linkage多模型估计算法;然后,利用该方法对稀疏点云进行多平面拟合,来获得场景的多平面模型;最后,将多平面模型和无监督的图像分割相结合,提取并重建场景中的平面区域.场景中的非平面部分用CMVS/PMVS(Clustering views for multi-view stereo/patch-based multi-view stereo)算法重建.多平面模型估计的实验表明,改进的J-Linkage算法提高了模型估计的准确度.三维重建的实验证实,提出的重建方法在有效地克服孔洞和平面颠簸问题的同时,还能重建出完整平面区域.  相似文献   

A Theory of Shape by Space Carving   总被引:30,自引:9,他引:21  
In this paper we consider the problem of computing the 3D shape of an unknown, arbitrarily-shaped scene from multiple photographs taken at known but arbitrarily-distributed viewpoints. By studying the equivalence class of all 3D shapes that reproduce the input photographs, we prove the existence of a special member of this class, the photo hull, that (1) can be computed directly from photographs of the scene, and (2) subsumes all other members of this class. We then give a provably-correct algorithm, called Space Carving, for computing this shape and present experimental results on complex real-world scenes. The approach is designed to (1) capture photorealistic shapes that accurately model scene appearance from a wide range of viewpoints, and (2) account for the complex interactions between occlusion, parallax, shading, and their view-dependent effects on scene-appearance.  相似文献   

For recovering precise object boundaries in area-based stereo matching, there are two problems. One is the so-called occlusion problem. This can be avoided if we can select only visible cameras among many cameras used. Another one is the problem called boundary overreach, i.e. the recovered object boundary turns out to be wrongly located away from the real one due to the window's coverage beyond a boundary. This is especially harmful to segmenting objects using depth information. A few approaches have been proposed to solve this problem. However, these techniques tend to degrade on smooth surfaces. That is, there seems to be a trade-off problem between recovering precise object edges and obtaining smooth surfaces.In this paper, we propose a new simple method to solve these problems. Using multiple stereo pairs and multiple windowing, our method detects the region where the boundary overreach is likely to occur (let us call it BO region) and adopts appropriate methods for the BO and non-BO regions. Although the proposed method is quite simple, the experimental results have shown that it is very effective at recovering both sharp object edges at their correct locations and smooth object surfaces. We also present a sound analysis of the boundary overreach which has not been clearly explained in the past.  相似文献   

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